• Published 30th Sep 2013
  • 17,125 Views, 445 Comments

Break of Dawn - SupaSqueegee

Cale was just a normal guy. Mid twenties, decent job, his own place. Nothing special. But one morning he vanished, only to wake up in the mystical world of Equestria. Meeting Celestia, he'll find that his life will never be the same again.

  • ...

Whatever Happened to Love?

Cale was sitting on the edge of the balcony to his room, leaned back against the railing and staring out into the fading sun. Today had been a day like many of the others since he found himself trapped in this strange world. he had gone with Celestia as she went about her day, watching and learning. And as he did most evenings when he found himself alone, he quickly got lost in his own mind.

He still could hardly believe that all of this had happened to him. He had just been an average guy. Mid twenties, just finished college, and many prospects for a promising future. He had his whole future laid out before him, ready to be seized and enjoyed. He did happen to have something going with his love life, something that he was always worrying about. But he had bright hopes. There had been this one girl whom he had had his eye on.

She graduated with him, and they shared the same passions. Looking back, he couldn’t help but smile a little sadly. The last few times he had seen her came to mind instantly.

Six months prior...

“Oh, please, Cale! Like you could ever hope to take me on like that.”

She smiled that same smile that got him every time, the one that hinted at something he could only hope for. They had been friends for the past two years, and every day it felt like they were growing closer and closer. Even now, laughing and looking into those brilliant blue eyes, he could hope.

“Pfft. You know for a fact that you’d never be able to beat me. I’ve won every single game of darts I’ve ever played. Hell, you’ve been there for most of ‘em!”

With a roll of her eyes she gave him a playful shrug, then combed a stray strand of blonde hair from her eyes, tucking the rebellious piece behind her ear. “Yeah, yeah. I also know that the more you drink, the worse you get. That’s why I think we should make it more interesting. How about...hmm…” She tapped her chin in thought, then grinned and nudged him with her elbow, “How about this time, who ever is farthest from the bullseye with each throw has to take a shot.”

He stopped walking and cocked a brow, smirking and regarding her curiously. “Oh, so you wanna cheat, huh? Fine, fine. It wouldn’t be a Saturday night if you weren’t trying to con me out of some cash.” He started walking again, contemplating quietly.

They shared a few minutes of companionable silence, the sun beating down on them in the warm, west coast temperature. They had just finished their classes for the day, and were walking with each other back to their respective cars. Finally deciding to ask something that he had wanted to for a long time, he cleared his throat. “Uh…”

She looked over at him with a wry grin. She could tell he was nervous. Every time he wanted to say something that he wasn’t exactly comfortable with, his cheeks would redden and his nostrils would flare. And she couldn’t help but find the look positively adorable. “Yeeeah?”

Cale rolled his eyes. Her needling was well placed, since he had acted like he wanted to say something anyway. Just like he knew that she knew he was trying to spit something out that might be a bit difficult. His eyes fell to the ground as they walked, and he took particular interest in his feet. “Well, Haley...we’ve been friends for, like, two years almost.” He sighed, not quite able to bring himself to say what he wanted. She noticed this, and nudged him with her elbow again, pulling the strap of her purse up her shoulder some.

“Fine, fine. You’re such a hassle, ya know that?” She merely grinned, and he decided to go ahead and push forward. His voice fell in pitch, and he had to steel himself as he continued. “I know we’re going out tonight...but I was wondering if you’d...well, consider this a...a date?”

Her eyes widened a bit in surprise. She had figured awhile ago that Cale liked her, but she had never really been sure. Turns out all those advances from other guys she had rejected had been worth it. She smiled and looked ahead of her. The parking lot was just across this next street. “Hmm. I dunno. Depends on what’s in it for me, I guess.”

He balked, and nearly tripped over his own two feet. He had never been particularly good with women. He had always been rather shy and introverted. Even in highschool he hadn’t had many friends. Not that he was bad looking or anything, he just always seemed to have other things on his mind. And ever since he’d met Haley, beautiful, practically super model material Haley, his whole world had been turned upside down. Especially considering she was a Computer Engineering major like him. The two had hit it off pretty quick, and had spent countless weekends hanging out and studying and going out for drinks.

Cale had never really thought she would ever be interested in him, so he had never asked. But recently he had started to feel like if they were going to continue being friends, that he might as well out himself.

Realizing he had fallen into himself again, he cleared his throat and looked up, stopping at the end of the sidewalk before the street. “Well, ya know..it could be fun. It’s not like we don’t have a million things in common or anything.”

He felt her hand slip under his arm, and his breath caught in his throat as he looked down to see her snuggle up against his side. “Duh. Cale, ya goof ball, of course I’ll consider it a date. I don’t know why you didn’t ask me sooner.”

