• Published 25th Oct 2013
  • 21,315 Views, 150 Comments

A Concert for Ponyville - GrassAndClouds2

Trixie arranges for Octavia to help Fluttershy prepare for a concert, but when the two don't get along, the showmare must use everything she knows about friendship to save their relationship as well as the show.

  • ...

The Concert

Trixie knocked three times on Fluttershy's door. "Fluttershy?" she called. "It's Trixie! How's it going? Ready for the show?"

There was no answer for a few moments. Trixie was about to knock again when Octavia's voice sounded from within. "One moment, Trixie. I will get the door."

"Uh, okay." Trixie stepped back as Octavia opened it. "Is Fluttershy okay?"

Octavia nodded. She looked very tired, but content. "Yes. She is resting. Come in, but please, be quiet -- we should not wake her."

Trixie entered the house and went into the living room, where she saw Fluttershy sleeping on the sofa. She was smiling, and as she slept she occasionally blew a tuft of her pink mane up into the air before it settled over her face again. Across the room were several birds in cages and on posts, fast asleep despite the rising sun. Fluttershy's other pets were up and about, most in the middle of their breakfasts, but all were taking care not to wake Fluttershy or the birds. "Long night?" Trixie asked.

"We agreed that, in order to produce the best music possible, it was important to practice for as long as we needed until Fluttershy's birds -- and Fluttershy -- had mastered the music. We did not finish until just before dawn." Octavia was silent for a moment. "To be honest, I was skeptical that she would agree to work so hard. But between my... gentler comments, and whatever you said to her, she was willing." The cellist smiled slightly. "She is a strong pony."

"I know." Trixie smiled to herself. "A lot of ponies might want to count her out early, but when it really matters, especially with her animal friends, she's tough. I'm not surprise she mastered it all." The unicorn nodded as she levitated an empty tea cup to the sink. "But if you're done, why are you still up?"

Octavia cracked a smile. "In order for her to perform at her best, Fluttershy needed sleep. However, her animals also needed tending to. And... she insisted that, as she had worked so hard at my craft, that it would be fair for me to try my hoof at hers." She nodded at the bowls of food. "She showed me a checklist, asked her pet rabbit to supervise me, and so after she went to sleep I took care of the various chores to the best of my ability. I only just finished."

"She insisted?" Trixie blinked. She had never heard Fluttershy insist on anything, excluding that strange Fluttershy from another dimension that had earned the Element of Kindness. "How?"

"Admittedly, very quietly, and with more than a few apologies." Trixie couldn't help but chuckle at that. Octavia continued. "Still, she was right on all counts. And it would be hypocritical to support animal welfare in Fillydelphia while neglecting those closer to home. So I did my best to take care of the chores, and let Fluttershy sleep and recover some of her strength."

"How did you do?"

Octavia blushed. "I must concede that the rabbit found many reasons to correct me." Trixie giggled, familiar with Angel's brusque forms of correction. "It is..." she continued, "A very intricate craft, and Fluttershy's knowledge of every minute detail of how to care for every animal in this residence -- their individual diets, their exercise regimens, even their grooming sessions -- is something I doubt I could master if she gave me a month. But with the checklist she gave me, I was able to feed and check up on all of her pets." She smiled. "And I think her rabbit agrees."

Trixie looked around, and sure enough, she saw Angel standing at the foot of Fluttershy's couch. The bunny rabbit gave her a quick nod, then resumed his vigil, watching over the animals like the world's most adorable guard. "Yeah, Angel would let you know if you didn't."

The cellist checked the wall clock. "Still, we will need to wake her soon if she is to dress and prepare for the show. I can assist her--"

"No need to dress," said Trixie. "In fact, you can head on back to the motel. I'll get her there."

Octavia blinked. "Surely she must wear formal attire--"

"Nope." Trixie shook her head. "You're the musician -- you focus on the music. Me? I'm the showmare. I'm the pony who gets Fluttershy on the stage and shows her off to the crowd." Trixie helped Octavia up. "You can take a nap. I've got this."

"I cannot sleep now," said Octavia. "The concert is in an hour."

"Then at least get a donut or something." Octavia opened her mouth, and Trixie sighed. "Right, right, diet. Well... do whatever helps you stay awake. I promise you, I'll get Fluttershy there, in one piece, and looking just right for the concert." She beamed. "Come on. I think I've earned a little trust."

