• Published 1st Oct 2013
  • 578 Views, 3 Comments

Kindness is the Cure - MegaTJ

A new pony comes into Ponyville. Does he also bring a new danger with him? It's up to Fluttershy to figure it out.

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As the Day Goes By

As the Day Goes By

Daylight remained silent as he carried the bag of feed back to Fluttershy's cottage. He and Rime were alone now as they walked back. Fluttershy gave him the directions and instructed him that all he needed to do until he got back was feed the animals. He would have been okay with that job if he wasn't walking alone in the busiest part of the day. He stared at the ground as he carried the bag on his back. He did NOT want to meet anypony's eye.

"How much farther?!" Rime complained.

"I don't know. Just pipe down", Daylight replied.

"But I CAN'T. It's my natural born instinct to annoy you!"

Day nearly laughed, "I believe that completely."

"Oh, you're no fun!" Rime sat with a huff on top of the bag of feed. The heat of the day was no longer an issue for the kitsune. Fluttershy had bought him some ice to snack on and keep him cool. It was something Day had never thought of, and it actually worked.

"Life's easier without fun", Day stated, choosing not to include his usual explanation about not ever smiling.

"Says you!" Rime hopped down and changed into a senile version of the yellow pony. "You're going to grow up to be an old grouch!"

Day rolled his eyes. "At least I'll be a happy grouch."

"How can you be happy without friends?" Rime challenged.

"Very carefully." Day ignored the painful truth, knowing Rime had no bad intentions. "I'll get friends sooner or later." He didn't know it, but by saying that he just opened himself up for an onslaught led by General Rime.

The little fox concentrated and transformed into a yellow Pegasus. "Friends like me?" Rime said in Fluttershy's voice. He batted the illusion's eyelashes flirtatiously.

Day looked away, blushing. "Stop that."

"Why?" the miniature Fluttershy moved into his field of view. "Are you nervous to look at such a pretty girl?"

Day's blush spread from his cheeks to his ears. "Rime, knock it off", he begged quietly.

Rime was enjoying himself, so now he brought out the big guns. "Aaaaawwww, you're cute when you blush."

Irritated, Day finally had his fill. "Modoso", he chanted. The spell forced Rime to change back into his kitsune form.

He was still smiling despite Day using the spell on him. "Mad much?"

Day ignored him. He continued on the path that was supposed to lead to Fluttershy's cottage. "That wasn't funny."

Rime almost laughed himself to pieces. "You should see the look on your face! I've never seen you so red!"

Day stopped, confused. He looked around. "I think we've been here before."

Rime rose up on his hind legs and gave the air a sniff. "I don't think so."

"Let the professional give it a try", Day said. He stuck his nose up and breathed in. "Yeah. And that means we're lost. Charcoal and it's a busy day…"

"Be lucky they're not staring at you", Rime said optimistically.

"True", he agreed, "But what are we supposed to do? I don't know how to get back to the western gate from here. Or the library"

"Then just walk outta town until and go around until you see it."

"You say that like it's obvious."

"It is!"

Day huffed. "Fine." Rime hopped to the top of his head as he turned. It was then he realized what horrible luck he had. He had made eye contact with the assistant librarian from earlier.

"Hello", Dream Runner said, "I see you've gotten the job."


"Need any help?"

Day quickly shook his head.

"He's lost", Rime put bluntly.


Dream saw that the yellow pony wasn't very sociable, so he decided to spare him the awkwardness. "From here head north until you get to the prank shop, then just like before go west."


The two immediately parted ways. Day walked away as briskly as he could.

"Go faster, Day, I'm barely getting a breeze!" Rime shouted in between bites of ice.

"I'm not a fair ride, Rime." Day was barely looking where he was going. His field of vision was high enough to give him just enough heads up to keep from running into something.

"I can't wait until night. You're so much more fun, then." Rime crossed his paws when he didn't get a reply.

Day picked up his hooves a little more and began a slow gallop. He wasn't going to completely take the fun out of Rime's life.

"Woooo! That's more like it!" Rime stood up and leaned into the wind. "Faster!"

