• Published 1st Feb 2014
  • 8,321 Views, 500 Comments

Ein Sof Zealotry - ZhaoZoharEX

Twilight Sparkle has never felt so lonely. After what happened at her brother’s wedding rehearsal she can’t but question her friends’ worth, and once she starts doubting one part of her life, second thoughts about the rest soon foll

  • ...

Chapter 26

Original Title: Unfrozen North
This chapter is part of the older version of "Ein Sof Zealotry" and is to be considered non-canon in lieu of the pending rewrite. This along with the rest of the old story remain for the purpose of comparison.

The two days after the girls spoke with Cadance at the Crystal Heart were filled with a lot of tension for the royal couple. Naturally, Shining Armor wasn’t anymore willing to trust Sunset Shimmer, not with the concussion from Tartarus. After repeated glares and occasional displays of aggression, Cadance and Twilight did what they could to keep them as far away from each other as possible.

Cadance, despite her best efforts, found it hard to keep her thoughts from going back to that night. What she experienced, what she heard, all of it cemented its place in her mind. Never again would she be able to look at the palace architecture the same way, especially the statues. Her brain was cloudy, but as she walked through the corridor leading to the garden later in the evening, one thing in particular was keeping her attention.

Earlier in the day, Twilight came to the throne room to deliver some news. Just as was promised, it would be time for her to meet one of the fabled Ein Sof her sister-in-law had spoke of time and again. Of all places, she wanted to say the garden was an odd place to meet, but she knew well by this point that she had seen and heard much stranger.

Entering the garden perimeter, something seemed to cleanse the uncertainty and cloudy feelings away. During her first few months of residence in the Empire, she had visited this private sanctuary every now and then. Whenever she did, the ambience of the flowing water, chirping of birds, and wind through the trees helped in relaxing her after the turbulence of work. After some time though, it somewhat lost its effect. Today though, she noticed a change in scenery, namely Twilight standing in the clearing with the other girls, sans Sunset. There also was a new statue by the fountain that seemed unusually life like. The closer Cadance stepped in its vicinity, the more relaxed she seemed to feel.

“Good evening, everypony,” Cadance smiled as she sat down at the one empty space among them.

“Good evening, Cadance,” Twilight smiled back.

“Are you alright, you seem a bit spent,” Brother Empathy’s voice asked from behind the queen.

“Yes I’m alright, thank you. It’s just been a long day.”

It took a moment to register the unfamiliar voice, but Cadance pivoted her head to see what she earlier thought was a statue now right next to her smiling. She had no idea how to react to him, but then she felt the warmth of one of his wings as it gently brushed her face. The heat of the ribbon had a rejuvenating effect that instantly melted her fatigue away, leaving her with a new burst of energy.

“Oh wow,” Cadance said as she couldn’t help but admire the unusual sight of the angelic pony.

“You have served Dorothea very well in your rule, your majesty. I am honored to stand before you.”

Cadance struggled to find the words to express how fascinated and dumbfounded she was in this moment. Standing before her was a being that she previously only thought existed in fiction and religious tales. Even the sculptures around the palace could not do the real thing justice, even with the many strange things that existed in Equestria. Not only is she seeing a real living Ein Sof, she felt its harmonic touch.

“Twilight Sparkle has informed me of the situation sometime ago, Mi Amore Cadenza. As such, I feel the need to introduce myself. I am Brother Empathy, third sphere messenger rank. I have been assigned by the powers that be to guide our Elements and form the link between them and Elysium.”

“Uh… Good evening?”

“Is something wrong, Cadance?” Twilight asked, noticing the elder alicorn’s confusion.

“I have to be honest, I wasn’t very prepared for this. I’m sorry if I offend you, but I just wasn’t expecting… Well, anything, least of all this.”

“Fear not, child,” Empathy serenely stated. “I understand that our very existence can be difficult to comprehend and I don’t blame you for your apprehension. Given the circumstances, you are under a lot of stress. Yet, you have done much for Dorothea and we are grateful for it.”

“Excuse me, Dorothea?”

“It’s a long story, Cadance,” Twilight spoke for Empathy. “I will fill you in later. I found it rather interesting myself.”

“Yes, indeed. Now that introductions have exchanged, I have something to present. But before that, I would like to ask how the progress of your tasks are going.”

“We have so many ponies wanting to join together to change the world. I’m speechless!” Ditzy beamed.

“I know, I know!” Canvas clapped her hooves with glee, having grown ever so enthusiastic at so many ponies flocking in larger numbers each day.

“There are a lot of ponies out there who sympathize with our views. At this rate, I can see that only increasing,” Lightning smirked.

“This is good news,” Empathy said merrily.

“If we play our cards right, we might even get more supporters coming to the Empire,” Trixie added.

That sentence brought back a thought to Cadance that had been bothering her for awhile. “I hate to dampen the mood, but if more ponies come in as you expect, I don’t think we will be able to support them. It is already starting to crowd a bit due to the immigration.”

“Then the gift I brought along will be of good use,” Empathy said without losing his serene smile. His glassy halo spun as a small cloudy sphere materialized in the center, after which it gently floated in front of Cadance and separated into six small crystalline fragments. “I present to you, your majesty, Elysian seeds. They are a collective gift from our powers that be.”

“Seeds?” Trixie asked as she, along with the other girls, sat closer to examine them.

“The texture of these seeds is similar to that of the Crystal Heart,” Cadance said as she held one up to the light of the setting sun. She could feel the energy from the seed radiate as her magic interacted with the material.

“That is because they are made from similar resources. They will serve an identical function as well. Just as the Theodora hallows those in its presence, these seeds too will grow to shield areas from the bitter cold. With strategic placement, you may be able to link them with each other as well. Mother Dogma advises you all to use them wisely. Your majesty? Do you have anything you would like to add before I make my leave?”

“I… Can’t really think of anything right now, but there is so much I would like to ask.”

“Naturally, your majesty. I shall return periodically to deliver updates or check in with the Elements. If you wish, I can return tomorrow at any time you wish to respond.”

“Very well then. Gosh, this is just… wow.” Cadance giggled nervously as she struggled further to find the correct words. While normally a collected mare who can think on a whim, she just wasn’t prepared for all that happened in this evening.

“If you have any questions before Brother Empathy shows again, any of us can try to answer them as best we can, especially me,” Twilight said placing a hoof on her sister-in-law. Her gesture was one of trust, one that would ensure further support despite the stressful moments that led to this point and those that would inevitably come in the future.

“Thank you, Twilight,” Cadance smiled warmly.

“Please take special care of these seeds, even well after they are planted. Like the Theodora, they are a treasured piece of Grandmother and like any piece, they are to be honored, respected, and loved. Your good will shall be held in the same regard, your majesty,” Empathy bowed with a hoof to his heart.

As Brother Empathy walked towards the meadows of the garden, the girls decided it was time to go as well. Ditzy was the first to get up, wanting to make sure dinner was ready for her daughters before it got any later. Canvas and Lightning Dust followed soon after. After sharing a hug with her sister-in-law, Twilight followed Trixie headed to their chambers as well. Now Cadance was the last of them in the garden and as soon as Twilight was out of sight, Cadance’s smile weakened a bit. Even with the assurance of her sister-in-law, there was still doubt plaguing her mind.

“Something troubles you, your majesty,” Brother Empathy spoke from behind her, making her jump. She turned to face the Ein Sof, whose halo was refracting some of the natural light. “Sorry for startling you again,” Empathy continued with a suppressed giggled.

“No no, it’s just… I just assumed you went back home,” Cadance responded taking a breath.

“I apologize for that as well. This garden is simply too enticing to leave right away. Just like you, I find it to be quite peaceful and serene. A place to set aside certain issues and stress.”

Cadance soon found herself walking with Brother Empathy around the garden. The sweet, pleasant smell of the flowers and glow from the Ein Sof did soothe her slightly, but an underlying issue needed to be brought up.

“Hey, Brother Empathy? May I speak to you about something?” Cadance asked cautiously, still not sure about both herself and her acquaintance.

“Please do, your majesty. I will listen to whatever you need to say.”

“Well… How long have you known Twilight? I mean… Even though she is still herself, she is also different in some ways. A little more…”

“Ambitious?” Empathy finished for her.

“Somewhat, yes.”

Brother Empathy used one of his wings to gently stroke the alicorn’s head in a calming gesture. “I have not personally interacted with the Elements until the start of this year. Before then, they were under the guidance of our Sanctorum. However, it is my job and my specialty to offer assistance and guide those lost to their right path.”

“That… doesn’t quite answer my question,” Cadance responded awkwardly.

“Forgive me. I cannot honestly say I truly know Twilight Sparkle as a pony. She is, however, an outstanding pupil and a determined leader. The two of you are much closer, yet I can sense tension. Please talk to me about it, your majesty.”

“I’ve… I’ve been thinking about something that happened some time ago. I mean, I’m happy to have Twilight back with us, but some of her actions lately have been rather… Well, I don’t agree with everything, in particular her words regarding Celestia.”

“Your apprehension is understandable. You are concerned with your subjects and a pointless conflict would not be healthy for them. Yet some conflicts can’t be avoided which a good leader must know. The citizens of a land often reflect the quality of their leader. Do you fear that if you surrender a portion of your power, the quality of your land will suffer?”

“That’s one way to put it I guess. I love Twilight very much, but I can’t stand idle and watch while she leads the crystal ponies to possible war. They aren’t fit for it and I don’t know if I can ever forgive myself if something horrible happens to them.”

“Yet they are more fit than you would ever imagine. Didn’t Twilight tell you of their origin?”

“Only a little bit, but there was nothing about waging wars,” Cadance said with doubt and distrust, stepping slightly away from Empathy. He didn’t make any attempt to shorten their distance again. It would only intimidate the queen further.

“I would be surprised if she shared that part. Nopony in their right mind picks war as the first course of action. Neither did the Creator when she gave birth to the crystal ponies as the first of the world’s inhabitants with the task to tame the world. She made them strong and resiliant, immune to disease and weather. They would prevail.”

