• Published 30th Sep 2013
  • 17,125 Views, 445 Comments

Break of Dawn - SupaSqueegee

Cale was just a normal guy. Mid twenties, decent job, his own place. Nothing special. But one morning he vanished, only to wake up in the mystical world of Equestria. Meeting Celestia, he'll find that his life will never be the same again.

  • ...

Revelations and Awakening

Luna once again angled towards the library of Ponyville. She wasn’t sure exactly why it was she felt the need to come here, but she figured she would find out soon enough. Instead of taking the approach she used last time, she instead landed on the small balcony outside of Twilight’s bedroom. She peered through glass door curiously, and smiled at what she saw.

Twilight was laying in bed, her horn wrapped in it’s ethereal glow, reading from the light produced. Luna had always heard wonderful things from her sister about just how studious the young mare was. And this time appeared to be no exception.

Luna was still amazed that Twilight had managed to pass the test set forth by her sister to become an alicorn. A lot had changed for the mare that day, namely gaining immortality. From what she could tell, Twilight had yet to come to grips with her sudden increase in power, and the new views on life she would face.

For the most part, it appeared as if her day to day life had not changed. And that was something Luna envied greatly. Twilight had a simple existence, for the most part, and enjoyed things Luna had only ever dreamed about: Friends to laugh and play with, a job, and searching for love. The celestial sister could almost feel her heart breaking from just thinking of these things.

Her mind began to race with questions about why she had come here, and the poor mare almost turned around and flew back to Canterlot. That was before Twilight noticed her standing at the door. Luna half expected her to be angry, or at the very least caught off guard, by her sudden appearance. Instead, all Twilight did was get out bed and open the door.


Without another word she turned and sauntered away, leaving the door open for the night mare. Luna, to her credit, looked away with a blush as Twilight made her way back to the bed. “I was hoping you’d come back.”

With a slightly defeated sigh Luna entered the room and closed the door behind her before moving to stand next to the bed. “Twilight Sparkle...I...I was hoping we could speak again.”

Twilight merely smirked and nodded as she sat upright and patted the spot next to her. Luna climbed into the bed and sat down as well. It was a few moments before she spoke again, “I fear that something is building in the astral. This...human’s appearance was not random. I have seen how my sister loses herself around him. And there have been...fluctuations in the aether. Mostly small things, but noticeable.”

Luna looked over to Twilight, only to find the mare looking away, appearing deep in thought. “So you think that the human being here is putting Princess Celestia at risk?” She shook her head, “What could possibly harm the Princess? She’s immortal, and the most powerful pony in existence.”

“There are things, creatures, that are more powerful than some would believe. I thought ‘Tia and I had rid ourselves of these threats long ago.” Luna shook her head as well, “But I could be mistaken. It is true that this human has the ability to make my sister happy in ways she never has been. And if him being here causes only that, then I shall be happy as well. But if I am not wrong, and something is trying to make an advantageous situation, then I fear for us all.”

Twilight reached over and put a hoof on Luna’s shoulder. “Why come here and tell me all of this? Wouldn’t Princess Celestia have been the better pony to tell?”

Luna seemed to falter on this question, looking up and meeting Twilight’s eyes. “I...don’t truly know. Something inside me...inside my heart...told me to come to you tonight. Twilight, I know that we’ve never been as close as you are to my sister...just like I know that you’ve noticed my avoidance of you since my return.” Her voice wavered, and a tear fell from her eye, “B-but I do not wish for that any longer.”

Twilight smiled softly as her hoof began to carefully stroke the other mare’s shoulder. “Princess Luna, I’m here for you. I always have been. You know that if you ever need anything that you can always ask, and I’ll do my absolute best to make it happen.” She leaned forward slowly, resting her forehead on Luna’s. “That’s a promise.”

Luna sighed wearily. "There's just so much uncertainty right now. Speaking with my sister about this frightens me. I do not know what would come of such."

Twilight pulled back and nodded. "I see." Her magic flared to life to bring the book that she had been reading before over to them. "I've been doing quite a bit of research into this. And I still have not been able to come up with anything. I've even had volumes sent to me from the Canterlot Library. Every avenue I've searched has been completely fruitless!"

With a sigh of exasperation Twilight dropped the book back on the bed and got up, pacing back an forth in front of the bed. "I don't really know where to go from here. Normally if I face a problem like this I can just talk to Princess Celestia. But based on what you've said, that would be another avenue that wouldn't reveal anything." She stopped mid-pace and looked back to the other alicorn. "Have you been able to find anything, at least?"

Luna sighed and nodded, "Yes and no. I visited Cale in his dreams and was able to find out that he just seeks a way to return to his own world. He means Celestia, or Equestria, no harm." She shook her head, "I'm afraid that I am lost as well." She looked out the window towards the night sky. "There is one path that I have yet to explore, though. It would require a trip to the astral plane. But...I have not made such a trip in over a millennium. And I fear that I would not be able to make it back, should I encounter something."

Twilight grinned and began rummaging around her room, throwing things from here and there into her saddle bags. "Then that only leaves us one option, doesn't it?" After slinging the heavily burdened bags onto her back, she turned back to her, "I'm coming with you."

