• Published 15th Oct 2013
  • 11,060 Views, 700 Comments

My Daughter Chrysalis - Scarheart

Heritage. It's what defines character. For Chrysalis, it's about what it is to be a changeling. For Michael Spriggs, it's about finding out his past is not as it seems. The love between father and daughter will be tested, their bon

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Chapter 8 Hopes and Screams and Throwing Strange Things

Relentless. If there was but one word the Princess of the Sun could describe humanity from what she had observed over the centuries in her study of them, 'relentless' was one word to perfectly describe them. Another word they might fit admirably within would be 'contradictory'. Yes, this word described them as well as any in the dictionary, perhaps best of all. They could not run fast, were not very strong, and required clothing to protect their thin skin from the elements. Yet despite all of these setbacks, they were the apex predator of their world, dangerous in their ability to think through complex problems. Humans were clever and invented things to compensate for their shortcomings, adapting to their environment, enabling them to live almost anywhere under almost any conditions. Their ability to create with their hands what they envisioned with their minds was in itself, magical. Over the centuries, Celestia had watched humanity grow, develop, and expand relentlessly over their world. Nothing stopped them, save for each other.

War was their passion, their hubris. War defined them as heroes and monsters, victims and victors. War showed their cruelty towards their enemies, and their compassion for each other. War was their solution when everything else failed. War was their first choice, their last choice. One human killing another had a meaning and at the same time was meaningless.

Humans loved with a passion and also hated with zeal. They feared things they did not know, though some tried to understand what was not known so they might no longer have a reason to fear. Early in their development, they responded to new things with violence. As they became more and more aware of their intelligence, this slowly gave over to curiosity and the desire to learn of new things.

There were humans who despised war and all of its forms. They were in the majority; people merely wanting to live their lives peacefully among friends and family, preparing the next generation for the rigors of a life full of its own challenges, without the agony of warfare. Their capacity for love was unparalleled and Celestia had seen the wonders of what a single, simple, human could do in the name of love. Humanity was an enigma unto itself, much more so to a being who still found them fascinating and unpredictable after more than a thousand years of watching them when her duties allowed her a moment to peer into this other world.

To Celestia, there were far more heroes in humans than there were villains. She could see humans to be very much like her beloved ponies, though the differences were as stark a contrast as Luna and herself. Ponies were prone to be more trusting where humans had cause to be suspicious, as they had spent thousands of years learning to not trust outsiders. A pony village was far more likely to have unlocked doors at night, while humans went so far as to bolt their windows shut. The princess found herself musing that, if but for a few changes in history, these terribly wonderful bipeds would not be unlike the ponies she had spent countless generations protecting.

It was with little irony she reminded herself humanity did not have an obscenely powerful alicorn nigh an immortal to watch and guide them.

Her smile faded for a moment as she pondered her most recent decision. This was a very serious matter for the princess, near and dear to her heart. She had waited patiently for this moment, for this one thing she had always wanted but the trials of her throne never presented her with an opportunity to pursue. There was time yet before the worlds would eventually merge, as she had informed Michael Spriggs at their meeting. There might not be another opportunity. She had already spoken to Luna about this. Her sister was the very soul of support, her only concern stemming on one certain student's response to the question Celestia would pose to her in the morning.

It was past halfway through the night. Luna's mind brushed her briefly, prodding her elder sister to go to bed. I know you have little planned on the morrow, but I would be most put out if you fall asleep in your breakfast, Tia. The younger alicorn's laughter rippled softly in her thoughts and Celestia bopped the mental intrusion away with a giggle.

I thought I was the elder. She pouted, putting down the scroll she had been reading. In truth, she was quite excited from her anxiety. Surely, Twilight would accept. Of course she would accept! Once the reason was explained and the need of the princess made plain and clear, surely there could be no answer but yes!

Luna left her to her own thoughts, fading off to focus on her duties, but not before a gentle mental nudge akin to a loving muzzle was offered to Tia's mind. She shifted on the cushions she lay upon; soft and white with golden tassels and, more often than not, a place the alabaster alicorn had fallen asleep while perusing through the day's recorded events, or going over bill proposals, or other official documents. Every now and then she would receive a letter from her subjects—most often a colt or a filly—which she would eagerly read and respond in kind. It was always the children who were the bravest, she noted with amusement. Right now she held before her eyes a letter with the unmistakable hoofwriting of a very young filly, perhaps having just recently learned how to pen a letter.

Such letters were precious to Princess Celestia. Over the long years as one of the rulers of Equestria, she had never, never thrown any of the letters written to her by children. They were among her most prized possessions, and she kept them all in a safe place, stored for as long as she lived in a state of perfect preservation.

The hearth in her quarters blazed with a merry fire, one that had never gone out once since Celestia had first moved into the room so long ago. The fire was always perfect to suit her needs; she was never too hot, nor too cold. She used it for other things; looking upon her subjects, sending notes, divining the possible futures with what little ability was available to her. Celestia was not one to manipulate the future, but one does not simply live the life span of a goddess without learning a few things.

