• Published 5th Mar 2012
  • 3,904 Views, 49 Comments

An Unexpected Arrival - Prince Luna

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Enter the Digital World! A New Kind of Digidestined! Wizardmon VS GeoGreymon!

Data Shift had finally done it. He had harnessed the power of electricity and stored it on something simple. The electrical flow activated a mechanism to move two little bits of plastic around at a precise speed. Data Shift had invented Equestria's first electric clock.

"Hey now, wait a minute," He said, looking at it. He then looked at the clock on his wall. "This is displaying the wrong time!"

He turned the electric clock over and looked at the back. Nothing. He facehoofed. He had forgotten to put in something to turn the hands faster. He focused his horn at the hands and began to use magic to move it. A crackle of electricity escaped and shocked his horn.

"Ouch!" He cried.

He tried again with more magical energy. More electricity unleashed itself, but Data Shift avoided it and tried again even harder. Then, in a flash of white, the clock exploded. Lightning flew everywhere, singeing his laboratory and eventually destroyed the building. The white flash and electricity kept spreading and spreading. As it got bigger, the flash slowly turned green and started to devour everything living and destroy anything inanimate in its path.


Twilight Sparkle set down the letter she had received and stopped reading it to her friends.

"An 'electric clock'," Applejack repeated "Sounds like a fine amount of trouble to me."

"You just don't like anything that doesn't involve hard labour." Joked Rainbow Dash.

"A job should only be done by th' hoof of a pony to be a sure thang." Applejack recited from her head.

"I think it sounds rather convenient," Rarity said, "Could you imagine an electrical sewing machine? It would make my life so much easier!"

"Never mind your work!" Pinkie Pie laughed, "Imagine something that could automatically make candy!"

Whilst Pinkie Pie was licking her lips at the delicious thought, Twilight reread the letter.

"So we need to make our way to the outskirts of Manehatten to see Data Shift's presentation demonstrating the clock. I trust you all packed in advance like I asked?" She reminded her friends.

Everypony was wearing large saddlebags. They intended to stay in Manehatten for a week or so to see sights and go shopping as well as go to Data Shift's unveiling. They began to walk out the door as Pinkie Pie blabbered on about an electric sweet maker.

"Alright, lets make our way to the train station." Lead Twilight.

"Could you imagine an electric train? It'd go so fast!" Smiled Rainbow Dash.

"Oh I don't know," Fluttershy worried, "It would be awfully dangerous and much too fast..."

"I think it sounds like a great idea!" Spike said, ignoring Fluttershy completely.


The ponies waited for their train to arrive. It would take some time to reach Manehatten, so they were boarding a sleeper train. Rainbow Dash caught sight of somepony and hid behind her friends.

"Oh great. Derpy's coming too." She whispered.

Derpy looked around then saw a glimpse of Rainbow's cutie mark and began to gallop towards the group.

"Hey Wainbow Daff!" She shouted, "How's my favouritest pony doing?"

Rainbow crept out from behind her crowd and awkwardly spoke to the pony that annoyed her so much.

"Oh...h-hey Derpy. I'm good. Good, yeah, good. How are you?" She groaned.

"Oh, I'm good too! Are you going to thif pre-sen-ta-shun too?" Derpy asked, struggling on such a long word.

"Erm..yeah. Sounds...interesting don't you think?" Rainbow replied.

"I dunno what the letter meant but I had to deliver it to everypony. Doctor Whooves really sounded intwested in going."
She looked behind her, Doctor Whooves was stamping on the ground, "I gotta go, guys! See ya around!"
She ran off back to her friend and everypony sniggered, looking at Rainbow Dash. They then burst into uncontrollable laughter.

"Hey 'Wainbow Daff'," Laughed Spike, "Was that your best fwend?"

The ponies kept laughing, then Rainbow saw the train approaching.

"Hey guys..guys! Concentrate! The train's here!" She tried to distract them.

