• Published 1st Feb 2014
  • 8,321 Views, 500 Comments

Ein Sof Zealotry - ZhaoZoharEX

Twilight Sparkle has never felt so lonely. After what happened at her brother’s wedding rehearsal she can’t but question her friends’ worth, and once she starts doubting one part of her life, second thoughts about the rest soon foll

  • ...

Chapter 10

Original Title: A Stranger I Remain
This chapter is part of the older version of "Ein Sof Zealotry" and is to be considered non-canon in lieu of the pending rewrite. This along with the rest of the old story remain for the purpose of comparison.

Things were definitely not going Twilight’s way. The past few weeks since the coronation could be called a living hell or a life of a nightingale in a golden cage. That is, if the nightingale was forced to slave from the sundawn to the sunset and beyond. Celestia’s promise that they would start Twilight slow turned up to be a ruse, or at least Twilight hoped it did, because if the workload would increase even slightly, she would fall from exhaustion.

It wasn’t just the amount of paperwork she had to fill daily or arguing with the council about every single rule and law; with her experience from living in Ponyville and from studying she would manage both rather easily. What really drove her crazy was holding the court as all the nobles of Canterlot saw fit to take their complaints to the newest member of royalty, expecting her to break down and fulfill their wishes. They were, however, sadly mistaken as she had enough of ponies telling her what to do already.

When she finally managed to save few days to go see her new friends and continue her own research on Elysium, Celestia somehow found out and planned an all-princess-meeting in Crystal Empire. It is very logical to hold it here, where only one princess lives, instead of Canterlot, where only the other three reside! She was very surprised when she met the other elements bearers at the train station, although she should have expected that. After all, she was still keeping the appearance that everything was right in her life.

She would get over all that, mainly thanks to the calming technique Cadance taught her (and to the amount of ice cream she consumed every day), but Sunset Shimmer, as Celestia called that insufferable pony, stealing her crown really drove Twilight over the edge. She didn’t need nor particularly want it, the crown symbolized everything she didn’t ask for and was completely useless as the Elements of Harmony wouldn’t work anyway, but it was a matter of principle. Nopony would take what was hers and laugh in her face!

Twilight was determined to get her crown back and would gladly fight for the right to pursue Sunset Shimmer to whatever world she ran to, but having to go all alone took her by surprise. Wouldn’t it make sense to send a battalion of guards with me, especially with how dangerous Luna said Sunset Shimmer could be? Our world was off balance many times and it returned back on its own accord every time. Why wouldn’t the other world do the same?

The situation had a bright side to it as well for Twilight. The rest of the elements bearers couldn’t go with her, so she would get at least some time to rest from all the pretending, even if it was just two days. Any chance to be herself was a welcomed gift these days and if it was given to her by Sunset Shimmer’s actions, she was willing to thank the other unicorn wholeheartedly.

It still amazes me what she dared to do. Not just leaving for another world, but returning and stealing valuable defense asset under the noses of four princesses. Maybe she didn’t know we all would be present, though, but even one princess is an intimidating adversary, Twilight contemplated as she was nearing the mirror. I could even admire such bold action if I weren’t so furious at her.

There was something very wrong with Crystal Empire security too. As she recalled her mad dash after the thief, she realized there wasn’t a single guard along the entire route. For a quarter where some of the most important ponies in Equestria were spending the night and for the vault of the Empire it was fairly concerning. I will have to have a word with Cadance. Or better yet, Shining Armor. If he organized the defense of Canterlot as badly as this, it’s a wonder there was just one invasion. Some walls are firm only because nopony tried them, I suppose.

She checked her saddlebags quickly. Nothing was added or removed, the contents just as she packed them in Canterlot. She reached under few books, a notebook, bottle of ink and a quill and lightly touched the Elysian amulet which she always carried with her since the coronation. Once you see her, you will know. That’s what Scintillant said. Could it be? I hope not, she didn’t look like somepony I would like to work with. But who knows? I had my opinion about Ditzy and now look. She reached forward and touched the portal, watching the ripples form on its surface. She smirked a little as she made the final step. Well, Sunset Shimmer, let’s see how far your fortitude goes!

The bed of books that Twilight slept on was a bit uncomfortable compared to one she was used to, but in the situation she was in now, beggars couldn’t be choosers. It was late in the night that Twilight was sleeping on this makeshift bed when she heard a noise, not a loud noise, but one that was disrupting enough to catch her ear. As the school was supposed to be empty aside from her, she knew this didn’t bode well. Is that who I think it is? Twilight pondered. I can’t risk it. I need to check.

