• Published 15th Oct 2013
  • 11,060 Views, 700 Comments

My Daughter Chrysalis - Scarheart

Heritage. It's what defines character. For Chrysalis, it's about what it is to be a changeling. For Michael Spriggs, it's about finding out his past is not as it seems. The love between father and daughter will be tested, their bon

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Chapter 9 A Wild Story Arc Appears!

Twilight Sparkle wondered just exactly what it was she had been called for. Princess Celestia wanted to meet her about a matter of seeming urgency. Pacing quickly down the hallway bordering on a canter, her fast trot took her past guards and servants who were used to seeing the newly minted alicorn princess dart about the hall. More than a few remembered her as a filly racing through the palace when summoned, eager to please. Now she had ascended to an alicorn, so the stares she received were more often than not behind proud smiles. Twilight Sparkle had always been an aloof but charming filly. Her love for knowledge and hunger for reading anything she could get her hooves on was often compared to a changeling's unquenchable thirst for love.

This trip, she was asked to bring nothing but herself. No notes, no quill, no parchment, no books. Just herself. How strange was that? Idly she wondered if it was a quarter to ten in the morning or fifteen after. She calculated in her mind it was probably closer to ten, but discarded the thought as she mentally counted the minutes since she left her library half an hour ago. It had been twenty-one after nine and Spike had poured her third cup of coffee while she re-read the letter from Princess Celestia for the fifth time. It was fairly blunt, almost an invitation presenting the face of a near command. It was difficult to tell with Celestia. She could be vague in her letters at times, but this was was fairly to the point and suggested the purple pony prepare to present herself. Of course, a summons by her mentor was always a delight. Her studies could wait a bit longer. Besides, her friends were off doing their own things today.

As it was, her steps brought her in the direction of the private quarters of the Sun Princess through the upwards spiral steps of the great tower upon with she resided. Oh, she could have flown and would have preferred it, but Celestia had insisted she not be seen. This was a curious request and Twilight thought she sensed a twinge of nervousness from Celestia's letter. This was odd in itself as there was no physical way anypony could place emotions from ink to paper. This even struck the young alicorn as an impossibility as such magic would be wasteful and not really productive. Twilight reasoned as she had prepared for her journey from her library to Canterlot perhaps the princess was planning one of her high brow pranks, or perhaps Princess Luna was regressing. Maybe Chrysalis had acted up? Well, she was here in the palace under close watch and under an assumed name and disguise. Twilight had spent enough time with the changeling queen to know she was not what she would consider a threat.

Chrysalis was currently a teenager by means of magic pointing all hooves at Discord. Somehow the Lord of Chaos had managed to not only regress the former queen to the age of a young filly, but had opened a portal to the past and placed her in another world! Even more fascinating was the revelation from Celestia herself the race of beings—called 'humans'—who inhabited this world were the only form of sentient life. The egghead even found herself fortunate enough to meet one face-to-face! Unfortunately, she was only able to go if she promised Celestia she would not ask questions. As sensitive the moment was, even she would not have done so, despite her mind screaming for answers in regards to everything new and alien in her eyes. Earth was such a strange and fascinating world! Twilight had felt as though she had missed out on a great deal of study as well as an introduction to an entirely new species to her. Celestia later mollified her anguished student by promising her access to as much human culture as she would allow soon enough. Twilight's delight turned to concern when the princess informed her their worlds would soon be permanently attached. As to why Chrysalis had just spent the past thirteen years of her...'renewed' life with one particular human could only be summed up in one word: Discord.

He had apparently banished himself to this new world to avoid the ire of both Celestia and Luna as he had meddled (again) in affairs none of his concern (he argued everything interesting was of his concern). Twilight wondered this as she ascended the stairs, marveling at how Rainbow Dash had not only taught her how to use her wings, but build up her overall stamina with the rigorous exercise. She was only slightly winded by the steps. They gently wound up along the inside of the outer wall of the great spire and there were a great many of them! Still, she mused partially how these steps used to wear her out in her younger days. Another part of her lingered on the strange little friendship—even mentorship—she had established with Chrysalis. Rather, Midnight Emerald as Luna proclaimed her moniker to be while in disguise within the walls of Canterlot. Chrysalis clung to her the first week after her arrival, frightened from being away from her adoptive father. The human was invited to come only after Celestia deemed it might be necessary to re-establish the mental link between the two. Twilight theorized it was a sort of hive link and the young queen to be needed it in order to develop properly until she finished maturing.

