• Published 27th Sep 2013
  • 4,303 Views, 298 Comments

The Monster Within - Uberdeathninja

A creature thought long extinct appears in Equestria, but it bears a terrible curse, one that could destroy their whole world

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Ch. 8- A heated reunion, and Luna loses her bed to a 24-foot reptile

As Celestia finished raising the sun, She looked over her city. It was a rather peaceful day, which meant a heart attack was on the horizon. Indeed, she could feel a disturbance in the force, one not felt for a while, since the creature in the forest... Celestia went to go to her room, but then she stopped. The human was doubtlessly here, and here she was, slinking off to her room to hide from it? She saw a lot of things wrong with that picture, and quickly fixed it. Luna said she could handle it, so Celestia was going to go to the table, eat her breakfast, and attend to her duties, just like every other day before, and no human was going to stop her. Just as she opened the door to the dining room, She saw something that made her heart stop and her blood freeze: The human was sitting at their table, scowling at a meatless breakfast, and Luna chiding him to eat it. Celestia immediately closed the door, and began to hyperventilate. The human, the slayer of her people and one that almost killed her four times, five including this near-heart attack, was in her home, eating her food, with her sister within arm's reach.

"No, it's not going to be like this..." Said Celestia to herself, in a true attempt to calm herself before her heart exploded from beating too fast. "It's only until you can convince Luna to let him go. You can do this!" Celestia cheered to herself, and with that, the princess of the sun inhaled deeply, then opened the door again, gaining the attention of Luna, but the human kept frowning at his breakfast, due to a severe lack of bacon.

"Oh, Celestia! I honestly didn't expect to see you down here." Said Luna.

"I can't imagine why..." Said Celestia through a fake smile and gritted teeth. If that wasn't enough, she was also sweating profusely. The human, upon hearing her voice, snapped to attention, looking right at Celestia with a glare that said "I'm going to rape you, then kill you, then eat you, then do the same thing to everyone and everything you care about." Luna, though, simply smiled, oblivious to the colorful leer the human was giving Celestia, then spoke.

"Well, now that you two are here, we can finally bury the hatchet!" Luna exclaimed cheerfully. However, the human merely grumbled menacingly.

'Yeah, bury it... bury it in me, more like.' Thought Celestia. And from what she could tell beneath the human's manticore-skull helmet, he was thinking about something similar. Luna soon began to feel the pressure building, and saw it's effects: Celestia was radiating heat, and the human had bent his fork in a loop-de-loop with two fingers. Quite worried, Luna attempted to relieve the pressure from the room:

"Celestia, Please calm down, you're making Borias upset."

Celestia, needless to say, blew her lid when Luna said that, and responded accordingly.

"You NAMED it?!" Shouted Celestia, causing "Boreas" to get up and grip his skull-covered staff tightly.

"It was the only name he'd agree to!" Replied Luna. "Boreas, Please sit down and eat your oatmeal." Borias Sat down begrudgingly and continued to prod grumpily at his still-meatless bowl of oatmeal with his loop-de-loop fork.

"Luna, It's not so much that you named him, as it's that he's now in the castle where he can slit my throat while I sleep!" Cried Celestia.

"Celestia, You're just overreacting! Besides, if he really wanted to kill you, he'd have done it already." Replied Luna.

"And that's supposed to make me feel better? He's a menace, and he needs to go." Demanded Celestia.

"You said I could keep him!" Protested Luna. At that moment, Boreas had tried the oatmeal, and it fell back out of his mouth after hearing "Keep him". What, was he some kind of pet now? However, the argument continued, and he suddenly was getting an understandable headache.

"I said you could try and civilize him, not put him as close as possible to my bedroom!" Shouted Celestia.

"My bedroom is nowhere near yours!" Retorted Luna.

"Oh, so he's sleeping with you now, too, is he?" Questioned Celestia angrily.

"No, I..." Finally, Boreas was fed up with their shenanigans, and he rattled his skull staff and slammed the butt of it on the ground before Luna could finish her argument, casting a spell that caused both Luna's and Celestia's lips to simply stop moving. Luna was surprised at first, and Celestia quickly became furious. And so, finally satisfied, Boreas resumed to eating his tasteless, baconless breakfast. Celestia finally cast a spell that released their lips, then cast a glare at Luna.

"We'll discuss this later." She threatened, then left the room. On the outside, she was just angry. On the inside, however, she was terrified for her life. But despite her sister's outburst, Luna stared at the door where Celestia left, and then turned to Boreas, a smile on her face.

"Well, Boreas, looks like we're going for a walk." Upon hearing this, Boreas simply looked at Luna like she'd lost her mind, but complied with a shrug, and he then threw his oatmeal, bowl and all, on the floor for absolutely no reason.

"Boreas, that's not where dishes go!" Scolded Luna. Boreas, in an attempt to save his ears from her whining, then picked the bowl up, and threw it out the doorway, hitting a passing maid and knocking her out.

"Eh, Close enough." Sighed Luna, and the two walked outside.
Outside, the passerby paid a LOT of attention to the human, and especially to the pony skulls he was wearing. As they walked, Some fillies and colts were playing ball, and one of the dumb rugrats had the misfortune of kicking the ball into Boreas's face, infuriating the human almost past breaking point. He was very much about to destroy the runts, but at the last minute, Luna convinced him not to, and he threw the ball back at them, hitting one in the head and knocking him out as well. Their walk continued for a while, and Boreas began to grow tired of walking, mostly due to the stares he kept getting, like he was some kind of caged animal, and he could NOT relive that ever again.

Finally, the two walked back to the castle, and Boreas, not really giving a single fuck, went straight to Luna's room, flopped onto the bed, then removed his helmet, throwing it out the door, hitting a certain maid who was hit by a certain rogue oatmeal bowl this morning, and knocking her out again. Ignoring the maid's plight, Boreas drifted slowly into sleep, hoping tomorrow's breakfast would include meat of some kind. Luna, after raising the moon, walked to her room, and found a giant reptile asleep on it, growling softly at some dream it was having. Luna figured that she needed her bed to sleep, so she tried poking it to entice the monster to move, but Boreas didn't react in any way, save for a single light twitch per poke. After a while of futility, she finally tried pushing him off her bed, but a sudden, sharp, very threatening growl deterred her from continuing her endeavor. So, ultimately defeated, she resorted to moving him a bit to the side, and then laid behind him. Just as she was about to fall asleep, however, Boreas turned over, and wrapped his arms and tail around her, squeezing her like some kind of plushy. When she tried to break free, however, Boreas growled the fiercest she ever heard from him, and she just laid there, now his temporary, but unwilling, teddy bear. A few hours later than she'd have liked, at last, she finally fell asleep.