• Published 27th Sep 2013
  • 4,303 Views, 298 Comments

The Monster Within - Uberdeathninja

A creature thought long extinct appears in Equestria, but it bears a terrible curse, one that could destroy their whole world

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Ch. 3- Origins

Many hours passed after the human had fled those crazed, predatory mares, and he most certainly was exhausted. After hours of running from the six crazy ponies, he was finally ready for a nap, and a long one at that. As he made his way to his cave, his many pack-mates, which included Cockatrices, Manticores, Timber wolves, and various other predatory animals that existed in the forest, all awaited his return eagerly, feasting upon the fruit of his most previous hunt. Now among friends, the human finally laid upon the massive pile of animal pelts he called a bed, and began to drift off to sleep, dreams of future hunts swirling in his primal mind, as well as... darker things, to say the least.

Luna was furious, outraged, even, at the recent turn of events, none of them pleasant, and none of them thought to be possible; Some creature had dared kill her and her sister's subjects, hundreds of them at that, and now Celestia was in the hospital because of it. This was an outrage! This creature, whatever it was, would suffer immensely for it's crimes, Luna promised this. Maybe a few years chained up in the dungeon would make it see the error of its ways, she thought, and though the thought pleased her greatly, the method of catching this beast, was another matter altogether.

From what Luna could gather about the beast that caused her, Celestia and the kingdom so much trouble, The creature was like a dragon, but without wings, and looked more like a over-muscular, spiked cat of sorts, but without fur, and it bore a reptilian head, filled to the brim with long, sharp teeth. This creature was undoubtedly dangerous, and despite this, to Luna's chagrin, the Mane Six, Celestia's champions in times of crisis, took it upon themselves to find it, despite the obvious danger this thing posed not only to mere ponies, but to one that many considered to be a goddess.

Though they were Celestia's champions, they still were only six little ponies, Luna thought, and if this thing was as powerful and dangerous as she thought it was, they would need as much help as they could get. The night was young yet, but Luna could still use her powers to see into the minds of those who slept, if only to find this creature herself, before it killed the Mane Six and devoured them whole. Thankfully for Luna, the beast clearly was one-of-a-kind, so finding it couldn't be too hard. So, using her powers of the night, Luna crept her consciousness into the Everfree, and slipped throughout it, searching for something unusual, anything at all, but only finding the occasional predator and the Mane Six, still looking for the accursed beast well into the night, a topic for discussion after the mares returned from their wild goose chase.

But, finally, after a good while of searching and failing to find her target, the princess of the night finally came across something highly unusual nearby: a large gathering of predatory animals native to the Everfree, too large to be normal, as these creatures, in her experience, would sooner kill each other than sleep together. Even stranger, an unknown creature lay in a cave at their center, obviously either their leader, or the creature they gathered to protect. Either way, the Mane Six were headed right for it, to Luna's shock, and even if this creature WASN'T as dangerous as Celestia let on, the various and numerous predators protecting it indeed was, and Luna finally made her decision, after not even a moment of thought, and took matters into her own hooves, hoping to save the Mane Six, before they became beyond help.

"There you are..." Luna hissed, and she then entered the creature's lair via her own astral projection, but found something completely different than what she thought she'd find, much to her shock. Within the cave, she found no beast, but something vastly different. It appeared to be some kind of primate, but she couldn't see its face beneath the manticore skull it wore over its head, or the fur cloak it wore over itself. In fact, the odd creature seemed adorned with many things, the most noticeable being a unicorn skull on its shoulder. But despite its odd attire and certainly large muscles, It didn't look like something that could deal any real damage to anything, let alone Celestia herself. Still, she had to be certain, as those skulls it wore had to come from somewhere, and it didn't look like the type of creature that went graverobbing.

"I'll just take a quick look, what's the worst that could happen?" Luna asked herself as she entered the creatures mind, and needless to say, that was a mistake.