So far, she felt she was neither completely correct nor entirely wrong. Changelings were secretive to the point even their ambassador sent to minister a peace treaty between Equestria and the Empire refused to have anything to do with any ponies other than the princesses. No amount of coaxing would budge Ambassador Anzelous from his stance, though members of his staff did indeed deal with members of the Royal Court of the Sun and the Moon. Twilight was able to figure out Chrysalis was not the only queen.

Still, there were other things to worry about. She sensed the changelings were not the focus of this particular summons—well, request actually as Celestia regarded her as an equal. Twilight thought she would never get used to being considered an equal in the eyes of her beloved teacher. Luna accepted her ascension readily and was even more so pleased if possible as it strengthened the friendship between the Princess of the Night and the Princess of Magic. Alicorns were indeed an exclusive club. The letter felt of a more personal nature, one involving a very select and small inner circle. Her feelings suggested (irrationally, she believed) Cadance would be there, also invited. It would be an alicorns only meeting.

She neared the top of the stairs, flicking her tail in amusement as she smiled to herself. As her mind sorted through her thoughts, they were nowhere near as orderly as she might appear when her (in)famous checklists were involved. When lost in thought, the young mare would often multi-task her thoughts and would occasion get them jumbled when there was no particular focus. This was part of the reason why some of her experiments in magic would go wrong, though it was not often (but with spectacular results). Powerful as she was, Twilight was still a student of magic. She was barely removed from her teens and would be in the eyes of humans considered a college student.

Chrysalis had explained it to her. Human society could be orderly and often was, but was quite confusing and chaotic in the eyes of Twilight Sparkle. Still, she wanted to see what humans knew. Apparently she now would have all the time in the world to pursue her various studies.

She shook herself from her thoughts, regaining her focus as she stood before Celestia's door. There were no guards as she preferred complete privacy. There were few in the world who could challenge the Princess of the Sun, though Twilight wished her mentor would put a couple of them on duty. This was highly irregular, in her estimation. Twilight cleared her throat and prepared to knock, raising a hoof.

"Come in, Twilight," called a familiar voice from the other side. "We've been expecting you."

The young alicorn smiled to herself, wondering how it was Princess Celestia was able to do that. The tone in the elder alicorn's voice was calm and serene as always, settling some of Twilight's fears aside. She opened the door with her magic and slipped inside, always happy to see Celestia. She was like a second mother to her. Though she was glad to see the white princess, she noted the concern etched upon the visages of the only other two alicorns in the world.

"Hello, Princess Luna," she greeted Celestia's sister warmly. Luna smiled briefly and nodded before shifting her attention to Celestia expectantly.

"It is good to see thee, Twilight," she intoned rather formally, her eye rolling back to Twilight for a moment. "Thy coming is welcome, though the reasons for thy summons warrants an explanation more for your benefit than mine."

"Oh? No greeting for me?" snarked a familiar pink alicorn to the youngest member of the alicorn family. Her tri-colored mane was of deep violet, rose pink, and pale gold. Upon her head and behind her horn rested a golden crown adorned with a pair of large rubies: one in the center and the other mounted at the tip of the middle peak in her crown. "I come all the way from the Crystal Empire, away from my husband, and away from my other boring, dull, and unending piles of paperwork only to be ignored by the very filly I once foalsat?" Her grin belied her tone as she rose from her cushions and wandered towards Twilight slowly.

Twilight's eyes went wide. "Cadance!" she crowed in delight. Her hunch was right as she dashed forward. "Sunshine, sunshine!" she began, starting a ritual concocted when she was a filly. Both mares went through the little poem in one voice, "Ladybugs awake! Clap your hooves and do a little shake!" Cadance gleefully knocked her hooves against her former charge and shook her flank at her, Twilight mirroring her. Both girls laughed when they finished and hugged.

"It's good to see you, Twilight!" Cadance said when they pulled apart. Any onlooker could tell she was slightly taller than Twilight.

Twilight looked at her, very glad indeed at this unexpected visit. "When did you get here? I didn't know you were coming. Even Pri—, er Celestia didn't mention you in her letter!" She still let slip on occasion the formal address to the white princess though she had been told repeatedly (and in good humor) to simply call her Celestia. They were equals, though Twilight would never consider herself as such to a creature most ponies considered an immortal goddess.

