• Published 25th Oct 2013
  • 21,311 Views, 150 Comments

A Concert for Ponyville - GrassAndClouds2

Trixie arranges for Octavia to help Fluttershy prepare for a concert, but when the two don't get along, the showmare must use everything she knows about friendship to save their relationship as well as the show.

  • ...

Trixie Lends a Hoof

"I'll put my firework launchers there, there, and there!" Trixie swept out a hoof and gestured to one side of the raised square in the center of the town. "Smoke bombs at the corners, and other assorted sparklers, torches, and flares all along the side. When the time comes, everything will fire off at once, and I'll use my magic to make the pyrotechnics look even bigger and louder than they are! Then I'll sweep back the curtain and the guest of honor will enter the stage with the biggest opening salvo Ponyville has ever seen!"

Trixie had reared back onto her hind legs and was waving her forehooves as she spoke. Belatedly, she realized that she wasn't getting a response. "Um... is something wrong?"

Lyra giggled. She, along with Carrot Top, was listening to Trixie explain her plans. "No, it's fine. It's just... I didn't know you cared so much about the Farmer Union's third-quarter shareholder meeting."

"What? A town lives on its farms, after all! Without them, why, we'd have no carrots! No apples! No corn to ferment and distill into sweet, sweet, bourbon! No... whatever kind of flowers you have in your hair!"

Lyra tilted her mane, now tightly coiled into buns that were fixed in place with flowers, so that Trixie could sniff a few of the petals. "These are sugar, actually. Bonnie's taking me out fancy tonight, so I decided to dress up--"

"Of course! Sugarcane, a most precious plant! And..." Trixie looked between Lyra and Carrot Top of them for a moment longer, a slow frown creeping over her features. "...you still don't like it, I guess."

Carrot Top smiled and gave Trixie a light hug. "Just a few months ago, the whole town was destroyed with that alcohol curse. My fields were wrecked, and so were most of the others. That all the farms are back up and running again is something to celebrate. I can't speak for the whole Union, but I'm sure everyone will be happy to have you help add some festive spirit to our meeting."

"It's a good idea. Really." Lyra nodded. "I think the townsponies will like it, Trixie."

Trixie let out a breath she hadn't realized she'd been holding. "Good. I'm glad you like the idea. And I pledge to you, Carrot Top, as a representative of the Union, that the Great and Powerful Trixie will put on the greatest and most spectacular show ever witnessed by a third-quarter shareholder meeting!" She leapt up onto the Ponyville fountain, balancing carefully on the rim. "Jaws will drop! Eyes will stare, transfixed! For hundreds of years, ponies will speak of this event! It will be immortalized, and -- waaagh!"

Carrot Top and Lyra winced as Trixie fell into the fountain with a splash.

"...and the Great and Powerful Trixie requires a hot towel," said the thoroughly soggy unicorn as she climbed out of the fountain.

"I think we can manage that," said Carrot Top. "For a good friend like you."


My little pony, My little pony
Ahh ahh ahh ahhh...
My little pony
Friendship never meant that much to me
My little pony
But you're all here and now I can see
Stormy weather; Lots to share
A musical bond; With love and care
Teaching laughter; It's an easy feat,
And magic makes it all complete!
You have my little ponies
How'd I ever make so many true friends?


"I didn't know you were interested in the Union," said Carrot Top as she trotted along. After a brief pit stop at Trixie's home to towel off, the three of them were continuing towards their actual destination, a small cottage on the edge of the Everfree Forest. "Is it okay if I ask why?"

Trixie shrugged. "No real reason... just wanting to get more involved, you know."

"Twilight's showing you up?" teased Lyra. "I heard she was asking Mayor Mare what sort of events and community service things there are to do around town. She really wants to show that she's trying to help out."

"No, it's not that. I just... I don't know. Can't I try to be friendly?"

"You are friendly," said Carrot Top. "I mean, you're such a good friend that you're an Element. You're friends with us, and Cheerilee and Raindrops and Ditzy--"

"You girls don't count. I mean, I'm grateful for your friendship -- really, I am -- but it's not the same." Trixie hesitated. "You girls are Elements too. If we're friends..."

"You're worried that we're such good friends that we're picking up the slack?" guessed Lyra.

Trixie shrugged, but there was a hint of a nod in it.

