• Published 25th Oct 2013
  • 21,311 Views, 150 Comments

A Concert for Ponyville - GrassAndClouds2

Trixie arranges for Octavia to help Fluttershy prepare for a concert, but when the two don't get along, the showmare must use everything she knows about friendship to save their relationship as well as the show.

  • ...

Octavia's Arrival

The next day was bright and sunny, and Trixie felt merry as the Canterlot Express approached Ponyville's train station. "That should be her train!"

"So, what's this Octavia pony like, anyway?" Pokey asked. Trixie had asked him to wait with her, though she hadn't told him why. "We never really talked."

"Well, she's a very classy and refined mare. Honest too, and loyal to her friends. But she's very serious, so, you know, you need to be dignified. Mature. Just like me."

"Or at least as mature as you can be." Pokey grinned.

Trixie rolled her eyes. "Ahem. Especially when it comes to music. She takes it very seriously, so no making fun of her style or joking about practicing or anything."

Pokey saluted. "I promise I won't so much as point in that topic's general direction."

"Har har." Trixie straightened herself as the train approached. "Just remember what the goal is here."

"To make you look good. Got it."

"Wha -- hey, no!" Trixie frowned as Pokey dissolved into laughter. "No, the point is to make Octavia feel welcome. We kind of chased her out of town last time -- not that she didn't deserve it -- so now we need to show her that we've let bygones be bygones and that we're all friends. I want everything to go perfectly with Octavia, and Fluttershy too, so the concert is a great success." She grinned. "It's the kind of success only one of the best friends in Equestria could help pull off!"

"So... you're saying I shouldn't tell her about the little shrine to Thrash Metail I built in the back of your residency?"

Trixie thwacked him with the back of her hoof, and then the train pulled into the station.

The pony who got off the train looked much more at peace than when she had done so several months before. Octavia Philharmonica, a gray-coated and black-maned mare with a sleek body and a perfectly smooth mane and tail, was smiling softly as she stepped down onto the platform. Her cello case was securely strapped to her back, and trailing behind her was a wheeled suitcase which presumably contained her clothes and her other travel gear. She stopped once she had gotten her luggage off the train, cocked an ear in the direction of the main street of the town, listened for a moment, and then nodded. "Ponyville," she murmured.

"Octavia! Hey, Octavia, over here!" Trixie thrust her way through the small crowd of disembarking ponies. "This way!"

"Dame Trixie." Octavia bowed her head in a crisp, formal manner. Trixie wasn't surprised to note that the gesture was entirely professional; they weren't friends, and while Octavia had repented of her evil ways and was no longer trying to entrap Trixie into working for a slimy noble, they hadn't exactly become close. In fact, their last meeting, at the Grand Galloping Gala, had involved Trixie stealing Octavia's punch. But Octavia just said, "I am here to assist with Baronetess Soft Hoof's benefit concert."

"Great!" Trixie beamed. "Well then, allow me to formally welcome you to the town of Ponyville!" She swept out a hoof towards the town square. "We're thrilled to have you!"

"Thank you." Octavia bowed again.

"How was your trip?" asked Trixie as she led Octavia out of the station, Pokey trotting along after her.


"We'll be seeing Fluttershy for dinner. I bet you're looking forward to talking with her."


Trixie frowned to herself, remembering Octavia's warm demeanor with Lyra and contrasting that with Octavia's short responses to her, but she hadn't expected anything different. Besides, the day was still young, and she was sure she could bring Octavia around in time. "Now, normally I'd ask you what you want to do first--"

"Stow my suitcase in my motel room," said Octavia, as if Trixie had actually asked her.

Trixie blinked. "Ah, yes. Pokey, I've reserved her Room 106 in the Ponyville Motel, could you be a wonderful assistant and take her luggage there?"

"What am I, a porter now?" But Pokey took the suitcase of clothes from Octavia and smiled at her. "But don't worry. I'll guard this suitcase with my life!" And he trotted off.

"He's... exuberant," said Octavia. "But friendly. Is he your valet?"

"My assistant," said Trixie. "But anyway! You have some time before meeting Fluttershy over dinner. Would you like me to take you to Lyra's house?"

"Yes, thank you." And Trixie beamed to herself, because she'd managed to coax the smallest of smiles out of Octavia.

"Great. It's market day, so we'll be passing some stalls on the way there. Are you hungry?"

"Not especially, but..." Octavia thought for a moment. "I would like to pass through the market regardless. There are a few ponies for whom I wish to obtain gifts."

"Well, Ponyville's got what you want!" Trixie began leading Octavia through the streets. "Let's go!"


It figured, Trixie thought, that the first stall Octavia stopped at was that of Sweet Apple Acres.