“Yet where’s the war in that? What does it matter if they withstand polar frost when they are chased to be slaughtered?”

“The world doesn’t stay tame, your majesty. Just like a trained animal will lapse back to its low instincts, the world would spoil itself over time with the presence of growing cultures. The condition of Crystal Empire reflects in the whole world, yet as you can see these days it doesn’t always suffice. Thus the crystal ponies are to guard the order.”

“So they have no choice but to obey and fight? That’s what you are telling me?” Cadance was starting to get mad at that creature, however much he made a good first impression.

“Not at all, your highness. But it’s part of their nature to strive for order. They suffer when the virtues fall silent and feel an urge to fix it. When they refuse to act, they betray themselves and reject their gift. For what makes crystal ponies what they are is only the gift of the Creator. Everypony has their place in the world, your highness. Deciding for another always brings consequences.”

“That still leaves them with only one option.”

“There are many ways to support the order, your highness. Cooperating with the Elements is one of them and it still doesn’t mean picking up the arms and marching to the field. The crystal ponies can decide on their own in which way they help. They may for example support the fugitives and not care about the Elements at all. But for some of them fighting provides the best path. All I ask and what Humility asked from you is to allow them that choice.”

Cadance returned to Empathy’s side, trying to make sense of everything she heard and starting to slowly give in. Still one problem remained. “I came to understand it differently from how Twilight and her new friends acted a few days ago. I never expected her to resort to using force, least of all on Shiny or myself.”

“Have you left them with any other way though, your highness? You explicitly forbade them to continue their task. They resorted to the only path still open to them out of desperation and still Humility allowed you to prevent the worst, despite you not doing her the same favor before. I understand feelings of betrayal to an extent. It is difficult to confront them on this, especially if it is a loved one. But try to look at the situation through their eyes. Maybe you will find understanding.”

Silence reigned over them for few minutes as they slowly passed through the alleys among the rose trees, stars and aurora borealis providing enough light to admire the sleeping blossoms. They seemed to unfold slightly when Empathy got nearer and then settle back. Finally Cadance looked directly at him again. “Over time I hope we will get over it completely. I owe her enough to at least try.”

“Under the guidance of both the Elements and yourself, will the citizens be acting under impulse or honor? At this point in time, are they doing something because of what they believe, or what they are told to believe? In my opinion, it is a mixture of both. Some have seen first hand the difference in two societies for themselves, have suffered injustice personally and know they want to change it. Others may not have witnessed it personally, but are familiar from those that do.”

“They influence each other...” Cadance sat in a patch of grass, trying to think about the given food for thought.

“I believe that in the end, the citizens will act on what they believe will bring the most benefits, even if it is not the best choice for them. It is unfortunate, but sometimes we cannot stop something from happening. In these cases, we have to find the best compromise. You have ruled for years now, I believe you can find benefit in Twilight’s action while she can find understanding in yours. If you influence each other, you can both come close to finding a solution that will appease the majority, yourselves included. I promise I will work to keep Twilight Sparkle and the other Elements under control. But I cannot be here all the time. That is why I ask you to act in my place. Be their conscience.”

“I will. But what if they don’t listen to me?”

“Even if the other five do not, Twilight Sparkle will. She is Humility, she will always lend an ear to those around her. In this sense, the Elements keep each other in balance, influence each other. If all the Elements had been present to the burning of Everfree, much of the suffering would have been prevented. Diligence would insist on checking the security, Temperance would argue against the size and Justice would stop the fire from hurting innocents. They need each other and you must ensure they always decide together, or else they will stray from the right path again. You are just as vital in that sense as they are. Everypony has changed over the years, but not always for the worse.”

Cadance felt the warmth of Empathy’s wing on her cheek again. The uncertainty still existed, but the warmth melted some of it away and in its place came a new wave of confidence. “Thank you, Brother Empathy. I have reservations about the means, but I’ll at least give this a chance.”

“Be flexible and continue to learn, but do not lose sight of yourself and abandon your emotions, your majesty. Otherwise, you will lose the very thing that makes you queen.”

The herd of polar sheep and musk oxen was peacefully grazing on the plain. The day was pleasant, one of the warmest that year so far and the sun was glistening on the snow lying on the tops of the mountains on the northern horizon. This time of year the tundra broke into a multihued bloom, the grass doing its hardest to use the short period of vegetation as much as possible.

Flourish Straw was watching the herd with bittersweet feelings. It was his entire life and the tradition of his family to keep the stock up in the north, which apparently wasn’t frozen all the time as the name would signal, so he felt a natural pride at the sight. The number of lambs and calves brought to life that year surpassed their expectations. They were prancing among the elder pieces, too young to feed on the grass yet. They would learn soon though and the ponies would get to milk their mothers. There would be a lot of milk for the spring was promising a long and stable summer.

Oh the other hoof, what was the point? They would produce cheese and other dairy products of high quality, but who would buy it? With how Equestria’s standard of living was falling, ponies cut the expenses on anything they could do without, luxurious foods being pretty high on the list.

One of the lambs ran a bit away from the herd and Straw immediately started after it to return it to safety. Such a small creature could easily fall victim to even a fox hidden in the grass. He caught the lamb by the scruff and carried it hastily back. Its wool was short and soft, like of all other members of the herd now. The wool was sheared few days ago and whoever wasn’t watching over the herd on the pastures was back home processing it into a fine cloth. The community would keep some for the next winter, but most would be sent to the market. Again, they would be lucky if the money earned would suffice for them to buy enough food to last another winter.

“To Tartarus with this,” he cursed to himself. The life up here was never easy, but with that damn crisis everything got much worse. They were even considering leaving for a better spot, but was there something of that kind? Here they at least had their freedom. Nopony would limit their movement around and nopony would dare to come collect taxes. It actually wasn’t even worth it.

As the noon approached, most of the shepherds gathered around a blanket spread on the ground, only few keeping an eye on the herd in the meantime, and laid down the lunch. As with most of their meals, this consisted of crackers, cheese and water. They had to do with little and save whatever possible. Still, when a small group of four ponies showed up in the distance, they quickly made space for them to join.

“May the frost be merciful to you,” the newcomers were calling from the distance already and waving at them. Straw squinted against the sun as the ponies were coming from southeast, but soon identified them.

“And may the stone lend you its treasures, Deep Ingot,” he shouted in response and waved at them to join the meager feast. They did so happily as they must have been on the journey since the early morning and probably the whole day before as well. “What brings you out here to the plains? It’s not like there is iron lying around for you to mine.”

Deep Ingot grinned at him and after he swallowed a hefty bite of cheese he countered: “You sure go to outhouse, even though there is no grass for your sheep, Straw.” He got a wave of chuckles from around the blanket, the ponies enjoying any chance for glee that came.

“Very true and as good as any answer,” Straw said with a nod. “But really, you don’t usually venture so far from your mines. You must have a good reason.”

“Darn sure we have. My pals and me,” he gestured to the three other stallions, all sharing the gruff features and sturdy stature of the ponies physically working every day, “are sent by miner of Iron Hole and Glitter Luck mines to that meeting those lasses called to Crosstown. So we thought we would go past your spot to see if you are going along.”

“Wait, what meeting are you talking about? What lasses?”

“Those flying all around the Frozen North and talking to settlers about whatever. I didn’t give a damn,” Deep Ingot explained as if it was the most obvious matter under the sun. “But then they sent a word to majors that a they had some offer for us and to meet them. I’m surprised you don’t know about that.”

“I’ve spent the past few weeks out here with the others and the herd, I’ll be frozen if I know what’s going on at home.”

“Then better come with us. It sounded urgent.”

“Who cares. It’s probably just another gimmick to get money from us. I know those pricks sent from Canterlot. They are all the same.”

“True that,” Deep Ingot said, and the approval was shared all around. “But these lasses aren’t from Canterlot. The message had Crystal Empire seal.”

“Crystal Empire, you say?” Straw’s curiosity was piqued by that a little. Crystal Empire traded with them regularly, but never tried to make further contact. “They are not much better though.”

“Maybe, maybe not. They are against old Celestia though. Come on. You can make a short trip with an old bud, can’t you? Like when we were young.”

Straw glanced around. There would still be enough ponies to handle any problem and the outlook for future days seemed very uneventful anyway. At least he could try to strike some bargain in the town.

“Flourish Leaf, you are in charge as long as I am gone,” he called to his brother. “The rest of you, you know what to do. No stupid business and don’t get too close to the mountains. The bears are probably still lurking.”

Soon they were on their way, this time counting five ponies. They would have to traverse a long stretch of tundra still, including several waterlogged locations. They knew they would have to hurry. The only interesting event of the whole journey was prepared by the wildlife as a huge herd of reindeer galloped across their path and they had to wait before the animals passed and with how numerous the herd was it took a long time. The spectacle of the massive animals in full sprint, the muscles rippling under their hides, was fascinating though.

“To Sombra with these things, how I hate them,” Straw muttered to himself. “If they push out my herds from the pastures again, I will build myself a new house of their antlers and their young will end like Everfree!!”

“Hohoho, calm down, Straw.” Deep Ingot patted him on the shoulder and offered him a field bottle with moonshine. “They are just animals, it’s not their fault.”

“You kill rats in the mines, don’t you?” That effectively ended the discussion.

They reached Crosstown the next evening. The town itself consisted of low wooden houses like most settlements in the Frozen North. There was a serious lack of building materials around and transporting wood was easier than stone. The only exception of this rule were the mining towns built of stone for obvious reasons. Railroad led through the town and it was located more or less in the middle of the region, which made it into a natural centre of trade.

Further proof of the significance of the town was the existence of the inn, where they also accommodated. They were dreading the bill as the inn served mostly for the merchants from the south, but they were pleasantly surprised as the rooms and full board were paid for in advance. Whatever the organizators of the meeting wanted to tell them, they had to deem very important not to rise any negative feelings in the participants.

