• Published 1st Oct 2013
  • 578 Views, 3 Comments

Kindness is the Cure - MegaTJ

A new pony comes into Ponyville. Does he also bring a new danger with him? It's up to Fluttershy to figure it out.

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Daylight’s breathing didn’t only just slow when the door opened. It ceased completely. But what exactly could have supercharged his anxiety? How about the most beautiful pair of pale emerald eyes he had ever seen. His mouth could only hang open as his mind was left with a blank. His mental pause didn’t last long, to his satisfaction as well as his dissatisfaction.

“Yes? May I help you?” Fluttershy asked softly. She didn’t open the door much wider. She barely even had her head poked out.

Her words could barely be heard, but they still snapped Day back to semi-awareness. His mouth had yet to come back all the way, so his answer was a tad bit clumsy. “U-uh…job here I the am for.”

Rime facepawed so hard that it caused Fluttershy to flinch. Day apparently was going to be broken for a while, so he had to do the talking. He grabbed the job notice and hopped down off the still stuttering stallion. Fluttershy looked down at him. Rime sighed heavily at his friend’s panicky behavior. “Never mind him. We’re here for the job.” He unrolled the paper again. “We were told it was you who was offering it.”

Fluttershy lingered on in silence. Her expression was hard for Rime to read. “You are Fluttershy, aren’t you?”

The mare replied, “I am. Please forgive me for being so surprised, but it has been a while since I’ve seen a kitsune.”

Instantly, Rime forgot all about the job and even cakes. “Really!? There’s another pony in Equestria that knows about us?!”

His sudden excitement didn’t upset Fluttershy in the least. It was quite understandable to be thrilled to hear that you weren’t the only one of your kind. “Yes, I’ve actually read about them too. Did you know that an Elemental Kitsune such as yourself can survive in whatever element they represent no matter how harsh?”

“No. I didn’t”, Rime replied. He thought it was funny: hearing facts about himself that he didn’t even know.

A sudden twitch from Daylight caught Fluttershy’s attention. “Is he…?”

“Huh?” Rime turned around to see Daylight still freaking out. “Oh, yeah. Just as sec.” Rime crouched down as low as he would go. Focusing all of his energy into his legs, he jumped as high as he could and came crashing down upon Day’s head. He landed so hard that his feet stung.

Day instantaneously recovered from his shock. He shook his head and looked around to make sure Rime hadn’t severely damaged any of his mental functions. It was the first time Rime had stomped on the ponies head so hard. He settled his eyes on Fluttershy. Again, he froze, but this time Rime had it covered. He lightly clamped his jaws down on Daylight’s right ear.

It didn’t hurt, but it sure kept Day from locking up a second time. The kitsune hopped down, pleased with his work. Day hurriedly apologized. “Sorry for that. I get nervous around other ponies. Like Rime was saying: We’re here for the job.”

Fluttershy blinked at what had just happened, but replied, “Yes, I am looking for help. I didn’t expect strangers would be interested though.”

“We do need the work”, Day replied, “If you could hire us, it would be appreciated. We’ll even work twice as hard. I promise we won’t be a bother.”

Rime added his own touch to the persuasion. “And when Daylight makes a promise, he keeps it!”

Fluttershy mulled over the situation. Making new friends was certainly great, especially if they had a mythological creature as a pet. However, they were strangers to her, and this new pony was very strange. Then again, so was just about everypony in Ponyville.

“If it’s a problem”, Day stated, seeing her mixed expressions, “We can find work elsewhere…”

“But Day!” moaned Rime, “She knows what I am. And what I can do!”

“I know but—”

Day didn’t get to finish. Rime’s outburst had pushed Fluttershy to a decision and a response. “You’re hired”, she declared softly.

Day and Rime could only stare at the Pegasus. A million thoughts forced their ways into the friends’ heads. Rime spoke first. “Just like that?” he asked. “No questions asked?”

“Yes”, Fluttershy answered, “I can’t just turn down those in need.”

“And you’re sure it’s okay to employ two complete strangers?” Day inquired.

She nodded. “If you promise to work honestly, then I see no reason why you can’t have the job.”

Day and Rime exchanged glances. They both looked back at Fluttershy. In perfect unison, they both said, “Where do we sign?”

Fluttershy giggled silently. They must have been together for a long time to accomplish that. Never-ending friendship always delighted her. She stepped aside and waved them in. “Come in. I have tea and sweets inside.”

