• Published 21st Oct 2013
  • 4,046 Views, 119 Comments

Clash of Worlds - Gunner59524

Lets just say a certain mare meets an interesting military pony from a secluded Equestrian Military force, the UNSC Infinity arrives. All hell breaks loose in this new and WILD adventure.

  • ...

Aftermath and Revelations

Celestia was outside giving a speech to the subjects of Ponyville, apologizing for the initial secrecy of the situation, and giving every detail. The human's were victims of the Covenant's merciless assault. Forced to make a controlled crash landing in Equestria. The details included stated that the Human's were victims of a genocidal campaign that nearly wiped them out as well, also at the hands of the Covenant. The Human's had vowed to provide every bit of assistance that they could to wipe out the forces that threatened Equestria's citizens with genocide. After today's display, the ponies of Ponyville were humbled by how it seemed the humans easily could repel the Covenant in a number of ways. The panic level died down almost instantly as the the entire truth came out, given by the most trusted and beloved ruler in Equestrian history. Peace returned to the city almost overnight. The human's actions had ensured that there were NO casualties whatsoever among the civilian population in the city. And that was that. As quickly as it had began, unbelievably enough, the battle was over. The Covenant was overwhelmed by Spartans, Scorpion Tanks, and what seemed to be a superior air force for the UNSC at the moment. And with the orientation and overall range of the Infinity's Mac Guns, the Covenant would be foolish to put a ship in low orbit anywhere near any of the cities south of Infinity's location. For now, it was a stalemate.

Come the third morning since the battle, Twilight was up early and pacing. Her thoughts ran wild now.

What are these feelings I have when I'm around him?

Come on. Is it not obvious?

But how, so quickly, so soon after i met him

You met him before when he first moved to town, just briefly. You were kinda quick to judge back then.

How could i have been so foolish?

The past is the past. What matter's is the now. Think about it, how did these feelings begin to emerge.

I saw an unbelievable amount of honor and kindness in his heart. I felt pity when i saw the sadness in his eyes. He saved the lives of me and my friends two times now at the risk of his own. Nearly died the second time just to keep that monster away from me and my friends. He has an unbelievable sense of duty.

Now list the flaws.

He always blames himself for a lot of things. He has a past that haunts him and makes him less social. I'm not really sure if he'll forgive himself for losing to that beast back at the shop.

But does the good outweigh the bad?


Does he want to be your friend?


Do you believe there is a chance he may even have feelings for you?


Do you love him?

She paused for what seemed like an eternity as soon as that question popped up in her mind... she pondered it for the longest time, weighing, wondering, analyzing... but when it came down two it...

I... I do love him....

She sat down as this revelation threw her mind into overload and she clenched her eyes shut.

How could he love me back though? I'm just a simple scholarly unicorn.

You're the Element of Magic for one thing. You were the catalyst that brought friendship to him when just in time to keep him from breaking. You were the one that made it possible for him to be happy again. You gave him hope. You eased his pain..... YOU SAVED HIS LIFE!

That sealed it. That removed a lot of doubt from her mind. Her eyes opened as realization dawned on her. Somehow, they matched, Gunnar and her. Her thoughts were cut off though. She heard a cry of pain from the guest room. Her heart raced as she realized who's voice it was: Gunnar.


He writhed in his sleep as the nightmare played in his mind again and again. In the snow, had he failed... Twilight's neck would have been snapped or she would have been eviscerated by an energy sword. In the shop, the battle played out again and again as he saw himself tossed around by Ragas. He experienced his death at the Elite's hands again and again, slow, agonizing death. Then he saw it turn on her... the mare who saved him from a life of doubt and emptiness... and kill her...

His eyes snapped open as he let open a pained scream and shot up into a sitting position. He breathed heavily as his mind raced a thousand miles a second.

Get yourself together Gunnar, it was a nightmare.

It was a bucking horrid one.

Were any of the nightmares you've had any better?


Point taken.

But why the fear, why fear for her, was it the emotions running through him?

Think about it. You've seen other ponies deal with emotions like these. What else could it be?


Don't deny it, she's special to you.


There you go, and how is she so special?

When i was alone.... she appeared.... an angel in the darkness lighting the way....


She showed me friendship when I had almost none left, save my distant brother in bond and his marefriend. I almost never get to see them anymore though.

Your orders, your station, your base of operations are here in Ponyville. You didn't have a choice.

I know....

But now look, you've gotten into one wild adventure. Plus, now there is a mare trying to save your sanity and give you the hope you lost all those years ago and more. Of course you have feelings for her.

Are you implying that....?

Yes, that's what I'm implying, what else could it be? You saved her life twice, have an incredible sense of honor and duty. Also, look at yourself. Do you see yourself as one to let her or any other innocent pony get hurt?


You see? You faced odds nopony else would have to protect them. Risked your life. Enough doubt, of course she sees you as more than a friend by now.

So soon?

Successful relationships have gotten started faster.

You have a point there.

And she went out of her way to give you friendship, then risked herself to keep that Elite from slicing your throat with that energy blade before you passed out. You know you saw that before you lost consciousness.

I... *sigh* yeah i did.

And these feelings you get around her are now stronger for it no doubt, hence your specific fear for her well being.


And my point is that you love her.


Don't give me that silence, you know you do, stop denying it.

Hey i don't want her to get hurt in a relationship with me, I'm a soldier, my duty is to protect the entirety of Ponykind and our allies.