The meeting was set for the next noon and as they arrived to the conference hall of the town hall, they realized that probably every village and town in the Frozen North sent out its representant. That didn’t mean much though, about seventy five ponies.

A small podium was raised at one end of the hall, lectern in the centre front, few rolls of paper in the corner and three ponies sitting to the side. One of them, the only stallion, was to Straw’s knowledge the mayor of Crosstown, but it was hard to keep track of every name of dignitary around. The other two were pegasi and by their looks didn’t come from Frozen North. Their stature spoke openly against it and very few pegasi in general were living here. They could do nothing with winter storms and the weather was stable during summer.

As the door of the hall closed, all invited probably present, the major walked to the lectern and by knocking on it several times asked for silence.

“Mares and gentlecolt-” a wave of chuckles interrupted him. There really weren’t too many who would ask for such titulation. He gave a smile himself having expected that reason before reiterating. “Alright, lads and lasses, thank you that you came from your homes to this meeting. I wouldn’t bother ya with it at all, if these nice ladies,” he gestured to the two pegasi, “-didn’t have something worth your time. They convinced me, and ya know that’s not easy feat. So give them a chance. By the way, they also paid for a lunch for all of ya once this is over.”

A small applause followed as he left the lectern to the pegasi. They seemed very confident, both in their step and their expressions. They stood next to each other, smiled into the audience and the grey one took word.

“As mayor Longleaf said, we are very grateful to all of you for coming and we are hoping your journey was pleasant. Allow me to introduce us. My name is Ditzy Doo and this is my colleague and friend Lightning Dust. We represent queen Cadance and wish to talk to you about the situation in the Frozen North.”

“What’s to talk about?” somepony called from the assembly. “Nopony cared for us before the Empire returned and nopony cares now. Nothing changed.”

Ditzy Doo nodded with concern. “We are well aware of the neglect the government is performing on you, but we would like to know more particularly what the issue is.”

“Why would you try to learn now? Empire didn’t move a finger for us either,” somepony else called. Apparently, the apprehension toward officials wasn’t pointed just at Equestria.

“You may be aware of the situation in the Empire in recent years. We first needed to stabilize in the new regime and then the waves of immigrants arrived. The Empire couldn’t effectively help you when it was in turmoil itself,” Lightning Dust explained. “Besides, the Empire has been trading with you to the best of its ability all this time. We are trying to support local production.”

A murmur of agreement echoed through the hall and somepony even called out: “It’s true. Equestrian merchants said our ore was too expensive, but Empire bought it. We can’t sell cheaper, we would starve!”

“We could, if crown provided us dotations like the rest of the country,” Deep Ingot said next to Straw. “But that would mean they would have to pull their heads out of their asses!”

“What is the reason for them refusing to fund you?” Ditzy Doo asked with intrigue.

“They say we are using outdated technologies and could produce more effectively if we tried. But we would need money to get better tools and machines!”

“And then they have the guts to tell us to go work in agriculture. What darn agriculture? There are just herd grazing the grass, nothing else. They want us to starve up here.”

“Surely they sent at least some support in form of food during the famine?” Lightning Dust said faking conviction. In Straw’s opinion she knew damn well everything. They both did.

“A rabbit wouldn’t last on that. My sons had to flee to the Empire just to avoid starvation.”

By this point the whole hall was boiling with indignation toward Equestria. The officials were playing their cards well and got the ponies exactly where they wanted them. “Not like Empire sent much food either,” he called to lessen the crowd psychosis at least a little.

“We will now,” Ditzy Doo stated calmly, drawing the attention of everypony to herself. “We want to propose you an offer of cooperation. The Empire is willing to buy all goods from Frozen North producers and supply you with necessities. All for preset prices negotiated with you, the representants of the community. You will determine what price is fair.”

“Why would you do that? You sure want something in exchange” asked somepony suspiciously over the excited chattering of the ponies.

“The Empire needs stable supply lines these days. Besides, we are concerned with the fate of our neighbours,” Lighting Dust said and unrolled a map of Frozen North. “We are surrounded by Frozen North, our closest ally. Southern parts of Equestria aren’t exactly keen on us and the trade is coming to a grinding halt. You are in a similar situation, so it is logical we would cooperate.”

“Where do you plan to get enough food? You said the Empire was struggling with immigrants,” Straw asked warily. There was something strange on the whole endeavor and he wanted to know what exactly it would cost him to secure his livelihood.

“We have some reserves and the tundra is big enough. We can produce,” Ditzy said nonchalantly.

“Are you crazy? You are like them, silly hussy. You can’t grow crop in tundra!” he exclaimed indignantly. Of course that this would lead nowhere. It would be too good.

“Ignorance builds more confidence than knowledge and being rude doesn’t make your argument more valid,” Lightning Dust replied quietly and Straw would swear her eyes glowed a little at that. “Of course you can grow crop in tundra. The Empire is a shining example. We now have means to replicate the effects Crystal Heart has on the land and create mild oasis wherever we want. All that’s need is that you point us to a part of the land you aren’t using and we will do our work.”

“So you want our land in the end,” Longleaf summed it up tiredly.

“We all need to eat,” Ditzy Doo said in defense, but her voice didn’t show any signs of shame. “Frozen land serves nopony. Food for your own consumption will be sent to you and the rest to the Empire to feed the its citizens.”

“We don’t know how to work the ground though,” somepony pointed out from the crowd.

“We can teach you. And many other things, including those improvements in effectivity Equestrian bureaucrats were talking about,” Lightning Dust promised. “But if we do, you must allow all our knowledge to be spread. If you accept our offer, you must allow emisars to talk to ponies in your community. Don’t hinder our activity and we will give wings to yours.”

Ponies started talking among themselves again. They obviously knew about the ‘emisars’ walking from one village to another and speaking of virtue. Most were curious as to when the discussion would turn to them. Apparently no discussion was allowed about that point.

Mayor Longleaf walked to the lectern again and silenced everypony like before. “I think we were given an interesting offer by Miss Ditzy Doo and Lightning Dust. We have a lot to think about and it would be hasty to decide right away. That’s why I would ask you to return here at six in the evening for a vote. Until then, we have been invited to a lunch.”

In his life he held many offices. He started as a mere assistant to a lesser inspector, but soon took his position. He worked hard on himself and climbed the ladder quickly and efficiently. For a short time he became a member of Celestia’s Royal Advisory Council. Sadly, the times have changed with the Dominion gaining power.

“Maybe I chose the wrong side,” Wintershades contemplated. “I should have recognized how much power Covenant would accumulate.”

Indeed his rival in the Council gained a lot of influence thanks to his race. He didn’t bother with moral justifications as he got rid of any opposition, Wintershades among the first. Still, Covenant at least kept some decency in him and gave Wintershades a comfortable spot as the ambassador in Crystal Empire. A slightly hostile country, but at least a civilized one.

For the longest time he didn’t have much to deal with. Equestria and Crystal Empire were both trying to pretend the other one didn’t exist and Wintershades was just hanging around the palace and enjoying himself as he could. But with the recent development he had talked to the queen more times in five months than before in four years. First that Everfree incident, then trade regulations, and now who knows what.

He polished his silver band and placed it into his well groomed mane. The queen sent for him and by the tone of the notice it was a serious matter. He would therefore opt for a more official regalia, consisting of a embroidered cloak and golden shoes. It could never hurt and he would feel less inappropriate in the splendor of the palace.

Although he could have taken the offer of an apartment in the palace itself, he chose to live in the city, securing himself more privacy. He wouldn’t be under constant scrutiny and acquiring information about immigration rates was therefore easier, as well as attending the nightlife of the city which he frequented more regularly than streets in daylight. Alas, it also meant that whenever he would be summoned, he would have to perform a walk through the crowded streets.

The activity in recent days increased significantly. He could see a huge number of ponies of Equestrian origin trading with the natives. The limitations of the trade were still in place though. The crown would need to know about this soon.

As he reached the gates, the guards were already waiting for him and politely ushered him toward the throne room. He knew the path well, but they always insisted on accompanying him, a gesture of respect or of suspicion, he couldn’t tell. It could have been a pragmatic approach as well, since the decoration of the corridors threatened to sway his attention from the task ahead and it could happen that he wouldn’t arrive to the throne room at all on his own.

“Sir Wintershades of Equestria, your majesty,” the majordomo announced as Wintershades entered the throne room. Even in the shoes he could tell how soft the red carpet leading to the thrones was. He also noticed that where only two thrones used to stand, one for the queen and one for her husband, three were now. Apart from Cadance and the majordomo there was nopony around.

“Splendid. Please leave us alone.” The majordomo immediately left the room. Cadance stood up from her throne and levitated a glass of wine to the bowing Wintershades. “Please stand up, ambassador. We have an important matter to discuss.

“Thank you, your majesty.” Wintershades grabbed the base of the glass with his lips carefully and walked closer to the throne. Cadance sat back down in the meantime, but he remained standing. “Before we start though, may I express one of my concerns?” Cadance waved him to continue. “In the recent days I noticed greater number of Equestrian citizens trading in the Crystal Empire. I see it as my duty to remind your majesty, that economic sanctions were moved into place and they are not to be blatantly ignored.”

“I am well aware of the hostile step Equestria took against Crystal Empire ambassador,” Cadance answered sternly. “There is absolutely no reason why the Empire should act upon it. If your customs service isn’t capable of maintaining the blockade, why should I do their work instead? But I am glad you brought the issue up, it is closely related to the matter at hoof.”

“Crystal Empire is breaking many rules of cohabitation between states, your majesty. It may complicate its position.”

“Indeed it could, but I find it satisfying you finally consider Crystal Empire an independent state.”

Wintershades bit his tongue. Equestria and its government of course understood that they had no say in Crystal Empire, but they refused to acknowledge its independence officially. He just blew that pretense up.

“That’s a mere rhetorics, your majesty.”