The pink alicorn grinned. "Oh, I had been planning this for weeks. I arrived on the morning train just an hour ago. It was supposed to be a surprise." She leaned in and gushed suddenly, "They have this new sleeper car that has all sorts of neat little things for creature comforts. It was heavenly!"

"It's just really good to see you, Cadance!" beamed Twilight. "How's my B.B.B.F.F.?"

"Still married," grinned Cadance with a twinkle in her eye. "He's doing fine. I wanted him to come, but one of us has to stay home in case an unmitigated disaster erupts during the preparations for the re-opening of the castle to the general public. We finally managed to get the last of King Sombra's presence from the last room in the castle. His little presents were everywhere!"

"That's great! I'll have to come and see what you've done to the place."

They chatted a bit more as they made their way to the elder alicorns. Celestia and Luna were both amused and enjoyed seeing the two greet each other. They settled next to each other around the low round table set with tea and cookies.

"Celestia," Luna began, wagging a hoof at the two as she implored her sister in a pained voice, "please tell me you didn't teach them that." It was the first time she had ever seen Twilight and Cadance do the foalhood rhyme and dance.

"Mayhap I did," chuckled Celestia. "You weren't embarrassed when we did it as children. I wanted to preserve some of our better memories growing up. I was rather fond of it. Shall we do it, for old time's sake?" She rose and wiggled her flank at her younger sister.

Luna blushed furiously. "We certainly shall not!" she declared, fighting a smile threatening to split her face. She stared at her sister, her resolve collapsing. "Maybe later?" she suggested in a little filly voice completely unbecoming her demeanor.

"So," Cadance said after the resulting laughter had died down, "what is so important I had to come as quick as the wind and away from important husband-wife things I wanted to do with my Shining?" Her gaze settled on Celestia, who assumed an apologetic tone.

Twilight did not want to dwell on the meanings of her friend's statement, but she assumed it involved naughty things involving a bedroom.

Four cups of swirling night and day colors artfully crafted by hoof had been laid out along with a matching teapot. It commemorated the return of Luna to the diarchy and had been sent as a gift by a young potter seeking to make his mark in the world. Crafting the exquisite piece the ladies were now all admiring promised him a grand start in the business world as both princesses decided to give the poor fellow a rather generous grant to explore his profession and build upon it. He was currently in high demand with some notable nobles with his artful craft.

There were also an assortment of cookies on a silver platter, all freshly baked that day. Almond cookies, chocolate chip, sugar cookies, gingersnaps, oatmeal raisin, peanut butter, frosted; they were countless and each one mouth watering as they awaited beneath more than a lingering gaze or two.

Celestia poured, starting with Cadance, then Twilight, moving to Luna, and finally herself as pleasantries were exchanged. It was rare indeed when all four could get together and enjoy small talk. They shared gossip and stories, the antics of Shining Armor as he still had trouble being Prince Consort to Princess Cadance making him appear the lovable bumbler in the eyes of the Crystal Ponies. They found his efforts to adjust to such a formal setting amusing and sympathetic towards his better adjusted wife.

Luna found herself grumbling over the name of one Steel Jaw, a unicorn soldier who also happened to be a rather recent addition to her Night Guard. She had recommended him herself to her Captain, citing his marvelous service record in the regular army. Though she had few unicorns in her ranks—there were mostly thestrals, Luna was made aware of the hostility of Steel Jaw towards a certain changeling and the near brawl with her human father. She griped for a moment longer about possibly disciplining him. Then Celestia suggested she assign him permanently to the human until he learns to be a bit more tolerant. Reluctantly Luna agreed, slurping loudly at her tea while glaring at her sister with eyes not focused on the subject under consideration. Now she only mulled in the back of her mind when to do it.

The matter was dropped when Twilight brought up some antics of her friends. There had been inevitable rumors of a rogue changeling roaming about the halls of Canterlot. Naturally Twilight's friends knew about it before hand, leading to a rather serious discussion with them in regards to stopping these rumors from spreading. The changeling ambassador's existence was not exactly common knowledge either, but carefully leaked information to the press in controlled amounts had made for a more acceptable level of concern for Celestia and Luna to deal with. So far, it had worked as anticipated. Ponies had always had (for the most part) absolute faith in their diarchy. But the rumors of a queen roaming about the castle brought Twilight's suspicious eye over her friends. None had exactly been sworn to secrecy, the events of the trip to Earth more or less pushing the discretion of letting out Chrysalis' current whereabouts as a passing thought rather than something of more importance.