Day picked up the pace as quickly as he could. The bag of feed on his back was starting to get heavy. He hoped he wouldn't have to stop to rest before getting to Fluttershy's. The ponies were whizzing by, bringing relief to Day, as he wouldn't have to face them while running. He ran and ran, ignoring Rime's outbursts. He eventually closed his eyes to heighten his sense of ignorance to the crowded town. He didn't know it, but his hooves moved faster on their own, leaving some ponies to cringe at how close he ran to them at such speed.

"DAY!" Rime screamed.

The Earth Pony flinched and stumbled forward. He forgot about the bag on his back and wasn't able to adjust for the imbalance. He fell to the ground, leaving the bag to burst into a thousand kibbles upon exploding against the ground. "Ugh…Rime…why'd you do that?"

"You were Blind Running again", explained the Ice Kitsune. He climbed to the top of Day's chest and looked him in the face.

"Celestia, I was?" He pushed himself up and inspected the damage. The pellets of food lay scattered all over the ground. He groaned, "Oh, come on!"

"Good news!" Rime cheered. "We made it!"

Day looked around. Somehow, he managed to run into Fluttershy's yard, leaving him amazed at either how fast or how long he was running before Rime shouted. He was just about to have Rime help him clean up his mess, but another pony spoke first.

"Oh, my, what happened?" Fluttershy asked.

Day felt his body tense up. He didn't reply. He knew Rime would talk for him. All he needed to do was apologize. After what Rime did, he couldn't look Fluttershy in the face.

"Daylight tripped and the bag went like sssshhhhhbackooom!" Rime threw his paws in the air to simulate the exaggerated explosion.

"Sorry, Fluttershy." Day stood up, refusing to look at her. "I'll get it cleaned up." He stood up and began using his hooves to sweep the mess into a big pile.

"Yeah, he'll get it cleaned up", Rime said. He wouldn't have cleaned even if he wanted to. Day would take responsibility and refuse to let him clean up with him.

"I'll help you", Fluttershy declared. "Rime, there are a few bowls right inside the front door. Could you bring them here please?"

The kitsune took off for the cottage before she changed her mind.

"Are you sure?" asked Day, "I mean, it's my fault there's a mess in the first place."

"It's okay." Fluttershy smiled, "I'm sure it wasn't on purpose."

Day nodded, but kept his gaze on the ground. He wasn't going to look up until he was finished. He didn't want to look at her for fear of blushing again. Fluttershy used her tail and wings to help sweep up. With the combined effort—most of it coming from Fluttershy's ability to sweep up twice as more—they were done right after they had started. To Day's dismay, it left them alone as they waited on Rime to get back.

Fluttershy found that it was a perfect opportunity to get on with the investigation. She had Day cornered, not that she knew he was avoiding her questions. They sat awkwardly until Fluttershy decided it was time to break the silence. "Rime told me you have been traveling for six years."

Darn it Rime! He nodded. "That's right."

"You don't get lonely do you?"

"Not since I met Rime", Daylight replied.

"Doesn't he ever—"

"I'm back!" Rime came running with the bowls all stacked on his back. They were huge compared to him, but it didn't stop him from running at full speed.

Day sighed in relief. Fluttershy was prying where he didn't want her to. He would have to deal with it later. He couldn't risk letting anything about his past slip. It would only bring turmoil. He remained silent, glad that Rime was keeping Fluttershy busy with his hyperactive mouth. With the three working together, it didn't take very long to get the mess cleaned up. Day grabbed the empty, torn bag and followed the two to the cottage. He walked slower than Fluttershy. She was so absorbed in Rime that she didn't notice. It wasn't long before the cottage's wildlife once again crowded him. The animals were bolder now, and a white rabbit jumped on his back.

"Huh?" Day turned his head to see the furry creature eyeing him suspiciously. The yellow pony didn't immediately know what to do. The rabbit crossed his paws. Oh, great, Day thought, A rabbit with an attitude. He attempted to shake Angel off, but he held on tight. "Go on, get off."

The rabbit shook his head stubbornly. He began to tap his rear foot against Day's saddlebag. Daylight shook a little harder and was just short of bucking before Fluttershy intervened.

