• Published 30th Oct 2013
  • 682 Views, 21 Comments

Beginning of Autumn - MagicTypingPony

A story about a young unicorn colt who is pressured by his family to become the next alicorn by his father and other ponies around him. The story begins at Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns.

  • ...

Chapter 10

“So how was the party?” Vigil asked as she and Autumn trotted down the busy hallway. Small crowds of fillies and colts brushed past them, thankfully not hearing or trying to listen to their conversation.

“It was fine…” Autumn replied, trying to give off visual cues that he didn't want to discuss it. Vigil ignored him.

“I heard that there was a dance.”

“The music had a bit of rhythm in it.” Autumn yawned. Sleep did not come easy for him last night.

“I heard that you partook in a dance yourself.”

Autumn's head immediately turned to glare at Vigil, who was biting her tongue to prevent a smile from breaking out across her muzzle.

“I suggest that you get informed about social events from better sources. You're current one seems to exaggerate details.”

Vigil smirked. She shouldn't be enjoying this, but couldn't deny how fun it was to watch Autumn squirm. “Maybe I should go and ask Maple herself?”

“Hey, Nocter!” Autumn suddenly called out, running forward towards his friend, and more importantly, away from Vigil. “Nice save.” Vigil thought to herself as she increased her pace to catch up with the escaping colt.

“Hey Auty!” Nocter stopped at the door to their classroom and held it out for his friend.

“Thanks.” Autumn said as he passed through the threshold.

“Fillies first.” Nocter smirked. Autumn's head whipped around and shot Nocter a warning look. Nocter pretended he didn't notice. “And milady.”

“Thank you Nocter.” Vigil smiled as she followed Autumn into the classroom.

“I hate him sometimes.” Autumn mumbled under his breath.

“Don't let him hear you say that.” Vigil said.

Autumn groaned and sat at his desk. “If I wanted him to hear that, I would have said it to his face.”

“What're going to say to my face?” Nocter said sliding into the conversation

Autumn gritted his teeth. He was so tired. “That you are such a good and polite friend for holding the door open.”

“Anything for my friend.” The Night coated foal said snickering.

“Thank you. You're so good at it. Maybe your cutie mark will be a door.” Autumn grumpily

“That's a little mean isn't it?” asked Vigil.

“I don't care.” He said bluntly.

Nocter narrowed his eyes as he studied his friend. Autumn straightened up in his seat and tried to hide his fatigue. “So what kept you up last night?”

“Huh?” Autumn responded tiring his tired head.

“Why didn't you sleep?” Nocter asked rising a concerned, but at the same time, disapproving eyebrow.

“How did you...?”

“Let's just say I have experience with sleep deprivation.”

“Well I slept fine last night.”

“I don't think it's healthy for your friendship with Nocter if you're going to lie to him.” Vigil chimed in.

Autumn turned on Vigil. “Well I don't know what time I fell asleep last night so we'll never know if I'm telling the truth.”

“You didn't fall asleep until 4am.” she responded calmly.

Autumn's mouth gaped temporarily before it closed. “So is Dad making you watch me sleep now?”

“Would you rather he didn't?”


“Well that can't be helped. You father issued an increase in security due to a disruption in the magical perimeter around the house.”

“Disruption?” Autumn asked curiously.

“Yes. It occurred about a week ago around 1am.”

Will.’ thought Autumn bitterly. That griffon was always finding a way to make his life conflicting, even when he wasn't even trying. But along as he owed him, he shouldn't be a future problem.

“Now, now students. Settle down.” the teacher huffed as he trotted into the classroom, his books following him via telekinetic grip. “I may be late but that doesn’t give anypony the excuse to not behave.” The student's conversations quickly hushed and ended at his words. “Good. Now first, I'm going to be informing you of a student exchange with other classes.”

“So we're going to be losing some classmates?” asked Nocter out loud. The teacher glared at him, causing him to sink in his seat a little.

“Hoof up first, Nocter.” The teacher scolded. “And to answer your question, no. We aren't losing any students. It's quite the opposite in fact. We're gaining a pupil.” The class broke into whispers, undoubtedly speculating about who their new classmate was going to be.

“A new student? Wonder who it’ll be…” Nocter whispered to Autumn. Autumn shrugged in response. He couldn't think of anypony it could. He didn't even know any other ponies name. Besides Maple. But out of all the students in the school, the odds of her getting transferred into his class were... “Maple Gem.” (the teacher announced.) ...clearly not in his favour.

Autumn deflated as the butter yellow filly walked into the classroom. He could have sworn that an unpleasant aura came in with her.

“Would you like to introduce yourself to the class?” The teacher offered Maple.

“Why yes thank you.” Maple turned to the class. “My name is Maple Gem. I'm an honest, hardworking student that I'm sure you'll find is very approachable.” She said as you could practically hear Nocter roll his eyes.

“Thank you Maple. Would you like to go find yourself a seat?”

“Certainly.” Maple began walking down the row of desks, searching a vacate spot. There were only two. One in the back corner of the classroom and another next to Autumn. And knowing Autumn's luck...

“Is this seat taken?” Maple asked.

