• Published 12th Oct 2013
  • 6,274 Views, 257 Comments

Conspiracy - FallBlau

Twilight Sparkle plunges Equestria into the depths of deprivation as she skillfully plots against her former friends and confidants, using any means at her disposal to claw her way to power.

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Bona Fide

Twilight proceeded down the long corridors of the Palace, making her way to Celestia. It was still only dawn yet, the sun barely rising in the east – most ponies were still asleep. She made her way up the stair-cases until she reached the Royal Quarters, and made for the Princess' bedchambers at the end of the hall.

The morning had come for the final time, Twilight hoped, for both Celestia and her sister. This would be the last time either of them would share this physical domain; she was determined of this, but she mustn’t let her guard down, not when she was so close to achieving her goal. There were still things to do yet, loose ends to tie down, and a few more parts to play – then she could put her plot into action and sever the head from the body.

The end was in sight, but she still had to remain vigilant. One false move, one wrong word, one crack in the facade could give it all away and lay waste to years of planning. Twilight was going to make sure she didn't let that happen.

Needless to say, the previous night's excitement had given her enough cause to worry. She didn't think that her own brother would have had it in him to do such a rash thing; apparently she was wrong, but he would be dealt with soon enough. But before she could do that, she needed to make sure that the funeral went off without a hitch. Everything had to be just so, and to that end, she had gone over all the various scenarios that could unfold in her head many times over, ready with an appropriate response to anything that would be thrown her way. She was ready.

Before she reached the Princess' room, Twilight stopped and took a deep breath, composing herself as she had many times before. When she stepped beyond that threshold, she was stepping onto a stage, and on that stage she was Princess Twilight Sparkle, librarian of Ponyville, studier of Friendship, and loyal follower of Celestia. She wore her mask convincingly.

When she thought she was mentally prepared, Twilight made her way to the door, only to stop when she heard the sound of voices coming from within. She instinctively pressed herself to the wall and tuned in, wondering if her presence was known. She listened carefully, straining for every word as they came into focus. She could hear faint whispers being passed back and forth – one she clearly knew as Celestia's, the other one, she wasn't so sure of.

“Princess, I'm not sure you should be going to the funeral today."

Twilight knew that voice – it was the bodyguard she had met when she had gone to see Luna.

“Why? What's the problem?”

“Well if what you say is true, do you not think your life might be in danger?”

“Hardly. It was just a rumour after all. I told you – all he had was hear-say to go on, nothing else.”

“That's still reason enough to change your plans. I wouldn't want you to go out into a public place where you would be vulnerable."

“This is my sister's funeral. Dignitaries from all over the world have come to see this. How would it look if I, her only sister, didn't show up? It would be a dishonor to her and to this Kingdom.”

“Yes, your majesty, my apologies. I am only thinking of the possibility of assassins skulking in the crowd, looking for a chance to strike. I would suggest that you forgo the funeral eulogy, and depart as soon as the body has been interred.”

“Nonsense,” Princess Celestia said. “I'm nowhere safer than in the midst of my loyal subjects. Besides, if any problem should arise, I'm sure you and the guards are more than able to care of it, Night Storm. But I will never allow fear to console my actions. Do you understand?”

“Perfectly, your majesty,” Night Storm replied. “It is only your safety that it is my concern. You are only the only monarch of Equestria now, and your enemies may feel keen to exploit that.”

“Let them come if they might,” the Princess answered defiantly. “They'll find me ready.”

“And what about Princess Twilight?”

“What about her?”

“Was there anything truthful in what the former Captain said?”

“No, none that I could see. His claims seem unsubstantiated to me.”

“Still, it might be good to be wary of her...”

“Who, Twilight?”

“Yes, your majesty. Even if it is far-fetched, wouldn't she have the most to gain from your demise?”

“I find the idea repulsive. The Twilight I know is still that curious book-worm I met those many years ago, the one I personally mentored and instructed since she was small. She has always been one of my most faithful student, and I have practically been a second mother to her in return. The thought of her betraying me is as ludicrous as it is incomprehensible; as if Twilight were some kind of villain scheming against me in the dark. It goes against everything she has ever said or done up this point, and doesn't seem in the nature of her character at all. Although, I admit, the idea such a thing makes for a wonderful story, but only that – a story, nothing more. No, Twilight has always been loyal to me, and I have no reason to doubt that loyalty now. Her conduct these past few days especially has been proof enough to me that she has only my, and Equestria's best interests at heart and you insult me by suggesting otherwise.”

“Apologies, your majesty – I did not mean to imply that. I know you have only the highest esteem for your student, and I acknowledge her personal dedication to your person. I am only suggesting that you remain vigilant.”

“Your suggestion has been duly noted. Do you have any more concerns, Captain?”

“None, your majesty.”

“Good,” the Princess replied curtly. “It's an important day, Night Storm. We must be sure to impress the dignitaries. I want you to make sure the guards are as sharp as possible today – very professional. We must show them that our loss has no affected our country's military prowess.”

“Yes, your majesty. I will see to the guards. Everything will be carried out as you say.”

