• Published 12th Oct 2013
  • 6,279 Views, 257 Comments

Conspiracy - FallBlau

Twilight Sparkle plunges Equestria into the depths of deprivation as she skillfully plots against her former friends and confidants, using any means at her disposal to claw her way to power.

  • ...

Amare Et Sapere Vix Deo Conceditur

Apple Bloom relaxed casually on the bed as she stared blankly up at the ceiling. A cool breeze gently crept through the room, causing her to shiver slightly. The young mare turned on her side – looking towards the opposite end of the room – where the the window was located.

Outside, the sun was shining; the dark clouds all but driven away now. On the perch of the window, the birds stood chirping near the shady branches of the tree outside.

The young mare yawned as she closed her eyes.

It's so peaceful here... Apple Bloom thought to her self.

She had imagined that Canterlot would have been noisier than she was used to, having grown up on a farm, but she found an odd solace inside the confines of the palace. It was like being inside of a different world – one that couldn't be busied with the problems that concerned the commoners of the city beyond.

“So this is what it's like to be a Princess, huh?” she said, getting up and walking towards the balcony. “Big rooms, fancy dresses, ponies to do whatever you want...”

She scarcely could have imagined, while playing pretend with her friends a few days earlier, that this was what the reality of living in the place where the fate of Equestria was determined on a daily basis was like. It almost didn't seem real. And yet, in the tranquility of the summer afternoon, Apple Bloom almost felt like she could have stayed there forever.

As Apple Bloom continued to gaze out the window, the door behind her slowly creaked open. She turned around to greet her sister, only to find Applejack standing solemnly in the door-way.

“Applejack?” Apple Bloom. “W-what's wrong?”

“Nothing,” Applejack said curtly. “Get your stuff together, we're leaving.”

“Leaving? What for?” Apple Bloom asked. “We just got here!”

“Well, apparently we're no longer wanted or need here,” Applejack said, tossing her suitcase on the bed and opening it. “No reason for us to stay any longer.”

“But... but...” Apple Bloom stuttered looking out towards the city. “Canterlot, Applejack! You promised we'd go out! You promised!”

"And we will, Apple Bloom. Someday. It's just not going to be today, alright?”

Apple Bloom felt her heart sinking. She stood there in silence for a few moments, unsure of what to do or say as her sister packed what few clothes she had back into the suitcase.

“Well?” Applejack asked, looking up from her packing. “You just gonna stand there all day or what?”

Tears began to well up in Apple Bloom's eyes.

Applejack sighed as she stopped what she was doing.

“I'm sorry, I didn't mean that...” Applejack said. “It's just that...some things have happened.”

Apple Bloom looked puzzled as she wiped her eyes.

“What kind of things?”

“We got into an argument...” Applejack replied.

“With your friends?”


“What about?”

“It's hard to explain,” Applejack said. “But my friends are about to do something that is going to change everything – and it is either going to save a lot of ponies, or it could have disastrous consequences. We had been talking it out, but in the end, I felt like it was something that I couldn't be a part of.”

“Be a part of what?” Apple Bloom asked.

Applejack remained silent.

“Applejack...what's going on?”

“I figure it's something you're better off not knowing,” her sister replied at last, with great deliberateness. “But please believe me, Apple Bloom, I only made this choice because of you. I don't want you to get hurt. You mean the world to me, and if something were to happen to you because of a decision that I made... then I could never forgive myself....”

A long moment so silence passed between them as they stared into each others eyes, before Apple Bloom looked down.

“What are we going to do?” she asked meekly.

“We're going to go home, and hope that everything turns out for the best. That's all we can do. But we need to start getting ready to leave as soon as possible. Do you need any help with your clothes?”

“No, I'm good,” Apple Bloom replied. “Just give me a second...”

The little filly proceeded to the dresser and began to take out the clothes that she had just put away yesterday – clothes which she had hoped to wear on the many social occasions and sight-seeing opportunities which she had expected inside the magnificent palace and the capital itself. As the young crusader laid out her things on the bed, ready to pack them back into her bag, she could only wonder at what her sister was talking about. What could possibly be so important, so urgent that she couldn't speak of the matter to her? They had never held anything back from each other before, and it wasn't in Applejack's nature to lie or keep secrets.

Apple Bloom's mind raced with possibilities; flooded with thoughts of speculation, yet try as she might, she couldn't fathom a satisfactory reason to account for her sister's strange behavior. Still, she decided to leave it as it was, and not pursue her line of inquiry any further. She knew that her sister never did anything without good reason, and there was no reason to suspect that this was any different. If only she could figure out what “it” was...

Applejack and her sister collected and packed the rest of their belongings as best as they were able to and departed the palace, leaving its stone confines behind them as they boarded the train back to Ponyville.