“Rhetorics which will make our negotiations much easier, I assure you.” Cadance levitated a map from a holder by the wall and spread it in front of Wintershades. It depicted the northern regions of Equestria along with Crystal Empire. The latter grew significantly in the past few years and Equestria could do nothing about it. You can’t very well question real state of affairs. What he found curious though was a winding red line in the area where he expected the border of Frozen North region.

“The merchants you have seen in the city come from this zone solely.” Cadance pointed at Frozen North. “The villages and towns in the region decided that secure economic connection with the Empire would benefit them more than the neglect by Equestrian government. You can’t really blame them.”

“I admit that the treatment they faced wasn’t exactly fair, but they are still breaching the law and will have to face repercussions,” Wintershades said firmly. “I will also ask you for a copy of this map for investigation reasons.”

“You will be given it immediately.” She levitated another roll of paper to him from the same holder. “Here. But I assure you that they will not face any punishment from Equestria.”

“With all due respect, your majesty, I am not aware of any influence you may have in that question.”

“Not yet, ambassador, but soon. Due to the increased economic and social links of the Frozen North region to the Crystal Empire and based on the express support of the representatives of the communities, I hereby demand Equestria to hand over the administration of the region to the Crystal Empire.”

Wintershades found himself completely dumbfounded. Did the queen just ask Equestria to cede a significant part of its territory? He had to take several deep breaths to calm himself down and give a composed answer to the patiently waiting Cadance.

“Firstly, your majesty, I have to protest against such an outrageous demand. It goes against all customs and Equestria will take appropriate actions in that matter.” His voice was slightly trembling. He had to thread carefully as to not cause even more havoc in the relation between the countries. If it even could be worse.

“Your protest is taken note of, ambassador. You fulfilled your duty.”

“Thank you, your majesty. That makes it easier for me now.” He sat down, not asking for permission. It would be granted anyway. “You know I have been trying to dissolve the tension between the countries. I even fought against the sanctions. But this is something I can’t help you in.”

“I don’t expect your help, ambassador.” Cadance smiled and refilled his glass which he sipped from gratefully. “And I appreciate everything you have done in time you have lived here. But this matter must be decided swiftly and you are the only dignitary whom can this demand be addressed to.”

“I am sorry, your majesty, but I wasn’t given any instructions regarding situations like this and it definitely isn’t in my competence to decide about the territorial integrity of Equestria.”

“I understand.” Cadance stepped down from the dias and stopped in front of him. “But unless the negotiations can take place, a presence of Equestrian ambassador is not needed in the Empire.” She reached a hoof to him and he shook it. They were equals at that moment, not having anything against the other, but standing on the opposite sides of the barricade. “I suggest you return to Canterlot for further instructions.”

“I will do so, your majesty. It was an honor to make your acquaintance.”


He turned around and walked out of the throne room. There was no point in arguing, the ambassadors stayed in the country only for as long as the rulers allowed it. Still, he would miss the Empire and his comfortable life.

The next few hours were spent packing the many things he had in his city apartment. His residence was located in the upper floors in a hotel building. It was a relatively new addition and was spacious, decorated with polished mahogany flooring and carved onyx walls. It was fun while it lasted, but he knew his chances of returning were essentially zero.

By the late evening, everything was ready to go, all except the sheetless bed which belonged to the building. The last train of the night was scheduled to depart later and he still had about an hour before he needed to leave. He took a moment to do a thorough check of the place to make sure nothing important was left behind. The last thing he needed was to lose something expensive. A knock at the door interrupted his double checking however. Like anypony would do, he walked to the door and took a look through the peephole before opening it to reveal Shining Armor, off duty from his military job, but still wearing his uniform.

“Good evening, old friend,” Wintershades smiled.

“Right back at you. I heard about what happened and thought I could at least lend a hoof.”

Wintershades glanced back at the suitcases laying in the middle of the room. “Uh, that would be appreciated. Thank you.”

Shining gestured to a pony standing down the hall for a flatbed. Once it was parked right outside the door, Shining stepped over it into the apartment and started to help Wintershades load the bags. “So this is it, huh?” Shining asked with masked disappointment.

“I’m afraid so. I’m not all too surprised, though.”

“Nor am I. But still, this all just seems so sudden. I tried persuading Cadance to reconsider, but I feel like my words just don’t hold a lot of weight here anymore. I’m sorry.”

“It’s not your fault, Shining Armor,” Wintershades faintly smiled. “I appreciate your concern, but there is nothing I can do in this situation. But maybe you can do something for me?”

Shining Armor stopped loading the bags for a moment to listen to his friend’s request. “Go on.”

“If you can, I would like for you to try and mend the stressful relationship between the two territories. It’s not good for either side to live in constant disdain of each other. I’ve never known you to give up, even in the face of uncertainty. That is how you became a captain in the first place, isn’t it?”

“Well, that and I had good friends to push me in the right direction,” Shining chuckled.

“Please do the best you can. I would like to see this conflict end, especially with the tension with the griffons brewing.”

“How bad has it gotten, by the way? We haven’t heard anything aimed towards the Empire yet, but Equestria isn’t the only place with a pony population.”

“Nothing has escalated yet to the point of direct violence, but the threat is there. We don’t know when it will happen, but I know the Griffon Kingdom is just waiting for an excuse to declare war. That cloud of ash did not help either.”

“No kidding. If I could end the pony who started that…”

“It’s a bit late for that, Shining. The damage is done and it’s only going to get worse if it continues at this rate.”

“You have no idea,” Shining said rubbing his temples. “Anyway, I’ll do my damnedest. I have my work cut out for me, but I want to see peace return again. For my son if nothing else. I don’t want him to be exposed to all this.”

“The best of luck to you. As for me, I need to return to Canterlot. I’m… not looking forward to it. Not with those weasels running things.”

“Condolences, my friend.”

With all bags loaded onto the flatbed, it was wheeled out into a wagon outside and with a little help from Shining’s unicorn magic, the wagon was all set. Wintershades took the reins at front and was ready to head to the station.

“Would you like me to meet you there?” Shining asked.

“No, I can take care of it from here. Thank you. I’m sure the staff there will help further if need be.”

“Alright, if you say so. Just be safe.”

Wintershades smiled and began his trek. The streets of the city were less dense at this hour, thus it was easier to get his destination unhindered. By the time he arrived, the train was just boarding and he was able to get his belongings into it with almost no lag at all. Once he was finally able to rest, he sat down in first class car, prepaid by the crown, and looked out the window. There was always something about Luna’s moon that entranced him, whether it was because of the faint glow or the mystery of the rock itself.

After a slight delay, the train departed and Wintershades’ trip to hell had begun. It would be quite some time before he got there though. Perhaps a little shuteye wouldn’t hurt.

From up high everything was looking peaceful and small. Luna rarely got time to fly during the day, reserving the late nights for her pastimes, so the current occasion felt special to her. She could see the snow covered mountains in the and the sea in the opposite direction. But most of all she paid attention to the city of Fillydelphia underneath her, her home and capital of her land.

Even though she was flying above the sparse clouds that they dotting the sky, she could still discern her palace. Nothing betrayed the furious activity taking place inside. The staff was making everything ready for the important guests and Luna simply couldn’t take the noise and haste anymore.

She spotted a huge pile of clouds closeby the highest mountain. The pegasi had it good, she thought, lack of space was something beyond their imagination with all the sky serving them as home. But the other races didn’t share that luck and now the problem blew up. She thought hard if she could have put a stop to the madness in time, but Celestia was right in this point. It came too abruptly.

She noticed a small golden golden glint from the corner of her eye and realised it was approaching from the direction of Canterlot. “So Celestia is already here. I should let others know. But where is Cadance?” She ascended few hundreds of feet higher and gazed toward where she knew Crystal Empire lay. Indeed, a small dot was making its way from the distance, very likely a chariot carrying the crystal queen.

She descended in wide circles to the courtyard where a silver earth pony was waiting. “The chariots are closing in, Sharp Note. Please let the servants know and order somepony to signal the landing area to the drivers.”

“It will be done, your highness. How are you feeling?”

“A bit better, thank you. But I won’t be able to calm down until this is over with.” They walked up the red carpet covering the steps toward the entrance and entered into the main hall, diligently decorated with Luna’s and Fillydelphian banners. Sharp Note made sure not a single attribute of the guest monarchs was present in the decoration as to not rise any discussion about preferring one to the other.

“I am sure the negotiation will be short. The matter at hoof is clear after all.

Luna had never stopped marvelling at how beautiful a palace she acquired for herself in the end. The marble floors were polished like mirrors, all paintings on the walls renovated and the statues placed around the corridors. It felt like home. A bit nostalgic with the resemblance of Canterlot, but she truly belonged here. She was so deep in her thoughts that she almost knocked down a pony walking down the crossing corridor.

“Oh, excuse me, your highness. I should watch my step better,” the gray unicorn said, bowing deeply before Luna.

“Oh it was my fault exclusively. I hope you aren’t injured.”

“Not at all, your highness. I will let you continue and will pay much more attention in the future.” He started down the corridor again, seeking for something in his saddlebag with his magic.

“I would swear I saw that pony somewhere, but not in Fillydelphia. Strange,” Luna mused as they resumed walking. They soon reached another crossroad and Sharp Note stopped.

“I will go tend to the regular administration for the day, your highness. If you want, I can try to determine the identity of that pony. Otherwise I hope you are successful with your mission.”

“Thank you once again, Sharp Note. Your help is irreplaceable. And leave that pony be. If he were a threat, guards would have noticed, and I am probably just confusing faces.” Their ways parted Luna checked if nopony was listening, then sighed for herself: “I do hope so too.” She headed toward her chambers to get prepared. Flying in the sharp wind didn’t help the condition of her mane at all which her maids didn’t omit to mention.

Sooner than she would like she found herself on the way to the room where the meeting would be hosted. Refreshments were already set on the table, glasses with water and pitchers standing in the centre. They opted for a rectangular table, Luna being seated on the shorter side. They could have prepared a round table, but since Luna wasn’t part of the dispute, the need for equality was limited to the guest.