Autumn was pretty sure he just heard Nocter curse something. “I-If I told you it was, would go sit at the other desk?” he pleaded.

“No.” Maple smugly replied as started unpacking her saddle bags.

“Now, on to today's lesson.” The teacher began. “Today we will be learning about magical physics.”

The teacher began his dreary explanation on how magic and physics had some form of similarities. Autumn lazily jotted down any notes he heard, which weren't many. About halfway through the lesson, Maple leaned over to Autumn.

“You do realise that you look exhausted.” she whispered.

“…” Autumn gave a small nod.

“Any reason why you look so tired?”

“…lack of sleep.”

“Did I have anything to do with that?”

“I don't know at the moment, but until I do, I'm going to say yes.”

“When did you become such a grouch?”

“When I woke up this morning and realised I was feeling way more tired than I should have been.”

“What are you two whispering about?” Nocter whispered.

“Nothing to do with you, peasant.” Autumn and Nocter both sighed in unison.


“Why? Why her? Why our class? Out of every other class in this school?”

“Maybe her class had too many students?”

“And of course, she's the one they decided to transfer.” Nocter fumed as he unpacked his lunch. A sandwich levitated up to his face and he started taking large, angry bites out of it. Autumn tried to console him.

“Come on. I'm sure it won't be that bad.”

“Calls me peasant in our first lesson together. Yeah. It won't be that bad. I mean, we only have to put up with her for the rest of the year!” Nocter suddenly cut himself off like he was suddenly remembering some long, distant memory. “Wait a minute. You two were talking about something in class.”

“Oh that? That was just...you know...some small talk...”

“Maple doesn't engage in small talk.” Nocter narrowed his eyes, watching Autumn squirm in his gaze. “What secrets are you hiding from me?” he asked as he began to advance on his friend.

“N-nothing.” Autumn replied a little too quickly.

“Vigil.” Nocter said as he kept his eyes on Autumn. “What did Autumn do last night?”

“Vigil, don't say anything.” Autumn blurted out, acting before thinking.

“Very well Autumn.” Vigil smirked. Autumn looked back to Nocter to see him now backing away.

“You and Maple...last night. And you said you had sleeping problems...” Autumn started panicking as he quickly realised Nocter was putting two and two together and coming to the wrong conclusion.

“N-no wait. It's not like that!”

“Did she go to your house?”


“Did you go to hers?”

“No...” Nocter narrowed his eyes at the now sweating Autumn. “...maybe...”

Nocter sighed. “Oh Autumn. What are you doing with your life?”

“I didn't...it's not what you think...” Autumn tried to stop himself from talking babble, knowing that it was doing nothing but confirming Nocter's suspicions. Thankfully, Vigil stepped in.

“I believe that what Autumn is trying to say is that he and his family were invited to a social gathering at the Crystal Tree Estate last night.”

“The Crystal Tree Estate?”

“Maple's house.” Autumn translated.

“And despite all your wild theories, Nocter, I can assure you that Autumn and Maple only passed the time through talking.”

“Oh.” Nocter sat down and looked sheepishly at Autumn. “Well that's relieving. I thought you two had gotten close or something.”

Autumn just let out a sigh of relief. He'd be fine as long as Nocter didn't find out about their dance.

“They also shared one dance.” Vigil added helpfully.

“They what!?” Nocter snapped in surprise.

“Vigil!” Autumn shouted, looking like he was going to cry.

“I'm sorry, but I feel that honesty is an important attribute for friendship.”

Nocter's eyes bugged out of his head. “Friendship? Like...you two are friends?”

Autumn looked back to Nocter. At this point now, there was no point in trying to hide anything else from him. “Well...maybe not friends. We've talked a lot, and she seems to look out for me...I think...”

“So she's like your guardian angel?”

“Look, I don't know what she is to me. All I did was talk to her last night and participate in a dance that I didn't want to have.”

“Wait. You were forced to dance with her? Oh…Well then, the situation isn't as bad as I thought it was.”

“She's not bad either, you know. ..You should probably try to get to know her. She's not all she appears to be.”

“How do you figure?”

“I...I don't know. Every time I talk to her, I get the feeling that she's hiding something. Like she's wearing a mask to conceal who she really is…Like...I never know her as well as I think I do.”

“I think that's called love.” Nocter smirked.

Autumn turned to glare at Nocter, blushing uncontrollable. “And I'm starting to think that your special talent has shifted from opening doors to spouting be blind accusations!” Autumn blathered.

The two friends started at each other, as if trying to solidify their points with determined facial expressions. Vigil sighed as she watched. Colts will be colts. At least she hoped this was how colts usually acted.

Nocter eventually broke his concentration and looked down to his food.

“Nice come back.”

“T-Thanks…” Autumn said looking off to a nearby wall.

“So have you two finally come to peace with Maple moving to your class.” Vigil asked with an naive smile.

“Ha.” Nocter cried. “As if.”

Autumn sighed. “I thought we just discussed this.”

“That conversation was about Maple being your friend.”

Autumn huffed. Nocter could be so difficult when he wanted to be. “Why can’t you just accept that Maple moving into our class was a coincidence?”