"Angel, you know better than to tease ponies." She held out her wing and the rabbit happily hopped ponies. "I'm sorry, Day, but Angel gets a little antsy around strangers." She gave him a pat. "When he gets to know you, though, you'll see he can be the sweetest thing in the world."

Day wasn't convinced with the way Angel kept glaring at him. He just arrived in Ponyville and already some small furry creature hates his very existence. He shrugged, at least Equestria's consistent. It was then he noticed that Rime had disappeared. He looked around; there was no kitsune anywhere. Come on, Rime! Now Day had to stay frosty, or risk becoming frosty. He knew Fluttershy was safe. Rime knew exactly what would happen if he attacked the yellow Pegasus. Day couldn't even think of a punishment that would be sufficient enough for an offense so bad.

So, with that knowledge, Day knew he was the priority target, which wasn't so bad considering Rime had been doing it for so long that it rarely caught the colt by surprise. He looked around, but figured it wasn't worth getting paranoid. So, he just focused on getting to the cottage. Fluttershy had already gone back scolding Angel, and forgot about Day altogether, which was a plus for him. The less time he talked to the mare, the better. The thought of her made him wonder what was left on the day's to-do list. He really wanted to get some more work out of the way to prove his work ethic, but more importantly, make sure he had less free time. He hesitated as he reached the bottom step. If he went inside, he would be alone with Fluttershy, which was not good for him.


By the time Day figured out what had happened, a small mountain of snow buried him alive. He resisted the shock of the cold and dug his way out of the snow. On the outside, he spotted Fluttershy, wide eyed and covering her mouth, and Rime sitting on top of the hill smiling down at him. "Like my new trick?"

Day glared at him. "Do it again, and I'll turn you pink."

Rime faked a gasp. "Oh, no! Good thing I figured out a way around that."

Day climbed out and, as if nothing had happened, asked Fluttershy, "What's there to do now?"

Sometime passed since the incident with the busted bag of feed, and now Day found himself with a bucket of corn in his mouth feeding Fluttershy's chickens. He waved the bucket from side to side, careful not to step on the clucking birds as they happily pecked at the ground. Day glanced over to where Rime was climbing the trees to get food to the squirrel nests. Out of the corner of his eye, he spotted Fluttershy feeding the fish. No eyes on him. Good. He continued with his feeding until there was no more corn in his bucket. He hung the bucket on a rusting nail, and pushed his way out of through the gate. He wasn't sure what to do now, so he left to go help Rime.

Fluttershy kept watching the Earth Pony out of her peripheral vision. She wanted very badly to keep the investigation up, but didn't know exactly what to ask him. A frustrated sigh escaped her lips. "Maybe I'm just not good at investigating", she told one of the salmon in the small stream. It didn't discourage her much; she was still determined to solve her first case, even if it meant it had to be her last. But how could she improve her skills even just a little? "I could read another mystery novel", she pondered. That thought gave her a brilliant idea. "Or…I can go to the library to see if Twilight has any how-to books!"

"How to do what?" Rime asked just behind her.

She nearly jumped out of her skin. "Oh, um, how to fix up, um…"

"The broken birdhouse out front?"

"Yes, that's it Rime! A few of the blue jays are really upset that they can't use it right now", she said nervously. "I'll be back in a bit. You and Day can take the rest of the afternoon off."

"Okay! I'll go tell Day!" Rime bounded off in search of the pony.

Fluttershy sighed. She didn't get caught. Slipping away, Fluttershy quickly flew into the heart of Ponyville, where she would finally get the edge she needed to solve her case. Behind her, she could still hear Rime excitedly yelling about having free time. Once she had a good altitude, Fluttershy opened her wings and glided down to just over the buildings. The library wasn't a long flight, so it wasn't much longer before her hooves touched down right on the welcome mat. The library was open for the day, letting her know a knock wasn't needed. She walked in, and the bell rang with the opening door.

"Hey, Fluttershy!" Twilight left her podium in the back of the room to greet her fellow Element.