Fluttershy had Rime at “sweets”. He bounced inside, completely overjoyed. Day faltered slightly, but walked in regardless. He would have hated it if Rime destroyed something in the first few minutes of employment.

The inside of the cottage was just as animal friendly as the yard. There were burrows, bird houses, and perches everywhere Day looked. Small stair cases led up to different places for the squirrels and chipmunks. A tea kettle whistled on a wood stove against the wall adjacent to the front door. It was perhaps the most peaceful home he had ever set hoof in.

“Hey, Day!” Rime called.

Day looked above him, where Rime had settled himself down on one of the elevated walkways.

“This place is awesome! There’s all kinds of hidey holes and stairs and…uh, hidey holes!”

“That’s great”, said Day emotionlessly. “Just don’t break anything.”

“Oh, I’m sure he’s just excited”, Fluttershy said. Her sudden appearance made Day jump, but she didn’t notice. “After all, kitsunes love to run around and play.”

“Yeah”, Day agreed.

“Yeah, so lighten up Daylight!”

Day’s expression turned into a strict, scolding glare as he looked back up at the kitsune. Rime gulped, and backed down. He had almost crossed the line. Day decided to let the display of disrespect go since Rime was truly excited.

He turned his attention back to Fluttershy. She motioned him into the next room. “Just wait in there and I will be right in with the tea.”

“Thank, you.” Day turned. “Rime.”

The kitsune hopped along the walkway above Day. There was a small hole above the door frame so he could stay on the path while he followed Day. This room didn’t hold as many walkways or burrows. Fluttershy must use this room as the living room. It made sense. There was more pony-sized furniture. A red, diamond shaped space rug was spread across the floor. “It’s definitely cozier…” Day pondered to himself.

He felt something hit him lightly in the back. “Bored already?” he asked Rime.

“Nope! I’m just waiting on those sweets!”

“That figures”, Day replied.

The pair sat down on the couch against the far wall. Rime stretched out on the arm and rolled over on his back. Day reached out and rubbed the fox’s belly. Rime smiled in pleasure. He squirmed in place, enjoying the massage Day was giving him. Day inwardly smiled. He let his hoof roam over to Rime’s side.

“Day!” he giggled, “That tickles!”

“I know”, Day replied slyly. He pushed his hoof a little harder into Rime’s ribcage.

“Heehee! Stop!” Rime tried pushing the attacking hoof away. Day only pushed deeper. “Help!” he cried, “Help!”

Fluttershy walked in carrying a small tray. The heartwarming moment brought a small smile to her face. It didn’t last too much longer. Day spotted her and quickly withdrew his hoof. Rime calmed down. He breathed in a few deep breaths.

“Phew…” he sighed. He opened his eyes to see Fluttershy, upside down, carrying the tray towards them. His eyes immediately flew to the three cupcakes that sat near the kettle of tea. “Food!” He quickly rolled over and crouched low. He would have pounced if Day hadn’t put a hoof on his tails. The look he gave Rime planted the kitsune to his seat.

“Please forgive me, but the tea wasn’t quite ready yet.” She placed the tray on the table in front of the couch and sat in the chair next to it.

The two ponies in the room didn’t make a sound. Neither was willing to bring attention to his or herself.

After a few embarrassing seconds of silence, Rime stood up. “I’m guessing we should formally introduce ourselves now”, he said. “I’m Rime, Day’s Ice Kitsune brother.”

Fluttershy glanced towards the fox. “Brother?”

“Yep, a long time ago, I saved this little guy’s life”, Day explained. “Ever since then, we’ve become so close we’re family.”

Rime smiled, showing his fang slightly.

“That’s amazing”, Fluttershy said. She didn’t ask about the details because she didn’t think it was the right time yet.

“Anyway, I’m Daylight, but Day works too”, Day continued.

“I’m Fluttershy”, the mare said quietly. “I care for many of the animals in Ponyville. That’s sort of why I was looking for help. I bit off a little more than I could chew when I offered to help some of my friends…”

“Hey, Ms. Fluttershy?” Rime was practically drooling. He could smell those cupcakes and it was driving him nuts!

“Yes, Rime?”

“Can I have a cupcake?”

“Oh, yes. Help yourselves”, Fluttershy replied happily.

“You can have mine too, Rime. I’m not in a snacking mood”, Day said.

“Woohoo!” In a split second, Rime had dashed to the tray and back with the two cupcakes.

“Ms. Fluttershy?”

