• Published 15th Oct 2013
  • 11,060 Views, 700 Comments

My Daughter Chrysalis - Scarheart

Heritage. It's what defines character. For Chrysalis, it's about what it is to be a changeling. For Michael Spriggs, it's about finding out his past is not as it seems. The love between father and daughter will be tested, their bon

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Chapter 7 Chryssie's Night of Discoveries

Edited by ShadowBlades.

Chryssie here. Hey, I think it's time I start telling a little bit about my side of the story. I love my dad, but he tends to omit certain things for the sake of presenting a positive front for anyone who might be curious. What the changeling did to him was pretty messed up and I was not about to let that slide. I didn't insist Princess Celestia and Princess Luna allow my daddy to come to Equestria only to have him attacked so brazenly. Look, my dad is a nice guy and will bend over backwards in giving someone the benefit of the doubt. He may be a bit rough around the edges when he does that, but hey, that's the way he was raised and that's how he chooses to live.

One of these days he's got to let me see Grandma and Grandpa, even if they're just a couple of crazy humans. They do strange things, but they care in their own way. I just wish he'd see it. Dad's hated himself for so long, it's a wonder he's even still letting them in. So long as he calls them on their birthdays and holidays, there's hope for the Old Man yet. He's given so much of himself to me already, I feel downright rotten for what's happened to him.

Now, to this point I'm sure you've only heard part of my story as I grew up under the roof of a mentally scarred man. You’ve probably shed a tear or two the way he waxed poetic. My dad may not be book smart, but he's seen enough living to know everything happens for a reason, even if that reason is beyond control. That being said, he's controlled a lot about what he's allowed you to glimpse in our lives as I grew up. His paranoia knows no bounds when it comes to protecting me. It's really nice to know he cares, but as I grew older, it started to drive me up the wall.

Thank God for the internet and those summer trips we took across the nation (Canada, too)! At least he didn't keep me in the cage that was my only home for thirteen years. There were also the times I would sneak out of my bedroom window at night, after he was asleep, and go do things without him looking over my shoulder all the time. Don't get me wrong, I completely understand his need for secrecy. I get it. I'm a changeling, and secrets seem to be part of our genetic makeup. The way I've got it figured, we're the ninjas of this world of magic and fantasy. According to the vastly watered down show humans have come down to know and follow with near religious zealotry, I was once a queen and had my own hive...or something like that. Yes, I can sense emotions and yes I do feed on them.

But where ever did anyone get the notion emotions are the only thing I can sustain myself on? That's just stupid! I have fangs and teeth and a stomach and intestines and all those neat little things on my insides that I need to live! I love my steak rare and would happily wolf down a large pizza if Dad would let me get away with it. I draw my magic from love and my reserves build from converting the emotions I feed upon into energy with which I can convert to magic. What's so hard about that? Well, I can secrete a mucus of sorts that hardens into a sort of building material. I can use the holes in my hooves to make a substance with which I can make those neat pods for trapping prey.

I still remember that stupid cat from when daddy took me to work with him all those years ago. My mind is like a steel trap and I have a penchant for remembering, with clarity, my fillyhood. I might not have a lot of experience, but Daddy says I've got moxy. I had to look that word up the first time he used it.

Yes, us girls can have balls, and I happen to be one not afraid to show them off…metaphorically speaking, of course. I've definitely got more than that coward who went after my daddy. He's all I have for my hive and no jackass is going to do that to my family!

Wow, that's the first time I've really considered 'hive' and 'family' in the same context. It feels right.

Yeah, hive is family and family is hive. Celestia won't tell me much about the changelings other then they're here to negotiate some sort of peace. I get the feeling the princess could mop the floor with them if she felt like it, but she's the sort of mare who will resort to war after all other options have been exhausted. I don't know where people got the idea Equestrians are timid little wussies, but there's a reason this country is the most prosperous and powerful in the known world. Having two powerful alicorns with near god-like abilities and the Spirit of Chaos somewhat in their pocket is certainly a large reason for the respect, but the army is well trained and well equipped. Let me put it to you this way: the Everfree Forest is frequently used for training. There's even a training base for the SEAL version of the pony army somewhere in there. It's a huge forest and there are stallions and mares who could live quite comfortably with the denizens of that god forsaken place!

Of course, there's the magic. Few countries can match Equestria through the arts. Unicorn power is but a third of the reason why Equestria simply kicks ass. It also helps Celestia is interested in the world as a whole and does her best to respect the other races while balancing the projection of Equestria's influence. I don't know how she does it, but she's basically got her enemies too scared of her to go to war and her allies too proud to be anything other than friends with her. I don't know how she does it, but I'm sure she's endured hundreds of years of learning experience to shape the world into the closest thing to a utopia I can think of.