"Howdy, partner!" said Applejack, tipping her hat at the gray mare. "Miss Philharmonica, right? Lookin' mighty lovely today. What brings ya to Ponyville?"

"I am assisting with an upcoming concert," said Octavia.

"You two know each other?" asked Trixie. When did that happen?

"Big Apple Trust thing last month in Canterlot," said Applejack. "We won an award from the Royal Agricultural Ministry for our work in settin' up farms in a couple provinces that got hit with blights on their usual crops. Y'know, makin' sure there's still work fer the farmers an' food fer everypony an' all. Miss Philharmonica here played the openin' an' closin' songs."

"It was a pleasure." Octavia bowed her head slightly.

"So, what brings ya ta ma stall? Want some apples? Got some of the best in Equestria, right here!"

"Yes, please. Two fresh apples for myself. And..." Octavia looked at the preserves and desserts. "I have some friends back in Canterlot for whom I wish to buy presents. I see you have preserves and jellies. Would those make good gifts?"

"Yep! SAA jams and preserves make wonderful gifts fer any occasion!" Applejack beamed. "Nightmare Night treats, Hearth's Warming Eve stocking stuffers, Hearts And Hooves Day presents... what kinda sweets do ya like?"

"I don't actually each sweets myself. But I--"

And then she broke off, looking down at the table in utter confusion.

Trixie followed her gaze. "Is something wrong, Octavia?"

Octavia lifted up the cloth covering the table and all three ponies saw Pinkie Pie lying under the table and smiling merrily.

"Pinkie? What are you doing?" asked Trixie.

"Oh, I'm just waiting around! Apple Bloom said that today the jams from SAA would be extra yummylicious! But I can't decide which one I want."

"An'... ya'r waitin' under ma booth?" asked Applejack.

"Well, duh! That way, once I decide, I can get a jar of jammin' jammerific jam right away!"

Trixie turned to Octavia. "This is Pinkie Pie. She's an apprentice baker at Sugar Cube Corner, one of the town's bakeries. And Pinkie, this is Octavia Philharmonica, Court Musician--"

"HIII!" Pinkie Pie sprang to her hooves and shook Octavia's foreleg rapidly. "You're new in Ponyville, right? Well, I'm going to throw you an awesome party! And if you like music I'll make sure to have Lyra there, and Bonbon, and Noteworthy, and--"

"That will not be necessary," said Octavia, extricating herself from Pinkie's grip. "But thank you for the thought." She turned back to Applejack, who was watching the scene with bemusement. "As I was saying, I do not eat sweets myself. However, I have some friends who do." She paused. "I realize that it will be difficult for you to recommend something without knowing their tastes..."

"Hmm. What other foods do they like?" asked Applejack. "Any desserts they just can't get enough of?"

"...they both like grilled cheese sandwiches a great deal--"

Pinkie spun Octavia around suddenly. "Hey, what do you mean you don't eat sweets? I mean, everypony eats sweets!" She looked anguished.

"I do not," said Octavia, firmly pushing Pinkie Pie away.

"Well," said Applejack, "If they like grilled cheese, how 'bout some apple-cinnamon butter? Goes great on toast an' any kinda savory or sweet sandwich. Ma little sister always has us brush the bread with it when she's gettin' grilled cheese."

"Really?" Octavia examined the jars that Applejack pointed to. "If it goes well with grilled cheese, I am certain they will like it. Four jars, please--"

"What about cake?" Pinkie asked. "Everypony loves cake! Even Princess Luna likes cake!"

"I do not eat cake," snapped Octavia before turning back to Applejack and putting some bits on the counter. "Here you go."


Octavia moved to pick up her purchases, but Pinkie was somehow in front of her. "What about chocolate?" she pleaded. "You eat chocolate, right?"




Trixie had a vision of a headline in tomorrow's paper: CELLIST STRANGLES BAKER. And underneath, in the sub-heading: REPRESENTATIVE LULAMOON BLAMED FOR SOME REASON. Resolving to forestall this, she quickly separated the two. "Pinkie! I was just thinking, I haven't bought you a donut in a while. Why don't you have one in Sugar Cube Corner on me?"

"This is more important than a donut!" insisted Pinkie. "Why don't you eat desserts? That's so sad!"

Octavia stared at Pinkie as if she were insane. "I don't need diet advice."

"Are you allergic?"

Octavia managed to finally take the boxes of goods that Applejack gave her. "No. But I am a musician. I must maintain my body in peak physical health in order to play at my best. And so I exercise regularly, I eschew dangerous activities, and I maintain a healthy diet. So no sweets, or chocolate, or marshmallows. A drizzle of honey in my tea and some fresh fruit is all the sugar I need." She tapped her cello with a hoof. "And, as a result, I have the stamina to perform even the most strenuous of musical works."