Geez, listen to your bucking self. You say that as if soldiers and sentient beings are two different things. You aren't a machine. Those Spartans aren't, they show emotions and respond to social stimuli normally. You are a sentient being just like them because you respond in a similar manner. Soldiers ARE sentient. To deny that is to deny you ever existed.

I lost my existence as a colt...

Then why do you still have emotions?


Nothing to deny it?


You're a living breathing stallion with emotions like everypony else. So don't give me that nonexistence crap.

But I....

NO BUTS!!! Stop denying it. You're a living being, you've started loving a mare who cares about you. Start acting like the soldier you are and toughen up. NOTHING IS SUPPOSED TO STOP YOU! Not even doubt.

I suppose....

No, YOU KNOW! so shut the buck up and act like a living being, not some stuck up, emotionless ass. Save being a hardass for when you're protecting yourself and others from the badguys.




Now when you find the moment, you tell her the truth.


His mind came to that final resolution in less than ten seconds, working on overdrive. Buck he was even starting to wonder if maybe the trainer's back at boot camp augmented his brain without him knowing. His thought's were interrupted when a worried Twilight burst through the guest room door.

"GUNNAR!" she cried, "Are you okay!? I heard you cry out!"

"I-I'm fine," he muttered, "Just a nightmare."

You gonna bucking tell her or what?

She trotted over, placed a hoof under his chin and lifted his gaze to meet hers. Her eyes were full of worry and concern.

"Twilight...." He couldn't take his gaze from her. It was like she had him locked in place and was studying him. But her horn wasn't even glowing!

She saw the conflict and uncertainty in his eyes. Her worry for him only heightened by this. She wanted to do something to comfort him... she also wanted to tell him how she felt... but she couldn't find the words. As the sorrow and uncertainty in his eyes grew stronger, it clicked. She pulled him into a firm hug and started finding words to comfort him.

"Gunnar... I won't pretend to know what you're going through.... but i want you to know that i care. I'm here for you, no matter what. When you need to talk to somepony or just need comfort.... I'll do the best i can," she was almost pouring her heart out... almost.

Her words were enough, he had no doubts... he knew now was the time to say it.

He broke the hug but kept his hooves on her shoulders as he looked into her eyes.

"Twilight... In the very short time I've known you... You've been nothing less than the kindest and most understanding pony I've met. When i needed a friend and felt alone.... you came along to make things better. You were the catalyst that brought hope back to me," He started to say. Twilight blushed and looked away, but Gunnar gently placed a hoof under her chin and guided her gaze back. He gave her a smile. "Not only that... I saw what you did back at Sugarcube Corner.... before i lost consciousness... I saw the Elite about to kill me... I saw my life flash before my eyes... I felt death about to pull me away from the world... but it never happened. I opened my eyes.... I saw you saving my life like i had saved yours."

Twilight couldn't believe here ears. She didn't know how, but she somehow knew what he was building up to. She just didn't know whether or not to believe it yet.... Then it came.

"I guess what I'm trying to say is.... I love you Twilight."

BOOM, all her doubts exploded out of existence and the remains were washed away by overwhelming feelings of relief, joy...., and love. She wrapped her forelegs around his neck and kissed him.

Gunnar's eyes shot wide open.

Told ya, you stubborn soldier. Is your conscience ever wrong?

He looked at her in surprise when she pulled away. Both of them were blushing intensely and neither knew what to say for a while.

Then he asked her a question that was still killing him, causing doubt to try and gnaw its way back in. "You... you share my feelings?"

Her response blew that doubt out of existence.

"Gunnar... you have an unbelievable sense of honor and duty.... you saved my life and those of my friends TWICE. You valued my friendship and gave me your trust. I'm pretty sure you were gambling with your emotions there when you did."

He blushed and looked a little guilty. He knew she was right.

"I know there are ponies out there who have to gamble like that all the time.... I won't hold it against you if that's what you're thinking. But you gave me your trust, became friends with me and the others... and now... here you are... admitting that you love me... and the truth is..." she looked into his eyes, "I love you too."

That did it... that blew everything away, all doubt, all fear, all of the hopelessness that had dominated the majority of his life. All of it whisked away with those four words.... those four simple words.

The fear, the sorrow, the hopelessness in his eyes just vanished right in front of her. He smiled at her and was on the verge of joyful tears even. Then, he kissed her, and she kissed back. They both wished that moment could last forever. Their bond became permanent.

Downstairs, Spike heard a rattling in the chest containing the Element's. He opened it to see what was up just in time to see Twilight's tiara unleash a wave of powerful energy. He looked upstairs, knowing it was tied to her.... then it clicked.... and he smiled.


Canterlot, Equestria; Canterlot Palace, Celestia's Bedroom Balcony.

Luna, Princess of the Night, was sitting there with her sister when she perked up, sensing a powerful surge of magic.

Celestia noticed this and looked at her younger sister. "You feel it too?" she asked.

Luna nodded. "It felt like a powerful wave of harmonious energy.... w-what could it mean?" Luna wondered.

Celestia gave her a smile and said, "I think I know," before looking towards Ponyville, just in time to see a bright Violet light dissipate down there.

Author's Note:

Now this is an unusual change of pace. How will Twilight's friends react. How will Majestic react. How is it tied to the Elements of Harmony (don't deny it you know it is) :P

Stay tuned to find out.