This doesn't mean the world isn't without its problems. Equestria might not have any looming war clouds overhead (other than this Empress chick), but the other nations certainly have their share of squabbling. It’s often an Equestrian delegation called upon to sort out whatever mess erupted between two countries and only after both specifically petition Celestia to step in and do something about it. It's usually a unicorn who goes, like Lady Fleur de Lis. She's not only a really powerful sorceress (not quite as impressive as Twilight Sparkle, my newest and best friend!), but she's a charmer and absolutely loves to play political games like it’s her personal chess board. There's rumors she's every bit as good at it as Celestia. I've had chances to ask her about it and I've certainly not wasted them! When Twilight is busy learning stuff about being an alicorn and doesn't have time to teach me, it's often Fleur who'll offer to step in.

She knows really neat stuff! She was surprised to find out I had almost no instruction other than being self taught while growing up and even freaked out a little when I informed her my old world thought magic was nothing more than make believe. She thought humans must be some sort of pitiful race with no magic to make life simpler. What sort of creature comforts were available to creatures who had not access to magic?

Of course, she was teasing me when I immediately took offense. She never drove a Mustang! I miss that Twilight. Yeah, I named my Mustang after Twilight Sparkle. Want to make something of it? Well, to be fair, it's really Dad's grandpa's project; I sort of took over as my own little thing to do. Dad says Discord's watching over the house and the barn and everything in it. For what reason, I have no idea. Maybe the Lord of Chaos needed a vacation from this world. He's probably having the time of his life and making all sorts of things go wrong on Earth.

Meanwhile, in a certain house in the middle of America's Heartland, Discord lost himself in one of the many video games while staring with grim determination at the screen as he pushed through a particularly challenging scenario. Empty pizza boxes surrounded him like a cardboard fort (as a matter in fact, it was such a construction), complete with flags bearing his likeness. Which was odd as the nearest pizza delivery was over fifty miles away.

He sneezed a couple of times, blinked as his character died a rather noobish death.

"Game cheats," he grumbled, waiting to pick up at the last checkpoint.

Where was I? Oh, yeah. Avenging my dad. You know, revenge seems such a neat thing to me. Oh, it's not about hate or malice or anything like that. It's just going about the business of letting someone know they crossed a line and certain steps need to be taken out of necessity to facilitate the prevention of such actions in the future. To teach a lesson in a way to avoid pissing me off later on down the road goes a long way to avoid misunderstandings. My dad is off limits.

I tried to ask who the offending changeling was, starting with Celestia soon after my dad was put to sleep for the night. Fleur wanted me in my bed and resting instead of trying to make a cot out of that uncomfortable chair next to dad's hospital bed. A war of wills happened and I'm still trying to figure out how I lost. I'm Chrysalis, dammit! Seeing as I was not about to be allowed to hang around the man who raised me, I relented under that all-to-perfect unicorn's perfectly neutral gaze while she imposed her smiling will upon me.

Oh, she's good!

Instead of going to bed, I had already formulated a half baked plan to impose my will in the form of a retaliation, Chryssie style! By now, the guards assigned to me are outside my door. There's a pair of pegasi assigned to watch my balcony, and for good reason. About a week after I got here, a curious changeling using my own changeling magic against me had followed the residual wisps of magic to my room and nearly discovered me. They know there's a changeling living separate from the wing the princesses allotted them and they're absolutely dying to know who I am.

In order to fully cook that which I had half baked in concocting, I needed to do a little scouting. I've already had years of experience sneaking out of the house while Dad was asleep. I've found I really don't need much sleep anymore as opposed to when I was a filly. Three or four hours and I'm bright-eyed and bushy tailed without even needing an alarm clock! I can't recall the number of times I would go into that little dinky town and use the unwitting residents to practice my natural sneaking talents I was born with. It was really lots of fun and I would spend hours sneaking into houses and learning about the inhabitants while they slept in their beds! Right now I can give you in-depth detail on the lifestyles of fifty-seven human beings from what kind of food they like to the kind of toilet paper they like to use.

Just don't let Dad know, okay? He'd probably have a heart attack if he knew I had been doing that. And he'll probably ground me for a million years.

Where was I? Oh, yes. Revenge. Sweet, sweet revenge for nearly turning my daddy into a human vegetable. After spending some time in my room pondering what to do next with careful consideration, I considered from my balcony the overlay of the wing where the changelings were housed. As I was curious to meet more of my kind nearly as much as I wanted to plant my hoof up someone's butt, I surveyed through the darkness what my eyes could easily make out as though it were day.

I should remind you, as beautiful and elegant Canterlot is as a castle, there are a lot of additions that have been layered over the centuries. Sure, it looks pristine and pretty on the outside, the stone and mortar and plaster blending together perfectly. There's magic in the stone, enough to make the spires and towers need but the least amount of material. Layers upon layers of spells interlocking each other through bindings from the foundations to the tallest spire defy the laws of physics. A modern engineer could take one look at the blueprints and throw his or her arms up in despair unless they knew how many spells were used over the millennia to act as its own mortar. Canterlot is indeed a fantasy castle right down to the stoney core. As it is, a clever magic user could follow the ley lines of the construction much as an electrician could follow the flow of electricity from the breaker in the basement all the way to the light bulb in the attic. Thus, beneath the facade of what all see as a magnificent display of artistic construction is a myriad of confusing spells layered over each other and through each other for the sole purpose of keeping everything in one presentable and overly lovely piece.