That night, after Luna has visited his dreams, Cale was plagued by nightmares. Visions of horrible beasts leaping from the darkness haunted him as he ran for his very life. No matter where he went, or how fast he ran, nothing seemed to work. Every second they drew closer, ever moment he could hear them catching up.

He slipped and fell, instantly turning over on his back and looking up to what he knew was waiting for him. The beast loomed over the fragile human, it’s mouth open and drooling, it’s breath stale with death. Cale saw it’s eyes. Yellow and hungry. That was when it bore down on him. Cale was going to-

With a strangled gasp, Cale bolted into a sitting position, his hand moving to his throat. He could still almost feel those hard teeth against his flesh.

“Cale…?” The human looked over to see Celestia, peering at him with a worried expression. She moved as if to comfort him, and he shook his head.

“I’m okay, just a bad dream.” He sighed and looked away. A shiver ran down his spine. “Thanks for letting me stay here last night. I know it wasn’t my place to ask...but I do appreciate it.”

Celestia smiled and climbed out of bed, making her way to the balcony. The golden glow of her magic was already flowing in a corona from her horn. “Nonsense. I was happy to do it.” Her eyes closed and she heard him move from the bed. The barest spark of daylight appeared on the horizon as Cale moved to stand beside her. “If you want, you may tell me your dreams. Perhaps I can help.”

Cale sighed and folded his arms over the railing of the balcony, watching as the sun rose. “I barely remember one of them. All I can recall from it is a pony. She had a mane like yours, only blue and black.” He shrugged, “It was the second one that got to me. I was being chased by...by something. Right when it was about to finish me off is when I woke up.”

Celestia’s expression darkened. “I’m sorry. Nightmares are always troubling.” She focused her magic, and a moment later the sun was set in it’s path for the day.

Cale looked from her to the sun, then back. “Did you...you just rose the sun, didn’t you?”

With a chuckle Celestia nodded and turned back towards him, “It’s one of my many duties. Now come, we have quite the busy day ahead of us. And there’s somepony special that I want you to meet.”

Rarity was beside herself. She had only woken up moments before to find the sun already rising! Darn her, she had overslept again! And the Princess was bound to be here at any moment with her special guest!

With a groan Rarity busied herself as quickly as possible. She simply couldn’t meet the Princess’s guest looking like she did! Her mane all a wreck, her tail uncurled, her coat lacking it’s luster. It was a disgrace to fabulosity itself!

Luckily for her she managed to just finish when the knock on her door sounded. Blowing out a breath she didn’t know she was holding, she whimsically called out an “I’m coming!” as she trotted to the door. When she opened it, she found herself face to face with none other than Princess Celestia herself. “Oh, Princess! Good morning!”

Celestia smiled, “And good morning to you as well, Rarity. I hope that the accommodations I arranged were to your liking?” With Rarity’s nod, Celestia continued, “Wonderful! I ran into the ponies bringing up your supplies and decided that I would handle the rest of the delivery myself. May I come in?”

Rarity blinked but nodded and stepped aside, allowing the Princess entry. “B-but of course! That’s very generous of you, Princess.” Rarity was just about to ask where the Princess’s guest was as Celestia entered, but was quickly at a loss for words as Cale stepped in through the door as well.

“Ah, yes. Rarity, this is Cale, the one whom I told you about before. He’s the one you’ll be making the clothes for. I have full faith in your abilities.” Cale smiled and offered a small greeting.

All Rarity could do, on the other hoof, was stare with wide eyes and an open mouth. Cale looked from her to the Princess, who was hiding a giggle behind her hoof. “Ahh...baa...whaa?”

Cale rolled his eyes and looked up to the Princess, who merely smirked. “Rarity, dear, perhaps you would like to get started? Cale does not share the same view of clothing as we do, and he feels terribly under dressed in...what did you call them?”

“Pajama pants.”

“Right! I’ll leave you two alone, then.” Before Cale could say otherwise, Celestia turned and walked out the door, using her magic to levitate in all the supplies for Rarity on her way out.

Cale looked back at Rarity, who still had the look of utmost shock plastered across her snout. “Soo...Rarity, huh? Celestia told me that you’re some kind of fashion designer?”

Rarity blinked, finally coming back to her senses. “F...fashion designer?! Darling, I am a cut above that type.” With a charming smile, Rarity gave a little turn, her beautifully curled tail flowing behind her gracefully. “I...am a fashionista and seamstress of the highest order!”

Cale groaned and and rubbed his temples. This was going to be a long day.

Somewhere, in the deepest recesses of the astral plane, a dark mass shifted amongst the black. Great, yellow eyes opened, and a deep growl escaped from amidst it’s smoky form. “It has been done. The seeds have been sown, and Celestia begins to grow weaker. This time...Equestria will fall before me.”

A dark, enigmatic laugh bellowed forth. It’s plan was coming together. And this time, nothing would stop it.

Author's Note:

Edit: After the rather underwhelming response that scene received, I decided to cut it and take the story somewhere else entirely. I don't think I'm cut out for the whole 'clop' thing. So I'm going to remove the 'mature' tag from the story and go in a direction that I know I can handle. The story won't change, essentially. But there will be some other elements. I apologize to everyone, and also thank everyone, for bringing this to my attention!