Twilight carefully inched her way out from under the covers so as not to wake Spike, walked towards the door and quietly cracked it open. After making sure the coast was clear, she tiptoed out into the corridor and made her way towards the principal's office where she thought the sound originated. She was right as the door was open and she heard some rustling from within. Twilight peeked in to see her adversary looking through the place.

“Sunset Shimmer!”

The girl in question swiveled to face Twilight, clearly not expecting to be confronted this late at night. “Oh, princess. I suppose I should have expected you to try and steal your crown back.”

“I wasn’t trying to steal my crown… Though that did come to mind at some point.” Twilight admitted.

Sunset shot her a fierce glare. “Well, I didn’t spend so much time and planning to give it up to the likes of you! If you want your crown back so bad, why don’t you fight me for it?”

“I don’t really want it back,.” Twilight said flatly. “You stealing from me enraged me fairly, but the stolen item being a crown makes no difference.”

Sunset went from enraged to dumbfounded. “Say what now?”

“Actually, I was hoping you and I could work together. See, you’re not the only one with a grudge against Princess Celestia. Do you think I asked for this title?”

“...Go on.” Sunset raised an eyebrow.

“I get it. You want power, that much is obvious. I can give that power to you, more than some stupid, useless Element of Harmony ever could.”


“Those friends of mine that chased after you alongside me don’t realize this yet, but the Elements of Harmony won’t work and it’s because of them. That also means that even if you did have the crown- which doesn’t seem to be in this building at the moment- you wouldn’t be able to do much with it.”

“What?! Y-you’re lying.”

“I really wish I was. It would mean I could still trust my so-called friends and mentor. But the reality is your sole asset won’t be any help. But the power that I can offer you is legitimately stronger. All I ask is for your cooperation.” Twilight extended her hand. “What do you say? Will you give my offer a chance?”

Sunset stood there silent, not really sure how to feel about what she heard. The plan she had worked so hard towards was falling apart by something she never expected to happen. If what she says is true, then all those years were wasted. But is she telling the truth? Or is she luring me into a trap? She IS Celestia’s apprentice, what if she is just manipulating me? Well, two can play at that game. I am a former student too, princess.

“I still don’t know if I can trust you. But I have an idea that might change that.”

“I’m listening.”

“Let’s make a contest of sorts out of this. I will drop my pursuit of the crown for tonight seeing as how it doesn’t seem to be here. We will compete for the crown at the Fall Formal. If you win, I will be at your command. But if I win, I have this world to myself. Don’t expect me to go easy though. I’m not about to throw away all my plans.” Sunset smirked at her terms. If we do it this way, I can see if she is telling the truth. If she accepts, she seals her fate and if she declines, I can finish her here.

“Very well. We will do it your way.”

...Okay, I was kind of expecting her to decline, but let’s see where this goes.

The two girls shook hands and went their separate ways. True to her word, Sunset Shimmer dropped her effort to steal the crown during that night and left the school to her own accord. Twilight on the other hand snuck back to her makeshift bed in the library. I know what she’s doing. Even if she does win, I will have the last laugh. How can you take over a world with a useless artifact? Let alone kill me with it. When I win, I will show her that my offer holds water. Well, fire actually but that’s besides the point.

Twilight was towering above the crater the reawakened Elements of Harmony created as a side effect of cleansing Sunset Shimmer. She supposed that from Sunset’s position on its bottom she must have looked truly intimidating, otherwise she couldn’t explain to herself, why there were tears in Sunset’s eyes. From what she learned, regrets simply weren’t her thing.

“The magic of friendship isn’t just in Equestria. It’s everywhere. You can seek it out, or be forever alone. The choice is yours.” She felt how much truth was in her own words and realised that she took her own advice when she accepted Scintillant’s offer. Without her new friends, she would be all alone and would probably choose to stay in this world. The world where the avatars of her friends never hurt her, where they were true to their elements, where she could be loved for who she was, not what she was.

At the same time, she was communicating the message that the offer still stood. If we all must fall first to gain and understand our position, she makes a perfect candidate. She should pray Scintillant will confirm this, or else she will face a grave punishment. I’ll make sure of that.

“But… but all I’ve ever done since being here is drive everyone apart. I don’t know the first thing about friendship,” Sunset said in a trembling voice as she climbed to the edge of the crater. Twilight grabbed her hand and pulled her out completely.

“I bet they can teach you,” Twilight said to keep the appearance that everything would stay the same. Once the attention of everyone shifted to Spike though, she leaned closer to Sunset and whispered. “Will you obey now, traitor?”