Am I bad for wanting to find that one strand of magical thread? To give that slight little yank and sit back and watch everything collapse like a sack of broken pride? I know its a bad thought and I should feel bad for thinking it, but I did giggle when it popped unbidden into my little head.

I wasn't going to need a stinkin’ blueprint to figure out where I needed to go. I already had the book which contained the instructions on how to follow the path of magical ley lines. I simply had to seek out the right spell currently in place within the ancient stone walls. Traces of magical energy are always drawn to an active source, like iron flakes to an electromagnet. I had caught the impression of the magic from my father as he overloaded on magical energy. The distinct signature I sensed was faint, almost like pheromones. I really don't know what else to call it, but it was a residue if nothing else. I sniffed it out and recognized it being distinctly something not based on unicorn magic.

Unicorns like to have personal signatures in their magic. Alicorns even more so. I don't know why. Pride, I suppose. Maybe it has something to do with ponies not quite adept at being secretive. Fleur has told me my magic is difficult to detect unless she knows what she's looking for. She even showed me how I can pick up on the subtle ripples left behind in the wake of changeling magic. It's like camouflage against radar: sloppy ponies stick out like a 747 while a changeling's magic appears like a fly's. My magic is essentially discharged emotions, a pony - or a bright and intelligent changeling like myself can pick up on it if one knows what to look for. As I am naturally empathic, it became really easy once I figured out what I needed to look for.

The remnant in question had a trace of arrogance and mistrust with a dash of suspicion thrown in for good measure. If it was a color, it would remind me of an ugly purple welt. It took some time to find it as I stared out over the courtyard from my balcony, closing my eyes and sensing out through the literal tens of thousands of signatures. Sorting through the mess would have been impossible for me the day after I had first arrived in Equestria a month ago. It would have overwhelmed me, perhaps even forcing me to swear off magic the rest of my life.

I'd like to take a moment to thank Twilight Sparkle at how she was able to discover the best way to lure out my magical talents. Fleur helped, too, but it was Twilight who showed me the difference between pony magic and changeling magic. We discovered it together and my unique status among my race as well as the ease at which magic came to the tip of my horn allowed me to learn quickly. Tracing changeling magic became something of a game for me. To me, each changeling has a distinct fingerprint, for lack of a better word. Show me remnants of a spell recently cast by one, and I can tell you what his favorite color is.

I don't know how I do it, I just do. Twilight says its because I'm a queen and I can naturally tell the differences between individual changelings without batting an eye.

"Ah, found it!" I crowed as what I was searching for began to emerge after sifting through all the magic humming in the air around the castle. Not surprisingly, I can only do this with changeling magic. I can't trace pony magic at all. Sure, I can sense it like any other unicorn at magic, but my brain simply is not wired to track it on the same level of detail.

Well, the changeling in question is old, soft, and utterly lazy. His magic tells me that much. From what I can tell, or 'taste', he's gotten fat from years of sitting on his rump and telling others what to do. He's complacent, sloppy, and completely full of himself. He's also the changeling who popped into Dad's head and nearly turned his brain into a slurpee. Habit makes him overly fond of sweets, mares, and bathing in scented water. I'm not kidding when I say I can figure a changeling out just from his magic. Like I said, I can't explain how, but I just do!

He thinks he's the most powerful changeling in Canterlot, sensing my magic but unable to find out who I am has gotten him spooked. This was to the point where he discovered my link to Dad the moment he came close enough to Canterlot to be in range for us to reconnect. The changeling in question then simply tried a different tactic as trying to assail my mind had been like throwing shit at a brick wall.

Fleur is a mistress of preparing a mind to protect itself. She taught me well and Twilight tested my defenses many times once I had an idea of what I was doing. It's a simple spell, really, and doesn't require a lot to maintain. I've always got it up and I always know when I've got someone trying to make an unwanted visit. If only Twilight or Fleur would teach me the spells to counter such probes! They don't want me learning high level attack magic just yet. For some reason, they think I'm potentially volatile.

Since my mind was guarded, he tried to use a back door via my daddy. He succeeded and now some crazy bitch claiming to be my mother started making all sorts of demands to Celestia and Dad.

Most powerful changeling around, huh? Wait 'til he gets a load of me.

I surveyed the night sky. A clock tolled one somewhere in the city far below the walls. I threw my gaze beyond the alabaster stones and over the distant rooftops poking up from the buildings set into the side of the mountain upon which Canterlot thrives upon. Shifting my gaze skyward again, I noted the twinkling stars and the waning crescent of Luna's moon. Was I really going to do this? Was I really about to commit myself to such a brazen act I had planned over and over since I discovered what was happening?

What would you do? The changeling already had a visit from Celestia earlier this morning. I was not about to let him off the hook just yet. I wanted answers on my own terms and I wanted them directly from his mouth to my ears. I also wanted to kick his sorry ass for what he did to Dad. After that, I planned on dealing with whoever the hell was calling herself my mom. So far as I was concerned, Dad was all I needed as a parent.