Octavia was silent for a few moments. "Yes. You have." She rose, then bowed slightly. "Until the concert, Lulamoon."

"See you there!"

Octavia left, and Trixie turned to Fluttershy's sleeping form. Don't worry. It'll all be worth it. I'll make sure of it.


Fluttershy cautiously eased a hoof up onto the doorknob, then dropped it back. "I'm scared," she whispered to Trixie.


"I can't just go outside now. Ponies will see me." Fluttershy gulped. "I mean... not just one or two nice ponies. All of them." Her mane fell over her face. "Even Thunderlane!"

"Thunderlane?" Trixie blinked. "What's wrong with him?"

"What's wrong with him?" gasped Fluttershy. "Well..."


Fluttershy squeaked as she tripped, a few of the carrots coming out of her handbasket. She had fixed a nice picnic lunch for Angel and was taking it out to the backyard, but instead of reaching Angel, she almost fell on him. "Oh! I'm so sorry!"

"Hey, you okay?"

Fluttershy looked up to see Thunderlane holding a big cloud. He had paused and was looking down at her. "Need any help?" he called.

Fluttershy squeaked, dropped the rest of the carrots, and ran inside.


"He thinks I'm clumsy," sniffed Fluttershy. "And if he sees me again he'll call me Fluttercrash, or Butterfly, or some other mean name. I just know it!"

"Easy," said Trixie. She doubted Thunderlane even remembered the incident, and knew he wouldn't hold it against Fluttershy, but that wasn't important at that moment. "I--"

"But they'll laugh at me if I go outside. I'm--"

"Nope," insisted Trixie. "They won't see you at all."

Fluttershy blinked at the claim, and Trixie beamed. "Allow me to show you what the Great and Powerful Trixie can do! Abraca-Dinky!"

The pegasus giggled. "Abraca-Dinky?"

"Yeah, she wanted a few magical words for herself. But anyway, look at my front left hoof!"

Fluttershy did, then squeaked. Trixie had turned it invisible while joking with Fluttershy.

"See? Nopony can see it. Now, if you want, I can make you totally invisible as you walk through Ponyville. You'll be invisible to all." Trixie swept a still-visible hoof out, as if to emphasize the 'all.' "And not only that, but I, the Great and Powerful Dame Trixie Lulamoon, Hero of Equestria, will be across the street, making a huge scene! Every eye will gravitate towards me -- not one towards you!"

Fluttershy smiled, but it quickly faded. "That's nice, but... I have to be visible for my bird friends to see me. And the audience will see me on stage if my birds can. And--"

"Trust me," interjected Trixie. "I've thought this through." She smiled gently. "I promise you that you won't need to show yourself to anypony that you don't want to." She clasped Fluttershy's hoof. "Can you trust me?"

Fluttershy shut her eyes, but nodded.

"Great. I'll cast my spell on you, and we can get going!"


There were at least two hundred ponies gathered by the stage, which was decorated in a beautiful forested setting. The stands for the birds were indistinguishable from real tree branches, and the birds themselves, Trixie guessed, would pop out brightly against the greens and browns of the background. Rarity had outdone herself.

The final set of lights blasted around Trixie, and then she hopped onto the stage. The ponies who had been watching the spectacle dispersed, some home but most to seats in the audience. It was already looking pretty full, with almost every seat occupied and a substantial crowd standing or flying nearby, but Trixie would take every pony she could get. The more ponies, the more donations, and the more likely this thing would be a success. "Ready, Fluttershy?"

"I think so," whispered the pony. She was standing somewhere to Trixie's right, completely invisible. "But... there's a building on the stage. Is there where I should stand?"

The 'building' was an enclosure, about as tall as one pony and wide enough for two. It fit the forested theme nicely, as it was constructed of a few logs and had vines and flowers poking out of it. It looked to Trixie like an enclosure one might find in a formal park. I owe Tin Taylor and his crew a few favors for this, but it's worth it. "Yes," said Trixie. "Right inside there, see?"

Fluttershy moved into the stand, at which point Trixie dismissed the invisibility. The pegasus looked around and smiled. "Nopony can see me in here," she said. Indeed, it was only open on one side, and that side looked further back onto the stage. The birds -- who were flying in now and setting up on the stands -- could see her, but no ponies could. "Trixie, this is perfect..."