Now, Celestia would never, never call herself a goddess, and neither would her sister. They were immortal as far as they knew, but they could bleed, get sick, even die from unnatural causes, but never age. Drawing their magical energies from their respective celestial bodies maintained their youth, and neither had any idea how long they would live, save for the notion for as long as the sun and the moon accepted them as their earthly avatars. It was a complicated process and the magic tying the two alicorns to the night and the day was all but a forgone conclusion to their subjects. Though they did in fact represent living embodiments of the very objects they raised and lowered each morning and evening, either Luna or Celestia could relinquish their magical link and become as ordinary as any other pony should they choose to.

There were sacrifices to go with having such power at her hooftips. Celestia knew this, as did Luna. The most obvious was to see friends and family fade away to the dust of time. The numbers of their beloved friends long gone to memory was long indeed. Each face was remembered, loved, and at times, lamented. The regrets of the princess were many, her joys in remembrance without limits. Ponies adored the love of family and friends and the lasting relationships, and Princess Celestia was no different. Even now, a few years after having Luna restored to her after a thousand years being a part of the moon in body and mind, Celestia sought to repair their relationship. Oh, it was as strong as any bond between sisters, but this greatest of crimes she had committed forever marred Celestia's perception of Luna as she had never truly forgiven herself for banishing her.

Luna had borne the aftermath in regards to her relationship with her sister with a strength that made Celestia both proud of the Princess of the Moon, and ashamed at herself for still feeling pangs of guilt on certain nights. Of course, Celestia chided herself for harboring such thoughts, but a thousand years of witnessing the results of her actions in physical form had planted a small seed of fear of losing her sister again. It was a natural, understandable fear. In a way, Celestia was glad for it. It was no different than any fear any of her subjects might have for their own family member. She appreciated Luna and having her home again always filled her heart with warmth whenever her thoughts strayed to the darker, lonely times. It could be ventured it made her feel normal, like her subjects to whom she had striven to relate with.

The wakeful princess smiled again as she tenderly ran a hoof over the sloppy hoofwriting, appreciating the effort the filly put into it, for her favorite princess. It was a simple, perfect letter in the mind of Celestia and reminded her of why her ponies were so beloved in her heart.

Breaking from her thoughts a simple filly's letter had welled up within her, Celestia smiled and clucked at herself, shaking her mane as it danced within its ethereal aura. She set the letter down and selected a clean sheet of paper, already having a response in mind to the dear who worked so hard to write to her favorite princess. Already having a feel for the child, Celestia could tell a lot from the writing the sense of personality within the messy script. With a gentle smile, she lovingly responded to her tiny subject and soon a neatly rolled scroll bearing her seal joined the steadily growing pile of other correspondence she had done to this point. She had spent most of her night responding to letters from other colts and fillies and always enjoyed every moment of it.

Stretching her neck, the Sun Princess gave a small yawn, blinking her magenta eyes a few times as she spied about for her teacup. Shifting her lithe form more comfortably, she decided to simply stretch out and did so, rolling on her back in a catlike fashion and flinging her long legs out as far as she could push them, arching her back. Then she righted herself and stood, flaring her wings high into the air, fanning them slowly. Ah, it had been a long, enjoyable evening. Luna was right, perhaps it was time to seek out her bed and crawl beneath the blankets. Suddenly her soft sheets and plush pillows called to her. Levitating her discovered teacup to her lips, she considered for a moment, sensing something was amiss.

It was only natural Luna would prove her right when her thought gently touched her mind to see if she was awake. Tia? Are you asleep?

Maybe. Celestia smiled as she felt her sister roll her eyes. Is there a problem?

It is nothing I cannot handle. One of the guards reported a disturbance in the changeling quarters. I have been informed an unauthorized changeling went within. I thought you should know, sister.

Celestia groaned. Chrysalis?

The very same.

What is going on now?

I know not. I am simply observing for the moment. Please do not trouble yourself in coming. I shall call you if I need you. Luna did not seem concerned and amusement was evident.

Is there fighting?

Nay, sister. There is a very frightened changeling who has realized she has done something very foalish and is apparently crying for her father at this very moment. There is some amount of property damage involved, but nothing too horrendous. Celestia could hear her sister’s guffaws in her thoughts.

Oh dear. Celestia shook her head and wondered why she was not at all surprised. Chrysalis was crying? The poor thing was probably terrified. Part of Celestia wanted to go herself to see what exactly was going on as she had a fairly good idea as to why the teenling was there. The other part of her wanted to simply let Luna handle it and crawl into bed. She decided and made herself lie down. I'll leave it to you, Lulu. I'll take your sage advice and get some sleep. Wake me if anything serious happens.

I will. Sleep well. 'Tis but a changeling filly in over her head. I have already dispatched the Night Guard to contain the situation until I can present myself before the issue. I had not expected her to act rashly. Was I that difficult when I was her age? Hmm?