The human shifted in his sleep, unable to wake, and yet unable to fully sleep, either. Something had intruded into his mind, causing havoc in his natural processes, and he knew that he had to get it out, as the odd feeling felt very similar to pony magic, which he had grown to despise. As his consciousness turned inward to find the source of this disturbance, the angered human quickly found the intruder; a blue, royal-looking pony, just like the white one he faced earlier, but shorter.

However, this one was much more sinister in aura, and had a different feel to her personality that the white one. But as he moved toward it, however, he soon noticed that the little pony, only head-height with his chest, was far too scared to even move, as it was staring at one of his many memories, specifically his childhood. So, not wanting to disturb the blue pony, the human simply stood back, and let her watch, seeing that the memory was affecting her...

The scene started out in fire. Luna stared in horror and confusion as soldiers she recognized as ponies slaughtered strange, bipedal creatures like the one who's memories she was looking through, using sword, spear and magic to cut down the young, old, male and female as they fled, much to Luna's horror. And lo and behold, as Luna looked around, she soon found the one who held this memory himself, but in this memory, however, the creature was much younger, barely older than a toddler.

Here the child stood, staring with tears in his eyes as his family was being torn apart by the magic of unicorns, and the swords of others. At first, hope seemed dim for the odd, bipedal creatures in the dream, as they simply were no match for the ponies, and their merciless charge on the innocent creatures they now slaughtered like game. Suddenly, though, to Luna's surprise, she and the child who's memory this belonged to heard a strange, chopping noise, and they both soon saw several strange, hovering machines, each resembling some kind of giant insect, or perhaps fish, though they all seemed to hover low to the ground, though they still hung in the air thanks to what appeared to be giant halos, or discs, on their backs.

Luna didn't know what these strange things even were, but the memory gave her their name, like a faint whisper through her mind: Helicopters. Whatever these "helicopters" were, though, they were big and loud, and they terrified Luna to no end. And suddenly, as if for no reason other than to make themselves even louder and more terrifying, the appendages on the odd machines lit up in bouts of flame, and the ponies slaying the humans were almost immediately torn asunder by an unseen force, heads, legs, and bloody giblets flying in every direction as the appendages on the 'Helicopters' remained alight, as if they themselves were using their own horrible, destructive brand of magic.

As Luna stared in horror at the bloodshed, she turned toward the child, and saw him holding onto a wolf plushy as tightly as his young arms could let him, and he was murmuring something between sobs as he watched the Helicopters tear the hapless ponies to bloody piles of gore within seconds, fire and death in the background as far as they could see. And once all the attacking soldiers were gone at last, doors on the insect-like vehicles opened, and armored, loud humans began shouting orders at the unarmored ones, and beckoning them onto the flying vehicles, filling them quickly and fully as they could.

But as the creatures piled into the Helicopters, one of them was hit by a large, menacing beam of white energy, with males, females, and children still aboard. The Helicopter then simply exploded, and all the others remaining hurried to take off, leaving many of the creatures behind. Luna looked around for the source of the terrible energy, and saw a white alicorn descend before the humans, her rainbow mane blowing in the wind of fire, clad in golden armor and crown. The destroyer of these creatures was none other than Celestia herself. Celestia glared hatefully at the creatures before her. One had a strange device, like a staff of sorts. As he aimed it at Celestia, the strange device boomed like thunder, spraying a steady stream of projectiles at her. However, all of them bounced off of an unseen shield around her, and she looked at the weapon, causing it to explode in the man's hands. Defenseless, the creatures could only stare in horror as Celestia walked to them, then spoke to them in her royal Canterlot voice.

"Attention, humans. I, Princess Celestia, have taken it upon myself not to destroy you where you stand, but on the condition that you swear your undying loyalty to Equestria, and renounce your humanity now and forever. Any takers?" She finished her speech with the cruelest smile Luna had ever seen, Crueler than any villain could ever manage, and from her own sister, no less. Luna turned toward the child beside her, who was now curled up and bawling silently into his wolf plushy. She felt bad for the boy, but felt compelled to keep watching the scene. As Celestia gazed over the crowd, one of the creatures she called "humans" finally stepped forward. It was clearly male, and had a look of anger on his face. Celestia's twisted smile grew, and she acknowledged the human with mock interest.