And then the pegasus was hugging her. Trixie blinked before returning the hug. "I'll put the invisibility spell back on when it's time to go. Now -- show Ponyville why we should all care for our little furry friends, okay?"

Fluttershy beamed as she nodded. "I will! I'll make them love all the animals in Equestria! Even the skunks!"

That would be quite a feat, Trixie acknowledged as she trotted into the audience. But if anypony could pull it off, she was certain that Fluttershy could.

"Hey!" Lyra ran over, Carrot Top right behind her. "How's everything going?"

"It'll be a great show." Trixie beamed. "Soft Hoof won't have anything to complain about."

"Are you sure?" asked Carrot Top. Her voice bespoke uneasiness. "This is a lot of ponies, Trixie... Fluttershy's never performed for more than four."

"I've taken care of everything. Don't worry. I paid attention this time, and it's going to be great! "

Lyra nodded. "Yeah, Carrot Top. Let's have a little faith in Trixie now. Besides, what's the worst that could happen?"

Trixie paused. "Well..."


"Trixie?" The unicorn turned to see Pokey trotting up to her. "While you were paying attention to the concert, Corona took over Equestria and blew up Canterlot."

"...what," managed Trixie.

"Also, an Ursa's destroying the east half of town, Philomena's destroying the west half, parasprites ate all our food, and Scootaloo drunk the entire town's supply of coffee. The nobles dropped by, but they just stuck out their tongues, said 'neener neener', and left without helping us." Pokey frowned. "Also, you're engaged to Blueblood for some reason."

Trixie could only stare. "...I'm going home," she announced at last. "I can't deal with this."

"Good idea. There's somepony there called Antithesis who says she wants to see you. Looks kind of angry too."


The other two Bearers stared at her.

"What? You asked for the worst thing that could happen," said Trixie.

"...And now I know never to do that again," said Lyra.

Trixie grinned and jokingly shoved Lyra. "I'm just kidding. Come on, this is going to be great. Let's get seats. Who was reserving them, again?"

"You, I think," said Carrot Top.

"Yeah, you said you'd do it two days ago," added Lyra.

Trixie paused. "... well, then, to the fabulous seats that I reserved! For us! And did not forget about!"


“I don’t think these count as seats,” grumbled Lyra, but it was good-natured. The steps of Sugar Cube Corner, which were across from the stage anyway, were at least reasonably comfortable.

“Shh,” said Carrot Top.

A few other ponies were back there with them, most notably Octavia, who had shut her eyes but had her ears determinedly perked in the direction of the stage. As Mayor Scrolls introduced the event, Trixie leaned over to her. "You're awake, right?"

Octavia opened one eye and glared at Trixie. The showmare grinned and scooted away. "Just checking."

"Where's Soft Hoof?" asked Carrot Top.

"She's not here already?" asked Lyra.

"I don't know," said Trixie. "She's so new that I don't know what she looks like--"

The birds chirped loudly for a few moments, quieting the chattering audience, and then Fluttershy began to play.

Trixie wasn’t good at understanding music. She couldn’t pick out melodies or themes or anything like that. But the music sounded beautiful to her, and she couldn't help but smile. This is good, she thought. No. This is great.

Even though she didn’t ‘get’ the music, she could still love what she heard... and what she heard was indeed lovely. The birds were singing wonderfully, with little trills in just the right spots that seemed to make everything faster, and with so many different pitches that the music felt amazingly full and deep. It was like she was being swept along in some sort of ocean, and she could just let it wash over her and fill her head with amazing sounds.

Some of the birds began to blast shorter, sharper chirps, and it sounded almost like a dog. Trixie grinned as they imitated barking, yipping, and all the other sounds a loyal and joyous pup gave to its owner. They imitated the meow of a cat, and the oink of a pig -- somehow making it sound inquisitive and excited, instead of messy and smelly -- and many more animals. Meanwhile, the other birds played melodies and harmonies, carrying the animal sounds along, folding them in, as if to show that the every utterance of a happy pet was a small bit of music in and of itself.

Eventually, the birds making the animal sounds returned to the main themes, adding their voices to give the melodies and harmonies just a little more depth and width. The fastest birds sang rapid streams of trills in the highest pitches, giving the music a fast, vivacious feel. Trixie was reminded of Winona, whom she'd seen chasing Applebloom and Scootaloo in an endless circle one hot summer afternoon. Other birds produced slower, steadier, and stately bass notes, filling in the rhythm for the piece. And still others filled out the middle. It was almost symphonic in range, and Trixie marveled at the ability of Fluttershy to get that kind of sound out of two dozen birds.

