• Published 30th Sep 2013
  • 17,125 Views, 445 Comments

Break of Dawn - SupaSqueegee

Cale was just a normal guy. Mid twenties, decent job, his own place. Nothing special. But one morning he vanished, only to wake up in the mystical world of Equestria. Meeting Celestia, he'll find that his life will never be the same again.

  • ...

Dream Walker

Luna was perched on a cloud above the balcony of her sister's room, watching the events as they unfolded. And while her hearing wasn't great enough to hear everything, she had caught enough of the conversation for her to become increasingly worried. What was Celestia thinking? This creature, this human, was spending time with her in a more intimate manner than anyone had since she and Luna had been fillies.

With a creased brow she watched as Celestia led the scantily clad human back into her quarters for the evening. This was troubling to her on a level that she couldn't perceive. Celestia was letting her guard down and allowing the human past all of her barriers.

And what was worse, Luna knew enough of their modern society to garner the rumors that would begin flying in the waking hours.

Celestia and her lover. Late night rendezvous.

The implications were dangerous. And Luna couldn't fathom what to do. She was driven by a strong need to protect her sister, but at the same time she did not wish to interfere with her personal life. After all, what right did she have to do such?

She needed to speak with her sister about this. And soon, before Celestia let herself become too attached and began to lose her focus. While they lived in a relatively peaceful time, there was still much that needed to be done on a daily basis. And if Celestia was focusing too much time on her new...friend...then she would lose sight of her responsibilities.

Celestia was far from irresponsible. Luna had seen evidence enough of that over the course of her own lifetime. But at the same time, an event like this had never come around. Why, she had never even known her sister to take a lover before, at least during the time she had been present. But there was a rather large gap in her knowledge due to her time banished from Equestria.

For now she decided to wait until the two of them were asleep. At least from there she would be able to at least make some progress towards helping them see the errors of their ways. She just hoped that she could reason enough with her sister.

So Luna waited until almost an hour had passed before gently gliding from her cloud perch down towards the balcony. She came to rest delicately, not making a sound, and made her way from the moonlight into the darker interior of her sister’s room. She found Celestia sleeping soundly, with the human laid out beside her.

Luna’s brow furrowed as she focused her magic. For now, she would start with him. If she could somehow figure out how he had come to be in this plane, she might be able to send him home, which would solve this problem altogether.

When she had built up enough magic, she closed her eyes and let the wings of her magic guide her into Cale’s dreams.

Strangely, Cale was not surprised to find himself back in his old apartment. He found out rather quickly that this was not real, though. The swimming colors, the slightly fuzzy look. It all reminded him of a T.V. channel with bad reception. What did surprise him though, was who he found himself standing in front of.

He instantly knew who she was, as if he had known her his entire life. His mind rang with the sound of her voice and the flow of her name. “Princess Luna.”

The alicorn nodded towards him as she took a step closer, closing the distance between them too less than three hooves. “Cale. I assume you know why it is that I am visiting you in your dreams?”

More images swam through his mind. Most of them were of Celestia, while the rest conveyed feelings of doubt and confusion. There was even anger there, and jealousy. But Cale showed no signs of fear or hesitation as he nodded. “You don’t think I’m good for your sister. You’re worried that Celestia is going to lose herself too me. You don’t want her to forget about her responsibilities, too forget about her subjects. You think she’s going to...fall in love with me?”

The last question was spoke with slight hesitation. How could someone fall in love with him? How could a Princess fall in love with him? It didn’t make any sense, and the confusion was apparent in his voice. Luna delved into his mind again, flooding it with fear and a strong desire to leave Equestria. “Whom my dearest sister decides to give her heart too is of no consequence. What matters is her reputation, and how she rules over this precious land.”

Luna’s voice had taken a much higher volume, nearly reaching the level she used for the Royal Canterlot Voice, and Cale balked before her, flinching away as if he’d been struck. Her eyes began to glow as her magic seeped towards him more powerfully. She dug deeper into his mind, finding as much from him as she possibly could. What she found there was not what she was expecting, though.

She did not find malice, or anger, or even a desire for power. All she was able to find was a frightened innocence. Her magic pulled back hastily and her eyes returned to their normal color. All this human wanted was to return to his home.

She had felt the fear he felt when he had been attacked by the Manticore. She had seen the relief from her sister’s rescue. And she now knew of the respect he had for her. While he had outwardly put on a brave face, the entire time he had been in Equestria had been one of near terror.

He only had the smallest glimmer of hope that he would one day return to his family and friends. And that glimmer of hope was her sister, his impromptu protector. And he clung to her like a lifeline. She wasn’t a princess to him. She was merely a kind soul that had shown him kindness in a strange new world. Even his more basic instincts had been overridden by this inner battle of hope and fear.

