• Published 21st Oct 2013
  • 4,044 Views, 119 Comments

Clash of Worlds - Gunner59524

Lets just say a certain mare meets an interesting military pony from a secluded Equestrian Military force, the UNSC Infinity arrives. All hell breaks loose in this new and WILD adventure.

  • ...

Of Bonds of Friendship and Dreams of Victory.

Ponyville, Equestria; Twilight's Library

It has been two days now and the last of Gunnar's injuries are finally healed. Spartan Thorne had gotten the news and is now at the Library training Gunnar in combating the same creatures that led to his injuries: Hunters.

Twilight payed attention, also needing this training since she would be going into the field with Gunnar. Spike watched intently throughout the session until Thorne concluded it.

"Remember, agility and reflex are key components to the tactics that allow you to drop a Hunter. Always shoot for the back where the exposed portion is whenever you can. Don't go for a headshot, it will just bounce off the helmet," the Spartan finished.

Twilight and Gunnar nodded before thanking their Spartan friend. Twilight gave the large supersoldier a gentle, friendly hug to put emphasis on how thankful she and Gunnar were for this.

"I'm glad I could help," Thorne mused happily, "I'm still assigned to protect you two specifically and we have free time, so I'm up for whatever you two wanna do."

"A stop by the club sounds nice. I hope the Apple Family has been keeping the hard apple cider in supply. I could use a drink to be honest," Gunnar admitted.

"Yeah, I think we could all use some time to relax before we're sent out on some crazy op," Twilight giggled, "Besides, I want to spend more time hanging out with Gunnar." She nuzzled into his neck as she said that, prompting him to wrap a foreleg around her shoulders and hold her close. Thorne smiled at the sight.

"Come on you two," the Spartan chuckled, "Let's go hit the club."


Half an hour later
Ponyville, Equestria; Vinyl Scratch's Club.

Spartan Thorne and his two close pony friends Twilight and Gunnar stepped into the club and quickly found a booth. The bass blared as heavy Dubstep fired up the crowd. UNSC and Equestrian soldiers off duty were enjoying their time, and no small number of civilians were out among the crowd. Thorne smiled, glad to see fellow soldiers and workers letting off steam and chilling with their own friends while they could.

"Sup guys!" a white mare with purple tinted lenses in her goggles trotted up to them, "You here for the performance?"

"Uh.. sure I guess," Thorne answered.

"Eh something tells me you're actually surprised to hear about it. No worries though. Name's Vinyl scratch by the way."

"You're the club owner?" Gunnar asked, surprised to be meeting her.

"Sure am. My show starts in a few minutes so you guys just kick back. I'll send a waiter over soon as I spot one so you can get drinks more quickly."

"Thanks Vinyl," Twilight giggled before leaning against Gunnar.

Vinyl spotted this and grinned. She didn't say anything though, not wanting to make them uncomfortable. She waved bye and headed off to the backstage area in the back of the building, making sure to redirect a waiter their way as she did.

Thorne ordered some hard apple cider for the himself and the others and the waiter went to fill their orders.

"So now what?" Gunnar asked.

"Now we kick back, relax, and enjoy the show," Thorne answered.

It wasn't long before the drinks were brought over, and shortly after, Vinyl's Dubstep performance began. The crowd on the dance floor was goin' nuts, bustin' moves, and all out having fun. Gunnar had an idea as he watched them and turned to Twilight.

"You wanna dance?" the stallion asked her with a grin on his face.

"Sure," she giggles in response and they head off to the dance floor to join the fun.

Thorne watched them go, keeping an eye on them so as to make sure he can keep up with his assignment, but smiling, enjoying the sight of his friends having a good time. He wished it had been a bit more like this when he and Majestic were battling Forerunner machines and fanatical Covies on the Forerunner Shield World Requiem.


Frozen North, Equestria; UNSC Infinity.

"We ready to launch?" Lasky asked his crew after all simulations and tests had been run.

"Ready sir," the LT responded.

"Good to go," another officer reported.

"All stations report ready Captain," Roland said as he appeared on the holodisplay in the center of the Bridge.

At that, Lasky turned to his guest. The powerful white Alicorn that ruled Equestria.

"You ready to witness our ship in motion?" Lasky asked with a grin.

Celestia nodded, answering without saying a word.

"Roland, fire off the engines, and have Doctor Glassman run scans as the launch occurs. We want to make sure everything goes right," The captain ordered.

"Aye Captain."

Moment's later, Infinity shuddered. Metal groaned for a moment as the ship lifted off the ground, then they were rising higher and higher, till they were just beneath the highest clouds. Celestia watched in awe as the massive ship moved with ease, maneuvering and now heading towards Canterlot at maximum speed.

"SIR, COVENANT CONTACT TO STERN, CORVETTE, CLOSING FAST!" the sensor station officer called out.

"Good call. Alright turn 180 degrees to port and face the target. Order MAC Cannon Fire Control to prep a round for the uninvited guest."

"Aye sir."

The ship lurched slightly as it began turning.

"Covenant contact is turning to flee, looks like they picked up that we aren't helpless anymore. They realized that after some of their weapons hit our rear shields."

"Didn't even feel the ship shudder from the impact though," Celestia said.

"That's the beauty of massive ships and shield tech," Lasky said, "Bring us around people, this contact isn't escaping us!"

The Infinity finished swinging around and the Covenant Corvette came into view.

"Target aligned sir."



The ship shuddered more violently and a loud boom was heard, muffled by the thick armor, as a white streak shout out of the Infinity's bow and impacted the target. The Covenant Ship split in half in an instant, exploding violently as the UNSC once again made a non-verbal declaration of superiority over the Covenant. The bridge erupted into cheers. It was good to be back in the fight. Celestia smiled as the tide turned further in humanity's and ponykind's favor. She still disapproved of killing, but knew it was necessary to protect her allies and her subjects. The joy still outweighed the sorrow as she witnessed the enemy ship crumble as it crashed into the mountains and fell under a short bombardment from Infinity to ensure no survivors. The Covenant ship was no more, and no longer a threat to Equestria. One less enemy asset to worry about.

Lasky was smiling too. The Infinity was once again ready for war.

Author's Note:

Heh, I don't think I need to say much. Infinity is back in the air, the team is recovering and almost ready. What could possibly go wrong huh? Stay tuned to find out what happens next.

DeMarco: We goin to war again?

Just about.

DeMarco: good, I wanna pop some Covie skulls.

Damn straight Spartan.