Everyone wants a queen. I shall give them my impersonation of Queen Elizabeth of England. This Empress and her precious Empire will be my King Philip of the Spanish Empire. The war had been declared and they had fired the first shot.

Like a dark wraith I slipped into the shadows, waiting for a passing patrol of two pegasi guards above my window. I had already snuffed out the light with the pretense of going to bed as ordered by Fleur. As I remained in my room, I knew they would send someone to check on me. They always did on an hourly basis. The ponies don't trust me.

They are smart ponies. I selected one of the pillows on my bed and lifted it before me with my magic, considering it with a critical eye as I shifted my eyes from it to the bed. Nodding to myself and satisfied such a simple ruse would be more than enough, I placed it beneath the covers and placed an illusion spell upon it. The pillow glowed with my green aura and assumed the likeness of myself fast asleep on the bed. Smirking, I covered my inanimate replica and patted it lovingly on the shoulder. I figured I would only need at most an hour.

"Good pillow," I murmured to it, before shifting my attention to myself. It was ninja time! I concentrated, having decided I would need the form of a pegasi guard. Armored couriers were not uncommon in Canterlot as orders were constantly being relayed and carried by new recruits in some lame form of initiation the first year of assignment to the Royal Guard. It was common knowledge ponies in the Royal Guard were recommended for the honor of protecting the most famous castle in the world after a minimum of three years of exemplary service in the regular army. I assumed the look of one of them, but avoided taking on any distinctive marks. I wanted them to see and ignore me, not see and want to come by for a chat.

I kept the form basic, shrouding myself with an invisibility spell I had managed to sneak from the library. I had copied the page instead of taking the book itself. It had a ward on it to prevent it from leaving the library. It was one of those books forbidden to me for specific reasons I really don't think need explaining. I will say encouraging a creature naturally gifted at hiding to explore other methods of being better at hiding beyond natural talent would unnerve a lot of ponies if they knew. Not that they're even aware Midnight Emerald is actually a changeling. I've got assigned guards sworn to secrecy who know and those not assigned to me now to notify those same guards should I be seen wandering around by myself. Right now, I'd rather not be found out. I'm rather fond of how Fleur de Lis worded my pseudo name in her language. It rolls off my tongue like chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream.

Again, my horn flared to life as I formed the spell and released it upon myself. My vision shimmered for a moment. I checked my body and found I did it correctly. I was now a walking blur of light refracting around my body. It wasn't the perfect invisibility spell. It was more of a camouflage. I thought it was pretty cool.

The night sky was beautiful as I took note of it again, wondering how exactly Luna does it. I can sense her around, probably holding night court. My attention shifted to the task at hand: seeking out guards. To my right on the side of the balcony I went, placing one hoof experimentally on the wall. It gripped and held and I followed with the next one. Soon I was walking down the wall, moving quickly and with purpose. I could walk on ceilings too, if I wanted. I've had lots of practice. I still remember running away from Dad as a filly, halfway through bathtime and me deciding it was time to make Daddy huff and puff after me through the house. I cheated by using three dimensional escapist methods. I paused when a pair of guards swooped by, holding my breath as they passed by. I noted with a grin how they always pause at my window and peered in. If they ever used a detection spell, I'd be in trouble. Thank God pegasi can't use magic. They moved on quietly.

There are plenty of shadows to dart in and out of. I use them judiciously, slinking quite comfortably from one to the next, my only bane Luna's Light. I get the eerie feeling she's watching me. Knowing her, she's enjoying this little escapade of mine. She's easily bored and has met me several times since I got here. Night court for her is boring hours looking at an empty line of petitioners with the occasional brave soul coming before her with whatever request they had. I don't think it bothers her so much as I hear she likes to poke around the dreams of her subjects. She's a pretty cool pony and I think we've become friends...depending on how much she trusts me. The Canterlot thing a couple of years ago (which I have know knowledge of other than what was shown on television) has made her wary of me. She won't tell me what. Nobody will tell me what happened. What little detail I've gotten entails a short war, not one day of terror. Ponies died. Even more changelings fell. I've found some scars of the battle here and there within the palace grounds. I'm sure there are others. Luna is as tight lipped about it as Celestia and I'm sure the word has been passed around to not open up about it while I'm around.

What the actual hell happened? Since I'm in pursuit of a changeling, of course I'm going to be thinking of something I was supposedly a part of in my other life. It's something to do while I work my way as unnoticeable as possible to my destination. All too easy.

I made it to the wing in question. Inside there be changelings! No doubt they had their own guards posted about in the interior. I sensed roughly fifty of them. Why so many for an ambassador? I knew for a fact the griffon ambassador only had a staff of a dozen. The minotaurs had even fewer! The changeling ambassador must be a pompous ass if he thinks he needs that many bodies to see to his greedy whims.

I think he needs to be taken down a notch... or three.

Two changelings disguised as armored unicorns are just outside the main doors leading inside. There are other entrances in and out of the wing, but I've decided I want to go in the front door. I simply didn't want to try and cut through the rest of the palace as this was the most straightforward route. I fell behind a rather large manicured bush next to the building and dropped my invisibility spell. So far, nobody spotted me. I shifted into my Midnight Emerald disguise - it's my 'hey, I'm a changeling and I hide it badly in this pony disguise!' look and I've grown rather attached to her. I'll tell you her background story later...unless I forget. Midnight is now my name and flirting with stallions is my game!