It was a note of embarrassment for the ladies (save Cadance, who was hearing this for the first time). This also spawned a pregnant pause of epic proportions as winced looks swiveled to the wide-eyed Princess of the Crystal Empire. She had just now made aware she was in the same castle as Queen Chrysalis. Her pupils shrunk to pinpricks as she stared in utter confusion at Aunt Celestia.

"Say again?" she managed flatly, wearing a faux smile. Her eyes were starting to bulge from her pretty face.

"She's a filly now and has no memory of her past," reassured Celestia. She sipped her tea, her magenta eyes calm and reassuring. A concession was added off handedly, “Well, more of an adolescent teen.”

"Why was I not informed of this before?" Cadance demanded, setting her own cup down with an audible click of indignation.

"What would you have me do?" Celestia asked her pointedly. "Put her on trial for something she has no knowledge of? Put her before the scrutiny of a nation still reeling in shock? Do you wish me to pass judgement on a child, Cadance? I've seen her mind. Luna has seen into her dreams. Chrysalis is not the creature you remember."

The pink alicorn sighed and closed her eyes. The Princess of Love collected herself and wordlessly counted backwards from ten. Regaining her composure, she opened them and sipped her tea. "How long?" Cadance asked bluntly. Her horn selected from the tray of treats a delicious victim. A cookie was bitten savagely into. It was chocolate chip, its middle still warm and gooey in the middle. There was almost nothing left to mourn..

"A month," replied Luna as she too found herself selecting a round delight. Her sugar cookie had been baked as a moon waxing in a crescent. Or was it waning? She regarded it almost lovingly, admiring Nom Delish's kitchen staff for paying attention to little details. She bit into the cookie and chewed slowly, savoring the explosion of cookie charisma in her mouth.

"We wished to observe her carefully and have done so with utmost caution. She is always watched," the princess sighed, rolling her eyes slightly as Celestia gave her a meaningful look. "Well, up until last night."

Twilight perked up at this. As did her old foalsitter. Both exchanged stares before going back to the dark alicorn in an expectant hush. "What happened, Aunt Luna?" asked Cadance with more genuine curiosity. She was never the malicious sort. She was, after all, considered the Princess of Love and for good reason.

Luna chewed thoughtfully, studying the two younger alicorns, her eyes darting from one to the other with the practiced ease of a huntress trying to decide which doe to bring down. Her meaning was clear as she expected both of them to remain calm and not to make unwanted outbursts. This was supposed to be a friendly gathering of a rare sisterhood.

"Well," Luna began after taking a sip, "it would appear Midnight Emerald took it upon herself to seek retribution on her father's behalf for the attack upon his mind late yesterday morning. After seeing him safely emerge from his coma last night, she managed to sneak out of her room and make her way to the wing where the changeling ambassador and his staff are housed. You remember the negotiations, don't you Cadance?" Her ears swiveled and focused on the pink princess.

Cadance nodded slowly. "Are they still going on?"

"More or less. It is a bit...slow in progress," Luna admitted, allowing herself a little exasperated snort. Celestia nodded serenely in agreement.

"What did Chrysalis do?" asked Twilight as she leaned forward. She nibbled on a gingersnap as she did so, her forelegs acting as a fulcrum. The young changeling had become a friend in the month since coming to Equestria from Earth. She was nothing like the conquering monarch she remembered.

Cadance set her jaw, her mind flashing back to her personal and unexpected nightmare on what was supposed to have been her special day. "Yes," she said crisply, "please tell Twilight and me what happened."

"Cadance," Celestia reproached her gently. She refilled the ruler of the Crystal Kingdom's teacup and offered her the tray of cookies.

"I'm sorry," sighed the princess as she gave an apologetic smile. She took an oatmeal cookie this time. "Do go on, Aunt Luna."

Luna chuckled despite herself. "As I was saying, Chrysalis decided to pay a visit in the dead of night to Ambassador Anzealous. You remember him, don't you?" she queried Twilight pleasantly.

"The little fat one who kept staring at my flank when he thought nopony was looking?" Twilight noted with professional observation. "The one I would love to teleport in the middle of an ice-filled lake and drop a mountain on top of afterwards? The changeling who keeps making passes at my friends and uttering suggestions while safely snugged away beneath his blanket of diplomatic immunity? That Ambassador Anzealous? Nope. Name doesn't ring a bell."