They averted their attention to the train and boarded it the moment the doors opened. They claimed their beds and began to chat the night away.


Everypony was sleeping. Fluttershy slowly opened her eyes and drew the curtain next to her. She squinted and squeed at the bright light that came through the window.

"Morning already?" She mumbled, opening the curtain fully, "But there are still stars in the sky."
Twilight woke up too.

"Fluttershy, you're awake. Are you alright?" She asked with a yawn.

"Of course, thank you Twilight. But it's morning and the stars are still out." She replied.

Twilight, opposite Fluttershy, looked out her window.

"It looks like the middle of the night, Fluttershy. What do you mean?" She asked.

Fluttershy looked confusingly at Twilight's dark view, then at her bright sight.

"Look out my window." She said.

"Why? It's gonna be no dif--Oh Celestia that's bright!" Twilight said, shielding her eyes from the intense light.

The light filled the carriage, waking up the other ponies and Spike.

"Mornin' everypony." Applejack said, looking out her window and shielding her eyes.

"It can't possibly be morning!" Said Rarity, looking at the dark, then light sides of the carriage.

Then the light filled the carriage, which started to shake violently and disintegrate. Everypony screamed, but then stopped, realising that they were alright. They were floating on nothing, surrounded by the green light. Then there was a loud bang and the screaming continued, ponies all over the place where running around screaming, confused as to what was going on. A flash of yellow came over the ponies and they began to feel tingly. Then a flash of white blinded everypony.


Twilight Sparkle woke up, but kept her eyes closed. She continued to hug the cuddly toy she held. Then she opened her eyes. She had no cuddly toy. She looked down and saw a brown and pink creature, breathing softly asleep. Twilight accidentally threw it in shock and looked around, seeing she was in a forest clearing. It woke up and rubbed its head, then looked at Twilight.

"Hey. I didn't scare you did I?" It said.

"W-what kind of creature are you?" Asked Twilight curiously. She was not scared.

"Why, a Digimon of course! I'm Lopmon! What Digimon are you?" Lopmon returned a question.

"I'm not a 'Digimon'," Twilight said, "I'm a pony and my name is Twilight Sparkle."

"A pony? I've heard of a Ponymon before. But you're not a Digimon you say? Then that makes you..." Lopmon gasped, "Follow me!"

Lopmon rushed off, looking back for Twillight to follow, so she did. Then Twilight saw something behind a bush to her right.

"Applejack?" She shouted.

"Twilight!" Applejack's voice returned from behind the bush.

"Oh, is that your friend?" Asked Lopmon.

Applejack came through the bush with a Digimon too. It was a reptile Digimon but it looked kind of like a dog.

"Twilight! Y'all got one of them Digimans too? This here is Gabumon." She introduced her new friend.

"Well hello, Gabumon. I'm Twilight Sparkle. Applejack, this is Lopmon." She said, Lopmon took a bow.

"Your other friends aren't too far off. Well, other ponies at least. Let's go find them." Gabumon suggested.

Applejack and Twilight nodded to each other and began to walk, until they heard a scream.

"Fluttershy!" The two said and began to run in the direction of the scream.


Fluttershy screamed, looking at the creature in front of her. Applejack and Twilight quickly ran in next to her.

"You are so adorable!" Fluttershy said with a huge smile on her face, "My name is Fluttershy! What's yours?"

"I'm Patamon!" The orange winged creature in front of her smiled back.

"Well aren't you just the cutest little thing ever?" She said.

"Fluttershy! Y'all had us mighty worried! We thought that was a scream o' terror." Applejack panted.

"Oh, no. It was a scream of adorableness! Look at little Patamon here!" She said, holding up the Digimon.

"Well at least you're okay. That's three of us. Where are the other four, then?" Twilight asked Lopmon.

"There's one just flying down here now." Lopmon pointed to the sky.

Rainbow Dash came down to the ground fast, with a bird Digimon at her side. It was black with a purple vest.