Celestia chuckled at her sister, remembering all too well. Luna had been a terror in her teen years, causing her elder sister and parents no end to consternation. I assume the changelings sent word of their unexpected guest?

Indeed. They have grown cautious and more cooperative since your...outburst. Luna's voice exalted in her sister's mind, pealing with laughter. Oh, how I wished I had been there to see your temper flare at long last!

Celestia sighed and shook her head as she snuggled in. I'm not proud of that and you know it, Luna. It was a blatant invasion of privacy and I shudder to think how you would have handled it. It was very rare when her anger could be stirred. Anzealous had managed to do something not even Discord could evoke shortly after breaking free of his stone prison.

Such a thing to suggest! Luna gasped with an air of wounded pride. It slithered away slowly and was replaced by a darker sense of justice followed by a throaty chuckle reminiscent of a previous personality within the Princess of the Moon. I will always adhere to the laws set for all Equestrians. Never will I deem myself above the very laws I have sworn to uphold. Though I am still against this...human being here. I have nothing personal against him, mind you, but I fear his presence will alter the course you wish to follow, dear sister.

I do not wish to speak about him now. He is recovering still, and will need another day before the hospital will release him. His threat is not of his own making. He has become a pawn and that is my fault. I am thinking of moving him from the castle to a safer location. The princess forced her eyes closed, gently brushing her sister's thoughts from her mind. Do what you must. I'm going to sleep. Oh, and Luna?


Keep the noise to a dull roar.

I'm a load of scared shitless teenage changeling, made abundantly clear after the queen in the weird crystal spotted me and called me out. Suddenly the little changeling—Fae—flared her magic and suddenly my invisibility spell fell away, leaving me exposed and naked as a jay bird. The shadowy corner of the ceiling was clinging still where it lay until Queen Druanae made the orb she was speaking from flare to a brilliant green, burning away the shadows and leaving me gaping down from where I huddled.

Oh, yeah, I had also just wet myself. My plan was going along just swimmingly. I was embarrassed, upset, and thinking I was going to die.

"What is this?" demanded the queen, suddenly at a decidedly confused loss. "This is not Chrysalis? Or is it? Who are you, child. Speak!"

"Get away from me!" I screamed. I thought I was ready, but I could feel the queen's magic and I felt as though I was facing a dark Celestia or a toned down Luna. I could not feel her anger, but it was in her voice. Tears formed unbidden to my eyes and was suddenly flowing into my mane as I clung to the ceiling, upside down and now trembling. I was in deep shit and I knew it.

"Fae!" snapped Anzealous crisply. "Notify the watch commander. I should be able to contain our young guest. My queen, this is the rogue I sensed. She's young, but there is no mistake." He gave me an uncertain and wary stare, prompting to ask Druanae, "Begging your pardon, Majesty, but how can this child be Chrysalis?" He waggled a hoof at me with unimpressed disdain.

The female changeling faded from my view, her wings scorching the air as she darted off in the direction of the main doors. It was not unlike hearing the whining engine of a go cart. They flung open with her magic, bowling over curious eavesdroppers like little dark pins. I could hear her calling out loudly to raise the alarm.

"Be still, my son," Druanae admonished him. To me she said, "Oh, child, what has become of you?" The tone of the queen changed and Druanae hissed with a lacking malevolence, suddenly unsure herself of what exactly to make of me. "You seem like her, yet you are far, far too young to be Queen Chrysalis."

Anzealous buzzed his wings and lifted his fat little body off the ground, his face a mask of irritation and outrage. "You are in violation of the treaty signed by the Queens and the Princesses. I hereby place you under arrest un—"

I didn't let him finish his little proclamation, instead grabbing with my magic the most useful object with which to hurl at him as he came ever closer to my cringing (and slightly self-urinated) form. The orb from which the queen's eyes fixated on me was lifted from its stand on the little table, those orbs going wide as she was quick to be aware of what was happening.

"Fool child, put me down!" she intoned harshly, reminding me of Carol Burnette's rendition of Miss Hannigan from Annie. Until that point, I loved that character and had always found Carol's comedic skills amazing. Now I was going to have Miss Hannigan's disembodied eyes haunting me in my dreams. That's just great. You have no idea what it was like to have a floating head within a crystal ball yelling at you until you're huddling in a corner, hanging upside down with your hooves clinging stubbornly against the pull of gravity.

Oh, and don’t forget the pee. I’m either going to die of embarrassment or stupidity. It’s a race to see which one wins!

I threw the ball at Anzealous, a strangled cry coming from the orb and the chunky changeling yelping in sudden surprise. He was a little slow on the uptake and was in full on disbelief mode. He suddenly had the smooth crystal sphere hurling at him, his eyes locking for a moment with his queen's just before it bonked him squarely in the face. Anzy's face contorted in amazed pain, his azure eyes rolling up and back as he suddenly forgot he had been using his wings. The ball sailed upwards into the air even as he fell backwards.