But as Apple Bloom reclined on her seat, looking out the window, she couldn't help feeling a sense fear, wedged deep in her mind; fear of the unknown, fear of what was to come; and as the train began to pull away from the station, as the spires of the palace grew smaller behind her, a sense of profound sadness as well for the world which she was only allowed a glimpse of, which she was now forced to leave miles behind her...


Meanwhile, back in that decadent world, the soft lights of the afternoon sun illuminated the dark hallway leading to the Princess' bedchambers.

Night Storm trotted down the long corridor, his iron plates clinking against each other as he stepped over the cobbled floor. When he reached the entrance, he knocked three times, as was his usual way, and waited.

The stillness in the air seemed eerily reminiscent of when he had found Luna a few days ago. The memory of that event caused a pain to well up in his stomach.

He knocked again.


Every second waiting was a torture.

He knocked again.


“Yes, sorry,” Celestia's' voice answered from within. “Just give me a second.”

“Yes, ma'am.”

Night Storm was obliged to answer courteously, because of his standing. As official protocol dictated, he wasn't “at ease” until the Princess said so, though in any other circumstances, he would have forgone such formalities.

A few moments passed before the ivory coated Princess of the Sun appeared before him.

“I apologize,” she said, the ends of her mane still damp. “I was taking a bath and didn't hear you at first.”

“No majesty, it's alright. I'm sorry for intruding.”

“No intrusion at all,” Celestia replied, smiling gently. “Won't you come in?”

The Princess opened the door for him. Night Storm stepped inside the room, the strong scent of steam and lilac lingering in the air.

“You wanted to report something to me?” the Princess asked, casually reclining on her bed.

“Yes, your majesty. I wanted to inform you that the banquet for your sister has been prepared – everything is just as you wished it.”

The Princess nodded approvingly.

“Good, good, then everything will go splendidly...”

“Princess, I do have some concerns...”


“I believe that we should tighten security...”

“Nonsense,” the Princess said, waving dismissively. “I'll hear no more of security. It's tight enough already tight enough as it is need.”

“Yes, but you will be mingling with the crowd. I just want to take all steps to make sure that you safe.”

“We went over this earlier today. If I'm not safe among my own subjects than where am I safe?”


“Besides, I have more pressing problems,” Celestia said, turning to the window. “How will I ever make it through tonight?”

Night Storm raised his eyebrow.


“The Banquet,” she said, gazing down on the fountain below. “I'm not sure if I will be able to keep my composure...”

“You seemed to have no problem with the eulogy you gave this morning....”

“Speeches are easy,” the Princess said turning to him. “Accepting the death of one's sister...that's hard. I'm not sure if I shall be able to keep a dignified face...”

“Your majesty, if you grieve, it's only because you truly care for your sister. Is it not better to shed a few tears and be looked down by some, than to look so stern that you appear unfeeling?”

The Princess looked down.

“I had not considered that....but you're right. You're absolutely right.... I think is because I am afraid...”

“What is your majesty afraid of?”

Celestia turned to him and gave him a soft smile before gazing back towards the wall.

“When my sister and I were young, my father was always very demanding of the both of us. He taught us never to show fear or weakness, and would scold us whenever we tried to cry, or show our true emotions. In hindsight, I understand now what he wanted of both of us – strong daughters who would manage his kingdom, but at the time, it was a constant struggle between my own wishes and my father's. And while he was alive, I resented him for it. After he was gone though, I realized what he meant.

“If one is to be a leader, one must be the rock; unwavering, untiring, and eternally vigilant. Everyone looks to you in a time of crisis, and if you are not there to guide them, then who will?”

“It was these realities that made me understand why my father had been so hard with us....but at the same time, I feel I have given up a part of myself in the process...”

A long silence drifted between the two before Night Storm spoke.

“Was is worth it?”

The Princess looked up, her eyes fixated on a point beyond Night Storm's reckoning.

“I have asked myself that question many times on countless sleepless nights and restless days. Sometimes I think, for the greater sake of harmony, that the choices I have made are for the better. But it is always the choices I did not make which seem to haunt me the most... And sometimes I ask myself: did I do the right thing?”

“In the end your majesty,” Night Storm said softly. “The answer to that question is one only you can decide.”

The Princess rose from her bed and turned to face him, her heavy eyes laden with a mixture of sadness and regret, and even...longing?

She stepped closer to him, her eyes now fixated with his.

“And what do you think, Night Storm?” she whispered.

Night Storm could feel his hoofs trembling beneath him, and try as he might, he couldn't bring himself to speak.

“Am I tyrant?” the Princess asked.

“No...” Night Storm replied, his voice almost an inaudible whisper.

“Then what am I?”

Celestia moved closer, the smell rose-scented perfumes lingering in the air– they were only a breath's distance away now.

“My Princess...”