Sunset glanced around at all the faces barely hiding hostility. Without the fear and without the Element of Magic, I am dead here. Do I really have a choice? She quickly, but firmly nodded her assent.

“Then be ready and don’t struggle. Now go and pretend you are staying here.” Sunset obediently left Twilight’s side and went to the school’s entrance, just in time to make place for principal Celestia.

“I believe this belongs to you. A true princess in any world leads not by forcing others to bow before her, but by inspiring others to stand with her. We have all seen that you are capable of just that. I hope you see it too, princess Twilight.”

Maybe I will take something important from all this after all. Wish Princess Celestia understood this lesson as well. I certainly will, whatever my future holds. She looked principal in the eyes and eagerly nodded. “I do.”

After the lengthy goodbyes with her new friends she would most likely never see again she walked to the pedestal of the statue hiding the portal back to Equestria. She remembered the place where Sunset Shimmer stood just seconds away and hoped she would still be there. If not, I will bring few bricks to Equestria. At least I wouldn’t have to worry about them betraying the given word at first chance.

She concentrated on the Elysian amulet hidden in her hair and on Sunset. A quick surge of magic later she felt something squirming at the back of her neck, close to where the amulet was. Either I succeeded or I just stole one of Fluttershy’s animals. Wonder if I could befriend that creature, whatever it is.

She passed the portal and returned to her quadrupedal form. What a relief. At the same time she registered a new sensation. The creature in her mane definitely had hooves. Well it seems I aimed precisely. Hold there and don’t look out, Sunset, or there will be much explaining. Or hoofstomping.

Enduring all the questions her friends and the princesses had for her exhausted her further. Why couldn’t they see that she got almost no sleep and fought a demon not two hours ago? Not to mention the discomfort of Sunset permanently looking for a better position behind her neck.

At long last she got to her room. Spike fell asleep almost immediately, this time making comfortable in her bed. It was big enough for them both and they actually grew even closer during the trip into another world. She shook her head violently causing Sunset to fly out of her mane, but she caught her just in time in her magic and levitated her in front of her eyes. Upside down.

“Oops, sorry, forgot you were there,” she chirped and cast the spell reversing the shrinking. Then she lowered Sunset to the ground.

“How could you forget such thing?!” Sunset hissed and crouched a little in an offensive stance. Twilight straightened up into her full height and spread her wings, effectively proving who the most fearsome pony in the room was.

“Consider it a payback for that fireball. You are lucky I retaliated so leniently,” Twilight replied sharply but quietly to not wake Spike. He certainly deserved his rest. “Do you always keep your word so well? Learn to take a loss or lose for good!”

Sunset recoiled at the wrath of the alicorn in front of her and sat back on her haunches. “I want to apologize for that. Seeing as you undid in two days what I was building so long was too much for me to stand. I had to win. The world was mine,” she said with her head hung low.

Twilight looked down on her sternly, but folded her wings anyway. “Obviously it wasn’t. But enough about that. I am tired, beaten and dirty, all of that mainly thanks to you. Dealing with you at this moment doesn’t seem like a good idea, so I will make it quick. Listen carefully.”

She made her way to the locker by the wall and removed a pouch full of bits and a long cape, the one Sunset lost during her escape. “You will catch the morning train out of Crystal Empire and go to Ponyville. Once you are out of the Empire, nopony will recognise you, I am sure. Once in Ponyville, you will ask where Zecora lives and go there. Tell her that Twilight sent you. Follow her instructions to the dot. If you try to escape, remember I don’t care capital punishment was outlawed in Equestria.”

Sunset nodded and took the items in her magic. “You can rely on me this time. I really am sorry for what I did there, please believe me that. Seeing you managed to get me here without your horn proves that you hold a great power as well and I want to be helpful. Could I get another chance from you?”

Twilight watched as Sunset’s expression slowly turned into a pleading one. She sighed and remembered that Trixie and Lightning Dust didn’t treat her the best way at first either. We are supposed to work together not just as colleagues, but as friends. Plus she seems genuine this time around. She turned the corners of her lips upwards in a half smile half smirk and placed a hoof on Sunset’s shoulder. “You can have your chance, just try to work on your puppy dog eyes harder. One would think that after seeing Spike gawking on Rarity there you would know how to pull them better.”

Sunset turned red in embarrassment just like her namesake and averted her eyes elsewhere. “I’m just teasing you, don’t take that remark so seriously,” Twilight said with a giggle and motioned toward the door. “Come, I will lead you out of the palace. The guards could be a nuisance otherwise. Although after how they performed two days ago…”

“Come on, Sunset, you faced great perils and even greater challenges, such petty thing like an old thick forest can’t scare you,” Sunset spoke aloud to herself at the sight in front of her. The journey from the Crystal Empire took her most of the day, so when she finally learnt the directions how to get to Zecora’s hut, the sun was already setting.