"Oh!" cried the queen as she had probably a most in-your-face view of the action. Druanae probably could do next to nothing except watch and demand things.

The ambassador fell, landing on his back upon the carpeted floor, his hooves to his muzzle as blood trickled from his nostrils. Upon impact, the air was blasted from his lungs and he squeaked harshly, much like a dying rubber ducky. The orb was not done with him, as gravity soon began to do its thing. I watched as it fell right in the middle of his round belly, the impact sending all four of his hooves flailing straight up into the air as he contorted in pain. Anzealous' mouth opened in a large 'O', his eyes bulging from their sockets. For a moment, the ball stayed there, the queen calling out his name with great concern.

I stared for a moment, wondering if I had just squished the fat bug. Breathing heavily, and sniffling, I suddenly felt rotten for what I had just did.

"Ow!" wheezed Anzealous from where he lay. He rolled onto his stomach, the crystal ball rolling off him and nestling on the thick carpet indifferently. Green eyes were bugged in horror within and started about like a peeping Tom seeing more than intended. "I thig you brogged by jaw!" he complained, recovering far quicker than I thought possible. He was fat, but also made of some tough stuff. He glared at me. "Dow see here, yugg lady! Throwing by queen ad me adds assauld du your bregging and endering!" His blood was dripping like a leaky faucet from both nostrils, which freaked me out even more.

"Stay away from me!" I reached out blindly, grasping at whatever with my magic and began to randomly pelt the lecturing, bleeding changeling. He yelped and ducked for cover, the unheeded voice of Queen Druanae calling for calm. I thought I heard 'misunderstanding' and 'let's talk this out', but nah, this was more productive! I was also just now becoming aware I had done number one on myself and that just made me self-conscious and deeply ashamed. This had gone from Situation Normal, to All Fouled Up, to Fouled Up Beyond All Repair.

Somewhere in the process, we had bypassed Things Are Really Fouled Up.

Yay Daddy.

All sorts of things responded to my instinctive magical grasp: books, baubles, glass figurines, picture frames. They were hurled randomly at the changeling, who retreated from me, flinging his hooves up in front of his battered muzzle. He yelped as his chitin was struck again and again, until he found refuge behind the other side of his bed. The whole time he tried to call out to me, his queen yelled, and the whole room flashed green from the magic bolts I was starting to throw at Anzealous. I had run out of things to throw at him and decided it would be a wonderful decision to simply hurl raw blobs of magic at him. By now he had a shield up and had gathered his wits enough to make sure it was proofed against my wild attacks.

I dropped to the floor, trying to make my way out the same way I came in. I heard voices on the other side of the door, pounding on the wood to get in. There were cries to the ambassador in regards to his well being. Nobody asked me how I was doing.


"You bust be a queed," he remarked, wiping his nose with the back of a hoof and looking at it curiously. Anzealous scowled when he saw blood. "De fagt you gan droh so mugged stub ad meh ad once id impwessive."

It was even more impressive as it was he wouldn't shut up even with a broken nose! I spun around, seeking another way out. My eyes fell over him long enough to see he had no plans of moving from where he hid himself. I found the window and sidestepped towards it, no longer crying, but now shrieking unintelligible words at the fat changeling. More magic erupted from my will, appearing around my head and shoulders and hurling with reckless abandon in his general direction. The room was taking quite a beating. Smoke drifted into my nostrils as I came upon one of the windows and tried to find the latch.

"I want my daddy!" I cried, not at all the tough girl I thought I was. I felt dumb. Really dumb now. I wanted out. I wanted my bed. I wanted the man whom my world revolved around for a baker's dozen years. I felt safe around Dad, safer than being with Celestia, or Luna, or any of the other ponies who were entrusted with keeping me protected from the things out there they thought wanted to hurt me. Like the awesome queen I was clearly not showing myself to be, I began to cry again when the window refused to open for me. I was getting frantic, casting frightened eyes over my shoulder and past my gossamer wings.

Anzealous was approaching me from behind his hiding place, a magic shield in front of him, his head lowered and his ears flat against his skull.

"Don't come any closer!" I warned through heavy breathing brought about by my hyperventilating. Nervously I shifted my hooves to the point where it seemed like I was trying to run in place. What do I do? The window wasn't giving me anything! I pounded on it with a hoof and discovered my own limb bouncing off and smacking me in the muzzle. "Ow!"

"Hey! Do need for panigging." Anzealous was right behind me! A hoof went to my shoulder. I bucked without thinking as hard as I could.

"Get away from me!"

He looked like a little black and crimson bowling ball with legs and insectoid wings, describing a high arc into the air as he flailed at the air. A cry strangled from his throat as he went into a backwards flip—rather graceful, really—before crashing headlong into the desk. It could not handle his weight, and was smashed, sending large splinters and bits of desk flying in all directions.

"Anzealous!" cried out the queen in the crystal. I'd forgotten about her.