“Please just call me Fluttershy, Day.”

“Fluttershy…I would really like to know the finer points of what we will be doing”, he asked over the sounds of a cupcake being mutilated.

“Oh. It really depends on what I need immediate help with. You may have to feed some of the animals, or you might have to clean them. It’s nothing too hard…”

“That’ll be easy!” Rime boasted. He licked some of the frosting from his lips. “Me and Day loves us some animals!”

The voice Rime used almost made Day roll over in laughter. He kept his posture in check, however. Nothing could break his bearing.

“Really?” Fluttershy asked, “The last kitsune I met wasn’t very friendly towards other animals. He even tried to eat Angel, my pet rabbit.”

“You don’t have to worry about that”, assured Day, “Rime’s a vegetarian.”

The look of surprise that shown on Fluttershy’s face caused the said kitsune to speak. “Yep. That’s right! I only eat vegetables! And fruits. And cakes. And candy…” Rime grew more and more quiet as he listed off the other things that he loved to eat.

Day went on, “When do we start?”

“Right now, there isn’t much to do. I do need to pick up some feed for the squirrels and chickens…I guess you could do that…I mean, if you really want to…” She blushed a slight shade of pink over the request.

Day stood. “Consider it done.”

“You don’t have to go now”, Fluttershy objected gently.

“But don’t you think it’s best to finish a job early?”

“Day!” Rime shouted, “Not yet! I’m still tired!”

The yellow pony shrugged, “Well, if you both insist I’ll stay for now.” He sat back down next to Rime, who had just licked what little cupcake was left on the arm of the couch.

“Oh, wonderful!” Fluttershy cheered through a whisper.

“But what am I going to do until then?”

The Pegasus thought about it. “I could show you around…”

“That’ll work”, Day replied, “It’ll keep me from getting lost.”

“No it won’t”, Rime snickered. He jumped onto the table and looked at Fluttershy. “If there’s one thing Daylight doesn’t have, it’s a sense of direction.”

The yellow mare smiled, and even giggled slightly.

Day flinched at the sound without the slightest clue why. Unfortunately, Rime saw him. A devilish smile spread under his muzzle. Day only frowned indifferently. “Rime’s got me on that one. No matter where we go, it’s usually the wrong place.”

“I get lost a lot too…” Fluttershy’s attempt to make her guest feel better wasn’t really needed, and it didn’t seem to work. Day didn’t even smile.

She sighed to herself when he spoke up. “I told Rime that I’m not the only pony that gets lost.” Day shot the kitsune a victorious glance, without the smile of course. Rime just rolled his eyes. “Told you so”, Day added. This earned him what he was looking for. Rime gave Day an annoyed growl. The Earth Pony nearly smiled in satisfaction.

Rime hurried to think of a comeback. The evil grin returned to his face. “That’s okay, Day”, he said in his childish tone. Day automatically knew Rime had something plan. “The bet’s already in my favor.”

Day seized up. A blush quickly spread across his cheeks and nose. He almost started shuddering and babbling with mixed up sentences again.

Fluttershy watched how his nervousness only got worse when he glanced at her and quickly looked away. Rime was snickering to himself. Finally, she decided to ask, “What bet?”

Her curiosity put Day’s blush into overdrive. It was so deep that a tomato would have disappeared if it were placed in front of it. “U-uh…nothing…Rime’s just trying to…yank…yank my chains.” He deepened his breaths and closed his eyes. Slowly, the blush faded and the yellow came back to Day’s face.

Rime might like to tease, but if he answered Fluttershy, it would have compromised the bet. The little stunt did gain him some insurance. Day would think twice before teasing him again. The Ice Kitsune huffed in triumph.

“Oh, okay”, Fluttershy said. She could see in their eyes that they were both hiding something. It wasn’t something bad, but it was definitely something worth figuring out. You see, Fluttershy was hiding something of her own. She may not have told anypony else, but she loved mysteries. It’s time to get to the bottom of this… she thought to herself. Just thinking that phrase made her giddy on the inside. It would be her first ever real time she could put her detective skills to the test. Maybe all those mystery novels she read would pay off after all. Even if it was just finding out what a simple bet was.

To kick off the investigation, she stood.

“Daylight, Rime”, she called softly, “Would you like to come with me and explore Ponyville?”

They nodded their heads. The investigation was officially kicked off.

Author's Note:

And that is it for the fourth trial. A lot of filler, I know, but trust me, it's all important later on.