"Trixie... you know that isn't true. We'd tell you if you were imposing on us. And believe me, even if we didn't, Raindrops would." Lyra grinned and playfully nudged Trixie. "You're a wonderful friend. We're not just tolerating you because we all got the Element of Forbearance while you weren't looking. We really like have you around."

"I... thanks." Trixie blushed. "But I still want to make more friends, move beyond just you girls and Pokey and the foals who like my shows, you know? So I'm trying to reach out. Help the community. Be a good neighbor and friend to everypony in Ponyville."

"We appreciate it," said Carrot Top. "And, as somepony who knows how good of a friend you are, I know you'll be able to do it."

"Right!" said Lyra.

Trixie nodded. "That's why I'm going to be doing more for this town! Help a few ponies out, do a few things, and there I go! Best friend in Ponyville."

The other two stared.

"Well, tied for best six, anyway."

The trio had almost reached their destination, a small cottage owned by Fluttering "Fluttershy" Posey. Carrot Top held up a hoof to stop the other two as they approached. "Trixie, you've been here a couple of times, right?"

"Yeah. She's finally opening up to me."

"But Lyra, you haven't?" The green mare shook her head. "Okay. Fluttershy's a nice pony, she's just... well, a little shy. But she's really looking forward to this. Just don't raise your voice or get mad at her, and we should be fine. Okay?"

"Cross my heart and hope to fly. Stick a muffin in my eye."

Trixie blinked. "Is that how it goes?"

"Special Ditzy edition. Pinkie agreed that it was an acceptable substitute."

Carrot Top knocked and listened by the door, then waved the other two over. A few moments later, the door opened, and a yellow pegasus whose face was almost completely hidden by her pink mane peaked out. "Carrot Top? Trixie? It's good to see you again. Um, hello... Lyra." The last word was almost whispered.

Lyra beamed, and for a moment Trixie thought she was going to spring at Fluttershy with a giant hug. But instead Lyra slowly walked up to Fluttershy, bowed, and extended her hoof. "It's a great pleasure to meet you," she said, in a calm, sedate, yet pleasant tone.

Fluttershy smiled. "The pleasure is all mine." And her voice was a little louder and more confident.

The tea party, Trixie thought, went well. Fluttershy had brewed a pot with some wild tea leaves that her family had sent her in a care package, and it was some of the best tea Trixie had consumed in a while. Carrot Top kept things calm and steady, signaling Trixie and Lyra if they got too rambunctious, and Lyra seemed to be trying extra hard to control her usual boundless enthusiasm. By the end of the party, Fluttershy had even laughed a few times, and when Lyra gently poked her in the wing, the butter-colored mare smiled instead of squeaking and hiding under her bed.

And then Rainbow Dash showed up.

"Hey, Fluttershy! Got some great news for ya!" Rainbow Dash rapped on the door. "Let me in!"

Fluttershy immediately seemed to shrink into herself, but she did manage to flutter over to the door and open it. "Um, hello Rainbow Dash. What news--"

"Oh, it's amazing!" Rainbow Dash zipped inside and landed in the living room. "Hey girls! Don't mean to interrupt, but I just had to tell Fluttershy this right away!"

"What's going on?" asked Trixie.

"I got you a gig!"

The other four stared at Rainbow Dash.

"What?" whispered Fluttershy.

"You know how you were scheduled to have your birds sing on the Longest Night ceremony but then Corona crashed it? Well, never fear, your helpful neighborhood Rainbow Dash got it reschedued! There's this Baronetess Soft Hoof of the Night Court coming to town in a few days to do a charity fundraiser for a veterinary clinic. She wants music, especially singing animals! So, when I saw the flyer at City Hall, I just knew you'd want me to put down your name." Rainbow Dash grinned. "No need to thank me... but I won't mind if you do anyway."

"...thanks..." whispered Fluttershy, seeming to shrink down until she was somehow mostly hidden under her mane hair.

"Well, no time for napping. I want to run a few more laps, get my wingpower up. Never know when a Wonderbolt might be watching. Later!" And Rainbow Dash was gone.

For a moment, none of the Elements said anything, and Fluttershy seemed to be trying to shrink into the floor. After a few moments, though, Carrot Top got up and helped her to the sofa. "You okay?"

"Sure... fine... don't worry about me." She tried a smile, but it was clearly weak.