As they stared into each others eyes, all of their subdued emotions came flooding out as they instinctively moved closer; their lips meeting in a gentle embrace. In that moment, all of time seemed to stand still, and both of their fears, anxieties, and doubts seemed to dissipate like water before sun – a radiant warmth overcoming them.

They stayed like that for what seemed like an eternity before they pulled away – their cheeks flushed with life.

“I'm sorry....” Night Storm said, as if coming out of a dream. “I don't know what came over me...”

“But it felt right, did it not?” the Princess asked intently.


“Please,” Celestia silenced him. “No more words...just listen to me...”

Her loyal knight nodded.

“Sometimes in life we are given choices,” she began, her voice tremulous. “Other times we are not. And in this uncertain journey, even a Princess may wish for something to hope for... something to cling to... something to love. Despite their differences in the day, in the dark... there exists only light...”

She moved closer and kissed him, this time with no resistance. Night Storm felt his entire being suddenly wrapped into the essence of his sovereign, as they melted in the others embrace.

It was all quite natural. Before either of them had time to grasp what was happening, they were both on the bed, completely consumed in the other.

What followed was a perfect completion of their souls; a pure embrace of hearts in harmony. Awkward fumbling, rhythmic motions, and ecstasy of moaning and passion in one unmitigated realization of their heart's desires.

Fury mixed with the overwhelming sensations of united bliss culminated in the highest attainment of earthly and spiritual love, until they were as one with another; two souls linked together in a pool of their own sweat.

For a long time after, the two of them laid there; both perfectly content in the other one's presence; not a word passing between them, as Celestia lay nestled with Night Storm behind her – his hoofs wrapped around her waist.

At last though, Night Storm broke the silence.

“Majesty, I....”

“Ssh,” Celestia silenced him. “No talking now. Only snuggles.”

She nestled his head against his chest.

“You were amazing...” she whispered.

“Thanks...” Night Storm replied in a small voice. “You were too...”

“Celestia giggled.

“You must make love to a lot of mares,” she said, half seriously.

“No,” he replied flatly. “You're the first...”

The Princess looked up at him with a curious expression.

“Really?” she asked, with a mixture of amusement and surprise.

“On my honor.”

“Why? If you don't mind me asking,” she said, looking up at him.

Night Storm shrugged.

“Just never seemed that important...” he said at last.

Celestia closed her eyes as the laid next to him.

“Perhaps it is better this way,” she said thoughtfully. “Though I'm sure you've known many beautiful mares..”

“None as beautiful as you,” he said, petting her mane.

Celestia felt her cheeks redden.

“Are you always so charming, Night Storm?”

“No,” he replied sincerely. “But I make exceptions.”

“A flattering tongue will take you far.”

“Yes, and I see how far that is.”

The Princess smirked.

“You are a bold one.”

“Is that not why you knighted me?”

“Partly,” Celestia said. “But I never give such awards if I do not feel they are earned.”

“Is this just another reward then?”

Celestia paused, and look away – gazing thoughtfully towards the window.

“I should hope not...” she whispered softly.

Night Storm looked down, and examined his Princess's countenance, which seemed wholly forlorn.

“What shall become of us then?” he asked.

“I don't know...” Celestia replied. “What becomes of any of us?”

There was a long silence between them before Night Storm spoke, his words ringing clearly through the silence:

“I love you.”

“You are not the first to say so. Many ponies have declared their love for the crown and all it represents.”

"But I love you more," he said, gazing into her eyes. "More than just a crown or what you represent. I love more than everything that was ever important to me, that ever meant anything to me. More than land, or gold, or fame. The day I met you, I felt that I should be happier with nothing less than to serve you..."

"But that is all anyone ever does! Serve me, protect me....Why does no one take into account that I may want something more than the distance caused by that obligation? Especially now, having lost the only pony with whom that distance was bridged at all...."

"I served your sister as I serve you, and during that time she confided many things in me. I know how much you grieved that you banished her, but she understood. Above all other things though, she always expressed her admiration and affection for you -- the same I share. I love you, not as my monarch, but for the pony that your sister and I have always known you to be..."

Tears welled up in the Princess's eyes as she buried her face in his chest, his hoofs wrapped around her as she wept silently.

“It has been so long since anyone has spoken truly to me; whispered me a kind word. My sister did, and so do you, it seems...”

“Would you expect me to speak otherwise?”

She looked up at him.

“No,” she whispered.

Night Storm laid his hoof on his chest – right over his heart – and then onto hers, as he gazed into her eyes; leaning in until their lips were but a breath apart.

“I promise,” he said softly. “That this heart shall always be yours. And that as long as I live, I shall love you.”

Their lips met in a tender kiss as they lay together in the bed; quite secure on their remote island of solitude, in a sea of brooding darkness around them...