When she looked at Lyra and Octavia, she saw that seemed to be in a world of their own. They sat completely silently, almost breathing in time with the music. Every now and then, when something happened in the music – when it sounded brighter, somehow, or faster, or somehow more ‘full’ – they would both smile slightly, as if at some joke only they understood. Trixie knew that she didn't have mastery on that level, and nor did most of the audience. But they didn't need to. This music was so good that it could be enjoyed by everyone.

When she looked at Carrot Top, she saw something else. The mare was staring at the enclosure, smiling to herself and nodding her head whenever Fluttershy elicited a particularly strong or complicated response from the birds. She's been helping Fluttershy get to this point for a while, Trixie thought. This must feel like a huge milestone for her... no wonder Carrot Top's happy.

And then she thought, And I helped. Fluttershy is putting on a great concert, for a cause she really cares about. Carrot Top's efforts with Fluttershy are paying off. Lyra and Octavia, who have crazy high standards for music, are able to enjoy this, not to mention the rest of the audience.

I helped make this possible.

I got it right.

The concert lasted for an hour, though it felt like thirty seconds. When it was done, Trixie was one of the first on her hooves to stomp her approval. “Bravo!”

“Brava,” corrected Octavia. Her eyes had opened smoothly at the end of the concert, and she was on her hooves right alongside Trixie. She was applauding too. “Magnificent!” she called. "Sublime!"

"Yeah!" roared Lyra. "Go Fluttershy!"

Carrot Top stamped her hooves and cheered alongside them.

It took several minutes for the applause to subside, after which Trixie hurried up to the stage and helped Fluttershy sneak away under cover of invisibility. "Wonderful," she whispered. "Fluttershy, you're amazing."

Fluttershy's response was a soft, but clearly happy, squeak.

Baronetess Soft Hoof took the stage next. Trixie blinked a few times when she saw her. She was an earth pony with a soft, white coat, a pink mane, a bluejay as her cutie mark – and a long scar across her right eye. It was faded, almost blending in with her coat, but it still took a moment for Trixie to look away. I wonder what happened to her...

“Thank you, Fluttershy, for that gorgeous performance,” said Soft Hoof. The crowd applauded again. “Now, as to business:

“When I was a young foal, living a carefree life in the province of South Everfree, I did some foolish things,” she said. Her voice was soft and clear, reminding Trixie of a kindly old teacher. “I had a few friends with whom I had several adventures... some more foolish than others. One night, I went out with them to explore the Everfree, but I found myself lost in the dark and mysterious forest.” She gestured at it. "No matter how hard I tried to get out, I only got myself more lost. I had no food, no water, night fell, and it grew very cold. And then, when I thought things couldn't get any worse... I ran into a timbrewolf."

She paused for a moment. “I would have died, but my dog Sunshine had been tracking me when I didn't come home that night. She caught up to me just in time, attacked the wolf and scared it away. Instead of being killed, I was only injured. And, thanks to the doctors, they were able to heal me of almost all of the damage – with just one exception.” She gestured at her eye. "Thanks to Sunshine, my most faithful companion and one of my best friends, I survived. I owe my life to her.

“At first, I was just thrilled to be alive. But after that I began to wonder: what would have happened if my dog had been the one that had been injured? We didn’t have a veterinary clinic in town. If my dog had gotten hurt helping me, I could have been healed, but not him. My savior would have languished in pain, with nopony able to aid him. That seemed wrong to me.” She paused. "In fact, I knew that was wrong."

“Since then,” she continued, “I have made it my mission to ensure that animals across Equestria have access to veterinary care. When a dog breaks a leg, or a bird fractures a wing, or a kitten gets sick, there should always be somewhere they can to where a kind, caring pony can make them feel better.” She nodded. ”Since then, I have led drives to open up six large veterinary clinics, all in major metropolitan areas with many more animals than could have been cared for in existing clinics. The foals in those towns can know that, should their pets be injured, somepony can take care of them. The older ponies, with their older pets who have stayed with them through thick and thin, know that their pets will be taken care of if they fall ill. Anypony in those areas with an animal they care about, a dog to cuddle when they are sad, a cat to play with when they want to have fun, a bird who can sing or a rabbit who can bounce or a pig who can play in the mud -- their pets are safe.” There was more applause.