"But -- but Lyra's a musician! And she eats candy all the time!"

"She has her habits and I have mine." Octavia turned away from Pinkie. "Besides, she is dating a confectioner. I would imagine that has something to do with it."

"So if she weren't dating Bonnie, she couldn't eat sweets?" Pinkie put her hooves to her mouth. "That's horrible!"

"ANYWAY," said Trixie, stepping between the two, "I think we need to move on. Later, Applejack! Pinkie, go get a donut or something. Octavia! Why don't I take you to Lyra's house?"

And so they continued on through the market, a horrified Pinkie watching them go.


Octavia seemed unhappy as they traveled on, but once they reached Lyra's house the cellist immediately smiled. "Lyra!" she called. "Lyra, it's me! Octavia!"

"Tavi!" Lyra jumped through the open first-floor window and enveloped Octavia in a big hug. "It's so great to see you again!"

"You as well." Octavia laughed. "You've been busy since we last met. What's this I hear about you saving the world at Tambelon?"

"Well, I heard you saved all of Canterlot from some nutjob guitarist. We have got to catch up."

Lyra had already set a table for them, and Trixie couldn't help but smile as they went through what seemed like a long-running ritual of Lyra trying to put more honey and sugar in Octavia's tea. The two began to talk quickly, Lyra filling Octavia in on all their adventures since their last meeting -- battling Grogar and Bray at Tambelon, among other assorted heroics -- and Octavia discussing her own adventures, including her battle against Thrash Metail, as well as her friendships with some of the castle pages.

"...so it's true, then, that Thrash's guitar really could brainwash ponies?"

"Yes. It was... very strange to feel. My ears were telling me that the music was terrible, but my mind insisted it was lovely."

Lyra grinned. "Now, I know the answer's probably 'no,' but... Vinyl's been bugging me about this for a while. Any chance she could borrow the 'Guitar of Instant Raves', as she put it? She promises not to go all crazy and evil. She just wants one concert."

"...I don't think so."

Lyra chuckled. "Well, can't blame a mare for trying."

"I'd also like to look at some real siren magic." Trixie's eyes glowed blue as she cast her magic-sight spell. "Real sirens being prone to eating ponies instead of cooperating with them and all."

Octavia smiled slightly at that. "I don't have the Guitar anymore. The Guards confiscated it, and I believe it's now in the storage warehouses of the Department of Dangerous Magical Artifacts. You'll need to apply for them... and I'm sure they'll insist that, when you study it, you don't actually use it in a concert."

"Aw," said Lyra, to general laughter. "But how else has your life been? Besides the occasional round of punching bad ponies in the face?"

“Fantastic.” Octavia grinned. “Working for Luna as her Court Musician is everything I could have hoped for and more.”

“But what's it like, exactly?” asked Lyra. Trixie, who was also interested, leaned a bit closer to hear.

“I play at every major Court function that requires music. Whenever the upper ranks of the Court gather, it is I who performs for them. These are the ponies with the finest of educations, who are truly familiar with the ancient classics and who can fully appreciate the intricacies of my pieces. It is... a remarkable feeling to perform for an audience that can truly understand every nuance and detail of my music. Additionally, Luna has asked me to give some public concerts. The audiences number in the thousands, far more than I had ever dreamed to have at such a young age.” Octavia closed her eyes, as if remembering one such concert. “But even that does not describe the full extent of it.”

“What’s left?” asked Trixie. “I mean, you’ve got the nobles and the masses, right?”

“I have never had such an opportunity to expand my repertoire and my skills! When ambassadors and representatives of different cultures and foreign lands visit Canterlot, it is I who am assigned to play music that they enjoy. Just last month, a prince from the Griffin Kingdoms visited the castle. I had never heard griffin music before; nopony in Equestria seems to like it, and the stores haven’t ordered their music scores in years. But I was to play for the prince, and Princess Luna ensured that I had access to all the resources I need.” She was speaking more quickly now, as if so excited that the words were flowing directly from her mind. “For a week I was able to devote myself fully to learning a new style of music, to seeing all the new vistas and possibilities that it opened up in my own work. I was like a painter seeing a new color for the first time. I learned all I could of it, and in the end, not only did the prince and his entourage love my performance, but I was inspired to create new works combining elements from both pony and griffin music. There was even a local griffin musician who was inspired to join Uncategorized -- that band I told you about that Crescendo and I started, where we all have different styles and genres and we try to blend them. I have never been so creative, or had so much to draw upon, as I do now.”

