• Published 1st Oct 2013
  • 578 Views, 3 Comments

Kindness is the Cure - MegaTJ

A new pony comes into Ponyville. Does he also bring a new danger with him? It's up to Fluttershy to figure it out.

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Starting the Day Off

Starting the Day Off

As the three left Fluttershy's cottage, they found themselves engulfed in the sunshine of the day. Day lifted a hoof to shield his face from the blast of heat that hit them after leaving the cool inside of the house.

"Yow!" Rime shouted. "That's hot! I'm gonna melt! Day, save me!"

"Go to your room and go into Cocoon Mode until I say you can come back out", Day instructed.

Rime immediately did as he was told. He hopped into the saddlebag's biggest pocket. Fluttershy saw the outside of the pocket cake over with frost and ice crystals.

"I didn't expect it to get so hot so fast", Day explained to Fluttershy. "Rime can't handle the heat for long being an Ice Kitsune."

She nodded in understanding. "I've never met an Ice Kitsune before, but I have read many books about them."

"Me too." Day replied. "And most of them are wrong. At least with Rime" He turned in an attempt to get off the subject. "Where are we going first?"

"If it's okay with you, how about to visit some of my friends? It might be a good thing if you're going to be staying for a while."

Day paused nervously. "I guess it couldn't hurt…"

"Oh, great! I know the perfect pony to meet first!" Fluttershy cheer-whispered.

Daylight let Fluttershy lead the way and followed behind. He didn't like the idea of meeting any more ponies, but for the sake of retaining his manners, he had no choice. The two walked silently along for a while. Day watched as different ponies passed them by. He grumbled. More stares. He did his best to ignore them. His attention was mostly occupied on where it was Fluttershy was taking him. His hopes were set on a very calm place. Along the way, he made sure he was keeping his composure at its best. The last thing he needed was to make a scene and draw attention to himself.

"When did you and Rime arrive in Ponyville?" Fluttershy asked.

"This morning", Day replied. Then to keep from being rude, he added, "We were camping out in a valley outside of town."

"I don't know if I could ever travel like that", Fluttershy admitted. "So many things can happen…"

"…Not many ponies can." Day looked up to the sky, "It's hard for us."

"Hard for you maybe!" Rime called from his pocket.

"Rime's just in it for the ride", Day explained.

"Am not!" Rime shouted, "I like the cakes too!"

Fluttershy laughed quietly to herself. She was about to say something, but Daylight was a second faster.

"About how long will we have to work a day", he asked to avoid any personal questions.

"Oh, well…" Fluttershy began, "I'll only need help from eight in the morning until three in the afternoon. I was thinking that would be plenty of time to take care of most of the animals. I can take care of everything else after that."

"What about days off?" Rime called.

"Rime, hush." Daylight called back.

"I don't know", said Fluttershy, "What days would you like to have off?"

"Personally", Day answered, "I'll work twenty-four seven. I don't have a single problem with it. It's only Rime that needs the break. He can't handle a lot of work."

"Yes I can!"

Day ignored him. "He'll need at least every other third day to rest."

"That's fine with me", Fluttershy said with a smile. "And if you ever need a day off, Day, and I'll be fine with giving you whichever day you need for a break."

"I'll keep that in mind. A low grumble came from his stomach. Daylight chose to disregard it.

However, it brought major concern to the yellow Pegasus. Almost immediately, she asked, "Daylight, are you hungry?"

"I'll be fine", Day replied, trying to dismiss it as nothing. Then he whispered to himself, "I've starved before…"

"I don't think so."

Her tone startled the Earth Pony into stopping. It was very authoritative, yet almost as soft as usual. Before he could even open his mouth, she continued.

"No pony will go hungry on my watch", she said sternly.

Where is this coming from? He asked in his head. She seemed so delicate. Then again, he had only just met her.

"Well, since you insist, I guess I could go for something to eat", he said in semi-bewilderment.

She smiled. "What would you like to eat?"

"CAKE!" The saddlebag's pocket rustled fiercely.

Day rolled his eyes. "I'm okay with anything." He shrugged. "I'm not very picky."

"I know just the place", Fluttershy said, changing direction to one of her favorite restaurants.

Day followed without question. The less he talked, the better.