Tossing my mane, I drew in a sharp intake of breath and readied myself. Nerves, I guess. Exhaling slowly, I closed my eyes and steadied my suddenly pounding heart. This was so exciting! Trotting out from behind my hiding place, I put on my best smile and assumed my silkiest gaze. I'm also starting to become aware of buzzing minds in my head. It reminds me of the connection with Dad. I pause for a moment to try and make it out, but it's almost a foreign language to me. Curious and having something to work with, I separate it and file it away to pick apart later for figuring out.

"Hello, boys," I purred to them as I approached. I swayed my hips suggestively. "It must be so boring for a pair of fine gents such as yourselves to have to stand outside this boring old door."

The two fake unicorns blinked at me suspiciously, then shared a look, then focused back on me. They sensed something wasn't right. I came closer, tossing my mane again and flipping my ears forward, looking directly first at the left stallion, then the right. Their suspicion shifted from suspicion to wavering uncertainty. Then I let them feel what was beneath my disguise. If I wanted to, I could let them know who I was without dropping my disguise. They were smelling the changeling beneath the fur. I grinned. These two guys weren't very strong compared to me.

"Who are you?" demanded the one on the right bravely as he remembered his duty. "There's no one scheduled to come here at this hour!"

"I'm here to see the ambassador," I replied sweetly, batting my eyes. "And I'm going to see the ambassador."

"What-?" began the other as my horn glowed.

"Sleep," I murmured to them both. They dropped where they stood like a sack of potatoes. "Good boys." One of the double doors opened at my magical prodding and like a slip of the tongue, I went in.

Like the rest of the palace, the halls in here were huge and spacious. They might have even been big enough for Rainbow Dash's ego. There were dim lights here and there, as changelings don't need much to see. I slipped again into my invisibility spell, confident as I hid my magical presence. All of those lessons were paying off in spades. Deftly, I worked my way up the wall until I was on the ceiling, walking with careful steps as I always made sure I had contact with three hooves at all times.

I was having so much fun with this! Quickly I moved, finding a flight of stairs and following them up. A lone changeling not in disguise was walking the halls, carrying a silver tray as I emerged from the staircase. It was a mare, her dark form slightly smaller than mine. She was interesting to behold as she was the first changeling I had ever seen. She appeared tired as she adjusted her magical grip. It appeared to be a teapot and a teacup as well as something beneath a covered plate. Some sort of snack, I assumed. It had to be for someone important if it was being lugged carefully at this time of night. I grinned and followed her after she was satisfied her tray was secured.

It was a pretty straight forward walk to the far end of the hall. We passed a couple of other changelings working from behind open doors and working on what appeared to be official looking duties involving paper and pen. A couple waved at the mare as she passed by. Were these bedrooms or offices? Everyone seemed to be working on something. At least this one seemed to be liked by the others, I noted as she continued her journey. It was a very long hallway and I wondered why in God's name anyone would want such wasted space in the form of a long hallway with a twenty foot ceiling. The first floor was the same way! Everything was just huge in this wing! I was going to have to ask someone about it.

I had heard Princess Celestia had made a bit of a terror with herself downstairs in the offices of the changeling contingent. I was now going to make some sort of statement on the second floor.

The changeling mare reached the end of the hall where a partially opened door spilled the glow of a well lit room in a long crack stretching across the glossy teak floor. Her shadow broke the streak of light as she softly knocked and pushed against the door with a hoof.

"Anzealous? I have your tea," she announced.

Chryssie, the Ninja, dropped silently behind her. I was nearly on top of Tea Girl as she went in after her call was answered with a grunt and grumble. Ambassador Anzealous did not sound like a happy camper. As the changeling with the tea went towards the sound of his voice, I turned and silently slinked up the wall before she could close the door behind her. Once the door was closed and I remained unnoticed, I then turned to take in the room.

Opulence had a name. It was This Room. I gaped at the finery and expensive things filling the room as though all the greed in the world had been desperately crammed into a large room suddenly feeling like a gilded prison. There were bookshelves filled with baubles and knick-knacks an antique road show would drool to have, along with actual books of various conditions. Most were old, a few newer. There were two love seats facing each other with an ornate coffee table between them. They were set before a grand fireplace where a blaze accounted for most of the light in the vast room. It was a bedroom, specifically a suite as I noted, a very large bed piled high with comforters and pillows and even a few unidentifiable stuffed animals. Apparently Anzealous liked his plushies. Wait. Was… was that a Celestia plushie I saw in there?

For a moment I think of my own plushie of Twilight Sparkle with her permanent place of honor on my pillow. Yes, I'm firmly a Twilight fan and I'm really glad she's taken me in as a friend. That's a story for another time. Right now, there's a certain fat changeling dressed in red silk pajamas sitting at a desk with an oversized candle as his light source next to his work. He was writing furiously, the scratching sound of his quill pen reflecting his unhappy mood. It too was an expensive piece of furniture, painstakingly carved with patterns of flowers and leaves along the corners and sides. The drawers bore hand crafted brass handles.