Thanks to the animosity of princess Twilight she was forced to scrape by a fairly limited funds and therefore choose between comfort of the first class carriage and her full stomach. Needless to say the food won as she hadn’t eaten anything for almost a day. When she was levitating her lunch and the money required as payment, she noticed how strangely taxing the task was. She managed, of course, but the magic didn’t flow as naturally as she remembered.

Her slight magical rustiness combined with exhaustion from lack of sleep - third class carriage full of chatting tourists was less than ideal for slumbering - was causing her serious worry about her upcoming journey under the canopy. If it weren’t for Twilight’s urging to hurry and the assurance of one of the inhabitants that the beasts stayed in the deeper parts, she would probably wait for the morning.

To her great relief and actual surprise, since the forest looked even more foreboding from inside than from her previous viewpoint on its rim, she made it to the hut with just a single incident including an overgrown bat and a well aimed fireball. She knocked quickly to get inside as soon as possible. After a while a hoofsteps echoed from inside and the door opened to reveal a zebra maybe in her forties. This race so far from savannas wasn’t exactly what Sunset expected.

“Sunset Shimmer, so you have come,” the zebra said and waved her hoof into the hut, inviting Sunset to come in. Then she tilted her head a little. “Why does your heart beat like a drum?”

Sunset pondered if her host would have found a sufficient rhyme if she had arrived absolutely calm, but dismissed it in favor of more important matters. “The forest doesn’t look exactly inviting and I encountered some trouble along the way. You must be Zecora, right? How did you know I would show up?”

“So it was you I heard to scream. At first I thought it was a dream.” At the withering stare Sunset gave her she shook her head and went on with answering the question. “Letter for Trixie said so much. She and Twilight keep in touch.” Zecora rummaged through her herb pouches. Then she mixed some of the leaves and handed Sunset a steaming cup. “Drink this down and do not fret, calming herbs are not a threat.”

Sunset eyed the liquid and despite Zecora’s words didn’t touch it. “Who is Trixie?” she asked instead, a bit annoyed by the number of ponies knowing about her presence.

“I’ll take you to her, you will see, but only once you finish tea.” Zecora sat down and crossed her forehoof on her chest a clear sign that debating the matter was not an option. Sunset seeing no other way out lifted the cup to her lips and took a long sip. Immediately after, she cringed from the horrible bitter taste, to Zecora’s clear amusement.

“Since I know Trixie’s thoughts about you, I may have mixed in some sagebrush too.” Sunset glared at her, but drank the rest of her beverage with a straight face to not give her host more reasons for happiness.

Once she placed the cup back to its rightful place, even though she would much rather throw it into the flames, Sunset was led by Zecora outside and down a winding path away from the direction she knew Ponyville lay. The night may have been cloudless, but the thick branches of ancient trees prevented the light of the moon or the stars from illuminating the path. The most natural solution that came to Sunset’s mind was to light her horn, but that was met with a harsh reaction.

“Extinguish light and right away! Don’t lure the timberwolves to their prey!” Zecora hissed and smacked Sunset’s horn lightly with her hoof. The light went out instantly and Sunset started rubbing her aching appendage with her own hoof.

“What would be the difference? Either timberwolves eat me, or I fall into some ravine along the way!” She yell-whispered behind the retreating zebra, but then she realised something much more disconcerting - if she didn’t keep close to Zecora, she would be absolutely lost, and that scenario was slowly becoming reality. “Hey, wait for me!” she said as loudly as she dared and blindly galloped behind Zecora, staying never more than two hoof lengths behind her.

After some time, Sunset couldn’t really tell how long, a brighter patch appeared in front of them and they both instinctively sped up, soon emerging into a small clearing. There was a big object just in the middle of it, but only when they came closer did Sunset identify it as a log cabin. Simply marvelous. Instead of a palace I planned to have for myself by now, I will be living in the middle of woods in little more than a shack. On the other hoof, after what I have done, I should be glad I will be living in the first place.

Zecora rounded the building and approached the door. A quiet snoring could be heard from inside, so she knocked with more force than she would normally use. The effect came swiftly; there was a loud thud to be heard from inside as a body hit the floor and the door flew open in a blue aura. A blue unicorn mare stood in the middle of the room with her horn charged, most likely ready to kill whatever dared to attack her house. She visibly relaxed when she recognised Zecora and then lit a lantern by the ceiling with her magic.

