• Published 27th Sep 2013
  • 4,303 Views, 298 Comments

The Monster Within - Uberdeathninja

A creature thought long extinct appears in Equestria, but it bears a terrible curse, one that could destroy their whole world

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Ch. 18- The power of Darkness

Luna slept lightly that night. It had been two weeks since Boreas was went off, and she missed him. She missed having a giant reptile next to her at night, and missed Boreas's few chats and his random quirks, like how he'd throw his oatmeal on the floor when he couldn't remember where the sink was. Yes, She missed Boreas. However, the true reason for her discomfort this night was the dream that plagued her:

Luna stood in the flaming ruins of Canterlot, and bodies littered the street. She looked among them, all her and Celestia's subjects, slaughtered, and many had been fed upon. Among them stood a great, armored, reptilian beast, it's black armor seeming to absorb the light of the raging fires. The beast looked to her, two red, glowing dots being the only part of its face she could see behind its dark helmet. The beast stalked toward her slowly, silent despite its colossal, heavy armor. Luna tried to speak, but no words would form. She tried to run, but her legs would not move. Soon the beast towered over her, placing a single, clawed finger beneath her chin, tilting her head to look at its helmeted face, and it spoke:

"You're next." The beast rumbled, then she awoke, screaming. She looked out the window, in the direction of Everfree forest. That dream had been tormenting her ever since Boreas left, and she didn't think it was just an empty nightmare. Something was brewing in that forest, and Luna had a sinking feeling that Boreas was going to be behind it.

Meanwhile, at the cave

Boreas paced back and forth, his pony skulls rattling as he walked. The hunt he now took up was dangerous, but he had little reason to doubt his abilities. What plagued him, however, was the changeling queen, Chrysalis. She had proven herself quite tenacious in the past, and seemed quite transfixed on Boreas. Why, though? And why now, wasn't Hallowed a big enough problem for him? So many unknowns, and so soon after he'd left the comfort of his wilderness. Perhaps the attention brought from killing Discord did this for him, and cursed him to be the center of attention?

'Maybe...' Boreas thought, 'Celestia was right about killing Discord." Boreas smiled slightly at his musings, but quickly shook them off, seeing no reason to distract himself from his target; Hallowed. The insect could pester him all she wanted: it would nonetheless do little for her wellbeing. And so, that said, Boreas then sat upon his throne of cloth and animal bones, and thought. If he was an ancient spirit of death and evil, where would he go to hide? Boreas thought on this, and thought well. But still, he could think of nothing.

That is, until a little birdy flew by, bearing interesting news.

Hallowed returned to his cave in the mountains, battered and bruised, and certainly not in a good mood. As he floated in his cave, once a popular dragon graveyard, Hallowed thought on his options for destruction, and on his newest self-proclaimed archrival, Boreas. Certainly, the fetid last human would be gunning for the now-beaten demon of darkness and laughter, and would likely go to any number of pains to hunt him down. Even so, it simply wasn't in Hallowed's nature to just surrender. No... he couldn't do this, not again. Mind racing furiously, Hallowed racked his brain for a quick, easily obtained solution for this conundrum. But as he thought, his mind quickly drifted inwards, and he soon became unaware as a dark, cold presence filled the cavern, and soon, the shadows took shape, and to Hallowed's surprise, coughed, quickly re-obtaining the demon's attention from the depths of his mind.

Shocked, Hallowed quickly turned about-face, and took a stance to face the shadowy intruder, but the figure simply raised its 'hands', and laughed a bit, a dry, throaty laugh, and spoke, causing Hallowed to lower his stance to listen to the visitor, and cautious as he was.

"At ease, demon. You've no reason to fear me. Instead, rejoice! For I have just the solution you seek... should you require such." The shadowy figure announced, its voice dry, raspy, and dead. But nonetheless, Hallowed acknowledged this. Lowering his stance fully, Hallowed stared intently at the figure, his attention garnered fully, and the figure spoke again, obviously pleased at Hallowed's reaction.

"Good... now, I suppose you're wondering just what solution I offer, true?" the figure asked, and Hallowed quickly nodded, eager to get at what the strange presence was offering that could save him from Boreas's wrath. And sure enough, the shadowy figure spoke again.