"The Empress won't tell me who she is!" he spat in a voice filled with the strain of a very long and unpleasant day. The changeling mare gave him a semi-sympathetic look, before rolling her solid blue eyes heavenward and silently clucking her tongue. She shook her head as she poured him a cup of tea.

"Scone?" she asked politely, levitating the covered plate to his right side. He paused in his writing and considered the offering.

"I suppose I should take a break," he admitted, turning to look at the changeling. Anzealous was sitting in a swivel chair and it squeaked in protest as he spun to face her.

I had taken the opportunity to stop my gawking and focus on what I came here for. Maybe I should be a good girl and listen? Eh, I've got all night. What the hell. I made my way towards the only empty corner in the bedroom. Well, it wasn't completely empty as a small round table bearing a crystal ball the size of a grapefruit occupied the space. I climbed up the wall and nestled myself as comfortably as I could like a bat on the ceiling and settled myself in for some intelligence gathering. Being a changeling naturally made me ninja worthy in the sneaking department. I'm a sexy ninja to boot!

"Who do you think this mysterious changeling is?" asked the female changeling as she floated his tea to him. "Celestia scared half of us to death when she came in here to take your head." Her smile betrayed her feelings on the encounter.

Anzealous threw her a pained expression. "Must you?" he complained, then took a bite from his scone. The fat changeling ruminated for a moment, staring at the floor before shifting his attention to his visitor. "That creature I stumbled across had to have been a half wit," he complained as he accepted the tea. Anzy slurped loudly, his fangs clinking against the porcelain.

I noticed the changeling who had brought the tea made no move to have some herself. "Oh, come now," she said. "Surely you could not have thought that whole thing through before reading the mind of a completely alien species. Obviously you didn't or else the princess wouldn't have came in here looking for your head."

He waggled a hoof at her. "I know!" he huffed before tearing off another bite of scone. Chewing angrily, he stared off at the ceiling before taking another slurp. "These talking monkeys, these...these...-" Anzy turned to her helplessly as he couldn't find the right word.

"Humans?" offered the mare with a touch of amusement.

"Whatever! The point is, the Empress was as interested to what was in his head as to the information on Miss Mysterious Changeling. I'm convinced we're dealing with a rogue queen, Fae. She's in league with these..."

The word was tossed out again. "Humans?"

"Yes, humans. Such a strange word. It sounds odd saying it." He shook his head, his spiney mane rustling as his fat jiggled beneath his chitin. Buzzing his wings, he stretched, popping his back. "They're dangerous. I saw what weapons they have from that male's memories. I can only assume Celestia knows about them and may be moving to array them against us while keeping her own hooves clean of the whole mess. Am I seeing too much into this?" He threw her a long suffering look indicating this wasn't his only concern on his mind. Anzealous had the appearance of one overworked government employee reduced to stale donuts and old coffee for his political survival.

I perked up at that. Well, there were a lot of things Celestia and Luna were keeping from me, but one of the last things I'm sure they'd want to do is start a war between two species. Or would they? I felt doubt immediately creep into my head. Something else about this conversation is striking me as odd. I can't quite put it to the front of my thoughts yet.

"What did the Empress tell you?" asked the other changeling. I noted she had a bobbed mane, its color a mix of gold and red, like autumn leaves. Very pretty. I supposed male changelings had spiney manes while females had manes like mine. Weird, but in a cool way.

Anzealous furrowed his dark brow for a moment, scrunching his muzzle as his fangs clicked against each other in annoyance. "I'm being relieved of my post," he said with a resigned sigh. "Apparently arousing the ire of a goddess is grounds for termination."

"Imagine that!" giggled Fae. "Look, as your sister, I just want to tell you I told you so!"

Sister? She had to be too young to be his sister! Half his age, I imagined. For some reason, I was suddenly feeling less bloodthirsty as I felt the love and sympathy the younger changeling had for her elder sibling. Why did they look nothing alike? I didn't sense a blood bond between the two. God dammit, a complication!

He threw her an annoyed glance before tossing a dismissive hoof at her. "Mother won't be happy," he griped as he polished off the scone. Crumbs were all over the front of his pajamas and on his lap. Changelings look weird trying to sit like humans. It's not that they can't do it, but after spending most of my life watching Dad sit, seeing beings built to walk on all fours attempt the same thing is comical. I prefer lounging on my tummy myself, legs folded beneath me. It's more dignified.

"Mother was against you accepting the positioned offered by Her Imperial Majesty," sighed Fae. "It's prestige for the hive for certain, but you've always been too greedy for your own good. I warned you not to push for more than what you had already learned. Your job was to work on that peace treaty and you've been stalling on that for months now!"

"I was told to stall and you know it!"

Fae rose and took a step or two towards her brother. "That's your problem, big brother. As much as you want to be in charge and boss everything around, you're already halfway in the air when the Empress tells you to jump and asking 'which way?'."