I really didn't have time to pause and consider the hell I was putting the poor changeling through. Looking back, he was just trying to be as nice as was possible for a changeling, given their rather ferocious and secretive nature. As he was about to attest, changelings were also exceptionally resilient. Like a demented buzzing cockroach, he rose from the shattered remains of the desk, rolling to his hooves and standing with staggering steps. He was woozy, bruised, and had no idea where he was. By some miracle, his silk pajamas were largely intact. His chest bore a pair of hoof prints I knew to be mine. He found shaking the cobwebs from his head to be his favorite game at that moment.

"Stop this at once!" roared Queen Druanae. I really don't think she could do much else but yell. This whole thing was her fault! Why did she have to be such a menacing thing in the crystal ball? "Chrysalis!" her voice sang out in desperation. "I'm coming to keep you from harming my subject."

What? I stared at the crystal ball and found a pair of hate-filled eyes glaring at me and glowing with an ever brightening intensity. I was not expecting Anzealous to suddenly become awash with a sudden looming presence within. His eyes shifted from blue to green flames, his body surging with renewed vigor. With shock I watched as his wounds healed within seconds. Bruises faded, chitin became whole. Even his muzzle popped back into proper place with dull wet sounds. Anzealous hissed in deeply from the pain, filling his lungs as he opened his fanged mouth. He exhaled, his eyes focusing upon me as I suddenly found myself cringing against the wall.

"Enough of this foolishness!" snarled the ambassador in a voice not of his own. "You have harmed my child enough, filly queen." Oh God! It was Betty Crocker come to kill me!

I wailed with renewed vigor, promising myself never to make fun of glazed beef tongue ever again. This whole thing had turned into a terrible idea and I felt terrible for going through with it. The magic crackling from Anzealous was not his own, yet it came from him and was formed through his body and mind. I was suddenly aware of an older presence within him and felt her emotions wash over me like a relentless tidal wave. It crushed what little resolve I had left and I started to cry even harder.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" Anything else I tried to say was lost in my blubbering. It was pretty sad, the state I was reduced to, flinging my hooves over my head and trying to hide the awful little fat changeling in red pajamas approaching me. Maybe if I didn't have to look, he wasn't really there! I wanted my daddy.

"This ground was given to the Druanae Hive and is considered my domain, child," seethed the possessed Anzealous. "Normally I would not hesitate to deal a swift death to trespassers the likes of you." The queen was inside the ambassador somehow. Her eyes had replaced his, becoming haughty and filled with vengeance. Her voice had drifted, shifting as she drew nearer until it was as though she was talking to herself."But you are an enigma to me. You are Chrysalis, yet you are not. You look and sound like her, yet your behavior is different, You are younger, yet the magic you possess is unmistakable. You were once the greatest of us, sister. What happened?"

I felt a grip that was impossible to break grasp my chin and force me up to look into the eyes of a cold-hearted being, practical, more given to logic than emotion. Those were angry eyes, sizing me up and breaking me down as those eyes systematically took me apart. I stared into them and was nearly lost as they flared, searching into me. Mindlessly I flung up some sort of mental defense, the words of Fleur pinging distantly in my mind a warning.

"Cease your senseless weeping. Why are you here?" she asked me.

"I was invited," I snarked, earning a slap across my face from a well-placed hoof. It stung and I soon tasted my own blood.

"But not by me!" she hissed. "You may be Celestia's guest, but even you are not above the precious laws the ponies hold so dear. You have answers I want. You will give them to me."

About then, all the great windows swung inward by a great gust of wind, telling me one of the reasons why pushing against them did not make for me a very gifted changeling in the comprehension department. My one eye I could focus in that direction noted a dark form silhouetted by the moon appearing with dramatic effect.

"Stay your hoof, Queen Druanae," Luna called out in a warning tone. "The child is foolish enough in her actions. Can you not feel her fear?" She alighted easily with nary a sound, folding her wings regally to her sides, her head held high and uncompromising. Hovering behind her in a hover were four Night Guards, thestrals I think they were called. Batponies. Neat.

Impressively, the form of Anzealous managed to match her bearing with the queen controlling his thoughts and actions. Wordlessly she released me through him. "As you wish, Princess Luna, if only for the sake of our peace negotiations. You understand I only wished to protect my subject." The lie was in her smile and the pleasant tone hid her disdain for me. She really, really, really hated me! I had touched her mind enough and tasted her emotions to know she wanted me to suffer greatly.

I slumped to the ground, my hooves barely able to keep me standing. Crawling to Luna, I found her throwing a comforting hoof over my shoulders and drawing me close. Her wing draped over me as if to hide me from the changeling and his controlling queen. Fae appeared through the window, buzzing worriedly before taking an intake of breath at the destruction of the room. My tantrum had been...impressive. The changeling mare awkwardly rubbed the back of her head and stared at the carnage. She expressed her sentiment with a low sliding whistle one might do when passing a seventy car pileup on the interstate after a patch of black ice said "I don't think so".