"Well, that is simple: I offer you... protection, if you will; a two-step plan to ensure that the last human doesn't interfere with your plans ever again. It is a simple offer, this two-step plan, and bears little cost to you. Would you like to hear it?" The shadow offered, and Hallowed stared at the black figure a while, weighing his options. He didn't exactly trust this person, if it even WAS a person, but the presence hadn't made any hostile moves against Hallowed, and Boreas was doubtlessly tracking the demon of laughter back to his lair as he thought. So, seeing no other options, Hallowed nodded again, slowly this time, still keeping his wary eye on the figure. The shadow, despite this, showed no signs of distress, and began to speak again, chilling Hallowed with its cold, dead voice.

"Excellent! I'm sure that you will enjoy this as much as I do. Ahem..." the figure began, and after a brief pause, it continued with its plan.
"The one you know as Boreas is, as of now, haunting you. This, as you know, is a problem, and a hazard. But I... have a plan! I will distract Boreas for a while, with a single, simple dream. Once he is distracted, all you have to do... is survive. Find another home, or defend this one better. Either way, as long as you live long enough for me to initiate phase two. Then... you may worry about Boreas no more." The figure explained, but Hallowed tilted himself to the side, in a gesture of confusion. Though the shadow explained the plan as if it were sure-fire, the details were so obscure. How was a simple dream going to distract Boreas? How long did Hallowed have to hide? What was 'phase two'? And most importantly... what was this going to cost Hallowed? These questions boiled in Hallowed's mind, and he stared again at the figure in confusion. But as if reading these questions straight from Hallowed's mind, the being of shadow spoke again, hoping to quell all of Hallowed's doubts with one argument.

"I can tell you have some doubts about this plan. But there is no need for doubt, as I can assure you that the plan is foolproof... and already in effect! As for cost, just a simple favor will do... after phase two proceeds, of course." The figure ambiguously stated, and Hallowed scratched his head some, but still listened. After all, what choice did he have?

"Listen, all I need is your trust, demon. I promise you: this plan will work... you just have to trust me. Now... what is your choice? Join me... or be left behind?" The figure asked, and Hallowed thought, long and hard, about his answer. It was true, this 'plan' had far too many holes and unknowns involved, but... he needed Boreas distracted, and if the only way to survive was to be a part of this madman's 'plan', then, Hallowed decided, he would do it. So, without another thought, Hallowed then turned about, toward the figure, and nodded, affirming his part in the plan... whatever the 'plan' was.

"Ahhh, splendid! I assure you, mister Hallowed, you will not regret this! Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a dream to weave. Trust in me, Hallowed, and you will be rewarded." The figure stated hastily, and soon as Hallowed blinked, the presence was gone, taking the cold, icky feeling with it. Hallowed, needless to say, was stunned. Without a clue as to what just happened, and what he just agreed to, Hallowed merely stared ahead, stunned at the utter randomness of the event. In fact, so shocked was he, Hallowed couldn't even turn around, to see a little blue bird taking off, flying off into the distance to report what it had seen...

Author's Note:

The hunt...


Comments ( 16 )

3441551 eh sorry if that was creepy I just thought I should state how I feel about celestia because after reading the human genocide thing and seeing damiens dream, my blood boiled and my hatred for her surfaced- again sorry about that ugh im stupid facehoof: but great story cant wait for next chapter and sorry again for my.......bloodlust I guess

It's okay.
I find your hatred for the whore-queen most... pleasing.

spare the foal's, prego mares and mabe hot mares to the rest fuck'em?

At this point, Damien is pretty much the King Bastard of the Universe.

None will be spared, not even the children.
ESPECIALLY not the children.

What can I say? Being the last man alive has its perks.
Being a giant lizard also helps.

3442621 Not to mention being the leader of an animal horde that would make the Zerg look gentle.

He should claim to be Pan, or the Horned God, or some other wild divinity. If he claims to be one of humanity's old gods, returned for vengeance, ponies would run in fear even more. And plus, he pretty much is a god. He's immortal and has all the power of one.

it is returning let us wait to see what the lich and other humans will do.
blood for the blood god skulls for the skull throne


Indubitably, my fellow worshipper of Chaos!
*sips blood tea from a skull teacup*

Hey, I finally caught up with this book, and so far, I have to say that its going well, can't wait for more.


Excellent! And more you will receive, my friend!

Not even fluttershy if she turned human?


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