• Published 12th Oct 2013
  • 6,274 Views, 257 Comments

Conspiracy - FallBlau

Twilight Sparkle plunges Equestria into the depths of deprivation as she skillfully plots against her former friends and confidants, using any means at her disposal to claw her way to power.

  • ...

Sic Semper Tyrannis

It was perfect.

Everything...was perfect.

Yet, it had been planned that way – from the very beginning.

The rays of the setting sun bathed the exterior of the marble Palace in its warm embrace. The bright peaks of the spires glistened, causing glittering pools of luminescence on the Royal Garden waters below.

By the pool's edge, Twilight sat under the shade of a cherry tree, its boughs still christened with blooming pink buds.

Twilight trailed her hoof along the pond's surface, watching as the waves from her movements rebound over the still waters as she drew a lotus blossom closer to her. She examined the flower's vibrant petals; it's smooth, radiant features. How fragile, how transient did its existence seem. It added nothing to the world, beyond its statement of purity. Its appearance, which could be seen as simple and unassuming, and yet, for all that beauty, though fleeting, was enchanting...

Twilight let the flower rest at the base of her hoof for a few more moments before loosening her hold – letting it silently float back into it's place.

The young unicorn felt a strange sense of peace as she relaxed in the dying hours of the day. She had dreamed of this moment many times before, often in fervent anticipation of when it would arrive, and now that it had, it almost seemed more than real; like some fantastical imagination. It was here, it was now, and still, she felt as though she didn't have a care in the world...

It was, after all, just another day for Twilight.

Everything in her life had brought her to this moment. This, beyond some meaningless titles, beyond some temporal friendships, was her true destiny – to reclaim what was hers, what had always been hers.

She had earned this, and she could have rightfully indulged herself with those feelings of righteous indignation which she had so often ruminated on...but she didn't. She didn't need to. For, in a larger sense, it wasn't her doing. No, fate had willed this. It was fate that had made this so; that had given her this possibility.. Not her petty machinations, nor her intrigues – it was justice. Everything had been aligned just so, and now all it needed was for her to act – and it would be.

Twilight grimaced, looking over the city of Canterlot as the darkness began to cover its face – the lights of the great city glowing in the gloom of the approaching night. From afar, it looked like some great jewel – sitting triumphantly perched atop its mountain; it's marble edifice still as breath-taking as it was from afar.

Tomorrow the city, its citizens, the crown, Equestria – all would be hers. But for right now, she was still Twilight...just Twilight. And before she claimed her just vengeance, she wanted to take the time to commit to memory what this moment was...what it felt like.

That way, years from now, when she would look over her brave new world, she could remember what it was like before, and how far she had come...

As Twilight rested her head against the cherry tree, nearly asleep, a hoof gently awakened her from her meditation.

“Twilight,” Rainbow said, kneeling beside. “It's time...”

Twilight looked up at her, as if coming out of a dream.

“So it is...” Twilight replied, rubbing her eyes.

“Are you alright?” Rainbow asked quizzically.

Twilight gave her a reassuring nod and she rose to hoofs.

“Yes, I was just...thinking...”

“Well, we're ready, if you are...”

“Girls...” Twilight began softly, but suddenly fell silent. In the pale light of approaching stars, the harsh countenances of her friends said enough. They all told her – wordlessly – what they all knew and understood. Nothing more needed to be said.

Twilight looked each of them in the eyes, thinking over everything they had ever done together, since the day they had meet that fateful afternoon...

Despite what she had used them for – and what she now expected them to do on her behalf – she did not wholly consider them immaterial. On the contrary, it was only because she had grown to know them all so well that she was able to earn their trust. She had put on a convincing display, though at times, Twilight wondered if she herself had not been played by her own part. She did care about them...she knew them, talked with them, and now...now...she was asking them to die for her. They were willing to give everything they ever had in this mortal life....to her.

Twilight felt a pang of conscience. What was this feeling? Remorse? Regret? Maybe both? Whatever it was, it disturbed Twilight profoundly, especially since she thought she had learned to tidily tuck away such emotions long ago. But now, as she stared into their faces – her friend's faces – she could feel the tears come – the hot streams of pain coursing down her cheeks.

Twilight instantly felt the loving press of her friends as they gathered around her – each of them shedding solemn tears. Twilight gave each of them a chance to say goodbye, planting a kiss on each of their cheeks she she heard their mournful valedictions.

When all this at last had been done, Twilight turned away as her friends all assumed their places – preparing themselves for what was to come.

Twilight prepared herself too. She couldn't waiver now; she had come too far to let one instance of emotional excitement make her lose her focus. Still, as Twilight departed her friends company, perhaps for the last time, and made her way through the gloom to the palace beyond, she could feel a dull ache in her chest.

This was it there was no turning back. The next few hours would decide the fate of all Equestria. This was the moment of destiny...


Meanwhile, inside the grand corridors of the palace itself, everything was also going according to plan. The decorations for the commemorative banquet were all in place – a titanic task set before the palace staff, yet it had all been done. The great hall was bedecked with mourning tassels and candles, used specifically in Equestrian funerals as a sign of grieving.

The mood itself was light yet, strikingly enjoyable. An ensemble of musicians had been hastily put together and stood near the opposite side of the hall; playing lively dances as guests, donned in 'mourning masks' – danced and conversed with one another.

Even Princess Celestia herself, draped in an appropriate black dress and wearing an ornately attired mask of orange and yellow, had joined in the festivities; though in a very symbolic way. She had opened the occasion with the lighting of the first candle – a symbol of the pony’s significance in another's life – and had been danced once or twice herself until she had finally retired to quiet corner of the hall and watched the events from afar.

By the Princess' side, her ever loyal and newly-promoted Captain of the Guard, also sat watching as the events of the night unfolding; but not with any merriment or revelry. No, Night Storm attentively glared over every member, cautiously peering over the crowd; every watchful, ever observant of what was going on.

Along the balconies, stationed at their usual posts, the guards on duty stood rigidly at their positions – despite the festivities all around them. A testament to their training, no doubt, but it would take more than keeping post to ensure the Princess' safety.

A serious blow had been dealt to the Royal Guard's prestige, especially in light of recent failures concerning breaches of security. Night Storm wished to remedy this. Though it was his predecessor, Shining Armor, who had kept the guard to such high standards of conduct that earned the golden-clad guardsmen their fame. He would try to live up the reputation which was expected of not just the soldiers under him, but of himself as well.

As the merrymaking continued, and the joyous sounds of violins and drums floated in the air, a single solitary figure discreetly entered the hall. Night Storm had spotted her almost instantly; her modest apparel and unadorned mask contrasted with the bright colors of those ponies around her.

The Captain leaned close to the Princess' ear:

“Your highness, the Princess of Friendship had just arrived, although there is still no sign of either Shining Armor or Princess Cadence. Would you like me to send someone to investigate?”

“No,that won't be necessary,” Celestia said, waving it off dismissively. “My niece was suffering from something this morning. I'm sure she is just sick and her husband probably right at her side; poor thing.”

“It is troubling through...you think that this sickness might be the same thing your sister had?”

Celestia grimaced.

“I dare not contemplate that...” she replied.

“It might very well be something serious...” Night Storm suggested carefully. “Perhaps you should send a physician?”

“Yes,” Celestia said nodding. “I think I will visit my niece; later though. After the celebrations are done.”

“Yes, your highness...” Night Storm said Twilight approached the table, her footing shaky and her expression somber/.

“Good evening, Princess,” she said mutely, curtsying.

“Twilight, are you alright?” Celestia addressed her, with more than a hint of concern. “You don't seem well.”

“Oh...it's nothing,” Twilight said, distractedly. “Just...thinking about today is all.”

“I understand...” Celestia said plainly, having just gone through the same tumult of emotions herself. “Why don't you sit up here, next to me?”

Twilight gave a silent acknowledgment and assumed her place next to the Princess, with Night Storm's suspecting gaze upon her. The Captain of the Guard was right to be cautious, having not forgotten what he heard earlier that today. Something was off about this Princess – though he couldn't put his hoof on it.

Whatever it was, it left a strange feeling in Night Storm's stomach.

“Have you seen your brother lately?” Celestia asked Twilight casually.

“No, not since this afternoon,” Twilight said carefully. “Last I saw of him though, he seemed to be tied up...”

“With what?” Celestia wondered aloud.

“He did mention Princess Cadence...I'm sure it was just his concern. You know how he is – always so devoted.”
Twilight smiled, even as she felt the blade of the dagger she carried under her wing pressing at her skin, begging to be let free.

Twilight cringed. How much she loathed feeling it – now of all times too. It was like it was teasing her, taunting her. How eagerly her feelings of righteous anger wished to end it all, here and now. Tossing aside all worldly concerns, she would have...only her bottomless restraint and will to finally claim what was hers prevented her from doing so.

The Princess of Friendship took a deep breath, and exhaled all her frustrations; as she sat content, for the moment, in her place.

“That was my guess,” Celestia replied. “By chance, you haven't seen Cadance at all have you?”

“No,” Twilight said plainly. “I haven't. Shining said she was complaining of a headache, that's all I know.”

Princess Celestia frowned, causing Twilight to shift uncomfortably in her chair.

“So the celebration is going well,” Twilight said, trying to change the subject.

For a moment, Celestia didn't respond, but seemed to be deep in thought until at last she spoke.

“Yes, it was a difficult task, but everything seemed to come together quite well...”

And so it continued between the two of them; with both Celestia and Twilight chatting idly about whatever subject happened to come up; which Twilight made sure to steer far away from anything that might arouse the Princess' attention.

Time passed, and as the night wore on and the candles began to flicker low, though that hardly seemed a deterrent to the revelers. Twilight who, up to this time, had keep herself composed by sipping on her glass of wine and sometimes breaking off a piece of bread during lulls in their conversation, didn't want to wait too long and risk loosing her nerve, and so gathered as much resolve as she could, and with as firm, but equally measured voice, solicited the Princess' attention.

“Princess...” Twilight said, gently nudging Celestia's hoof. “I was wondering if I might be excused. I was wanting to take a stroll out in the garden.”

“But of course, Twilight,” Celestia responded, her motherly smile giving silent affirmation to her words.

“Princess...” Twilight said, her voice low. “I was wondering...if you might come with me?”

The question was direct, if not somewhat timid.

Celestia has always appreciated her student's earnestness; even if it prompted some to see her as being a little forward. She had always know her as analytic and frank. Not quite Celestia's ideal virtues, but she could definitely appreciate them when the situation called for them, which they often did. The Princess also knew that when Twilight talked to into that manner, whatever she wanted of her was of the utmost importance.

“Yes,” Princess Celestia said arising. “I think some fresh air would do me some good...”

Night Storm arose too.

Twilight flashed an apprehensive look to him and then back to Celestia, who recognized her feelings immediately.

“Your presence won't be necessary, Night Storm,” Celestia said, with all the authority that her royal voice commanded. “I wish to speak with Twilight alone.”

“Your majesty,” the guard said, more than a little dazed at the proposal of the Princess going unattended. “With all due respect, do you think that is a good idea to go alone?”

“You have guards posted don't you?” Celestia asked.
Night Storm hesitantly nodded.


“Then it will be fine,” Celestia said, turning back towards Twilight. “If you need me, I will be outside. I need some fresh air anyway and then I'll be back. Until then, you will remain here.”

Night Storm pursed his lips.

“Yes, your majesty...” he responded obediently, bowing as the two departed on their way to one of the doors leading to the garden...


Outside, in the soft tranquility of the garden, the evening flare of the stars illuminated the dark sky over-head, while below the soft glint of fire-flies dancing along the pond's edge gleamed with the soft reassurance of safety – far apart from those presences still hiding in the bushes.

Twilight and Celestia made their way along the familiar path, leading into the middle of the garden, passing by the royal fountain; it's many intricate figures shimmering with the reflections of the pools below.

“It's beautiful out tonight...” Twilight remarked, trying to hide her anxiety.

“Yes...,” Celestia said, slightly enraptured as she stared into the heavens. “Something worthy of my sister...”

Twilight nodded as she steadied herself.

Her friends waiting all around her only waited for her signal – an embrace – before they struck. It was carefully considered that if the Princess were distracted – if only for a moment – then she would not have time to react before they delivered the fatal blows. It was all up to Twilight now...

“Princess...” Twilight said, looking down, her voice meek and subdued. “There's something I've been wanting to tell you...”

“Yes,” Celestia said thoughtfully. “There's something I've been wanting to tell you too.”

Twilight's steadied her breathing, her mind crowding with anxiety.

“What is it?” Twilight said, trying to mask the uncertainty in her voice.

“These last few days have been filled with uncertainty and doubt. But you have been there for me, Twilight. And you, my humble student, have shown yourself to be a true and respectable Princess; modest, virtuous, and selfless. Which is why I believe that the time is right...”

“Time, Princess?” Twilight asked confused. “Time for what?”

“To tell you the truth, Twilight,” Celestia replied. “You see, long ago, I had witnessed another death – my father's. He had been sick for many months, and when he died, it was revealed that he had left the entire Kingdom under the control of Starswirl – his adviser. I'm sure you are intimately acquainted with his works, yes?”

Twilight's heart leapt, and for a moment she almost couldn't bring herself to answer.

“Y-yes, Princess...”

“You know then that Starswirl was a great sorcerer; well respected for his many spells and theories of magic. But more than he was one of my closest mentors and a good friend. My father trusted him too, and he was to look over us as Stewart of the Realm until we came of age....unfortunately it didn't work out like that.

“You see, Twilight,” Celestia said, looking up at the stars. “Power has a way of changing things. It makes a pony – any pony – capable of doing things that, they themselves, would never have done otherwise. So it was with Starswirl...

“Starswirl believed that the only way for the subjects of Equestria to thrive and prosper could only be achieved through friendship. He began to obsess over his spells, looking for the perfect element that would make his friendship spell work; including using black magic. What he failed to realize, however, was that friendship cannot be forced; it must be learned, it must be cherished. Friendship is does not lie in magic of the will, but magic of the heart...yet he could not see that...”

“The more he pursued it, though, the more it consumed him, until finally, his quest for universal friendship and harmony, drove him mad. That was when our departure was arranged....

“My sister and I were to be taken away to a foreign land, supposedly as a means of ensuring peace. But the night before we left a guard came to us and informed us of the real reason for our departure: Starswirl intended to send us away to seize the throne and then banish us from our Kingdom...”

Celestia voice grew low and melancholy as she continued.

“Sometimes Twilight, we do things in life that we regret. And many times I have wondered if things could have been different. I wish I could tell you that I was righteous in my actions, but that would be a lie...”

“What did you do?” Twilight asked, her voice barely audible.

“Celestia turned to Twilight, a forlorn look in her eyes.

“We killed him.”

Twilight's stomach turned. Her own mentor had just admitted to her wrong-doing, her transgression. Was this real...or was it a dream? Yes, she must be dreaming. There was no way this would ever happen...but it was. It was real. Too real. Yet Twilight found herself unable to act, only continue to listen as the story unfolded before her.

“How did you...kill him?”

Celestia gave a long sigh and looked down.

“On the day we left, he was to escort us as far as the River Halycon, over the Saddle Mountains. We had it all arranged. When we arrived at the bridge, he was tossed into the water. We knew that he didn't know how to swim so...he drowned.

“We feigned it as an accident; that way Starswirl's legacy would not have been tainted by his treachery. To that end, I did everything in my power to keep his memory as the wise and compassionate colt I knew him once to be alive....”

Celestia paused for a long moment, and, turning back to Twilight yet again, continued; her voice steady and composed.

“I let his mistress stay in the city. I even let his foals and their descendants keep every privilege and benefit that Starswirl enjoyed. It was the least I could have done for them, but also because I knew that the progeny of such a great Conjurer would be powerful indeed...

“Which brings me to you, Twilight...”

“Me, Princess?”

“Yes Twilight...you are Starswirl's descendant.”

“I...don't understand, Princess. Why are you telling me all this?”

“Because Twilight, the murder of Starswirl has something that has plagued my conscience for many years. I've known fthat a time would be coming when I would have to be held to account for my crime.

“You see Twilight, when you had passed your entrance exam into my school, I realized that you possessed great power. Even more, I dare say, than me...But I knew that power needed to be honed, but most importantly: I wanted you to succeed where Starswirl failed.

“To that end, I knew your studies could only bring you so far, and so I arranged for you to be sent to Ponyville, knowing that it was necessary if you were ever to learn the true meaning of Friendship.”

Celestia sighed.

“I tell you all this because, it was intention – as it has always been my intention – to one day hand over the throne to someone else. And with the death of my sister, I feel that time is now. That is why I asked you if you would accept to be my successor. I feel it is something you are entitled to Twilight...for Starswirl's sake and your own.”

By now, Twilight could barely keep the tears back. Everything she had always been told was true...but equally false at the same time. The world seemed to be shattering around her as she struggled to grasp what had been revealed to her.

Celestia...Starswirl...the crown. Meaningless now, meaningless.

A dark feeling started welling up inside of the purple unicorn. Suddenly, waves of guilt began to rush over as everything began to flash before her eyes. Her fillyhood, her admittance into the School for Gifted Unicorns, her time in Ponyville and now the murder of Luna.

Twilight felt her stomach cramp and the tears flowed unabated as her emotions overcame her.

Princess Celestia, seeing Twilight plight moved forward, even as she tried to keep her at a distance. Before she knew it, Twilight felt the long legs of her mentor wrap around her, and then she knew it was too late...

It happened in a flash, a blur. All at once, from every direction, like phantoms they descended – their daggers glistening in the dark. Lunging, twisted, stabbing, screaming as the whole world seemed to be spinning out of control.

And then there was the blood...so much blood...

Before Twilight could even come to, it was all over. In front of her, the twisting, writhing mass of the Princess lay crumpled on the ground, convulsing in agony. Twilight immediately fell to her side and wept; her tears mixing with the blood on the Princess' white coat as she struggled to breath.

“Twilight...” her low, a raspy voice called. “Twilight...”

The Princess looked up at her and gave a faint smile before turning her head and drooping forward – her eyes vacant and lifeless.

She was dead. Just as it had all been planned. But nothing was as it suppose to be. Nothing at all.

Everything around Twilight seemed at once to be consumed with darkness, and life had no more meaning. She felt her own dagger, still pressed at her side, and felt at once she could turn it on herself. To feel the coldness of death; to join her Princess.

But she couldn't. Even now, her sense of self-preservation still governed her hoof, even though her life had already ceased to be. There was nothing left now. Nothing at all. And as Twilight looked around, she felt as though for once in her life, that she was truly and utterly alone...

A sickening queasiness overcame her, and she almost wretched, but only just managed to keep herself contained, when the heavy roll of hoofs came thundering towards her.

In the pale moon light, and through the obscurity of her tears, she saw the form of Night Storm, still clad in his gold armor.

“What happened!?” he yelled, as loudly as he could.

Twilight tried to answer between sobs.

“They killed her! They killed her!” she cried.

For a moment, Night Storm was unable to act or say anything – merely looking on in a state of disconcerted shock, unsure of what to do.

He finally knelt beside the hysterical Twilight, and placed his hoof on her shoulder, almost as equally distraught.

“Princess,” he said in a soft voice. “Please, we must leave, they may be back...”

Twilight shook her head, as she clenched her eyes shut, unable to speak.


Twilight looked down and then, wiping her cheeks, tried as best she could to stand to her hoofs; wobbling even as Night Storm helped her.

“Go call out the guard,” Twilight said to him in a quiet voice. “Tell them the Princess has been murdered, but don't alert the guests. Meanwhile, make sure that every entrance is sealed off. I don't want any pony leaving. After you have done that, go and arrest Princess Cadance and bring her to me.”

“You think that she is behind this?” Night Storm asked astonished.

“I don't know. Whether she is guilty or innocent is irrelevant right now...but we will soon find out the truth. But for right now, I need your loyalty...”

Twilight turned to him.

“Swear your loyalty to me,” she said, pressing against him earnestly. “For your Princess and for Equestria.”

Night Storm, overcome, almost immediately keeled.

“Yes, Princess. I swear...I will be loyal...”

Twilight nodded.

“Then we haven't a second to lose. Go, do what must be done, and leave the rest to me...”