She was surprised to learn that, from his own experiences, humans by nature were shy and hid their very bodies with layers of clothing. It was such a strong taboo, and so thoroughly ingrained in his being, that she could hardly believe that he had managed to forgo it just to keep his sense of protection close.

She blinked out of her revelations to see him staring at her strangely. “Pr-Princess…?”

Luna growled and shook her head. She could not be mad at this creature. There was no reason for it. He had not been brought here of his own will. He was not a threat to anypony, as of yet, and she could not see him becoming so. He was just a lost soul searching for a way to return home.

And much to her chagrin, she could relate.

With sad eyes she looked to him, “Forgive my intrusion. I have discovered much from this meeting, and I promise to do all that is within my power to help you.” She gave a small bow, showing her newly garnered respect, “and you have my word that no harm shall befall you while under my sister’s care. She’s stronger than you know.”

And with that, she faded out of his dream before he had time to respond.

Luna’s eyes crept open as she pulled back from the human’s dream. She searched his sleeping face, a new understanding blossoming in her mind. “I shall keep my word to you,” she whispered. She looked up and to her sister, knowing that this conversation would be more difficult.

With a sigh she let her magic begin to work, her eyes closing once more as she delved into the dreams of another.

Rolling hills, lush grass under hoof, and the midday sun. Celestia knew this place far too well. Her dreamscape never changed from the time she was a filly. She would often find herself escaping here in her dreams, more so than not just to contemplate things of dire importance. Or, as in this case, to speak with her sister in a manner far more private.

“Luna, my dearest sister. I should have known that you would seek me out like this.” Celestia turned and saw her sister, Luna’s eyes full of sadness. “What is it that worries you so?”

Luna, to her own credit, managed to hold her tongue from the flurry of responses she had to this question. She was no longer a filly, and so she had to measure out her words and say what was needed to be said correctly. “Your ward,” she meekly replied.

Celestia nodded and turned her eyes away, looking out over the vast expanse of her dream realm. “Yes, he worries me too.” Before Luna could respond, Celestia continued. “It is always strange, is it not? How, right when we feel ourselves at the height of our prowess and ability, a situation comes along to throw you right back to where you started? Immortality has always been a burden because of this. We’ve lived since the the beginning, Luna, and we’re still learning.”

She laughed sadly and shook her head, “It is never going to be enough, you know, all the knowledge we acquire. There will always be a pony who comes along that makes you reevaluate your entire view of the world. It was like that with Twilight. And now, it is this human. It has only been a day, but I can sense that things are starting to turn in a manner that we are not prepared for.” She looked back to her sister, a sad smile gracing her lips.

“I know what you’re thinking, what your fears are. I’ve had the same ones ever since I started dreaming of him. But even though these fears have placed a curtain of confusion over my heart and mind, I still know that nothing will ever be the same. To what level I do not know. Be it for myself, or our subjects, or both.”

Luna stepped forward and put a hoof on her sister’s shoulder, “Sister, I have seen the way you look at him. It is the same look our subjects have when around one of the same heart. I worry for you. As you have said, immortality is a burden. And for you, so is his mortality. I know that you can see this as surely as I?”

Celestia nodded, “I have. But I do not know what it is my heart is beckoning me to do. For now, all I feel is a desire to protect him. That is why so few have met him, and those that have have been ones I know I can trust completely.”

Luna tilted her head and withdrew her hoof, “Such as the Captain of your vassals, Silver Star?” At her sister’s nod, Luna continued, rubbing a huff under her chin. “I see. And who else to prepare him for his stay here other than a bearer of one of the Elements? Sister, you’re leaving nothing to chance, are you?”

“How can I afford too?” The diarch smiled and turned around to face her sister, leaning over to nuzzle her companionably on her cheek. “I have searched his mind and heart, as I am sure you have as well, and I know that he is worth protecting.”

Luna pulled back and cast her eyes to the ground. A tender breeze caused the blades of grass to wave merrily at her. “Then I shall return to my duties. I shall see you on the ‘morrow, ‘Tia.”

With Celestia’s nod, Luna once again faded from the dreamscape.

It wasn’t long before Luna found herself sailing towards Ponyville once again. There was much she needed to think about, but for some reason the only thing that came to the forefront of her mind was a certain lavender alicorn.

When that familiar tree came in view, Luna smiled and angled towards it.

Author's Note:

I want to both apologize and thank all of my readers. I had a slight hiccup of self doubt today, one that nearly caused me to scrap my story altogether. But I had a lot of votes of confidence, and am back in the game!

I wrote this chapter exactly as I had previously planned on it, even considering the criticisms and confusion my last chapter brought forth. I hope it's up to everyone's standards!

Thanks again for reading! And just so all of you know, I read every single comment posted. What can I say, comments make me happy.