Day couldn't help but feel out of place as he sat in the booth against the back wall of wherever it was Fluttershy had brought them. It had been several years at least before he was in a public eatery. Normally he would have objected to it, but he just didn't want to say "no" to Fluttershy. He wasn't exactly sure what it was about her, but he thought it had something to do with the fact that she might be a pretty scary pony when angry.

"Day, can I come out now?" Rime moaned annoyingly.

He tested the air. "Yeah, Rime, you'll be alright in here."

"Yahoo!" The kitsune practically flew from out of the pocket and to the top of Day's head. "I smell breadsticks!"

Day sniffed the air. "And lavender."

"Ewwww, keep your nasty flowers. I just want cake." Rime rubbed his belly. A drop of drool formed at the corner of his mouth and fell into Day's mane.

"Hey!" he growled, "Manners! We are in a public restaurant and as guests of Fluttershy!"

"Oh, speaking of her", the blue fox said, "Where is she?"

"Bathroom, ordering, you got me", he answered bluntly. "She just said she'd be right back. Weren't you paying attention?"

Rime ignored the rhetorical question. "Okay, good!"

"Why is that good?"

He hopped down to the table. He was grinning widely. "Now we can talk about getting that kiss from—"

With a blush and wide eyes, Day clamped a hoof over Rime's muzzle. "Not here, furball! Better yet, not ever."

Fluttershy was flying back with the three meals she ordered for the group. She hadn't expected the food to take so long, but the delay worked to her advantage. She was just in earshot of Rime when he told Day it wouldn't be much longer until the bet was over. Whatever it was, she supposed it wasn't very important. She didn't get to eavesdrop anymore before Rime spotted her.

"Food!" He ran to the edge of the table to be the first to see what was on the menu.

"I'm so sorry it took so long, but they were backed up", she apologized.

"It's fine, Fluttershy, we're in no rush." Day replied.

"Says you!" yelled Rime. "I'm starved!"

"Well", Fluttershy told him happily, "It's a good thing I ordered a whole fruit salad just for you!"

Rime's eyes lit up like fireworks as she set the plate at the other end of the table for him to follow. "Thank you, Fluttershy!" He helped himself, aiming to devour every piece of fruit on the plate. The sweet flavor may not have been from a cake, but fruits were a close second.

"You're welcome, Rime", she giggled warmly.

Day flinched at the giggle. Luckily, Rime didn't see. The clank of a plate set down in front of him caused him to look up.

"I hope you like lavender." Fluttershy moved to sit opposite of the two boys. "It makes a great breakfast."

Day didn't even show the smallest hint of a smile. "It does…Thank you, Fluttershy."

"Oh, think nothing of it", she replied, "It's my pleasure."

Day looked down at his plate in thought. It sure was weird. Fluttershy had known them just short of two hours and she just bought them breakfast. Is this a dream, he wondered. He took a bite of his meal. The lavender's tangy flavor filled his mouth. Nope, he thought, It's real. How could somepony just buy us breakfast like this? It doesn't seem natural…

Fluttershy watched the two eat in between bites of her daffodil sandwich. She took note of how different they were. How energetic and happy Rime was. And how distant and dreary Day seemed. Day's personality worried her. Why would somepony be so sad? She thought back to the cottage when Day was tickling Rime. He wasn't smiling, but there was something in his eyes then…something that wasn't misery… And why did he stop so suddenly when she walked in? If you asked her, it was as if he didn't want her to see that. To her it was something that might be worth looking into.

Rime had finished his salad and was now standing in front of Fluttershy's plate hopefully. "Fluttershy?"

She jumped, her thoughts interrupted. "Yes, Rime?"

"Can I maybe have a slice of cake?" He gave her his best begging face.

Day looked up. "Rime…" He knew Rime wasn't being spoiled, but he hated how Rime seemed so comfortable about asking for things sometimes.

"Don't worry, Daylight, I don't mind buying Rime a slice." An idea hit her. She held out her hoof. "Day, you won't mind if I take Rime to pick out the flavor do you?"