"I am lodging a formal protest, princess," announced Druanae through Anzealous. She leveled one of his hooves at me. "I charge this child with assault upon Ambassador Anzealous and demand justice as defined by your laws. I need not explain myself to the charges. This room speaks for itself, as does the servant who came for you." She flickered her demonic eyes towards Fae. The little changeling flinched, but bowed respectfully when she was noticed.

"Noted," replied Luna coolly, stroking my mane gently. "Her wrongdoing is acknowledged and will be addressed. She will be leaving for the Heart of the Empire two days hence." She offered a cold smile. "The Empress already knows of her and has demanded her return. My sister and I have both agreed for the sake of peace."

"The Empress knows?" Druanae faltered, her gaze dulling for a moment as if she was considering something. "Why would she not tell me? I am her successor." Again, she was mumbling to herself like a snake hissing to herself after missing out on a meal. Were all changeling queens like this? Dark, creepy, and not at all trustworthy?

Was I like that to the ponies?

Luna seemed to sense my unspoken question and softened her eyes briefly when she felt me move closer to her, not wanting to look at the glowering changeling. Why did she take over his body? Why did she take control of him? Wasn't Anzealous an individual with rights to live his own life and harbor his own thoughts? Was he a pawn his queen could control at whim and against his will? Would I do that to my own subjects? Would I even want to be a queen?

I want to go back to Earth. I can understand Equestrians being afraid of me and I really think that can be fixed. But my own kind feared me...hated me. Changelings terrify ponies, not only by their appearance, but even more so by reputation.

What did the old Chrysalis do? Was it the failed invasion nobody will tell me about? I was safe on Earth. I was safe in the house of my daddy's grandparents. I wanted for nothing. There were no other changelings to hate me. I just want to be loved. I live to be loved. The hate I've just tasted leaves a taste of ash in my mouth.

The possessed Anzealous cleared his throat and used her voice still. "Very well. It is of no matter. If she is aware and has asked for her daughter, then I shall of course adhere to her wishes. I shall inquire directly to the Empress myself."

"Do as you will, Queen Druanae," replied Luna politely. "I shall have this room repaired to its previous condition. Please inform the ambassador to make a list of personal items damaged or destroyed so proper compensation may be made. Equestria will pay her dues as I will take full responsibility for this filly's actions."

"Just one question, princess before you depart."


"Is this...child the very same Chrysalis who was once my eldest sister?"

Luna allowed a pregnant pause before answering. "She is. Her memories of her past life no longer exist within her. Her course through life was renewed by powers beyond the grasp of myself and my sister. As to the reasons why this came to pass, I can only point to the course of madness and chaos. It has come to pass and nothing can change it."

"I see. Perhaps the answer is as simple as it is elusive."

Luna did not flinch. "Perhaps." She turned her attention to me with a gentle but firm nudge. "Come, child. You have done enough for tonight, I should think."

I flinched, staring up at her for a moment. I read from her profound disappointment in my decision making. I sniffled and looked away from her in shame. "I don't want to be here," I whimpered and was rewarded with the briefest twinge of sympathy.

Very, very brief.

"Don't you think you need to do something before we depart?" Luna nodded her head towards the shattered quarters. A brow arched upwards and I thought I could feel bemusement coming from her.

I didn't want to, but I turned to faced Anzealous. He appeared normal now, the presence of the queen having left him as quick as a passing shadow. Straightening his pajamas, he plucked mournfully at a few tears on one of his sleeves. Couldn't she take some of the excess fat from him with her? It was terrible!

"Ahem," he said expectantly. "You did break my jaw, young lady." Unlike his queen, he was terrified of me. He knew I was Chrysalis, which led me to think he was aware the whole time Druanae had controlled his body.

I sighed. "I'm sorry."

He considered me for a moment, putting on a brave front. "If you are Chrysalis, then your return changes everything."

Wait, what's that supposed to mean?

"Ambassador," warned Luna. "It is not your place." She turned, her mane of the night and stars guiding me away to follow. "Good night."

As we left, I more or less buzzed behind her with my head hung low, not wanting to look back at what I had done. My decisions were beginning to weigh down on me and the repercussions had yet to take their toll in full force. I had only hurled things. Imagine if I had used destructive magic! As it was, I had actually performed rather pitifully.

"Luna, I -"

"Do not speak, Midnight Emerald. I think your actions have done more than enough. I trusted you. My sister trusted you. We thought you capable of acting in a civil manner. Your actions tonight are uncouth. I can see now we were in error on allowing you basic freedoms. To betray such trust has consequences." She did not look at me. Using my faux name left me puzzled. However, that was not my primary concern.

"Am I going to jail?" I asked meekly, sensing fear.

"What part of 'do not speak' are you not comprehending, girl?" snapped Luna. She was really upset with me. I had never seen her this short before.

I clamped my mouth shut and sulked in silence, my wings generating the only noise from me. I followed Luna until we were at my balcony. The guard had been doubled.