“I am not sure they will even need me for anything else than providing the neutral ground where they could meet.” She looked to the other end of the table were a stand with the map of northern Equestria and Crystal Empire was pinned. Celestia sent her a copy after the ambassador returned from the Empire with it. The crimson line was glaring at Luna and Luna was glaring in response. “I did at least that. The mediator does only as they are asked to, after all.”

She didn’t have to wait for too long before the doors on both sides of the room opened. It took them quite a while before they located a room which would allow the monarchs to come in separately. It aimed to prevent conflict before the discussion would even start.

Cadance and Celestia walked in, heads high and crowns sitting in their manes. Celestia chose a snow white dress with golden lining. It ran smoothly down her sides and ended an inch above the ground. The wings had enough room to support flight as well. Cadance’s dress resembled Celestia’s in all but color, hers being cream with violet lining. She obviously got her taste in fashion from her aunt, Luna noticed.

Luna stood up and bowed to them, they both repeating the gesture. Now the hard part would come for Luna as she had to choose the order. She went by title in the end. “Queen Mi Amore Cadenza of Crystal Empire, Princess Celestia of Equestria, welcome to this meeting. Please be seated and we can start.”

They moved to their seats at the table and the door closed. Nopony else would be privy to their conversation. Luna coughed to clear her throat, feeling strangled by the heavy atmosphere. Neither Cadance nor Celestia flashed a single smile since they entered. “Alright, here we go. Celestia, please explain what seems to be the problem.” Celestia looked at her as if she grew a second head. “We know it of course,” Luna explained, “but we need a starting position.”

“The problem,” Celestia put a spiteful emphasis on that word, “is that Crystal Empire assumed control of Frozen North without any legal ground, a region that always belonged to Equestria! We have reports of Empire’s army taking positions around the line drawn on the map.” She pointed to the stand as if accusing the piece of paper of treason. “This is a breach of all conventions, Cadance and I demand your ponies retreat back to the Empire.”

Luna turned to Cadance, who looked completely unphased by the accusation. “Do you admit that the Crystal Empire entered the space of Frozen North and took over?”

“I do, there is no reason to deny that,” Cadance said calmly. “But I have to object against the accusation that we did so without a legal ground. The inhabitants of the region invited us expressly and we even issued an official demand for the region to be ceded.”

“You can’t tear land from the states just because somepony invites you to. We rejected your demand. That should have been the end of it.” Celestia took a sip from her glass before pointing at the map again. “The region is strategical for Equestria as are the resources to be found there. We refuse to let it go.”

“The fact we walked all the way to the new border unhindered doesn’t show much interest in the region, Celestia.”

“The absence of military force doesn’t automatically mean lack of interest, Cadance,” Luna stepped in. “There are many threats for Equestria these days, be it the griffons or the inner unrest, so the soldiers are needed elsewhere.”

“But when the ponies need protection, the soldiers should be present,” defended Cadance her point. “The ponies of Frozen North feel threatened by the carnivores coming from the plains up north. Nobody provided them any help. All that Equestria did was taking the natural riches of the region.”

“Don’t play their savior, Cadance. You are aiming to do the same,” Celestia countered. “Equestria does care for its citizens, they just have to wait a little bit for their turn.”

“We made a mutually profitable deal with them, Celestia, something you never even considered. I don’t blame you, it is very far away from Canterlot after all and you do have more pressing matters at hoof. But that’s probably why they held a plebiscite and decided to join the Empire instead.”

Celestia shook her head in disdain. “You are running in circles, Cadance. I am telling you that they have no right to decide that.”

“Then how come Luna’s domain was created?” Cadance asked with a victorious smile. Luna threw a worried glance at Celestia. She wouldn’t be able to stay neutral much longer after that argument.

“That… that was a completely different situation,” Celestia finally said,

“It wasn’t that different, Tia. I asked ponies if they wanted me to govern them and they decided in a similar plebiscite.”

“But you were governing them even before that point, Luna! Nothing changed in that manner.”

“If it makes things easier for you, we can let Frozen North to become an autonomous state first and only then will it merge with the Empire,” Cadance offered.

“No autonomous state will be created and nothing will merge with the Empire, Cadance.” Celestia’s frustration was now apparent, she was pushed to a corner and couldn’t get out. Cadance knew it too.

“You are right. It already happened.” She got up from the table and bowed to the princesses again. “In the end it matters not whether you acknowledge the change in the legal sense. The factical state of affairs is unquestionable. If you cross the border with army, it will be an invasion and we will act accordingly to that. The rest of the negotiations with you will be led by my ambassador, Luna. It was a pleasure speaking to you.”

As Cadance was leaving the room obviously with the intention to return home as soon as possible, Luna caught a glimpse of glimmer in the air just behind her. As if an almost translucent figure was walking behind her. She turned to Celestia who was intently watching the same spot.

“It’s Gum Shoe, Luna. That reporter we met some time ago. We don’t need to bother with press release anymore.”

“I am sorry, Tia. For that and for the Frozen North.”

Celestia walked to her and embraced her like they didn’t since Equestria was splitten. “Don’t worry, Lulu. Equestria is smaller again, but we will prevail. Cadance won’t push any further and eventually will come around.” They released each other and got up. “You should check the discipline of your guards though. We can’t have newsponies lurking around.”

“I will address it very soon, Tia, you can be sure of that. But for now, would you care for a lunch? You didn’t take any of the snacks we prepared.”

As a military pony, Soarin’ always knew that one day he would be called for some important duty. After all, the Wonderbolts were more than just an athletic flight team and many ponies forgot about that. He just expected something more than boring paperwork. What Spitfire said still concerned him greatly.

The Wonderbolts are to be sent to the Crystal-Equestrian border, and I’m stuck in this stupid desk job. Whats the point of being part of an elite flight team if I’m not even going to be in the action?

Having been put in charge of the academy after Spitfire was promoted to Air Chief and moved to the headquarters in Cloudsdale, Soarin’ was not going to be part of that mission, at least not actively. Rainbow Dash however was. It was a no brainer that one of their top tier members would be sent on this important assignment. Yet, this meant she was going to be traveling a long distance away from her home as well. They would not see each other for a long time.

In spite of this, Soarin’ still held much pride for he had some positive news as well. Better yet, he was going to be the first to share it with her, fairly soon if the knocks on his office door were an indication.

“Morning, Dash,” Soarin’ said looking up from his paperwork as Dash entered.

“Hey Soar,” Rainbow smiled as she always did whenever they saw each other. She had to admit that it was somewhat awkward now. “So, about the new assignment?”

“Yes, let’s talk about that. First off, the brass has been sending mission specs to a lot of us, briefing us on situation. So far, it doesn’t look like the Empire is all that equipped to handle a large scale military assault. Nevertheless, we are to aid the ground army in providing patrol and air support.”

“Sounds pretty heavy.”

“Furthermore, and I know you’re not going to like this, but the Dominion is pressuring us to eliminate potential threats if they cross over. I want to stress the fact that while deadly force is authorized, we would like to see only the minimum amount of force possible.”

“Geez, the Dominion is just being hypocritical now. They claim to be bringing order, yet want to see blood when something they don't’ like shows up. And we get stuck doing the dirty work.”

“I know, Dashie. I know. That’s why you will wait until they cross the border. Other than that, it’s the times that determine our opposition.”

“Yesterday’s ally is tomorrow’s enemy, and vice versa.”

“Exactly. In any case, you already know you are going to the border as part of this duty.”

“Probably under a gruff commander, right?” Rainbow sighed.

Soarin’ only grinned as he opened a drawer. “Actually, no.” Rainbow raised an eyebrow. “Some of us have talked a bit, we came to a conclusion. We’ve decided it’s about time you got your own position of command for your dedication.” Soarin’ placed a badge on the opposite end of the table where Rainbow Dash was standing. “And since you’ll be going on an important assignment, we feel it best you be put in command of your own flight, Group Captain Rainbow Dash.”

Rainbow’s eyes widened immensely. He could see her excitement at the prospect. Her, a captain? Joining the ranks Spitfire and Soarin’ held before her? It certainly wasn’t what she expected to happen when she woke up that morning, but it wasn’t unwelcome either. It was another dream fulfilled.

“Gosh, if only mom and dad could see me now,” Rainbow said admiring the badge.

“I’m sure they would be very proud,” Soarin’ smiled sadly. My mother would have been proud of me, too. If she were still around… “Anyway, I will drop by your room later with your uniform insignia. In the meantime, you do have today and tomorrow to prepare for your leave. Why not pay a visit to your friends? I’m sure they’ll want to wish you luck.”

“Yeah, I think I’ll do that. It’ll probably be the last time I get to see them for awhile. You gonna train recruits today?”

“Most likely, though I probably will have to get a new assistant,” Soarin’ chuckled. “Congratulations, Dashy. I really wish I could go with you.”

“Well, we can make up for that before I leave,” Rainbow said with a wink. “Good luck with the training, Soar.”

As Rainbow left the office, Soarin’ paused for a minute before he went back to his paperwork. He kept eyeing the drawer he had reached into earlier. Next to where the badge used to be was the same small box he had with him the night of the Everfree Inferno. Many things were holding him back from trying a second time to present it to his love, from Fluttershy’s condition, to their individual duties. He could never find an appropriate time to try again. Now that Rainbow Dash was heading off for an indefinite amount of time, this was probably the last chance he would have for who knows how long. The question was, should he do it?

He thought for the longest time before coming to a firm conclusion: no. He did not want to worry her about it. It would distract her too much and that was something neither of them could afford.

“Another time then,” he thought out loud. “It’ll be a welcome-back present.”

Rainbow Dash returned to her room in the Academy to prepare for a trip to Ponyville. It would be a simple fly to the town, so there was nothing extensive she needed to take with her. A simple bag and perhaps her previous uniform shirt would do. After dressing herself in the dress shirt, she pinned the badge onto her collar. Once she was all ready, she exited the building and took flight in the direction of Ponyville.