"Don't abuse a mountain for the sake of a fool," giggled Celestia. She knew well Twilight was not only capable of dropping a mountain on somepony, but she could get it to sing on the way down. "One might sense you might dislike it as much as you dislike the good ambassador. Poor mountain."

The ladies laughed before Luna continued with her recollection of last night's events.

"Our young changeling queen decided to take the assault rather personally and decided to do something about it. Somehow she had managed to get her hooves on a spell book or two we had expressly forbidden her access to. She's got enormous power, but little mastery over it. Thankfully, most of the spells are beyond her understanding to this point." She sighed, refilling her tea and noted to her sister they were almost out. Her horn flared and it was refilled with steaming water while Celestia summoned the appropriate tea bags to seep into the teapot. The two had done this many, many times as it had almost become a ritual without thought, only reflex.

"Did she do something to the ambassador?" Cadance asked when her aunts were both done making more tea. It had been such a serene moment between the two, she dared not interrupt it. In one simple task, she and Twilight had seen the deep love and devotion the Sun and the Moon had for each other. Luna's personal healing had come a long way indeed. The sisters were truly sisters. They were the only immortal alicorns in all the world, though it remained to be seen if Cadance or Twilight would follow suit.

"Indeed," said Luna softly, sharing a sisterly smile with Celestia. She tossed her mane and cleared her throat politely, focusing her attention to the two mares who did not know the story. "Chrysalis attempted to seek out the ambassador with the intent to kill him."

Twilight's eyes went round. Cadance drew in a sharp breath and hissed, "Her own kind? What sort of monster is she?"

Celestia answered her gently, "Monsters aren't born. They are made. Chrysalis acted out of instinct to protect her family. Changelings can and will pursue a perceived threat until it is destroyed or driven from them for good. Perhaps it was something ingrained within her or perhaps it was due to the simple fact she nearly lost the only thing in her young life that has ever mattered to her."

"But still!" protested the pink alicorn, not believing such a blatant attempt at a life would even be possible within the security of Canterlot's walls. Her will faltered as she remembered. "So, he's dead?"

Twilight's hair stood up on the back of her neck. "Murder?" she managed through a squeak. That couldn't have been her own voice she just heard! It was so full of disappointment and bordered on tears. "Chryssie murdered somepony?" Tears formed.

"Nay! Nay!" Luna held up a hoof imperiously. "Stay thy tears, beloved friend Twilight!" She inadvertently shifted to her formal tone in an attempt to assure one of her dearest friends. "The details are a bit vague, but it would appear the timely conversation with another queen the ambassador was engaged with brought about the discovery of Chrysalis in their midst. No lives were snuffed out."

The heaving sigh of relief from Twilight was audible, ending in a raspberry from her lips. "Oh thank goodness," she declared weakly, a hoof to her chest as if to soothe her pounding heart. "Her father would have been really upset."

"Never the less," said Luna with a upswing in her mood, "the redecoration of the room was worthy of a three day battle! Chrysalis changed from anger to fear upon being discovered and fell into tears. What control she had of her powers fell to the point of simple telekinetic temper tantrums sacrificing all objects within the room not bolted down."

Cadance felt oddly cheated her old nemesis had not fallen upon killing in cold blood. Inwardly she berated herself, but how could she accept the fact the one creature she still had nightmares about once again roamed Canterlot? How was she going to deal with this? Nervously she sipped at her cooling tea. She should not be thinking such ill thoughts! She was the Princess of Love, for heaven's sake! Forgiveness was part of her personality. Never was there a pony in the world capable of loving and forgiving as she. Even Celestia had told her so in years past. Love was her strength and with it came forgiveness. One cannot love without being able to forgive.

"This is difficult for me to hear," she admitted out loud. Cadance felt sheepish and hunched her shoulders a bit upon speaking. "I understand why you would want to keep her return a secret from me. Aunt Celestia?" she looked up.

"Yes, dear?" Celestia refilled her niece's tea cup as she took a small bite from her own cookie.

"What is your honest assessment of Chrysalis?"

The ancient mare smiled after a moment of thought. "I believe this is not the same changeling who attacked us. Her mind is the same and her body is the same, but I think her soul has been molded differently. She knows love and compassion. She's young and does not have the cruelty I associated with her past self. I do not trust her completely, but I am confident she will do no harm now."

"But didn't Aunt Luna just say—" Cadance felt her words die in her throat as Celestia gave her a warm smile.