"Leave us," the Princess of the Night commanded her Night Guard crisply. Her horn flared and my room was suddenly filled with light as candles burst to life. The fireplace roared angrily, reflecting Luna's mood. Wisely the guard departed. She noted my illusion on the bed and lifted the pillow from its resting place. Considering it for a moment, the spell broken the moment her own magic aura encircled it, Luna tossed it back upon the bed, her eyes never leaving me.

I was extremely uncomfortable.

"Were you going to kill him?" she asked quietly. "A barely schooled, untrained, and unprepared filly such as yourself? Were you to fall upon your raw abilities with your raw emotions and simply smite the very life from that changeling?"

Yes!.. "No," I mumbled.

"I say you wanted to."

"No!" I denied, fresh tears forming.

"You lie."

"He hurt my daddy!" I cried, my anger welling up in me. I had turned on Luna, spinning to face her as the outrage of why I went there resurfaced. "I wanted him to pay for it!"

"Repay the stupidity of one by taking his life? How noble." Luna was cold to me, regarding me with such profound sadness to bring my welling tirade to a screeching halt. "What would your father have thought if you had gone through with this murder?"

What would Dad have done if I had killed for the sake of revenge?

"I should have stayed on Earth."

"Of that, we are both agreed," said the princess, her tone unchanged. I could not look at her, having slumped in the middle of the floor and watching my tears fall about my hooves carelessly. "But you are here. You have acted. Dues must be paid in full. The past cannot be changed. You were lucky, adopted child of the human Michael Spriggs. I expect you to tell your father exactly what happened this night when he is deemed fit by his doctors. I suspect he will be far more disappointed in you than either myself, or my sister would be."

I looked up, startled and staring into her unreadable cyan eyes. "Please forgive me!"

"I will not. I am not the one who raised you to respect life. I am not the one who taught you the difference between right and wrong. I am not the one to whom you owe an apology to." The unforgiving princess bore her eyes into mine, her ancient eyes seemingly peering into my soul. Do I have one? I wondered briefly as she asked, "Do you know what it is like to bear the burden of the death of one? A dozen? A hundred? Thousands? Do you understand the consequences of taking a life and what it might do to you? I shall tell you what is like, young changeling queen-to-be. That your sleep becomes troubled, that some faces do not vanish from dreams, and that certain final moments haunt many lifetimes past. I should know. I was once Nightmare Moon. My rebellion against my sister came at a great price."

Stricken, I shrank from her, my emotions once again welling up. My lower lip trembled as I fought those stupid tears that would not turn off.

"Not yet. In time, child I will forgive. For now, I am deeply disappointed in you. You are confined to your quarters until my sister and I can come to a decision. Such potential within you and a second chance and already you seek to follow the same path that led to your first fall. I want you to dwell upon this night and remember well." Luna's mane reached out and lifted my chin until it compelled me to look at her. It was a very firm grip and felt cool on my skin. "Do not destroy yourself as you destroyed your former incarnation. You have a boon in the form of a second chance at a life so few are granted and even fewer still take the intuition to avoid those defining mistakes." She sniffed at me delicately and added, "Clean yourself up, and go to bed."

With that, she became dark smoke with a puff and disappeared from my room, nothing but a shadow of stars streaming out the window and into the night.

I wept in silence, lost in my thoughts. An eternity passed as I tried to come to grips with what exactly I had been doing this night. Why? What purpose? Would it have been worth it? Was I really capable of murder? What was it about me that had everyone spooked? What were they not telling me? What had not been shown on that stupid show I was wishing I had never ever seen?

I noticed the sun come up. Even it seemed disappointed in me.

A servant came in and kindly coaxed me into the shower. Numbly I complied. I don't remember taking the shower, nor do I remember the face of the mare who helped me. I don't even remember drying off or crawling into bed. I was tucked in and never heard her leave, suffering in silence.

I thought I was alone. The minutes ticked on, time ignoring my little collapsing world. I felt dirty and wretched. Daddy wasn't going to forgive me for this. He's such a gentle soul, it'll tear him apart when I tell him I tried to kill for him. Daddy was going to hate me. Daddy was going to go away, go back to Earth and I would never see him again. My terror of what might happen tore at me like a vulture upon a bloated corpse.

I felt a soft touch upon my mane, a gentle stroke and a soothing voice. In the month I had been here, I knew this voice. I actually sensed her gentle love first, then her presence. Or was it the other way around? I guess it didn't matter. I rose up, gravitating to her presence, wanting to be hugged and held and loved. She gladly accepted me, sitting on the edge of my bed, enfolding her hooves around my neck and shoulders. Luna had told her, I guess. She was a mom to her ponies. That's how she viewed herself, I think. Her alabaster fur was soft and warm and smelled of a spring morning.

"Shh, little one," Celestia cooed to me as she let me cry. "It's all right. Everything is all right."

"He's going to kill me!" I bawled, sniffling like a three-year-old.

"Who?" she asked, as she nuzzled me gently.