“That’s fantastic!” Lyra slung one leg around Octavia’s shoulder. “Seriously, Tavi, congratulations. You deserve it.”

“I haven’t forgotten the debt I owe you. It was your help that brought me to these heights.”

Lyra waved this off. “You’d do the same for me.”

“I would go to the ends of the world for you,” said Octavia.

“So, what do you do for fun?” the lyre player asked.

“I spent most of my time with my music, but sometimes, if I am not playing or exercising, I research. You would be surprised, Lyra, how much music has simply been lost within the library, printed in the pages of innocuous books and forgotten for eons.” Octavia hesitated. "And... I am now the backup guard on one of the Canterlot Castle Hoofball Teams."

Lyra and Trixie burst into giggles at that.

Octavia blushed. "My friends in the castle's page staff, especially Paperweight and Night Vision, convinced me to give it a try. And... it is fun. A little bit sillier than I am used to, but I am enjoying it. And I cannot deny how happy I was when we beat the other three teams to win the first tournament."

"That's awesome." Lyra pumped a hoof. "Let me know if you ever need a sub!"

Octavia chuckled, and the conversation continued.

Lyra and Octavia gently dismissed Trixie after a while, eager to play music together, and so Trixie left to go to Fluttershy's. She checked up on the mare, ensured that she was ready to meet Octavia, and spent some time listening to her birds as they ran through their warm-ups. Fluttershy was nervous, but she seemed to get through it alright.

Then came dinnertime. Lyra came over to Fluttershy's cottage with Octavia, and Carrot Top was on hoof to introduce the cellist to Fluttershy. To Trixie's surprise, Fluttershy actually seemed fairly calm. "My Auntie wrote me about you," the butter-colored pegasus said as she ushered everypony into her cottage. "She said that your music is lovely. And that she really enjoyed the piece you played when the Zaldian ambassadors were being welcomed last month."

"Yes." Octavia nodded her head. "I remember. She and the other noble were sitting in the front, and they both seemed to enjoy it very much."

"Other noble?" asked Lyra.

"Baron Max, from Nulpar... that little province Luna created a year ago up north when they found those mountain villages that weren't on any actual map. I don't think he's actually on the Welcoming Committee, but Princess Luna mentioned to me he's trying to get involved in more Committees and Ministries. I suppose that was why he was there."

Fluttershy looked like she was about to giggle, though Trixie had no idea why. The showmare was just happy that Fluttershy seemed willing to trust Trixie, and so didn't ask any questions.

Once they had sat at the table, Carrot Top prompted the cellist: "So, Octavia, you wanted to help Fluttershy with her concert, right?"

"Yes. Princess Luna Herself has asked me to assist you, Miss Posey."

Fluttershy squeaked at that and looked like she wanted to hide, but Lyra was right besides her and helped keep her steady. "That was very nice of her, but I don't really deserve that..."

"Of course you do!" said Trixie. "I've heard your birds. They're lovely."

Octavia nodded. "I promise," she said, "That I will give you everything that I can. All I ask of you is that you also put forth all your effort, and that you follow my instructions exactly."

"Of course... I wouldn't dream of ignoring a musician as amazing as you," whispered Fluttershy.

Octavia nodded. "If your music is as good as I have heard, then as long as we both work hard, we will be able to produce a concert worthy of the Baronetess and of our audience."

Fluttershy nodded. "I'll do my best. I'll work hard."

The two reached out and shook hooves. And Trixie Lulamoon, watching them bond, felt like a million bits.


"Did you see them? They love each other!" Trixie was almost skipping home. "This is going to be great!"

Lyra nodded. "Just make sure to keep an eye on them."

"Why? What could go wrong?"

Carrot Top blinked. "Fluttershy can... I mean, if she gets stressed, sometimes she shuts down. Watch out for that."

"Relax. I've got this." Trixie beamed. "Even if Fluttershy does get a little nervous, Lyra, you told me how much Octavia cares about being honest. And she promised to do everything she can for Fluttershy, so she'll work with her, no matter what. This one's in the bag."

"I hope you're right," said Lyra. "Octavia can be... tough to work with--"

"Maybe for a pony who wants to disagree with her and fight with her, but that's not Fluttershy. She'll agree to whatever Octavia says, and she'll put on a great concert." Trixie looked up at the moon. "Trust me."

The three friends eventually split up and returned to their homes, and Trixie still felt good as she lay down in bed.

Everything's going perfectly. I am a good friend.

Author's Note:

I decided it'd be nice to show the Apple Trust doing some good things too. :-)

And also a bit of a sop to the Posey/Max dynamic.

And I think this is the first full-episode mention of Paperweight, Night Vision, and the castle pages in general.