By this point, the ash from the disastrous fire, while it still polluted the air, wasn’t in as large a concentration as it used to be. Even so, Dash wasn’t going to take any chances as she approached Ponyville. She stopped in midair to cover her mouth and nose with a surgical mask before continuing to land in town square. Her lungs were important to her so the mask would continue to stay on in spite of the danger being fairly mild now.

With a brief moment of indecision, she walked in the direction of Ditzy’s old house which was now occupied by Pinkie Pie. It was another thing about Ponyville she was sad to see go, but she more than understood Ditzy’s reasoning for leaving. In flying over the town, Rainbow Dash had a difficult time locating the house, not because she didn’t know where it was, but rather because she was searching for a cheerful building where there were none in sight; When she finally did find the house, it just look too sad to belong to her favorite pink party pony. It just seemed to blend in with the rest of the struggling town.

Rainbow landed in front of the door and gave a few hard knocks. She waited for a bit and gave a few more knocks when nopony answered. Still no response. Guess she’s not home. Rainbow walked away from the door and took flight again.

Her next nearest stop was the another house to the west to visit her favorite filly. She’d visited Scootaloo’s house more times than she remembered and sister figures always had tons of fun. It was going to be painful to tell her what was happening, but she had the right to know with how close they were now.

Rainbow Dash approached the humble house and noticed Scootaloo’s mother sweeping the porch. Like Dash herself, she was wearing a surgical mask to protect her lungs from the dirt and ash that was being kicked into the air by her broom. The mare looked up from her sweeping and waved when she saw the spectrum pegasus.

“Well hi there, Miss Dash. Didn’t think I’d see you today.”

“Morning Mrs. Mayday. Is Scoots here? I need to talk to her about something.”

“I’m afraid you just missed her. She went to the homestead to help the Apples. Got a summer job, so proud of her,” the mare smiled.

“Okay, I was headed there next anyway. Thank you, Mrs. Mayday.”

With Mrs. Mayday waving goodbye, it was now time for Rainbow Dash to visit Applejack and by extension Scootaloo. As she flew in that direction, the damage to the orchard was all too obvious. It went without saying that the ashy aftermath of Everfree did quite a toll on the trees, and it was already suffering to begin with. A good third of the orchard was filled with dying or dead trees, withered and good for little more than firewood.

Applejack herself was growing increasingly frustrated. Aside from the obvious produce problems, she never realized how difficult being the matriarch was until Granny Smith passed on. She was given little time in between for grieving, her livelihood couldn’t afford any slouching, at least not with only three ponies working the farm. Today was what she considered a “slow” day.

“Hey Applejack,” Rainbow Dash said landing.

“Howdy Rainbow,” Applejack responded, bucking one of the still good apple trees. “What a surprise t’ see ya here!”

“I’m gonna be in town for a bit, so I wanted to see all of you before I need to deploy for the border up north. You guys been holding up alright?”

“Just fine, ah guess…. Deploy for the border?”

“Yeah, I got promoted to Group Captain and I’ll be going to the border of the Crystal Empire. After the things that happened, we’re helping out the army to protect Equestria.”

“That don’t sound good. Hope it goes okay. Things ain’t much better here. Since that fire, it’s been hard t’ keep up. Been up since five AM trying to balance the work.”

“Geez, AJ. It’s almost noon, take a break already. For the good of your health.”

“Ah can’t, sugarcube. Ah have t’ make up for all the losses. If Ah miss even one day of work, Ah’m liable to fall too far behind.” Applejack did however take a moment to rest, wiping away the sweat from her forehead. “Ah have new respect for Granny Smith now. Anyway, Ah’m happy for your promotion. Good job. Anything else ya be needin’?”

“Actually, have you seen Pinkie anywhere today? She wasn’t at her house.”

“She’s off some place getting supplies for Sugarcube Corner. She came by earlier to buy some apples off us. She really ain’t been herself neither.”

“I’ve been getting that impression about everypony today…” Rainbow Dash observed the diligent farm pony kick more trees, savaging any and all apples there were still good. “You know, I’m not actually leaving for the border until Monday morning and a little exercise wouldn’t hurt me, maybe I can stop by tomorrow and help you guys out. You look like you could really use it.”

“Ah think we’ll be alright. We got hired help.”

“Right, if you say so. Speaking of which though, do you know where Scootaloo is? I wanna talk to her while I have the chance.”

“Talk to me about what?” Scootaloo said approaching the mares with a basket of apples on her back. “Hey, Rainbow Dash.”

“Hey squirt. Everything going alright?”

Scootaloo put down her full basket and retrieved an empty one. “Yeah, pretty good. Since the last time you were in town, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and I all made peace with Diamond Tiara.”

“Really? That’s good. I heard about what happened to her father. Is she going to be alright?”

“She’s struggling a bit, but we’re going to help her through it.”

“Good going, squirt.” Rainbow Dash contemplated her next words before speaking them. “Hey, Scoots? I some news I need to share with you?”

“Yeah?” Scootaloo responded while picking apples from an airborne position.

“Two things. First, I got promoted to Group Captain. I’m officially in charge of my own squadron. Second, I’m going to be deployed to the Imperial border in about two days from now.”

“Oh, cool! That’s so AWESOME!” Scootaloo exclaimed, dropping a few apples and fluttering around the area in excitement before suddenly halting. “Err, about being a captain I mean, not about the border thing. That kinda sucks.”

“I know, but it’s up to the brass to decide where we go, not me. Being a Wonderbolt isn’t all thrills and fame. There’s a big conflict going on between Equestria and the Empire and it could boil over eventually. I’ll be doing my part to protect you and Equestria. Until I leave for the border though, I’ll be in town in case you wanna talk or practice any.”

“I understand. Good luck, Captain Dash. And if they try anything funny, make sure to give them hell,” Scootaloo saluted.

“Will do, squirt,” Rainbow saluted back. “I’ll see ya round. Good luck with your summer job.”

Rainbow took flight once more, her final destination being the cottage of her foalhood friend. The home stuck out like a sore hoof now, with some new trees obscuring the view of it from Ponyville’s direction, in the middle of the area where the grass and other vegetation was all but gone.

Strangely, the vegetable garden in back was flourishing, further adding to the out-of-place feel the cottage now had. This is where Rainbow Dash found Fluttershy watering, still wearing her bandages.

“Uh, hey Fluttershy,” Rainbow said quietly as she landed on the opposite side of the garden, not wanting to spook her from behind.

“Oh, good morning Rainbow Dash,” Fluttershy smiled after placing her rather strange looking watering can down.

At least she seems to be recovering a bit. “I’ve got something I need to tell you, Shy. I’ve already told the others about this, but I got promoted to Group Captain.”

“Oh my, congratulations!” Fluttershy said clapping her hooves together a few times before her joints became a bit sore. “Ow…”

“Thanks,” Dash responded with a smirk before cringing a little at Fluttershy’s pain. “But at the same time, I’m gonna be gone for a long time again. I’m supposed to be deployed to the border of the Crystal Empire. I don’t know when I’ll be back, so I wanted to see everypony again.”

“Oh, that sounds… serious. Why are you going out there, if you don’t mind me asking?”

“Equestria and the Empire are having some, well, differences. To put it lightly. We’re trying to make sure it doesn’t escalate to physical violence. I’m kind of surprised you didn’t know that though.”

Suddenly, the watering can gained a pair of yellow eyes and a mouth. “And I’m surprised you didn’t know more about your oldest friend, Rainbow Dash. Though, I should have guessed you would gloss over Fluttershy’s lack of interest in the newspaper lately.” Rainbow Dash glared as the draconequus assumed his true form. “I can’t really say I’m surprised.”

“What’s that supposed to mean you animal accident?!”

“Guys… Please don’t do this.”

Both Discord and Rainbow Dash backed down a little bit. As much as neither one was fond of the other, Fluttershy was the best friend to both. It was disrespectful to her, especially given her situation. You got lucky, both growled internally.

“I’m here for the rest of today and all of tomorrow, but I have to go back to the Academy first thing Monday morning. I might be helping AJ with her orchard tomorrow, but if you want to talk about anything, I’ll be either there or at my house.”

“I don’t think that will be much of an issue. I don’t really go into town anymore…”

“Well… You’ll know where I’ll be either way. I should probably go home and send a letter to Rarity. Gotta decide if I need to take anything back too. I’ll see ya later.”

With Fluttershy smiling, and Discord pouting, Rainbow Dash flew in the direction of her home. On the way, she saw more ponies out and about, only a few of them recognizing her in the sky and even then treated it as if she were any other pegasus. This was bothering her more than she felt it should have, and it wasn’t because she wasn’t getting the attention of being part of an elite team.

The rest of the day was uneventful and slow, which honestly she did not mind. Any chance she could get to rest and relax, she was not going to complain. However, she dealt with some insomnia that night. Thinking back to the last few years, she had been visiting Ponyville less and less. She could only hear of the troubling times going on, never being a part of it. From her conversation with Applejack, to her interaction with Discord, her thoughts kept going back to a feeling of alienation that had been growing from the previous year. So much happened that she missed, how many ponies would notice or care if she just stopped showing up.

“Maybe I’m not welcome here anymore…” she mumbled as she drifted off to sleep.

Other than a little visit with Scootaloo and then to Fluttershy, the day went and gone with a late package being delivered to her mailbox that evening. Priority mail from Canterlot, which meant Rarity.

Sure enough, the package contained an indigo scarf with Rainbow’s cutie mark embroidered and a letter go with it.

Dear Rainbow Dash,

Congratulations on your new rank. I hope you can help end all this silliness before it goes too far. But I know you’ll be up there for quite a long time, so I took the liberty of putting together this for you. I will admit, it’s not one of my finest works, but it will keep you warm in those temperatures. I hope I got the colors right, it would just look garish if the scarf didn’t match your uniform. But of course, that is probably silly thing to worry about.

