• Published 21st Oct 2013
  • 4,046 Views, 119 Comments

Clash of Worlds - Gunner59524

Lets just say a certain mare meets an interesting military pony from a secluded Equestrian Military force, the UNSC Infinity arrives. All hell breaks loose in this new and WILD adventure.

  • ...

Difficult Process of a Hard Decision

UNSC Forward Base, Ponyville, Equestria; Infirmary Tent
Human Calandar date: 2558

"YOU'RE GONNA WHAT!?!?" Applejack started with enough volume to make her purple friend cringe.

"I'm joining the armed forces. I won't let him go out there without help again," Twilight answered, the determination in her voice apparent.

"He has them Spartans out there to help him!"

"You see how that turned out right in front of you! How long before something happens and they can't save him from dying!?"

"And you're gonna put your life on the line to make sure he stays alive!?"


Applejack stopped, seeing the harsh seriousness in Twilight's angry, violet eyes.

"I refuse to let him go out there without me anymore. I need to do this. I couldn't live with myself if he died out there and I knew I could make a difference if I stopped being a coward and went out to fight by his side! I WON'T LET THIS HAPPEN TO HIM AGAIN!!!"

"But.... you'll die out there.... what about us, your friends?"

"I know you and the others care Applejack.... but I just can't sit by watching him risk his life through a distant screen," she replied solemnly.

"What if Celestia doesn't approve?"

"I'll make her understand!"

"You're real set on this ain't ya Twi?"

"I am."

"Well.... If you need support, you always have your friends here in Ponyville. You can always count on us Twi."

The unicorn mare smiled softly at her friend now. "Thank you AJ." She hugged her friend for a moment. "Let's go tell the others."

Half an hour later
Ponyville, Equestria; outside the UNSC Forward Base.

"SHE'S DOING WHAT!?!?" Celestia yelled out.

"SHE CAN'T DO THAT!!" Rainbow Dash piped out.

"You could die out there!" Fluttershy whimpered.

"You couldn't possibly let her do this Applejack!" Rarity piped up.

Pinkie and Spike were bewildered, and the former whimpered a bit, worried for her friend.

"She has to. Had you been there when she told me, ya'll would have agreed with me," Applejack replied to them all.

Twilight stood next to her, a determined look in her eye.

"This is too drastic and sudden of a decision to be certain," Celestia stated seriously.

"Oh I'm very certain about this. I'm not letting those aliens lay another grubby finger on Gunnar if it's the LAST THING I DO!" Twilight blurted out angrily. All her friends looked at her, bewildered.

"B-but... what about us...? You can't leave your friends behind...." Pinkie whimpered.

"Pinkie, this is a hard decision for me... but I feel it in my heart that this is the right thing to do..." Twilight admitted more calmly now.

"Are you certain of this my student?" Celestia asked worriedly.

Twilight paused for a moment, closing her eyes and turning her head towards the ground, letting out a sigh and thinking out her answer carefully. She then looked up with an even stronger determination in her eyes. "I'm very certain of this. I can't sit by and let him die out there knowing I could have gone out and done something to help. Plus... I love him... and I can't let him fight these battle alone. He's been alone almost all his life. All he had left till we came along was his distant friend, who was like a brother to him. Gunnar almost never sees him anymore. He's fought most of his battles feeling alone and expendable. Not any more!"

"You're set on this course then? We can't turn you away?" Celestia asked.

Twilight shook her head. "This is the best way."

"Then you have my support Twilight," Celestia said, reluctantly, but now somehow certain her student was making the right decision. "Follow your heart and fight hard. I know you can do it." the Princess now had a determined, yet reassuring soft smile on her face.

Twilight's friends all nodded in agreement.

"I'm going too," Rainbow piped up suddenly.

"A-are you sure?" Twilight asked, suddenly surprised by Rainbow's outburst.

"No friend of mine is going to war without my help."

Twilight smiled. "Thank you Rainbow."

"Ahm comin too!" AJ said suddenly, "I know Big Macintosh can watch the family while ahm gone."

"Huh!?" Twilight blurted, surprised by this.

"I ain't scared of no alien menace anymore. It's time we gave 'em a what for. It's time for payback."

Fluttershy, Rarity, and Pinkie stared at their friends in bewilderment, but soon smiled.

"We aren't fighters... but we'll do our best to support the war effort from here, hideous as war is," Rarity piped up.

"I have some skill with healing, maybe I can become a nurse at the base here." Fluttershy said gently.

"I'll see about keeping events going at Vinyl's club. What better way for off duty soldiers to wind down between missions than to PAAAARTAY!!!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed, now enthusiastically.

Twilight had thankful tears of joy in her eyes. "Th-thank you girls. I couldn't ask for better friends," she said. They group hugged.

Celestia smiled gently at the six friends, the six bearers of the Elements of Harmony had strengthened their resolve and their bonds of friendship. The Covenant wanted to eliminate the UNSC and their allies. They have another thing coming. Celestia was even more certain that human and pony would both come out on top now.

Author's Note:

Now THIS is intense. Twilight and her friends actively supporting the war effort? This is gonna get very interesting, very fast.
What will happen after the training is complete? How will Gunnar take this news? Will human and pony really come out on top? Stay tuned to find out.

Pinkie: It's time to fight back hard! PINKIE PIE STYLE!

*laughs* You do that Pinkie

Pinkie: *bucks a cloaked elite in the jaw, decloaking it and knocking it out cold*

O_O (note to self, don't piss off the pink one.)