Twilight heard the echo of the captain's hoof-steps approaching, at which point she pulled away and hid in one of the narrow recesses in the wall, hoping he would not see her. Just as he pushed open the door, the Princess called to him.

“Oh, and Night Storm?”

“Yes, your majesty?” he said, turning around to face her.

“I'm sorry for what I said. I didn't mean to lash out at you. I know you mean well, it's just that I've been under a lot of stress
lately with everything that's happened over these past few days. I feel like I'm losing it...”

“There's no need to apologize to me, your majesty,” he said. “I understand the gravity of your situation. You are the sovereign, and I am merely a soldier. I am only looking after your best interests personally, but you must ultimately decide what is best for the nation.”

“You are more than a soldier,” Celestia said approaching him. “You've also been one of my closest counsellors and advisers; someone I've always been able to confide in. And I need you, Night Storm, more now than ever. I can't do this all on my own.”

“I understand, your majesty. I will endeavor to help in whatever way I can.”

“I know I can count on you,” the Princess said. “Now, go and make sure that all the guards are properly mobilized.”

“Yes, your majesty,” he said, snapping his hoofs together and saluting.

“Oh, and Captain?”

“Yes?” he said, turning back towards her.

The Princess leaned in close and kissed him on the lips.

“Thank you,” she said, pulling away.

Night Storm bowed graciously, as if the Princess' action was expected.

“Will that be all, your Majesty?” he asked.

“Yes,” Princess Celestia said, brushing her hoof down his shoulder. “That is all.”

“Very well, I will go and do as you bade me. Farewell.”


Night Storm headed to the door, at which point, Twilight teleported to the end of opposite hallway and watched as he descended the stairs in the opposite direction, towards the barracks.

Twilight was shocked. She almost couldn't believe what she had seen. Did the Princess really just do that? Twilight had always known there was more to her mentor than what she was led to believe, but this was almost surreal. If she was having an affair with Night Storm, how many other guards had the Princess known?

The question, though, was irrelevant for the moment, thought it might prove useful later. For now, Twilight still had arranged a few things with the Princess, even though she could safely say that Celestia still didn't have a clue.

Twilight began to make her way back to the Princess' bedroom when a thought crossed her mind: there were no guards; Night Storm had just departed, and that left no guard in the entire Royal Quarter, and the Princess was completely alone.

Twilight levitated the dagger which carried around concealed underneath her wing in a special scabbard, and held it close to her, letting the weight of the cold steel rest in her hoof. She could strike. No one would know. She could have her target eliminated in one go. No more intricate designs, no more waiting – her target was literally within her grasp, and she could finish it, once and for all.

She savored the idea, but as she thought over it, she was quickly dissuaded. There were still other things to do yet, but the idea was unsatisfying. The Princess, slain in her own room, with no one to see? What ignoble end would that be? Hardly one suited for Royalty. No, Celestia's demise would come later – one far grander and more worthy or her status and rank.

Twilight sheathed her dagger, and with a disappointed sigh, proceeded to the Princess' room, and knocked on the wooden door.

“Enter,” Celestia's voice said.

Twilight pushed open the door, to be greeted with the backside of the Princess as she combed her mane on the bed.

“Did you forget something...” she said turning around. “Oh, Twilight, I'm sorry, I was expecting somepony else.”

“Good morning, Princess,” Twilight said, bowing. “And who were you expecting, if you don't mind me asking?”

“Oh nopony in particular,” Celestia replied. “Did you sleep well last night? I'm hope my intrusion didn't bother you too much.”

“Not at all, Princess,” Twilight said. “I slept like a newborn foal.”

“Good, I'm glad you're well-rested,” she said. “Have you given anymore thought to the proposition of being Princess of the

“I have, Princess.”


“You said I could announce my decision at the funeral.”

“So I did, so I did. But have you had any changes of heart?”

“The heart is a very hard thing to change, Princess.”

“That's very true,” Celestia said, grooming herself in the mirror. “And what is your heart telling you, Twilight?”

“Many things, Princess.”

“I see...” Princess Celestia said nodding. “Twilight, do you have any...ambitions?”


“You know, aspirations – future plans, that sort of thing.”

“Oh well....none important enough to mention,” Twilight said.

“Please,” Celestia said, motioning. “I'd like to hear. What's something you've always wanted to do?”

“Well...” Twilight said hesitantly. “My greatest ambition has always been to serve you, Princess. And in all honesty, I never would have dreamed, not in all my life, that I would be in the position that I am today. It seems almost a little immodest to want anything more at this point.”

“Nothing?” Celestia asked. “Nothing at all?”

“Nothing, Princess. I have received everything I have ever wanted. I desire nothing else, except your approval.”

“Your humility touches me,” Celestia said. “But surely there is not something else that you want?”

“I don't understand, your majesty...” Twilight said.

Celestia laughed slightly.

“Don't tell me you haven't given it some consideration?”

Twilight looked at the Princess confused.

“A family, Twilight,” said Celestia.

“Oh...” Twilight said, slightly off-guard “Well to be honest, Princess, such things have been the farthest thing from my mind lately.”