"She wept in my hooves like a filly this morning," Celestia said quietly, closing her eyes at the memory. "I could feel her shame and disappointment in herself. She has a good heart, Cadance. I should like for you to speak to her yourself before she leaves for the Empire tomorrow." She tilted her head to one side. "Come to think of it, you should meet the human she considers her father. A remarkable individual, if a bit overwhelmed with Equestria and possibly a bit put out with our country. A bit of a black mark upon us, I'm afraid."

"Human?" Cadance mouthed the word slowly, turning the word over and over on her tongue like tasting a strange food for the first time. "Aren't they myths? Like centaurs?"

"They exist. They come from another world, but they are most certainly not myths. As a matter in fact, I have been watching their world for a very long time. Soon, our world will be linked with theirs permanently. I'm not exactly sure how soon, but I think within twenty years." Celestia rolled her eyes to the ceiling, calculating within her head. "Perhaps sooner, closer to fifteen. The window is long and the event is inevitable."

"Is it safe?"

"He's perfectly harmless, I assure you," her aunt promised with a tinkling laugh like silver bells. "Perhaps a bit grumpy, but Fleur de Lis has him under her careful watch while he recuperates from his ordeal. He should be in his new quarters now and soon to have a much needed chat with his daughter."

Cadance remembered the unicorn mare. She had always been nice to her. Lady Fleur de Lis was nice to everypony. "Why is Fleur interested in him?"

"Didn't I tell you? No, I suppose I have not." Celestia shook her head and tapped a hoof to her chin. "Now is as good a time as any. Fleur is in charge of all operations having to do with the study of Earth and its inhabitants. She's the mare who sends the operatives to certain countries in order to prepare ponykind for humanity and visa-versa. It was her idea to push the children's books I've written over the centuries and modernize them for introducing humans to our culture, if a bit watered down. She felt it would be necessary to start with human children and work our way up. Give the generations a chance to grow with the idea of ponies existing instead of being nothing more than the fancies of overactive imaginations. We had several attempts before with mixed results, but the current one seems to have taken a life of its own. Between the two of us, I would venture to say we have much to be proud of. As a matter in fact, my visits to Earth have been most productive!"

"You've been there?" Cadance was incredulous. "What's it like?" she asked, suddenly curious.

"Crowded," chuckled Celestia. "I spent a deal of time spending a day or two in several of their cities to get a feel for humans on a personal level. Such fascinating creatures! They have advanced so quickly and are masters of invention. They dominate their world. They are beginning to become aware of their impact upon the other living things they share their homes with. They are learning, adapting, always changing, yet always stubborn. Fleur was not so inclined to be as agreeable to the cities as I was. She's always been more of a country mare."

Twilight assumed a hurt look. "Why did you never tell me you've been to this world before?" she asked sullenly. "Didn't you trust me?" So many opportunities missed!

"It's not that, Twilight," Celestia assured her. "The human world is for the most part quite orderly and very civil, but the cultural differences between our races—to say nothing of our appearance compared to theirs—would have chanced at misunderstandings. As from what I have seen, they are still learning to adapt to the changes they make themselves. There is only one race of humans, but they are in some parts of their world embroiled in conflict based on beliefs and superiority complexes. Though I am certain most of the more developed countries on Earth would welcome us with open hooves, I have noticed a few things on a political level to make even our most hungry political animals seem like kittens to them. They are not yet ready for us, and we are far from being ready from them in comparison. Until Luna and I decide it is safe, we are going to select ponies who volunteer even with the threat of their very lives at stake to go to Earth to study. You being the Bearer of Magic removes you from consideration. I am sorry, Twilight."

"But you took me with you that one time!" she protested, pouting. "We went into that human's house and I saw all those wonderful things in there! It looked so much like the houses we have, only a little bit bigger."

Celestia held up a hoof for Twilight to quiet down. "Be that as it may, I was with you to protect you."

Luna leaned over. "Oh, come sister! I do believe you owe Our good friend Twilight Sparkle some leeway. Especially considering the proposal you and I have discussed, and with great conviction at times, I might add!" She smiled at the youngest alicorn. "She's earned the opportunity, don't you think? Especially considering what it is you wish to ask of her. Even so, I know why you really don't want her to go. Though I understand the reason, mark my objections to such a stipulation. I have not changed my mind in this regard."

Twilight's eyes darted between the two sisters, her brow scrunched in confusion. Casting a sidelong glance at Cadance, she asked her, "What are they talking about? Do you have any idea?"