“Because Maple; being moved into our class is too big to be a coincidence. I'm telling you. It was divine intervention.”

“So Princess Celestia is responsible?”

“No. But I'm telling you. What happened today was planned.”


“I really must commend you for your plan to place Maple and Autumn in the same class. Stroke of genius.”

Summer raised his eyebrows. “Only if the plan works…”

“Well of course the plan is going to work. They're perfect for each other.” Amber laughed.

“Amber, has anypony every told you that you're too optimistic?”

“If they have…and I've ignored them.”


Summer and Amber sat in the study of the P.M.B. manor. The room was dimly lit, as it usually was, but neither pony seemed to mind. The only form of light came from filtered beams of sun light shining through the closed blinds. Summer was sitting at his desk, flicking through a book. He didn't care if he was being rude. Amber had shown up uninvited to his home anyway.

“So about this Saturday…” Amber continued, oblivious to Summer's attempt to ignore him. “I've managed to book our two future love birds a table at The Castle Corner.”

“Is that so?” Summer said his mind clearly elsewhere.

“Yes…” Amber peeked over to try and get a good look of what Summer’s attention was really on. “What are you reading?”

Summer quickly closed the book before Amber could read a single word. “Nothing that concerns you, Amber.”

“Let me guess. Top secret?”

“What gave me away?”

“You know, I'll find out what you're doing Summer. One of these days.” Amber laughed resting back down on his seat.

Summer got out of his chair to stretch his legs. “That almost sounded like a threat.”

“I'm just saying that you can't keep me in the dark forever.”

“What are you planning on doing about it? Robbing me for information?”

“No no. I'd never do something like that. Speaking of which, I've actually been robbed.”


“Last night. I fear one of my guests decided to take advantage of my kindness.”

“What was stolen?”

“Just a small compilation of trinkets and loose change…Nothing I'd miss.”

“Are you going to tell the guard?”

“I tried to, but seems like several other noble ponies have also been pilfered.”

Summer remembered back to a few nights ago, when his magical perimeter was breached. “So we've got a cat burglar on the loose?”

“Yes, but I'm sure it's nothing the guard can't clean up.”

“If they could have cleaned it up, they would have by now.” Summer said under his breath so Amber couldn't hear him. “I hope you don't mind if I cut this meeting short Amber. I have a goal I wish to reach before the sun sets.” He said getting up from his seat.

“Oh. Not at all.” Amber said as he walked to the door. “I'll see myself out. And don't forget to tell your son about Saturday.”

“Trust me. I won't.”


Fillies and colts streamed out in different directions towards home as another day at Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns ended. Amongst the departing crowd were Autumn and Vigil, making their way to a row of carriages reserved for children from the wealthiest families.

“Hey Vigil…” Autumn asked. “Why do you think Maple was transferred into my class?”

‘Probably Master's work.’ Vigil answered in her mind. “I don't know Autumn. But there's probably no use in worrying about it.”

“Your right…Thanks.” The two of them reached their carriage and Vigil opened the door for Autumn. Just before he could climb in, an unmistakeable voice called out from behind him.

“Hey!” yelled Maple as she ran up.

“Miss Gem.” Vigil greeted with a nod of her head.

“H-H-Hey Maple.” Autumn also acknowledged awkwardly. “Uhh...want a lift home?” He offered sheepishly.

“No thanks. Some ponies enjoying getting exercise, I just wanted to ask if you'd seen anypony acting suspicious at the party last night.”

“No.” Autumn replied, lying perfectly. Though it wasn't technically a lie. He didn't see any pony acting suspiciously. But Will also had to make a living somehow.

“…That's all thank you.” Maple said. She turned to leave, but turned back to say one more thing. “By the way if you're planning on avoiding me for most of the day, at least tell me you don't want me around.” Then she trotted off and disappeared into a small crowd of ponies.

“She expected me not to avoid her...” Autumn said to himself, almost in a trance. What did that mean? Did she consider herself to be a closer friend to him? Did she actually consider them friends in the first place?

Still pondering Autumn stepped up into the carriage, with Vigil following close behind him. Upon hearing the door of the carriage close, the ponies drawing it began walking towards home.

What is Maple to me?’ Autumn thought to himself. That was the question of the day. Maple seemed to be an innocent filly that had been forced into his life. Just a repercussion of having overly rich parents probably. Did that make them friends? Did that make them more than friends? An image of her appeared in his mind. Butter yellow coat. Sunset orange mane and tail. Cherry blossom pink eyes. Wait a minute. Where did all the overly descriptive details come from? Autumn shook his head, as if to snap himself out of it.

“Something wrong, Autumn?” asked Vigil.

“No. It's nothing.”

“Is ‘nothing’ Maple related, by chance?”

Autumn felt his cheeks flush and turned away from Vigil to hide it. Not that she didn't notice anyway. “Vigil. I am ordering you not to speak until we get home. I-I-Is that clear?”
Vigil smirked. The first time Autumn used his superiority against her, and it was to hide romance troubles. She had to bite her tongue to stop herself from laughing.

“Crystal~” she answered.