"Daddy! He's going to kill me!" I insisted and sobbed a good deal more.

Celestia laughed at my exclamation. "Oh, I don't think so. He loves you very, very much. He might be angry with some of your decision making, but he certainly won't kill you."

For some reason, I decided to be stubborn about it. Why? I don't know. I was sixteen. Hormones. "You hate me."

"I do not."

"You do!"



Her barrel and chest shook with laughter she could barely contain. Another nuzzling of my cheek conveyed the silliness of how I was acting. I blushed, snuggling closer to this immortal mother figure that had seen hundreds of pony generations come and go.

Like any stubborn child, I simply changed tactics. "Luna hates me."

Her patience with me was astounding. "She does not. Believe it or not, she does like you."

I pulled back and stared at her incredulously.

"Well," she admitted, "I promise she doesn't hate you. She simply does not trust you. Give her time. Has she not taught you some magic?"

I nodded mutely.

"Has she not spent time with you and tried to get to know you?"

Another hesitant inclination of my head in the form of an affirmation.

"Of course, there's also Twilight. She's your best friend, isn't she?" Celestia prodded, her magenta eyes smiling warmly. There was something...wistful about them.

In the short time I've been in Canterlot, I've come to discover Princess Celestia has a very strong maternal instinct. She's presented faithfully in the show almost to a 'T'. It was her idea to assume the form of a human woman and present what would become a colorful animated show as a form of propaganda for her world. She wanted to break the truth to Earth and its only sapient beings slowly, to prepare them as best she could. At least, that's what she had told me. I don't know how much of the truth she's kept from me about what I was. I'm not even sure she's told her subjects of what is coming with complete transparency. Is she ready for it? Does she have too many fears? Does she question her own decisions even though she's had immortality to figure everything out?

Equestria is her child. She and her sister Luna were both there since nearly the beginning of this ancient country. So long as they sit on the twin thrones, there is no power on this planet that I know of capable of unseating them.

"Why won't you tell me about my past?" I asked her suddenly, remembering there had been one individual who had felled the immortal Sun Goddess. Me… sort of.

She paused in mid stroke of my mane, her grip on me tightening ever so slightly. I could feel her carefully guarded emotions shift beneath her mental wall. "Fair enough. What would you like to know?"

"Everything!" I stared up at her eagerly, disbelief at the prospect of hearing what I had been dying to learn since I came to Equestria.

"Everything?" she teased. "That could take a very long time."

"Princess!" I protested weakly.

"You are supposed to be in trouble, young lady," she reminded me.

"But you asked what I wanted to know!" This was getting frustrating. I was on the verge of crying again. Why was everyone messing with me?!

She sighed and admitted, "Well, if you had some knowledge of what your history was and why you attacked Canterlot, then I think perhaps last night would not have happened." Celestia's ethereal multi-colored mane undulated as it shifted. "Keep in mind, I can only tell you what I know based on the investigation following in the aftermath. Anything beyond that you'll have to ask the Empress herself."

"Empress?" I squeaked. This was new. "Luna said something last night about me being taken to one. Am I going to be sent to her?"



The answer was filled with a bit of distaste. "Because you are a pawn in a political game, as is your father."

"What did I do?"

"You came back from the dead." Celestia was matter-in-fact in her statement.

"Why my dad? What's he got to do with this?" I sat up and away from Celestia, bouncing on the bed unintentionally.

"Unlike you," Celestia began as she chose her words carefully. I could see it in her eyes. "Changelings do not see love as ponies do. To them, emotions are but a source of power and at times a liability. It is not an evil thing, mind you. Like all living things, changelings are not inherently evil. They will do as they are taught, as their foremothers taught before them. Their instincts are those of predators and not the herd mentality of ponies. The cultural difference between changelings and ponies are shadowed by the racial differences. I think your father would use the term 'we are the Yin, they are the Yang'."

I thought about that for a moment. "What about me? How does that apply to me?"

"You were raised by neither pony nor changeling, but of a being who is believed by ponies to be a myth, much as humans would consider a dragon a myth." The Sun Princess inclined her head towards me and leaned in. "But that debate is for another time. I shall answer your questions, Chrysalis Spriggs, as to why you attacked Canterlot. But first, you will sleep, little one."

I started to protest, but suddenly felt very tired. As I opened my mouth to protest, a yawn replaced my words. My eyelids felt really heavy for some reason. Celestia rocked me gently, humming softly in the most beautiful and warm voice I had ever heard. I tried to fight it, but this seemed to elicit a chuckle from the ancient alabaster mare.

Hello, sleep. I'm Chrysalis. Wanna hang out for a few hours?

Author's Note:

My apologies for the long time since the last chapter! It is edited to the best of my abilities, but my editor is currently busy with life in general. As he spots any errors or changes that need to be done, I'll do so.

I hope you enjoy this chapter. It was a lot of fun to write. Hopefully it will give an insight as to how I see Luna and Celestia for this AU story.

Until then, same bat-time, same bat-channel!