“I understand,” the Princess replied. “But have you never considered it?”

“Princess, I find the nature of this conversation strange, especially considering the occasion.”

“There is a time for grieving, Twilight, but for now, I am looking at the future. Before we can consider the present, we must think about what is to come, and Luna's death has figured into that heavily. The fact of the matter is, Twilight, is that my sister's recent demise has made me reconsider my position and its power on the fate of Equestria as a whole.”

“What are you saying Princess?”

“I mean I want to leave a clear line of succession, Twilight. This recent calamity has made me realize how fragile the present institution is. With no clear laws of inheritance and so many claimants, there is the possibility, however slight, that the peace and order that Equestria has enjoyed these past thousand years could vanish in an instant and be replaced with anarchy if not out-right civil war, should anything happen to me. This would be a catastrophe; as such situations bring out the very worst in ponies. That being said, I'm determined to make sure that does not happen. Which is where you come in, Twilight.”

“Your majesty?”

“I have decided, Twilight, that you will be my successor. I have written it up here,” Celestia said, producing a scroll lying on a nearby table. “In my new will. If anything should happen to me, regardless of whether you take my sister's position today, you will be the next legitimate ruler of Equestria. I plan to announce this decision at the banquet tonight in my sister's memory.”

“P-princess...” Twilight stammered. “I...I....this is too much!”

“I beg your pardon?”

“I fear you are not acting rationally, Princess. You are taking increasingly bolder steps in your affairs, and in doing so, are putting me in a position I have no desire to be in. I am simply not worthy to accept such a thing.”

“It's less a matter of you accepting it, Twilight, as it is affirming what already exists. If something were to happen to me right now, for instance, who would take over? My nephew Blueblood? He isn't fit to govern himself, much less Equestria. Likewise, many of my other relatives have used their connection to me to only pursue their own decadent and wanton life-styles at the state's expense. They simply cannot be trusted with the reigns of powers. I am partly to blame for this. With no apparent need for them to take command, I neglected them and left to their own devices, but now things have changed, and you are the only pony who has the ability and knowledge to run the nation, should anything happen.”

“Princess, you flatter me, but I simply cannot accept this. Taking over in an emergency is one thing, but this seems like a little too much, too soon, if you ask me; especially considering the rumors against me, as you yourself pointed out last night...”

“As a royal, any decision you make is going to be met with opposition and criticism – that's the nature of our positions – but you may be right in your assessment...”

“Princess, if I could make a suggestion: why not simply keep this between us. I will take the papers, so it will be official, but this way, you can avoid the censure of any dissidents and keep harmony between your other relatives. Would that not be the better option of the two?”

“I hadn't thought of that,” Celestia said. “But now that I think about it, that could work: you get to be the successor, but no one will know.”

“I would think a fair amount of discretion would be advisable in such a matter anyway, but...”

“No, you're absolutely right, and that's exactly what I will do. Here.” she said taking the scroll and placing it in a safe, discretely hidden beneath her desk. “This only has to remain between us to preserve order amongst the ponies,” she said, rolling the tumbler into place. “But again, this idea only proves to me that you are the most capable to lead.”

“Your majesty does me a great kindness; one I'm most certainly not worthy of...”

“Eternally modest, Twilight” Celestia said. “But I know that is one of your best traits.”

“Princess, may I ask you something?”

“Anything, Twilight.”

“If I were not to accept your sister's position today, would it have an effect between us, personally?”

“Not at all, my dear,” Celestia replied. “But as I said before – the post must be filled.”

“If not by me, then who?”

Celestia remained silent for a moment.

“I have still been deliberating on the decision,” the Princess said at last. “But there is one blood-line, one that I have not mentioned, that I believe would be suitable for the task – one uncorrupted by the decadency of Canterlot and the Royal Court.”

“What is this blood-line?”

“That information is confidential, even between us, Twilight. I would tell you, but the matter has been sworn to absolute secrecy between my sister and I. And with her death, now I am the only one who knows. But understand this: even if you do not accept the title, the fate of Equestria doesn't rest solely on your shoulders. There are others.”

Those words rang repeatedly in Twilight's ears. Others? What others? Why had she never heard of these “others” before? This had the potential to throw off everything she had done so far, but still, such possibilities were merely hypothetical. But even if there were 'others' they would have to be dealt with at some point. But who were they? This Twilight didn't know, but as she stood nodding before Princess Celestia, she knew she had been right to stay her hoof from ending her life then and there. What other things had the Princess not told her about?

“It matters little, thought. But whatever decision you decide to make, Twilight, I hope you will make it with your heart – no because you feel obliged to.”

Twilight nodded, silently.

“Thank you, your majesty.”

At that moment, the clock on the wall rang, signalling it to be half past seven – only a half-hour away from the start of the funeral procession.

“Oh dear, I'm running a bit late. Twilight, would you care to escort me downstairs, to meet the dignitaries?”

“It would be my pleasure, Princess,” Twilight replied, bowing.

“Very well, then let us be off.”

With that, the two of them departed together, trekking down the stairs to the funeral, and to destiny.