"But it was the opportunity of a lifetime!" he complained loudly, flailing with his hooves. "Peace! A chance to not have to slink around in the shadows, wondering if our hives are going to be discovered. Our race has never been in numbers enough to mount a serious threat to the likes of Equestria or Minos or those damnable griffons. I know I'm an ass. I know I'm arrogant. I know I'm a bully, but I want changelings to be able to stand in the sun and not worry about having that fear of being hated." He was truly anguished as he spoke, the conviction in his beliefs strong. They were indeed wavering. Tears formed in his blue eyes.

What the hell?

At that point, my anger deflated even more and I was really starting to lose my resolve. My lust for revenge became a twinge of pity for Anzealous.

"After we lost a queen and her hive, it changed everything," Anzealous sighed as his sisterl, quietly refilled his teacup while gently touching his shoulder with a sympathetic hoof. "Betrayed! Betrayed by our own kind for the sake of her Imperial Majesty's favor!" he cried in a mix of pity and anger, as if the act he spoke of was still just as confusing to this day. "Queens aren't supposed to do that to one another."

"Brother, you delve into things there are no answers for yet. The Empress knows this. This is why you were sent here to broker peace with the ponies."

Alright, this at first had me intrigued, now it had my attention.

"Chrysalis was favored and some of her sisters were jealous!" Anzealous went on. I was beginning to piece together some of the meaning behind his name. I smirked and remained as still as heavy air on a muggy day. The way he spoke my name bothered me. It was as if someone had just told him his puppy had been hit by a car.

"There's no proof," Fae chided him gently. "You're working yourself up for no reason again. This conspiracy of yours has never had a hoofhold."

He looked at her sadly. "So why do you still follow me? Why do you believe me?"

"You've never struck me as a liar, brother. You're an arrogant idiot, but you're an honest idiot...and you're family." Her voice was gentle, soothing and betrayed pride in him. I guess changeling families are pretty close-knit. That's cool to know and raised them a couple of notches in my overall opinion of them.

Right now they were just above a pile of shit.

The soon-to-be-former ambassador to Equestria gave her a hard look, squinting through his glum facade. "Mother isn't happy with me, but she's already asked I report directly to her as soon as I get back to the hive. I've already heard who my replacement is going to be," he relaxed, sitting back as he spoke. His eyes softened a bit and a small smile creased his face.

Fae blinked for a moment. "Oh, no. I don't want your job!" she cried as a horrible realization hit her square in the common sense. "I never wanted your job! I've my sanity to consider!" Fae flailed her forehooves in the air in vehement denial.

"Too bad. Mother chose you." Anzealous paused for a moment, his horn glowing as a neatly rolled up scroll lifted from the messy pile scattered haphazardly on his desk. It floated within the veil of his magic in front of the younger sibling and hovered there expectantly.

The mare snatched the scroll and opened it. Reading it over slowly, it was hard to see her pupils moving, but there was a lighter hue of blue at what I assumed was what would be considered her pupils. I stifled a laugh as her expression morphed from disbelief to one or morbid shock. An eye twitched, becoming more and more exaggerated as she came to the bottom of the letter. "This is your fault!" she hissed at her brother.

No, she couldn't be blood related to him. Maybe it has something to do with the way changeling society is structured? Was it a secret society? Both of them were Down With the Clown? Seriously, there are people who still follow those guys. It's like Deadheads with face paint. I digress, missing out on some juicy eavesdropping.

Anzealous actually laughed at his sister. "Yes. It is, isn't it?" he sighed, slipping back into his depression. "You've been watching everything I've done and have read the minutes. You're the only other changeling to speak to any of the princesses. They like you far more than they like me."

She sighed, letting the letter drop. "Mother expects me to do better."

"You will. We're just lucky the Empress is letting our hive stick with the negotiations. She still has faith in Queen Druanae and you can't refuse our mother."

"No, I can't," admitted the younger changeling. I noted she was not a happy camper. I sensed fear from her and even felt a little sorry for Fae. There might have been a little sympathy for her, but I carefully guarded my emotions and considered my options.

"You should contact her immediately. The letter only recently arrived. You're supposed to respond as soon as you read it."

"I know, I know." Fae sighed, bowing her head. "Of course, I'll accept the position. If Mother has confidence I can do this, I should accept her decision. Where's the orb?"

Orb? I craned my neck as I thought of the unassuming little round object beneath me and on the little round table. It bore a slight green glow. Changeling magic. Everything we do seems to have something green to it. Now, I really don't mind green but I'm starting to think my people really lack for flare. Everything needs to be subtle for changelings. I was curious as to why. Hopefully, I'd get the answers I was looking for. Fae and Anzealous both approached the orb, their faces oddly apprehensive as if the orb was going to do something nasty to them.

Or maybe two kids ready to be yelled at by Mom? I recognized their looks as one I used to have every time I broke a plate or a glass while practicing my telekinesis back home. Dad always forgave me and never really got mad when I broke things. I think he said something about doing stuff like that when he was a kid. He only got really upset when I broke one of his grandma's little figurines in the fancy dining room some years back. I digress.