“Zecora, you scared me! I thought you would know how it feels when something ramms into your home at night after living in Everfree for so long,” she scolded, but then her face brightened. “Anyway, come in. What brings you here at-” She glanced at the clock on the wall and sighed. “-half past eleven?”

“Pardon my manners, my dear friend. I didn’t intend to offend. The matter at hoof just couldn’t wait and thus I come to you so late.” Zecora took the place at the table and helped herself to some nuts Trixie brought forth. Sunset grew tired of waiting outside by this point and marched in without invitation, Zecora raised an eyebrow at the uncouth act and turned back to Trixie. “And here’s the matter in flesh and bone, despite we wanted to talk alone.”

“Could you stop talking about me like I am not present? Sunset exclaimed and huffed like a bull. Nopony seemed to pay mind to her outburst, but an annoyed expression returned to Trixie’s face.

“This is the matter that wouldn’t wait? You could have allowed her to spend a night at your hut and come in the morning when it is safe. Such a risk for so little…”

“You abhor her like a pest and my hut should be her nest?” Zecora said in agitation. “You said to bring her and here she is. For neither of us this is a bliss.”

“I know I know, sorry. Thank you for doing this for me.” Zecora nodded and got up, heading to the door. “If you want to stay the night, it is fine, you can take my bed.”

“Home is the sweetest, you know that well. That’s why I won’t choose today to dwell,” Zecora replied with a smile, ready to close the door behind her.

“I will have the herbs for you in two days and will drop by then, ok? See you soon!” Trixie called before the door shut. Then she turned her attention to Sunset, who was apparently ready to explode. “Twilight wrote me what happened and that she believes you will take Fortitude. Well, she is the one with Scintillant’s instructions; I am just supposed to shelter you for the time being. That being said, you can bet your horn that I am not happy about this. But Twilight asked me to, so here we are. She asked me to make a bed for you too. There it is.” She pointed into the corner at a precarious wooden frame with hay and blankets on top.

The mentions of ‘Scintillant’ and ‘Fortitude’ made no sense to Sunset. Who or what were they? What did she even agree to do? But when she was pointed to the bed, all the questions went silent. “This is supposed to be a bed?!” she yelled, storming to it and smacking its side with her forehoof.

“Does my cutie mark look like a hammer?” Trixie retorted, pointing at her flank. “Besides, I had just one day to prepare it. Be glad you aren’t sleeping on the ground. And if I were you I wouldn’t hit it too hard, it may fall apart.” She trotted to her own bed and tucked herself in. “Speaking of sleep, it is time. Now. Goodnight.” With that she doused the fire in the lantern, bathing the room in darkness once more.

The shock overtook Sunset’s senses. Such brutish behavior! Such disrespectful manners! How dared they treat her, Sunset Shimmer, one of the most powerful unicorns in Equestria, like an unwanted pet?! She was about to yell at Trixie and teach her some manners, when a howl from the distance arrived to her ears. She may throw me outside. That… wouldn’t be healthy. I will correct her ways tomorrow.

With that she laid in her ‘bed’, actually enjoying the softness underneath. After the last three days it felt heavenly to just lay down and rest. Yet the sleep wasn’t coming to her, the exhaustion being too great and her mind too angried. She remembered she saw a small bookshelf near the door and decided to calm herself with a bit of reading, no matter what junk literature she would find there.

She reached out with her magic and grabbed a random book, bringing it to herself. When she lit her horn, she was awed by the title she held in her hooves. ‘Master transformation magic and its core principles’? Maybe she won’t be such an ignorant as I thought...’

However, her reading was disturbed before it could even properly begin as Trixie sat up on her bed. “I said, it is time to sleep. Snuff out the light.” Sunset didn’t react in the slightest, determined to enforce her will this time. For a minute she thought she won, but then Trixie spoke again. “You forced my hoof, Sunset Shimmer.”

Sunset continued reading, but suddenly felt a wet sensation on her head and soon on her back too. She rolled and looked up, spotting a legitimate raincloud above her bed. Inside the room.

"When it is light, it is day. And from what Zecora told me, it is supposed to rain during the day. Now do as I said.”

Utterly defeated, Sunset followed the order and then placed the book next to her bed. Why does everypony hate my light spell today? she thought sorrowfully before her eyes finally closed.

Author's Note:

I'm sure it was no surprise that Sunset was the last of the group to join. I don't think I could've made it anymore obvious in the comments and many of you already guessed it long before this chapter was posted.

That said, this chapter was kind of painful for both of us, more so for Corwin as he had to watch Equestria Girls for the first time before writing this. I hope the chapter turned out okay but I personally like how it turned out.