"If you don't want to do it, don't worry. I'll go to City Hall and cross your name off the list myself."

Fluttershy gulped. "But... but it's for animals who need homes and doctors. And they want singing animals, and I'm the only pony in town who has any. If I don't go, the clinic might not have enough money and all the animals will suffer--"

"No they won't." Lyra was immediately at Fluttershy's other side. "Because we won't let that happen. We'll hold our own fundraiser if we need to!"

"I can check with the Union," Carrot Top said. "Most of us have pets, and a lot of the pets help us on the farms. I'm sure I can get donations."

"And I'll check with Bonnie and Pinkie, and also the musicians! And..."

Trixie felt something sinking in the pit of her stomach as Carrot Top and Lyra leapt into action, clearly knowing just what to say and do to cheer Fluttershy up. She shut her eyes for a moment and tried to make herself think of something. She was a good friend, Lyra and Carrot Top had said so, and a good friend would be able to help Fluttershy. They'd have something worth saying, some talent or resource or another friend, or...

A thought struck Trixie. "Wait. Fluttershy?"


"Would you want to do the concert? I mean -- setting aside stage fright or anything like that. Would you want to have your birds sing to raise money for a veterinary clinic?"

Fluttershy was silent for a few moments. "A little. I mean, I'd love to be able to help those animals, I really would, but... oh, I'd screw it up. If I don't conduct my birds well enough then nopony will donate to the clinic. And I've never performed in public with them before."

"Just have me listen to it first," said Lyra. "I can tell you how good it is."

"But you seem really nice." Fluttershy gave another weak smile. "I know it sounds awful, but I'd probably still worry that you told me you liked my music because you're my friend now. I'm sorry..."

Trixie smiled. "What if... what if I, the Great and Powerful Trixie, who has connections all throughout Equestria, could get a really talented musician to come in here and see how good you are, and maybe even help train you if she thinks of something that could help? Plus she's famous for being really honest when she critiques music; she never says something is good just because a friend played it, or bad just because somepony she dislikes played it. When she tells you you're ready to perform, you're ready."

Fluttershy blinked. "You know a pony like that?"

"Yep. Octavia Philharmonica, Court Musician. We go way back. She works for Luna now, so I could check with Luna... see if she could spare Octavia for a couple of days."

Fluttershy brightened, and Trixie felt a warm rush of joy spread through her. "You could have Octavia check my performance to see if it's good enough to play for the clinic? And help me improve it until it is?" She leaped forwards and hugged Trixie. "And then I could help all those cute little animals? Thank you, Trixie!"

Trixie grinned and hugged Fluttershy back. "Happy to help."


"I'm excited!" chirped Lyra as they walked back to town. "It's going to be so awesome to have Octavia back here. Ooh, I can play my new piece for her, and maybe she'll play something for us! And she can tell us all about Canterlot, she's been writing about this really fun page that she's made friends wtih!"

Carrot Top looked more subdued. "Please tell me this isn't another Night Court mess," she said.

"Doubt it. Soft Hoof is newly ennobled -- as in, sometime last month. Baronet Slimeball left the Court while we were in Tambelon, and Luna put Soft Hoof in charge of his province." Trixie thought for a moment. "Plus, helping animals is her big thing. She was the one who pushed for that huge animal hospital in Manehattan, and the health stations for animals in some smaller railway terminals. In case a pet gets sick on a train or something. This isn't some weird scheme; I think she just wants to raise money for a clinic, and figures that Ponyville would be willing to help."

"She seems like a nice pony," said Lyra. "Maybe we can meet her!"

"I hope so. But in the meantime, I've got a letter to write." Trixie nodded at her approaching house. "Later girls!"


Later that night, Trixie went to bed with a big grin on her face. A short note in Princess Luna’s script was sitting on her nightstand.

Dear Trixie. I would be happy to loan you Octavia for a few days. I am very pleased that you are continuing to make friends and connections in Ponyville, and that you are working to assist Miss Fluttershy, even though she is not in your close circle of friends. Your growth continues to impress me, and I wish you and Miss Fluttershy the best of luck with this concert. Sincerely, Princess Luna. P.S. Please say hello to the Baronetess for me.

“This is gonna be great,” murmured Trixie, as she drifted off to sleep. “Everything’s going to be perfect.”