“Now I am leading a drive to build the biggest clinic yet. It will take up half a block in Fillydelphia, and will have the space to house three hundred animals at once. The challenge is great, but I believe that it is worth it. Our animals are precious. They are loyal, true, bringing joy to young and old alike! They produce fantastic art and music – you have just heard for yourselves the sweetness of bird song – and improve any community they inhabit.” She bowed her head. “Please help me ensure that we can improve their lot as well.”

There was silence for a moment.

And then:

“I pledge ten bits!” cried out one pony from the front.

“I pledge twenty bits!” cried out another.

Diamond Tiara began hopping up and down in front of her father. “Daddy, help the cute animals!”

“I pledge five hundred bits!” said Filthy Rich.

"Then I pledge six hundred!" said Sterling Silver, a pony whom Trixie knew did not like to be outdone.

"I pledge my piggy bank!" yelled Sweetie Belle, hopping onto a very confused-looking Big Macintosh with a little ceramic piggy balanced on her back. "That's twelve bits!"

"Sweetie Belle, nonsense," said Rarity, levitating her down. "I'll put in twelve bits for you. And for myself, shall we say thirty?"

Soft Hoof seemed taken aback by the sudden rush of support. “I – thank you!” she said. “Thank you so much! There are donation forms up at the front of the stage, please—“

The crowd swarmed them.


“That was incredible” said Soft Hoof to Trixie. The crowd was still filling out forms, and the Baronetess had moved to one side to answer questions and talk to ponies. “I’ve never had such a strong response. This town might fund more of the clinic by themselves than any other village."

“No problem,” said Trixie.

“As the town’s Representative of the Night Court, I would like to thank you – and the entire town – for your generosity, and for the beautiful concert.” Soft Hoof looked around. “Where is Fluttershy?”

“She’s… around,” said Trixie. “She’s kind of shy.”

“Please convey my gratitude to her,” said Soft Hoof. “I can tell, the concert made the difference. And inform her that, if she wants to do more concerts, I would be happy to bring her to any locations on my tour – all expenses paid, she’s more than worth it.”

“I’ll let her know.”

Soft Hoof smiled at Trixie. “I need to get back to the crowd. Thank you again.” And then she was turning to Sparkler, who was smiling brightly and seemed very eager to donate some money. Trixie grinned to herself and then trotted away.

The showmare found Fluttershy, who was lurking in an alley. But she wasn't alone. A taller, orange-coated pegasus was embracing her. "That was lovely, dear," said the newcomer. "You've... you've made me very proud."

Trixie's eyes widened. Duchess Fragrant Posey? The Duchess wasn't wearing any formal clothing or jewelry, she had no attendants, and even her bearing seemed relaxed, but it was unquestionably the Duchess of Cloudsdale, Fluttershy's aunt. I didn't know she'd be here! Well, okay, her niece's debut, so maybe I should have expected it, but... she could have written ahead!

Fluttershy said, in a quiet but happy voice, "I'm glad you liked it, Auntie."

Trixie tried to back up, but bumped into a water barrel and fell on her flank as the two turned. Fragrant looked puzzled, but Fluttershy just smiled. "Trixie! It was wonderful! Thank you for your help!" She sounded incredibly joyous, her soft voice bursting with glee. “That was fantastic, and now all those animals will be saved and helped and loved… oh, Trixie, it was wonderful!”

“I’m glad—“

And then Fluttershy was nuzzling her. “I couldn’t have done it without you,” said Fluttershy.

Trixie blushed.

"You were behind this?" Duchess Posey looked at the crowd, still swarming Soft Hoof's donation forms, and then back at Trixie.

Trixie debated what to say. She settled on the honest, but not too braggy, "Yes."

"Then I thank you as well." Duchess Posey bowed her head, and Trixie's heart almost stopped. "You've... you've done a lot for my niece. I think I speak for both of us when I say how grateful we are."

The showmare didn't know how to respond. And then Fluttershy nuzzled her again, and she blushed some more.

Yeah, she thought, as she wound up embracing Fluttershy in a hug. Everything went off perfectly. I helped Octavia, and Fluttershy, and all the animals.

I am a good friend.

Author's Note:

Next time: wrapping up the diet plot, and everypony goes home!