Cale blushed ferociously, and laughed a bit. “Guess I’m kinda dense, huh?”

“Yeah, but it’s cute, so don’t worry.”

Three months prior…

There was always something scary about moving to a new city. Having to leave old friends behind, knowing you won’t see your family again until the holidays, starting a new job. While exciting, it was also intimidating.

Cale stared out the window of his apartment and sighed a bit. He had only just arrived a couple days ago, and he still had a day or so before he needed to show up for his programming job with a local advertising company, and he wasn’t exactly sure what to do with himself. Haley wasn’t going to be moving out here for at least another month, which left him kind of alone in this new place. All he could really do was just get busy unpacking and hope that he could take his mind off the fact that he felt rather lost.

He had just turned around and started digging through the duffel bag on his bed when he heard his phone ring. A smile spread across his face as he pulled the phone from his pocket and glanced at the caller I.D. “Well hey there beautiful. Yeah, I’m moved in fine, just getting all my stuff unpacked. I know, I miss you too. Okay, I’ll see you soon.”

With a sigh he hit the ‘call end’ button and slid the phone back in his pocket. It was going to be a long month before she got here. “Might as well get this done.” He turned back to his unpacking, setting the phone on his bedside table.

One month prior…

Night had fallen, and Cale’s mediocre apartment was crammed full of people. Turns out, landing a job in your field directly after graduation and moving into your own place meant that you had to have a party to celebrate. Even if it was a couple months late.

With a grin Cale smiled to his parents, “Thanks again for showing up. I know that it was a long drive.”

His father waved a hand and shook his head, “Don’t worry about it. We’re just excited to see our little boy all grown up. Speaking of growing up, where’s that girl of yours? Your mother and I have been waiting to meet her.”

Cale shrugged, “She should be back soon. She had to pick up something from the store.”

With what could only be explained as impeccable timing, Haley chose that moment to walk in. She set a couple bags down on the couch and moved her way through the throng of party goers, making her way to Cale and his parents. His mother raised her eyebrows as she approached, nudging Cale in the ribs with a finger and whispering to him, “You didn’t tell us she was so pretty!”

Cale blushed and grinned as Haley reached her arms around him for a hug. “There you are! What took ya so long?”

Haley pulled back, “Traffic. You know how it goes.”

She looked over to his parents, Cale’s father already holding out his hand. “You must be Haley. It’s great to finally meet you.”

After shaking his hand, his mother hugged her, “It is, it is!”

Haley chuckled and returned both gestures affectionately, “I know! I was excited when Cale said you guys were coming. It’s good to meet you both too.”

From there, the party went well enough. But, like all good things, it came to an end all too soon. All of Cale’s and Haley’s friends headed out, followed shortly thereafter by Cale’s parents. When everyone had finally left, Haley sighed and plopped down on the couch, where Cale soon joined her.

“I love parties, but dang are they tiring.”

Cale chuckled and nodded, “Yup. So, what did you have to run to the store for so late, anyway?”

Haley smirked and eyed him mischievously. “To get your present, of course. I know it’s a bit late, but it took awhile to get here.” She reached over and picked up the bags she had dropped earlier. “Here. Congratulations, hon. I’m so proud of you.”

Cale took the offered bags and peeked inside, his eyes gleaming as he did. “Haley…” He pulled a gold lacquered plaque out of the first bag and inspected it. It read ‘Cale, my love and inspiration. To your dreams finally being realized.’ “This is amazing.” He set the plaque down and leaned over to kiss her deeply.

She returned the gesture for a couple moments then broke away, a light giggle following. “C’mon, open the other one!”

He rolled his eyes with a wry grin before digging into the second bag. His eyes widened and he looked back to his girl again. She was grinning from ear to ear. “That’s for a little later.” She took the bag and stood, making her way back to the bedroom, “Give me ten minutes, then come on in, okay?”

Cale nodded, a blush spreading across his face. “Haley?”

She turned around, “Yeah?”

“I love you.”

She smiled, “I love you too.”

Cale pulled his knees up to his chest and rested his forehead on them, sighing some. “Haley…” Tears began to fall as his mind played over the course of their relationship. “God I miss you so much…”

He didn’t know if he’d ever make it home. He didn’t even know what everyone might think of what happened to him. All he knew was that tonight, like so many others before this, sleep would be hard to come by.

Author's Note:

Another short chapter, I know, and I'm sorry. But I got across all I needed too with this one. I've been meaning to do a chapter like this for awhile now, but never really had the inspiration to do it. This felt like a good time, though, and I think it gives some perspective on Cale as a person. I realized that, while this story is about him, I haven't really been focusing on him. That's gonna change though. Anyway, thanks for reading!