Cadance took a moment to regard her adoptive aunts. She knew. Her visage changed from a lost smile to a small frown having found the memory she sought. Her eyes lit up and her lips parted, bearing neither a smile nor a frown, but surprise. "Of course!" she said to herself. It shifted to a much softer tone as a certain realization seemed to strike her like a bolt of lightning. "Of course."

She suddenly found nibbling the edge of a fresh cookie the most intensive thing in the world to invest in. Cadance did so, her attention fully upon Princess Celestia as her treat hung from between her lips in an absent-minded fashion. This took a manner of seconds as the cookie faded from thought and Celestia took up her little world. "Is she the one, Auntie?" she asked in a tiny voice. There was a distant hope to her words.

Celestia drew in a slow breath, her chest and barrel expanding as she did so. Her wings adjusted as she shifted her legs beneath her body. "It's possible."

"What's possible?" Twilight asked, utterly lost to where the conversation was going. One minute, they were talking about Chrysalis, then talking about her human father, then their world, the inception of introducing Equestria to these humans, and finally...whatever this was. Though she could easily keep up with the shifting topics, Twilight was thrown by the sudden stares of every mare upon her. It made her squirm uncomfortably.

"Twilight, as you know you are the most gifted student of magic I have come to know in a very long time," Celestia said, breaking the awkward silence. Stealing a quick prodding nod of approval from Luna, she was uncharacteristically composing herself from a sudden bout of nerves. "You are the only one who can help me achieve my greatest dream. I-i-it's a selfish dream and it requires me asking you to do something no other pony has been able to do in all the years I have raised and lowered the sun." She lowered her eyes and seemed to struggle with herself. Luna gave her a supporting nuzzle and lifted her teacup to her lips.

Twilight was both intrigued and a little frightened at Celestia's sudden change. She seemed vulnerable now. "If you need my help with anything, Celestia, you know I'll be more than happy to give it my best!" she insisted adamantly, rising to her hooves. Reflex flared her wings partially to stress her point as she was eager, always eager to please her mentor.

"Twilight," Cadance cautioned gently. "You might want to hear what she has to say first."

"What do you mean?" Twilight asked her with a quirked eye. "If it's a new spell, I'm sure I can have it mastered if I have enough information to study and practice. Anything is possible when it comes to magic and proper application. Did Celestia have you try it, Cadance?"

"I tried once, but I couldn't do it. My magic just isn't strong enough to handle the responsibility." Cadance nodded towards Celestia.

The elder alicorn was bemused by Twilight's ramblings and patiently waited it out as her niece interrupted the now excited lavender mare. "You might not seem so excited when I tell you what it is I want you to try."

"What? What?" Twilight did withdraw a bit as magenta eyes bore into her as if to see into her soul. "Celestia? What is it you want me to do?" Her excitement had been replaced by a little bit of fear, but her curiosity was piqued.

Celestia gave the slightest of nods. "Twilight, my student, my sister. There is no other being blessed with magic enough to do what I am about to ask you to do. The burden of my responsibility in regards to the sun must be lifted from me and placed upon the shoulders of one who can bear it for a long time. I must relinquish my connection to the sun and give it to you, if you are willing and able to bear it until a time I am ready to resume the responsibility that has been mine for more than an age. The reason for which I wish to do this are as I stated just moments ago; selfish and personal."

Twilight Sparkle, the Bearer of the Element of Magic and most recently ascended alicorn and Princess of Magic gaped at Celestia in open shock, her body stiff and unmoving, save for the tiniest of squeaks emitting from her strangled throat. After several more moments of strangling the frog in her throat, she shook her head and blurted, “What do you mean? You want to give me your sun? Why?”

Celestia’s gaze turned away from her former student, bowing her regal head as her expression became strangely neutral. When those magnificent magenta eyes, full of wisdom and age came up again and held Twilight’s own, there was an ancient sense of sadness and loss there. Then she spoke, her voice far away and lost in the past and to a different time.

“Let me tell you a tale, Twilight. A tale known only between myself and my sister…”

Author's Note:

Just because I'm a wild and crazy guy and I've been sitting on this chapter for almost two months...

Expanding on the world a bit and giving something of an 'outside the box and looking in' approach to the story through the eyes of the four princesses. I would not do this if it wasn't integral to the main plot. There's a method to my madness!

Also: G Docs is awesome.