"Do you think she's awake at this hour?" Fae asked in a harsh whisper.

"Mother's always said she works best when Luna's silver shines down upon her." Anzealous rolled his eyes at her. "Why are you whispering? We haven't even tried to contact her yet."

"Mother makes me nervous," she admitted with shame.

The ambassador rolled his eyes again. "You're such a child," her brother commented as his horn's tip flared to life. The orb responded to his magic. It was a slight touch as his magic activated the orb's. It pinged like a glass bell, reminding me of the ringing of a house phone from those old movies I used to watch. This went on for several long, agonizing seconds as I found I was holding my breath expectantly. "Mother loves all of us," Anzealous said, adding wistfully, "even foolish fat changelings who lose themselves in their zeal."

Suddenly a firm voice resonated from the crystal, tinged with amusement. "Your zealotry is one of the traits that both delight and bemoan me, Anzealous," it spoke. The tone was gentle, perhaps a bit tired, and patient. "What brings you to call me at this hour, my children?"

I could not see anything in the crystal, other than a green glow with dancing shadows swirling through it. Queen Druanae sounded as though she would be a human woman of late middle age as I pictured her in my mind. Somehow, the image of Betty Crocker came to mind.

Don't ask.

Betty Cro - er, I mean Queen Druanae waited patiently as Fae nudged her brother as they shared something unspoken. Anzealous quirked an eyebrow at her before responding to his queen's question. "I'm formally submitting my resignation as ambassador and humbly propose you put Fae in my place."

"You called me on a formality?" The queen sounded disappointed and a bit annoyed.

Both changelings flinched from the orb. "No! Of course not, Mother!" insisted Anzealous. "I bring news of greater importance and of great personal interest to you."

I tilted my head to one side and wondered for a brief moment if I could be sensed by a queen. They were supposedly a good deal stronger than their offspring and were far more adept at noticing magic. I hoped my masking was good enough to not be noticed. Still, I could not help but cringe as I realized I might be in a bit of trouble. I had to use the little filly's room.

Damn you, tiny bladder!

It was only slightly less annoying than the dreadful thought of being found out.

"What is this news?" asked Queen Druanae skeptically.

Anzealous cleared his throat and straightened himself importantly. "I suspect Princess Celestia and Princess Luna are harboring a rogue queen."

I held my breath. Queen Druanae held her breath. Fae held her breath, staring at the older changeling with her lower jaw dangling like a porch swing. Anzealous waited expectantly, as if wanting dramatic music to highlight his revelation. When none appeared to be forthcoming, he began to sweat.

Okay, it just got really quiet in the room as the changeling on the other line digested this unexpected bit of news about, well...me.

"Seal the room," she commanded in a tone I could only guess was bordering shock and strained imperial bearing. "I don't want the Equestrians listening in on this."

"Yes, your majesty," both subjects intoned automatically. Their horns glowed with the same green color I have, flaring for several long seconds as the room's walls took on a sheen of dull emerald. I bit back a yelp of surprise and almost peed myself.

Oh, bladder, how you hold me hostage!

"Done, your Majesty!" chirped Anzealous professionally. He jiggled when he concentrated on using his magic, I noted from my position of discomfort. Fae's eyes drifted around the room, pausing for a moment as it drifted to where I was hiding. I stood absolutely still, hoping the shadows of the room would do me a favor and keep me safely tucked away.

Queen Druanae seemed satisfied. "I want both of you to listen and listen closely. Yes, Anzealous, my child, there is a rogue queen within the walls of Canterlot." Her voice resonated like a pair of singers still trying to get in sync with each other. "The Empress has made it perfectly clear this knowledge is not to be made to certain other queens."

What was this? Why is my existance being kept by not only the ponies, but the changelings as well? What was the big deal about me, anyway? It's not like I led a rebell-

"But Your Majesty, the rebellion was crushed as soon as the failure at Canterlot," chimed Fae on cue. She buzzed her wings nervously, darting her head from side to side as if expecting something unpleasant to reach for her.

Well, this can't be good. I found myself wishing what happened. Why could I not remember my past?

"The traitors remain in hiding," admonished the queen sternly. "If they knew Chrysalis lived, it would renew the civil war." There was a pause in the room as it felt as though the shadows had enveloped all the light until the pinpoints of lights from the candle and the fireplace dimmed to the points of distant stars. The voice of Queen Druanae focused on me. "Isn't that right, my dear ssssisssterrr?"

Her hiss found me and I did yelp, peeing a little.

God dammit, bladder!

What was it Dad says at a time like this? Oh, yeah…

"Yay me."

Author's Note:

Finally, the Queen-to-be has her own perspective! As you probably noticed, she's behaving rather... human. I wonder why? Mike, what did you do to the most nefarious changeling queen to ever walk Equus? Well...I like her this way and it gives her a fun slate to play with. She's young, over confident, and thinks she knows everything. Ladies and gentlemen, we have a teenager on our hands!

Which is worse? The old conquest-driven Chrysalis or the one you see before you now?

Stay tuned and thank you for you patience! Having a good editor makes the wait worth it. I hope you enjoyed this chapter!