"Hi, Twilight." Fluttershy gave her a quick hug. "I need a little help with something."

"For the last time, we aren't lost."

"Then tell me how to get back from here!"

Day growled. He just had to take Rime with him on a walk through the forest. He alone was enough to drive him crazy, and it didn't help that he was becoming increasingly stressed out. I need a vacation…

"I heard that!"

Day stopped. "What have I told you about mind-reading?!"

"Does it look like I ever do what you say?" Rime crossed his paws. "I don't have to do anything!"

"Oh, yeah", Day asked challengingly. "Then I guess you don't need me to buy your cakes anymore."

Adrenaline pumped through Rime's body. "Hey, I was just kidding! Let' not do anything we'll regret!"

"Oh, no, I won't regret it." Day smiled for the first time since walking into Everfree Forest.

"Yes you will, cuz I'll die and then you'll live with the guilt of my death on your conscience!"

Day laughed, "Ha! If worse comes to worst, then I'll just be cursed with being haunted by you!"

"That means I get cakes and you don't get haunted!"

"Deal." Day chuckled. He loved his arguments with Rime. They never ceased to amuse him.

Rime's attention got pulled away and to the surrounding woods. "Jeez, this place is deep."

"That's good", Day said happily. "We can stay longer than usual."

"Really?" Rime jumped down and looked up at Day hopefully.

He nodded. "If things keep going the way they are, then we might stay for a week or two."

"Yes!" Rime jumped back on top of Day. "We can stock up on a lot of cakes with that much time!"

"And money." Daylight broke into a medium trot. "With what Fluttershy's paying us, we'll be set for months by the time we leave."

Rime fell over. "This is awesome…"

A gentle breeze fell over the two travelers. Both remained quiet to preserve the peace. Rime managed to calm down so much that he was soon snoozing on Day's back. The Earth Pony figured he had passed out from the excitement of gaining a few ounces by devouring sweets. The forest around them was very appealing to him. There was no wildlife, and more importantly, no ponies around. Perfect.

"Thanks, Twilight!" Fluttershy called for the last time before flying back home.

Twilight waved her goodbye and closed the library door. The two books she gave Fluttershy had the Pegasus so excited Twilight was afraid that she would hurt herself. She had no idea why Fluttershy would want two investigator's guides, but shrugged it off as not important.

When Fluttershy got back, she noticed that the window of the guest bedroom she offered Rime and Day was illuminated. She almost flew up to it to eavesdrop on the two, but thought it was best to read her books first. Instead, she flew in her front door and started on dinner for them. They were going to be staying with her for a while, so it stood to reason that she was going to take care of them.

And, who knows, maybe she could get Day to smile in that time. She pictured the colt with a small grin, and giggled. "He sure would look cute if he smiled." She froze in the middle of grabbing a pot from a cabinet. "Did I just say that?" She hastily looked around to see if anypony had heard her. She sighed, she was alone.

That was, after a certain white rabbit hopped away after hearing what she had said.

Dat cuteness! This was quite hard to write with all of the delays I kept getting. I almost had to reschedule the update! Could you imagine if I was late on an update!? Anyways, I wonder just what Angel is up to, and why exactly he has a problem with Daylight…

**Poll Alert**

I have put a new poll up on my profile and I encourage all of my readers to cast a vote. It is very important that you do!

Chapter Trivia:

Since kitsunes appear in Japanese mythology, I decided to add a few Japanese words to act as spells for Day to use on Rime and for Rime to use on Day. The word "modoso" means "revert" , so Day had chanted that to get Rime to change back. And funny enough, the word "nadare" means "avalanche", so you see exactly what Rime did there.

I originally intended for Fluttershy to hold off on the investigation about midway through this chapter, but figured that a little alone time would do them both some good and deepen the plot slightly. Instead of Fluttershy going to get those books, I had her egg Day on and get him to blush a lot because she thought it was cute. I decided that it was too early on for it and went with the revision you can see now.

Day's dismal side actually comes from my old personality. I used to be very straightforward and quiet, unlike my cheery and drawn-out self today, so it's quite easy for me to characterize him.

Update in twelve days!

Author's Note: