• Published 1st Feb 2014
  • 8,321 Views, 500 Comments

Ein Sof Zealotry - ZhaoZoharEX

Twilight Sparkle has never felt so lonely. After what happened at her brother’s wedding rehearsal she can’t but question her friends’ worth, and once she starts doubting one part of her life, second thoughts about the rest soon foll

  • ...


Original Title: Bargain From Above
This chapter is part of the older version of "Ein Sof Zealotry" and is to be considered non-canon in lieu of the pending rewrite. This along with the rest of the old story remain for the purpose of comparison.

It was night time in the capital city of Canterlot. But this night was anything but quiet. The wedding of Shining Armor and Princess Cadance was hosted in the castle courtyards. It was a much needed celebration as earlier in the day, the city was attacked by the Changelings, their queen masquerading as the bride-to-be. The festive music and noises, lights flashing, everypony there engaging in dance.

“Love is in bloom! A beautiful bride, a handsome groom!” the words of her song still resonated in her mind as she roamed the rim of the festivities. Her friends were so tied up in the overall merriness that they didn’t even notice her absence. All the better for her. It meant less pretending for sake of keeping them happy. Even though she was anything but. Twilight tried her best not to let anyone know just how deep the events cut her.

“All the best to the newlyweds and to the Heroes of the day!” somepony shouted from the celebrating crowd.

Heroes of the day who turn their backs to their friends and family the first opportunity they get… Twilight recoiled at the realization of what she just thought. That’s not like me! What’s wrong? I need to sort out my thoughts…

She decided to go for a quick stroll through the castle gardens to clear her mind. She turned towards that direction when she heard a familiar voice.


She looked back and saw her mentor walking towards her. A mixture a joy and uncertainty washed through her as the princess approached.

“Hello Princess Celestia. Are you enjoying this fine evening? It is a beautiful celebration I must say,” Twilight said with a strained smile plastered on her face. Switching into her happy role all of the sudden proved to be more difficult than she would think.

“Oh, it is very lovely. Pray tell, why aren’t you with your friends, having fun and enjoying yourself?” Celestia asked, not noticing the coldness in Twilight’s speech.

“I think I had enough of fun already. I was actually going for a walk.” Twilight allowed more of her mood to seep into her words this time. It certainly had an effect, although not the desired one.

“Twilight, I can tell that you are still upset over what happened. Would you like to talk about it?”

On any other day, she would have jumped at the chance to talk with her beloved mentor. But after what happened, she began to have second thoughts. Not just about Celestia, but about everything she learned since she moved to Ponyville, at her request. She learned a lot about friendship, but did it mean anything now? After what happened? You have a lot to think about. Her mentor’s words pierced through her mind.

“I’m okay, Princess, it’s just... I have a lot to think about. And I’d like to do it alone if you wouldn’t mind.”

Without waiting for a response, the unicorn hastily walked away taking an unlit path into the gardens. The lack of artificial illumination didn’t bother her, the full moon and stars were extraordinarily bright that evening in order to honor the occasion. Besides, Twilight spent most of her life in the castle, she could navigate the grounds even in absolute darkness.

Such familiarity with the gardens did her a great service at the moment as she succumbed into her mournful thoughts once more.

They abandoned me. Again…

“No, they couldn’t know that Cadance was an imposter. They don’t know her like I do.”

Celestia does.

“Celestia has too much on her plate. It is understandable she wouldn’t notice the details. She is a ruler of a whole kingdom after all.”

And some ruler she is. Allowing herself to be defeated by an invading parasite!

“Anypony would be defeated by Chrysalis at that point! Shining Armor’s lo- ow!” Twilight’s arguing with herself was brought to a sudden end as she collided with a very solid object. Once the stars left her vision, Twilight saw that it was the pedestal of petrified Discord.

With friends like these, who needs enemies?

A smirk appeared on her face as she sat down in front of the statue. “Hello Discord. Were the last few days as hard for you as they were for me?” She chuckled at her own joke, but it was a mirthless sound. “Why am I talking to a statue? I don’t even know if you can hear in this state!”

She got up and started walking away, but then another thought came to her. “But if you can perceive, you must be thrilled beyond words. Given how much chaos changelings wrought. You see, you don’t even have to be around for Equestria to descend into madness. Or my friends to turn against me. Be happy, you pointless god!”

With that she ran away, tears streaming from her eyes. Now she didn’t pay attention to her path at all and it might have cost her life. The edge of the garden, located above the city, was nearing and she didn’t seem to slow down a single bit. That is, until a calm but firm voice called from above her.

"Wandering child. What has you upset, my dear?"

She stopped dead in her tracks and caught a glance of her surroundings. She had stopped just a few feet from the edge and nearly slipped as she jumped back. After taking some heavy breaths, she looked up to see a being of emanate light, the body of a pony with the elegant figure of an alicorn, yet with a face possessing divine, otherworldly beauty. It did not have normal wings; instead of pegasus wings, it had what appeared to be wings resembling large flowing ribbons with markings on them, three on only its left side with its right lacking any. It also had “tail feathers” with the same design. Its eyes were solid, dark gray with a symbol that matched its cutie mark. Its body seemed to be made of marble and had radiant gold markings assorted all over it. It wore “shoes” like the princesses wore, only much more detailed, a pink ribbon that wrapped around its torso and forelegs, and it had what appeared to be an elaborate halo floating above its head.

"Wha- what are you?" Twilight said mesmerized.

"Who I am is Scintillant. What I am means nothing in this world. I am but a guardian of the virtues that dominate the heavens. My influence bares no power among those not within our ranks."

"Are you... an angel?"

"Among the many things I have been called, the term 'angel' is perhaps the nicest. Now tell me, child. What has you so upset that you would disregard your surroundings?"

"I... Well. I feel I lost a brother. Lost my friends, my family, and my mentor. We reunited, but I doubt I can ever see them the same way again.”

“Do you feel ashamed of yourself for that?”

“No, it’s not that. It’s just…. Even though they apologized, this wasn’t the first time something like this happened.”

“Do you not trust them then?”

“I don’t know. I want to be able to trust them after everything we’ve been through, but….”

"This world is plagued with sin and vice. Plagued with atrocious, vile actions. Distrust is but a defense mechanism in such a world."


"What you do is ultimately up to you. However, whatever your choice, the result will not be entirely pleasant."

"Wha... what do you mean?"

"If you choose to confront them again, one of two possible results will ensue. Should you reject them, you may be alone. Nopony to stand by you."

"Ah! No! No, that can't happen! But...." Twilight started pondering the angel’s words. Will I be alone again, or have I always been alone to begin with.

"Should you still accept them, you will still have them. But your friendship will not be the same. You may have second doubts and become paranoid. What is to say something like that won't happen again?"

"You may have a point there..." Twilight admitted.

"Of course, there is another route..."

"Another route?! What is it? Tell me please!"

"You, a unicorn, can access the magic. I can sense that you have infinite magical capabilities. If you improve in your abilities, you can learn magic that far surpasses the princess that turned her back on you."

"Surpass... The princess? Is that even possible?.... Wait, what am I even considering? What do you mean by that?"

"Even as you are now you are stronger than any pony in Canterlot, possibly even in all of Equestria. I have observed many talented unicorns, but you? You are one of the most promising. And if you become even stronger..."

"Are you implying I could overthrow the princess?! Forget it! She’s like a mother to me. She's taught me everything I know and then some. She comforted me when I was just a filly. If it weren't for her, I would have never made the friendships I have now."

"And look where that got you."

"No, I... I just can't do that. I could never do that to her!"

"And yet she was perfectly willing to do it to you. She is an irresponsible, manipulative mare. She may be like family to you, but you don’t know her like I do. Besides, your family hurt you just like your friends, didn’t it?"

"....I... I just-"

"Like I said, young mare: the world is full of sin and vice. They don't know it themselves, but they're already doomed. And yet, there are a number of ponies like you who have potential. They could become the saviors and could possibly prevent the destruction of this world. I am on the constant search for such mares and stallions. And you can help me."

"......What would you need me to do?"

"I will teach you what you need to know. You will become the strongest among us. You will lead us to salvation. Would you join me in this endeavour?”

“I… I need time. Please, give me time to decide.”

“Very well then. We will meet again soon, Twilight Sparkle.”

Having returned back to the reception a bit later than she intended, Twilight found the festivities were starting to settle down with the last of the dances waiting to be performed. If she wasn’t so conflicted, she would have enjoyed her time more. She didn’t feel like dancing, so she just sat on the sidelines watching.

“Howdy there Twi. We missed you earlier. Where’d ya run off to anyway?”

“Oh, hi Applejack. I just needed to tend to something. That’s all.”

“You okay Twi? You have quite a bump on yer head,” Applejack said with concern and inspected the injury closely.

“I, uh, tripped and fell. Nothing to worry about,” Twilight replied hastily and scooted away.

“Ya sure? Ya seemed kinda out of it tonight.”

“I’m fine. I’m just tired from everything.”

“.....Okay then. Ah trust ya.”

That’d be a first, Twilight thought, but didn’t say anything. After few moments of awkward silence Applejack tipped her hat to her and started walking away.

“See ya later then, sugarcube.”

After the last dance reached its finale, the bride and groom walked off to the carriage that would take them to their honeymoon destination. Even though Twilight had her doubts concerning her brother, she wanted to see them off for Cadance’s sake.

“Twilight! None of this would have been possible without you. Love you, little sister.”

“You too BBBFF.”

At least I think so. I’m not sure anymore.

The bride threw her bouquet, which Rarity caught, and the newlyweds departed into the night. Twilight and her ‘friends’ watched as they faded off into the horizon.

“Now this, was a great wedding.” Twilight said trying to keep her facade.

“Oh yeah? Just wait till ya see what I have planned for the bachelor party,” Spike eagerly countered.

Later, everyone went to their suites to rest up from the excitement. Twilight still did not know what to make of what she heard from Scintillant in the gardens. She looked over at Spike sleeping peacefully in his basket.

I wish I knew what to do. Part of me wants to mend the broken pieces and continue with my life. But can I? On the other hoof am I even capable of betraying Celestia after what she had done for me? I just can’t decide!

After trying to wrack her brain on the matter more, she decided, for now, it was best to get some sleep. She would be able to think in the morning. Regardless of what decision she would take, one thing was certain - things would never be the same again.

Because what happened broke her heart.

But it also opened her eyes….