• Published 30th Oct 2013
  • 682 Views, 21 Comments

Beginning of Autumn - MagicTypingPony

A story about a young unicorn colt who is pressured by his family to become the next alicorn by his father and other ponies around him. The story begins at Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns.

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Chapter 4

Autumn made his way to class with Nocter beside him, “Where did Maple go?” Autumn asked.

“You care?” Nocter asked giving him a strange look.

“W-Well…I’m just curious.”

“She probably went to her class, knowing how uptight she is.”

“Do you think we’ll see her again?”

“Hopefully not.”

"Hello peasants," said a voice from behind them.

“Oh sweet Luna.....” Nocter groaned under his breath.

Maple gave Nocter a glare and turned back to Autumn and circled him, Autumn looked at her confused, “I-Is everything alright?”

Maple stopped, shook her head and let out a disappointed sigh. Autumn was confused by her reaction as if she was let down from seeing him. “I-I-Is something wrong?”

“Wrong? Wrong?! What’s right?!” Maple yelled.

“E-Excuse me?” Autumn stuttered.

“You look so pitiful, so stupid, how could somepony like you possibly get into the best school in Equestria.”

“I-I-I don’t know….M-M-Maybe m-my parents s-s-said something about me…”

“What family do you come from anyway?” Maple demanded.

“T-The Pure Magic Blood….”

Maple stared at him in disbelief, “Y-Y-You’re the son of the P.M.B?”

“Yes?” Autumn said looking confused.

Maple blushed ever so slightly, turned around quickly and trotted off. Autumn was confused by her reaction and turned back to Nocter who looked equally confused, “What was that about?” Nocter asked.

“I-I don’t know...she just seemed surprised…” Autumn stated.

“Well…come on we’d better get going to class now.” Nocter said walking off with Autumn following close behind.


Class had ended soon then Autumn expected as the teacher told them to go single file to the assemble hall. Autumn joined the back of the line of fillies and colts making their way to the assembly. Nocter saw Autumn at the back and walked over to him joining the back. “What are you doing back here?” Nocter asked.

“I don’t like herds.” Autumn admitted shyly.

“Well you’d better get used to them or else you're going to had a bad time.” Nocter responded chuckling at his own joke.

“...I thought it wasn't an assembly day today.” Autumn said ignoring his comment.

“Oh right your still new, well Princess Celestia herself comes here and greets all the new students.”

“R-R-Really?! Why would she come down here?”

“Something about connecting with the new students and maintaining a good leader policy I think.” Nocter replied.

Autumn stayed quiet and followed the line of students to the assembly hall where they were told to sit down. Nocter said down next to Autumn and nudged him, “What’s the matter? Normally you have tons of questions.”

Autumn just gave him a dull look and turned his attention to the stage at the front of the assembly hall where old mare with a short pinned up maroon mane and a black business suit. She raised her hooves, quieting the crowed of students as she began to speak.

“It is great to see so many old and new faces joining us again in Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns. Now I present, Princess Celestia!” The principal said pulling at the curtain rope.

The stage curtains behind her pulled away revealing a tall Alicorn with a light rainbow colored mane that move by itself as if it had magic flowing through it with a gold crown on her head in front of her horn. She looked around at the group of young unicorns and smiled, “It’s wonderful to see so many gifted students here today. Now before I begin I like to introduce a guest of my own, Princess Twilight Sparkle.”

Autumn’s Heart stopped for a moment as he saw the violet Alicorn step out form the corner of the stage and gave a awkward smile to the crowd. Autumn started to hide, Nocter looked at him, “Errrr…..What are you doing?” he asked.

“H-Hiding…” Autumn said quietly as he covered his head with his hooves.

“Why?” Nocter asked looking at him confused.

“I-I don’t what to be seen...”

“Well you’re going to be called up there so you may as well stop trying to hide.”

Autumn reluctantly returned to his previous position, he couldn't tell how fast his heart was beating but it wasn't normal. Nocter look at him concerned, “Seriously dude, you looked like you've seen a ghost.”

“I-I-I just need a moment…” Autumn said breathing heavily.

“Do you need to go to the nurse’s office?” Nocter said getting concerned.

“N-No…I’m okay…”Autumn said slowly taking a breath.

“Alright…” Nocter said not believing him.

The principal started to speak again, “Now may the new students please rise and come to the stage.”

Autumn took another deep breath and stood up with four others and walked up to the stairs leading up to the stage. Twilight gave a concerned look to Celestia, “Princess, are you sure I should be doing this with you?”

Celestia gave her a comforting smile, “It’ll be alright Twilight, just be yourself.” Twilight lifted up her right forehoof and moved in to her chest taking in a deep breath to calm her down. Autumn’s heart started to beat faster as the two princesses went through each student greeting them with smiles and cheerful expressions.

It was finally time for Autumn to meet them, he shyly walk up to the tall white alicorn, Autumn gave a quick look at her but returned his eyes back to the floor, “Hello there, what is your name?” Celestia asked Autumn with her soothing voice.

Autumn didn't exactly know the noise he made but imagine a cross between a ‘Hello’ and a “eep’. He felt each drop of sweat drip down his head. “Are you feeling well child?” Celestia asked concerned about the colt before her.

“Yeah, you don’t look to good.” Twilight added. Autumn finally looked up to see Twilight, her concerned eyes looking down on him. It was the sudden realization that this was what he was trying to achieve, this is who his father want him to be. His heart started to beat at the rate of a jack-hammer, his vision started to blur as his head felt heavily. Autumn closed his eyes and lost the energy to stand and feel onto the floor of the stage.