Good luck up there. I apologize for not being able to see you in person.


Rainbow Dash smiled as she flung the scarf around her neck. Perhaps it wasn’t aerodynamic, but it was still decently stylish in addition to being warm. Besides, she wasn’t going to be performing high speed tricks up at the border. And of all the colors she could have picked, Rarity was smart enough to pick a darker color to blend in with the night time patrolings that would be likely.

Around eight in the evening, she had to make sure she said her goodbyes before going to bed because with her alarm set for four in the morning, she wasn’t going to get a chance otherwise. The moon was still above the horizon when she woke up and gathered whatever items she wanted to take with her. Once it was time to leave, she locked her house door and began her journey back to the academy for what was going to be the longest job yet.

Approaching the academy on her flight back, she could see the Wonderbolt airship docked in the light of the moon. The chosen Wonderbolt flight was set to arrive at the border by daybreak. But flying for hours with just their wings was not ideal with that distance.

The lights in the academy building indicated a small buzz of activity, the militant ponies loading supplies into the airship. Rainbow landed next to a yawning Soarin’, himself not terribly active yet. “Good evening, Dash.”

“Technically it’s morning.”

“Not to me it isn’t. How did your trip go?”

“Not as eventful as I would have liked,” Dash replied, herself now yawning, albeit purposely to hide the depression in her tone. “How long before we need to depart?”

“Eh, about twenty minutes I’d say. You might want to retrieve whatever you want to take with you. We can’t afford any delays.”

“I’m ready, don’t worry.”

“Good. Now, it will still be a few hours before you’ll arrive at the patrol camps so you’ll have some time aboard to sleep a little more. Trust me, you’ll need it. Everypony going, you already know and have been filled in about your position. Regardless, try to make a good impression on the army when you get there.”

“I intend to,” Rainbow grinned. “I really hope this whole thing blows over fast.”

“Wishful thinking, but I doubt it will be that simple. You should probably get aboard though. As I said, we shouldn’t delay.”

Rainbow Dash and Soarin’ exchanged a prolonged heartfelt embrace and parted hesitantly in order to go back to their duties. Rainbow knew she had to stand tall and set aside her emotions. The warzone was no place for them.

For the remainder of the preparations and well after the departure, Rainbow slipped into her new role. Doing so turned out to be much simpler than she thought, having participated in coordinating many Winter Wrap Ups in Ponyville, and weather patrols. However here, she was representing her flight. She had to take this seriously, especially given the mission. If she didn’t, there would be consequences that would weigh on her shoulders.

After overseeing loading of supplies, Rainbow Dash joined her comrades on the main deck for roll call. Her flight consisted of a total of forty-two pegasi, herself not included. They were separated into six sections with seven soldiers each.

“Group Captain Rainbow Dash,” Thunderlane stated with a salute, to which Rainbow returned. He had been promoted to the rank of Flight Lieutenant and was assigned to work under the Group Captain. He had no idea it would be Rainbow Dash until the morning of the prior day, yet he had the soldier attitude etched into his mind and as such would adapt accordingly.

“Attention Wonderbolts!” Rainbow sternly announced. “This job we are being deployed to do is a very important one. I know that for a quite a few of you this is the first time you will be out on the field. Myself and your flight captains will be going over the specifications multiple times with everypony to make sure we understand them. Nevertheless, we are all a team. We must communicate and cooperate with each other if we are to stay strong. To any rookies out there, if you have any questions or issues that need to be brought to attention, speak with any of your respective flight captains. It is not only important that we know what we are doing, but to take pride in doing it.”

Thunderlane took a step forward with a clipboard in his hoof. “Wonderbolts, assemble!”

Five of the six flights took a preset arrangement. The captains of each group stood at the center front while the remaining six members of their flight formed two rows of three behind them, according to their given number and flight name. The members of the sixth flight, Rainbow Dash’s, formed a row behind Rainbow and Thunderlane as the latter went through the list.

“Alpha team is good,” Thunderlane said as he checked off each name. “Beta team, Gamma team, Delta team, Epsilon team, all thats left is Omega team.” The dark gray stallion turned around to face his flight. “Omega One,” Thunderlane checked himself off the list. “Omega Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, and Seven. Alright, everypony in the squadron is accounted for.”

“Good. Now, I want everypony to move to their respective quarters to get some rest. Chances are we’ll be starting as soon as we touch ground at the border. I need you all alert. Now you are dismissed.”

Everypony headed to each of their barracks on the ship at this point, Rainbow Dash being the last one to get to her room after double checking certain criteria. This was the first time she actually slept in the captain’s cabin and it should have felt good. She felt as though this was supposed to be a major step up, being a perk of her new position. Instead it felt… empty. Too many conflicts prevented her from enjoying it.

Despite how soft and comfortable the bed was, it took nearly forty minutes of tossing and turning before Rainbow Dash finally fell asleep. Yet she slept light that night, waking up periodically as the hours ticked by. Upon the fifth time this happened, she noticed a small hint of light emitting from her window and took a look at her alarm clock which read seven twenty-five.

With a yawn, she sat up in her bed and stretched out. She expected to be landing soon, so now was as good a time as any to start preparing for the day. Breakfast was to be served at the camps, so there would be no point in going to the mess deck. So instead, she decided to head topside and catch some of the breeze through her mane.

This was where she caught a glimpse of the Imperial territory. The Sun was still sitting on the horizon at this point, but there was a noticeable brightness emanating from the Empire’s direction. There was no aurora effect, but rather it was a glow concentrated in one particular spot in the distance, not from the Empire itself.

“Wait… What the heck?” Rainbow said squinting in an attempt to make out what the source of the glow was. Something about it bothered her, but she did not have the slightest idea why. It just unsettled her.

However, that glow erupted into a strong light that became unbearable to gaze directly into it. After a brief moment of rubbing her eyes, Rainbow focused in its direction again and after a minute or two, the light dimmed to a manageable level, but for a long time never completely diminished. This whole incident spooked the cyan pegasus. What was happening? Was it some sort of powerful spell? Princess Cadance was an alicorn and not only did she have the assistance of her husband, a unicorn fluent in barrier spells, but the fugitive Sunset Shimmer was supposedly hiding in the Imperial territory as well. Regardless of what was going and who was doing it, the phenomenon was well visible and she was definitely not the only pony who saw it.

“Oh boy…”

The whole building place was buzzing with activity. The air was filled with the sounds of sawing, hammering and screeching of pulleys. Looming Arc was hovering just under the roof of one of the pavilions, checking if the beams were properly affixed. In his opinion it would hold, but with how many ponies would arrive, one could never be too sure.

“Hey, Canopy, pass me a hammer and few ten inch nails!” He turned to take the tools from his sister, but the air was empty. That is, until they came flying from underneath. He caught them just barely.

“You could have flown up here with them, you know,” he reprimanded her.

“And you could have flown down here for them just as easily,” she shouted back and grinned mischievously. Arc had to admit she had a point. “I will go help them with the central stage and then do some decorating. Catch you later.”

“Alright, I’m sure you’re gonna nail those strings of roses just fine.” She flicked her golden tail and threw her head back in fake indignation as she was leaving, but he could see right through it. They were twins after all. He put the nails where they needed to go and hammered them in with a single hit each. That comes with practice and a cutie mark for construction.

He flew down, packed his tools into a reinforced saddlebag and left the pavilion. The sun stood still rather low above the horizon. It never climbed too high when the summer ended, but it was still an early morning, so it didn’t feel that out of place to him. There he came from, the sun would climb steadily and bring warmth even now. Hay, it would probably be still warm enough to go swimming!

He shivered from a gust of northern wind and walked to the nearest fireplace hastily. There was a tripod above it with a huge kettle. A unicorn he had never seen before poured a cup of coffee out of it and floated it to Arc, beckoning him closer to the fire.

“Are you new to these parts?”

“Kinda.” Arc sipped on the coffee and shivered some more. It was blazing hot, darker than night and so strong it would wake dead. He immediately took a larger gulp. “My sister and I arrived six months ago, but we were spending time in the Empire only. Thanks for the coffee, it’s great!”

“You are welcome. Both regarding the coffee and the country. I’m from around here, from Crosstown.”

“So this party will be for you then?” Arc waved his free hoof toward all the tents, pavilions around, some being still built, but most getting decorated by this point. The celebration was planned for that very evening. When Arc learnt few days ago that volunteers were needed for the construction of the areal he didn’t hesitate at all. There was enough work for his sister and him in the city with all those renovations and new investments around, but this was something special. When he looked back though, maybe he should have waited for a day or two though. He would have avoided digging the lavatories and foundations. As a pegasus, his place was in the sky, not under the ground.

“Sure, they won’t get me away from here now after all the work I did here! You don’t look like you spent the last few days just standing around either. It’s just as much your celebration as mine.”

“I meant more like celebrating your annexation to the Crystal Empire, but you are right on that.” Arc finished his cup and being offered a refill gladly accepted.

“It’s a pleasant change, sure,” the unicorn said and gazed to the Crystal Empire flag flapping on the closest flagpole, “but I don’t expect that much of a change. Still, it’s closer and the ponies are friendly. I say it’s worth it.”

They spent some more time drinking coffee and chatting about everything and nothing until the sun started to provide at least some heat and they returned to work. Arc trotted among the stalls and piles of wood ready for the evening, looking everywhere for Canopy. Along the way he picked a sandwich for her from one of the suppliers. The workers had the food free the whole time they spent at the construction.

It took him almost half an hour to finally find her - the areal for the fair took several acres. She was just hanging another garland to a pole and waved at him from above. He flew up and helped her with affixing it, and as they landed he gave her the snack. She dug in hungrily. Obviously she did much more that day than he had.

“I’m beaten,” she said and leaned against him. “Do you think they would mind if we left the rest on others?”