"Well, our first volunteer. Anything to say, Human?" Said Celestia. The human stared at her. He was almost as tall as she was, with a rugged face covered in facial hair, bounded with taut, rather large muscles, and still bore a look of sheer hatred on his face as he spoke to Celestia, with an obvious Scandinavian accent.

"What say I, ye spawn o' the devil? I hope tha wolves come fer yer filthy, two-bit hide, ya filthy she-beast!" Said the man, before he up and spat in Celestia's face, the last thing he ever did before Celestia simply vaporized him, glaring at his ashes with a look of mild disgust. The rest of the humans and Luna stared in horror as she then stepped over the ashes of the human, and gazed to the crowd hatefully.

"Does anyone else have something to say?" Demanded Celestia disdainfully. And after a brief silence, Celestia grinned again, and opened her mouth to speak again, but was interrupted by the last person Luna expected to speak: The boy.

"Why won't you just leave us alone, you monster!?" He cried, causing everyone, especially Celestia, to look at him. Celestia, however, seemed more amused than surprised. She walked over to him, but no one moved to stop her, they were all too terrified of Celestia to do anything. Now, she leered as she towered over the boy, prepared to destroy him, but she spoke, instead.

"What was that, boy?" Asked Celestia menacingly, glaring at him with a cruel, evil smile on her face, but the boy didn't even cringe as he glared back at her, wolf plushy in hand, and spoke again, anger and hate in his young, shrill voice.

"I hope what uncle Jorge said comes true! I hope you get eaten by wolves!" Shouted the child, and everyone but Celestia stared in absolute shock. Even Luna caught herself staring as the boy stood up to Celestia herself, not even half her height, but certainly twice her courage. Celestia, however, only grinned at the child, and replied, her tone cold and hateful.

"Well, then, maybe you can tell him you said that yourself, child." As she readied her spell, the boy only gripped his Wolf plushy tighter, closed his eyes, and almost seemed to pray. But then, before his end came, the sound of howling rang through the air, seeming to paralyze everyone in the area. But not howls of pain, mind you, but wolf howls, instead. And suddenly, as Celestia turned to face the noise, startled by the suddenness of it, a great, terrible, grey wolf bore down on her, slashing her across the right side of her face as she tried to defend herself, and bounced back, landing in front of the boy as if protecting him.

"I always wondered why she kept her hair over that side..." Luna then muttered to herself involuntarily, still transfixed by the ongoing scene.Then, as Celestia got back up, recovering from the devastating blow, more wolves appeared leaping from the brush and trees, and snarling at Celestia, who stared back in a mix of surprise, fear, and anger as the primal hounds surrounded the princess of the sun, and every human in the immediate area ran for their lives... all but one, anyway.

The boy merely stood there, glaring angrily at Celestia, despite the fact that giant, wild canines now surrounded him, though they seemed to focus on Celestia, ignoring the boy almost entirely. Celestia fought back the wolves with all her might, but only barely held them off, due to their sheer numbers and size alone. And as Celestia finally tried to escape, she turned to face the human child, unfathomable rage in her eyes, and the boy returned it with a spiteful glare of his own.

Then, with that, she left the boy to his fate, leaving him to the wolves he summoned seemingly out of spite. At first, Luna thought this was the end for the poor child, but the wolves did not attack. Instead, the biggest one lowered his head, and the boy petted the great wolf, no ill intent detectable between the two at all. The beast then picked the boy up by the back of his bedraggled shirt, and carried him off to the safety of the nearby zoo.

Luna backed out of the memory, having finally seen enough, but before she could turn around and exit the creature's mind, she soon bumped into something big. Really big. Feeling an overwhelming sense of dread, Luna then turned around, and saw the creature who's dreams she had so rudely invaded, and he did NOT look happy to see her.

Author's Note:

Alright, I know you guys like this one, but check out my other stories, too!
...Or else I'll sic the wolves on you, too.