He sighed. He already didn't feel right for letting Fluttershy buy them breakfast. A look into Fluttershy's eyes changed her mind. For some reason his head nodded on its own. Something about her eyes made him feel at peace, like all of his problems never existed. He stopped thinking about it when she walked away with Rime on her shoulder. He sighed and returned to his breakfast. At least he would have some time to think without Rime dancing on his nerves.

"So, Rime, how long have you and Day been traveling together?" Fluttershy asked on the way to the cake counter. They were by now out of earshot of Day, which was good for her investigation.

"I've been with Day for three years, but he's been traveling for six", Rime answered happily. He barely thought about what he said, the only thing on his mind was the scent of chocolate.

And that was just what Fluttershy had planned. "Three years is a long time to be real close friends, huh?"

"Yup! We're the best!" He scampered to the top of Fluttershy's head. The smell was getting stronger and was driving him crazy!

Fluttershy picked her questions out carefully. She didn't want Rime to catch onto what she was doing. She was no fool. Rime was at least two thousand years old despite his child like demeanor. If she wasn't careful, she could blow the whole investigation. "Do you have fun traveling?"

"You bet!"

"What do you do for fun?" Fluttershy asked as he scampered from her head to the cake case.

He was no longer interested in answering anymore of Fluttershy's questions. His mind was now stuck in trying to make the decision of what kind of cake he wanted. He pressed his face into the glass, looking over the different pastries with drool flowing from his mouth. He rolled his gaze over the cakes until it fell on a dark chocolate icing cake with fudge syrup crisscrossing the top. It was sprinkled with chocolate chips and fudge shavings.

"That one!" He screamed tapping on the glass.

Daylight sat quietly back in the booth. To be honest he would prefer work over the crowded diner. He watched pony after pony pass by him. He had finished his breakfast shortly after Fluttershy and Rime left for cake, so now there was nothing left to do but embrace boredom. He yawned. Oh, Celestia was he tired. He put his head down on the table. The cool surface gave him a jolt of energy, but not enough to wake him up completely. If he had to jump off a cliff to get a decent night's sleep, hesitation would be no object in his decision. He looked up in time to see Fluttershy returning with a cake-covered Rime on her shoulder. He was busy licking himself clean.

He rolled his eyes. "How's the cake, Rime?"

The kitsune only responded with, "MMM!"

"He just couldn't help himself." Fluttershy set Rime down. "He certainly loves his sweets."

"Time to go?" Day scooted to the edge of his seat hopefully.

Since Fluttershy had already eaten enough to fill her up, she nodded. Day sighed in relief. He grabbed his saddlebag. Rime hopped to the top of Day's head. The Earth Pony cringed at the saliva and chocolate covered kitsune. "I'm going to need a bath later", he mumbled to himself.

Fluttershy led them outside and to Day it looked like she was still going to introduce them to her friend. Thinking fast, he said, "Fluttershy, isn't it time to get that food and start work for the day."

"But Day", Rime whine.

"No buts, Rime."

Fluttershy looked up to see that the sun was almost directly above Ponyville. "Oh, we'll be very behind if we don't get started on our chores", she said. "I'm sorry, but we'll have to visit my friends another time…"

"That's fine with me", said Day with a silent sigh in relief.

"Mmmmrrrr…" Rime grumbled. Boy did he hate to work.

The walk back to Fluttershy's home seemed longer to Day than when they had walked to the diner. It was probably because he was so eager to get out of everypony's line of sight. The sun was still beating down, so Rime had found himself once again in Cocoon Mode in his pocket of Day's saddlebag. Fluttershy guided them in a different direction than Day remembered travelling to her cottage. It was then he realized his mistake. He forgot that they needed to go pick up the feed from a store somewhere. He followed Fluttershy through the town, wondering just how much longer it would be before heading back to the least crowded place in Ponyville.

Fluttershy was having her own problems. The urge to question Day was largely present in her mind. She wanted desperately to solve her first case, no matter how small it was. She couldn't figure out what to ask to get any closer to the answer. Maybe not all cases were solved so easily, especially for a beginner like her. All she needed was more time.

Fluttershy glanced around to see that the yellow Earth Pony was lost in his thoughts. A light blush crossed her face when he saw how innocently curious he looked.

Just more time is what she needed with him…

We finally have a kickoff! Many surprises to come, and maybe a mystery or two too.

Author's Note:

Continued at last!