“Probably not. You can go back to Crosstown and I will try and get something done still. It’s the last day and you know how crystal ponies are with building stuff.”

She giggled, kissed him on the cheek and flew toward Crosstown. He knew that if he flew above the tents, he would spot the clock tower in the town to the east. They were assigned a small room in one of the houses, provided by a native who also participated on the preparations. He didn’t exactly belong to the hard workers - he liked to sleep in every day and would show up at the construction site only after lunch - be he was a good fellow. Arc felt an urge to work that day up for all three of them.

He spent next few hours drifting from one construction to another, helping and advising wherever he could. He would leave only after the chief of the crew would declare the works finished. It was about time too, as the cooks needed to start preparing the feast for the night.

As he returned to their temporary home, he met their roommate in the doorframe, ready to go to work. “You can stay home, Rice Soup. We are done.”

“Well, that’s a relief,” Rice Soup said quietly and put his hat back on the hanger. “But don’t make so much noise, Canopy fell asleep. She worked herself into exhaustion apparently.”

“That can’t happen to you anytime soon.”

They didn’t have much to do for the afternoon apart from grabbing something to eat from the inn. All the expenses were prepaid here as well, so they didn’t have to worry at all about the higher than normal prices the place usually demanded. Then as the time for the fair neared, they brushed their manes and tails and started for the grounds again. Canopy, now rested and cheerful, was giddy with anticipation.

“Do you think there will be fireworks? And balloons? And the princess?” She was barely holding herself from hopping around. She always loved big celebrations especially after she got a chance to attend one thrown by the famous Pinkie Pie. The stallions exchanged an amused look.

“You were around the whole time this was being prepare, Canopy,” Arc said with a shake of his head. “You know exactly what there will be.”

“But they could have added or changed something in the meantime!”

However improbable it was, they indeed did. The sun had set already, but the place was perfectly lit. Not only the torches provided much more light than they had any natural right to, but also the strings of paper roses they spent a long time hanging everywhere were glowing in all hues of the rainbow and few more still.

The sounds of drums, violins, flutes and singing were coming from everywhere. They obviously weren’t among the first to arrive, but the site spread so far that many more ponies would be comfortably accepted without having to fight for space.

As they were passing one of the crystal pony organisers, they were each given a small necklace with a small crystal. Nothing expensive, but a pleasant souvenir for the days to come. Not to mention it glowed in the dark and with everypony around having one it added to the general feeling of belonging.

They soon split, each wishing to see different things. While Rice found the closest taproom with cider, Canopy flew away to watch a comedic reenactment of Sombra’s defeat at one of the stages. Arc was mingling around, occasionally stopping to look at fireworks blooming on the sky from time to time or to admire some artist. There were painters, acrobats and other performers, and among others…

“Behold the skill and finesse of the great and powerful Trixie!” a blue unicorn he faintly remembered from when he was in his early teens was shooting small firecrackers from her hooves, a big purple pointy hat hiding her horn, though the pink glow was obvious to anypony. She was thoroughly enjoying herself, turning ribbons into paper birds into birds into roses, letting bunnies jump out of her hat and then pretending she was trying to grab them with her hoof much deeper inside than the hat could ever go.

Arc joined the group of spectators, mostly foal who were having just as much fun as the mare herself, laughing and cheering. They didn’t even notice how late it was getting and that they should have felt really tired by then. For once their parents didn’t mind though.

As the grand finale of her performance the mare magiced a pile of small wooden sticks and lowered them into the hat so that their tips would reach just over the rim. Then she jumped down from the stage and went along the line of spectators, prompting everypony to pull one out. To the excitement of the foals a big round lollipop with a colorful picture appeared on the other end of every stick.

When the mare got to him, he hesitated a bit, which caused the mare to smirk. “What, do you think you are too old for licking a treat?” She pulled out one lollipop, slowly licked it with her tongue sticking intentionally very far out and then placed it with the wet side on his muzzle. He went red like a tomato and now it was the adults’ turn to giggle.

With the performance at this stage over, the mare leaving for some other part of the grounds and shooting few balloons and fireworks for the foals to ease their disappointment from the fun ending so soon (though she was performing for two hours straight as Arc noted), he made his way toward the tables with refreshments if they could be called that. He was holding his lollipop with the tip of his wing and occasionally licked it, not caring about the others seeing him anymore, even though he noticed the picture on his lollipop wasn’t so innocent.

When he met with Canopy again, he had thankfully already finished his sweet. While he didn’t mind other seeing it, he wouldn’t hear the end of it from her if she saw that picture. She seemed even more excited than before. Her eyes were positively sparkling.

“Can you believe it? I met Rapid Fire! He even gave me an autograph!” She giggled like a schoolgirl when she showed him a headband she got somewhere around as it had a crystal in the front. The autograph was just next to it. “He even danced with me! I thought he would be some stuck up star, but he is a great guy!”

Arc let her jabber on as he knew she didn’t require any answer to her fangasming. He was rather concentrating at stuffing his tummy full of baked eggplant. So when she finally asked him how the evening was for him so far, he had his mouth hopelessly full and so just muffled “Pwetty sweeth,” and made something that would be a mischievous grin if it weren’t for his full-mouthed condition. Alas, it only made him look like a hamster, which Canopy hurried up to tell him.

Once the hunger was sated, they proceeded to the nearest dance floor. As almost every pegasus they loved movement and dancing in particular. They weren’t the only ones though which was proven by a petite magenta earth pony mare with glasses who was causing a lot of admiration with her smooth wavy moves and rhythmic tapping of her hooves. She seemed to have no care in the world, being fully submerged in the tune and the movement of her dancing partner, an ivory crystal earth pony.

The pegasi twins wouldn’t be put to shame though. As far as their memory went they participated in every fair their school back home would throw, regularly with a successful dance performance. They watched the pattern of the pair’s movement and then moved in the almost empty dance floor, the others only watching. They were soon noticed by the pair and in a few seconds the pattern started changing to accommodate four dancer instead of two. The music sped up a little, the pairs were mixing and switching partners and the rest of the ponies were clapping their hooves to the rhythm.

For the next song the floor was completely full, everypony moving in happy companionship. It didn’t matter who could and couldn’t dance or where they came from, they were having fun.

After an indiscernible amount of time, although the sky was no longer black, so it must have been a long time, did several volleys of fireworks draw everypony’s attention. The centre of the fair grounds, a small hill up until now bathed in darkness which couldn’t be natural since all the torches and flashes would have illuminated it comfortably, lit up with a ring of white and pink crystals at the bottom. Ponies getting the hint started gathering around it in the free space dividing it from the nearest tents.

As the majority of the ponies arrived, crystal ponies, natives and immigrants side by side, the top of the hill illuminated as well with another set of crystals, revealing the majestic Queen Cadance and six hooded figures in a semicircle behind her. After a series of cheers she raised a hoof to calm them down.

“Beloved citizens of Crystal Empire!” she called out and was awarded with another round of applause. “I am indescribably happy that so many new ponies can be called with that title now. I hope that our common future will bring much joy to everypony and that we will grow in the same harmony as we are spending this wonderful night.”

“Long live the Queen!” somepony shouted from the crowd and many glasses were raised to take part on the toast.

“Many of you surely remember,” Cadance continued after she alone took a sip from a glass floated toward her, “that we promised you all prosperity and enough food for everypony. Many of you questioned how we would provide all of that with limited resources.”

She beckoned the six hooded figures forward and took a small box from one of them. “Frozen North may not be the most comfortable place for living, yet look at the Crystal Empire. It flourishes in eternally mild weather and the storms rage around. As my advisors taught me, that place got a blessing long ago from mighty forces and now with these ponies’ help the time has come another blessing would appear. As a gift to all the citizens.”

She levitated a small crystalline seed from the box and showed it to the crowd. Although small, it was perfectly visible for everypony somehow. She then floated it to the centre of the hill and stepped behind, so she was standing in the middle of the hooded group. They all reached up and slid the hoods back. Both Arc and Canopy gasped as they recognised one of the ponies, Arc even two. Now they all turned their heads toward the queen just as the first rays of the sun slipped over the horizon.

“May the Elysium guide you and lends you its strength,” they declaimed as one and their eyes lit up brilliant white. So did the eyes of the queen, to the mild awe of the crowd. She looked serene though, joyous even.

“And you as well,” she said and the light erupted from her horn toward the seed on the ground. All the other ponies knelt down in a manner that Arc could remember from the single occasion he had to watch the reinforcing of the Crystal Heart. Indeed, he now felt the connection to everypony around and a strange feeling of his happiness streaming forward, yet not leaving him.

The light was growing in intensity, soon making it impossible to see at all, yet somehow he sensed something growing in front of him, something beautiful, benign and soothing.

When the light receded, he had to wait for a few seconds for his eyes to adjust back to the normal level of illumination. In the meantime he noticed that it got very noticeably warmer and the wind had stopped almost entirely. He blinked few more times just for a good measure and then gazed upon the hill. A massive white tree, whose color was so intense it was momentarily lapsing to blue, stood where the seed used to lay. It was no sapling. In those few seconds it skipped tens, maybe even hundreds of years. Its branches spread far, their crystalline structure glittering in the morning sun and adding to its inner glow. In the small breeze its leaves were whispering, continueing the soothing sensation from before.

Queen Cadance, along with her companions, stepped forward again, a please smiles adorning all their faces. “Citizens of Crystal Empire! Through your devotion and through the power given by our friends we managed what ponies deemed impossible. I hereby declare Crosstown the second oasis of the Frozen North. May it prosper and may you rejoice.”

She waved her hoof in a wide semicircle, drawing the attention of the ponies to their surroundings. The sky changed, if only lightly. A small sheen of ever-changing color could be discerned in the distance and above. But what really impressed the ponies present and what drew gasps and loud cheering from them was the ground. Where tundra reigned with her brown and yellow shades of autumn just minutes ago, the ground was covered with fresh green grass and a flood of flowers now. The winter had ended before it started for real and it ended forever.