"I gotta say, Falcomon, you Digi-folk are pretty darn fast!" She laughed.

"Well, those of us who can fly that is." Falcomon pointed.

"There's Rainbow." Applejack pointed out.

"We saw Rarity, Pinkie and Spike when in the sky," Rainbow commented, "We saw this group here so we decided to take you to 'em. This is Falcomon by the way."

"Pleased to meet you." Falcomon added.


Rainbow led the group to Rarity, who was talking to a puppy-like Digimon.

"Oh do go on!" Rarity said, ruffling her hair.

"I like to keep myself groomed, but your coat is very shiny! I like the symbol on your side!" The Digimon said.

"This, my dear Salamon, is a cutie mark. All ponies get one eventually. It shows who we are, you see. Oh! Friends! Over here!" Rarity called.

"Does EVERYPONY have a Digimon partner?" Twilight asked.

"It would seem so," Fluttershy said, "They're all cuties though!"

Then, through a group of trees came another Digimon, with Spike riding on its back. It was purple with a red gem on its head and white fur on its neck and tail.

"You're kinda heavy Spike, but a load of fun!" The Digimon exclaimed.

"I like you too, Dorumon! Oh hey, there are my friends!" Spike waved, "This is Dorumon and...oh you all have Digimon?"
He looked a little dissapointed, but then perked up.

"This place is so cool! What're your Digimon's names?" Spike asked.

Twilight was about to speak up to introduce Lopmon but then there was a large rumble on the ground.
"GUYS! WHERE ARE YOU?! HELP!" A voice shouted from somewhere.

"That's Pinkie Pie!" Said Rainbow Dash, "She seemed fine before...but I do remember something approaching her and her Digimon.

A roar came from the same direction.

"Oh no!" Shouted Gabumon.

"That's GeoGreymon!" Said Lopmon.

"Geowhowhat?!" Applejack exclaimed.

"GeoGreymon. A large dinosaur Digimon. He's one bad egg." Patamon whispered.

"Let's go save Pinkie Pie!" Said Rainbow Dash.

"If that pink pony is there, Labramon will be in trouble too!" Falcomon said.

"Let's save the both of them!" Salamon said, leading the group in the direction of the monster.

"This does NOT sound good at all." Fluttershy cried.


GeoGreymon had grabbed hold of Labramon and Pinkie Pie was angrily kicking it in the foot.

"It's no use!" The Digimon cried, "Not even I can beat him! My friends and I have never been able to!"

"Pinkie!" Twilight called from round the corner. The fight was happening on a cliff which led to a long fall into the ocean.

"Guys! Come and help Labramon! Please!" Pinkie cried. Her bright personality had been washed away with terror; she couldn't even laugh away the horror.

The Digimon began to attack GeoGreymon to no avail. The different specialised attacks bounced right off. He turned his head towards the small Digimon at his feet and opened his mouth.

"MEGA BURST!" He shouted. A large ball of white fire formed in his mouth.

"NOOOOOO!" Twilight shouted. Her horn began to glow.

All very quickly, a ball of light appeared from her horn and a necklace with her cutie mark appeared on her neck.

She shouted, "LOPMON! SHINKA!!"

Lopmon rose up, enveloped in light, and began to change shape.


She appeared in a new form.


Wizardmon quickly held out her staff in front of the GeoGreymon's attack. It absorbed it completely.

"MAGIC GAME!" She called, releasing the attack right back at GeoGreymon.

Rainbow Dash quickly swooped in and grabbed Labramon before the attack hit. When it did hit, it did so hard.

GeoGreymon was sent flying off the cliff and as soon as he hit the water, he exploded into data.

Everypony stared in awe at Wizardmon as she turned back into Lopmon. They began to cheer for the Digimon as Pinkie and Labramon hugged.

"Everypony, this is Labramon!" She said.

Everypony and Digimon (and dragon!) introduced themselves to each other.

"So what now?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Let's take them to the village!" Labramon suggested.

"Oh yeah, they can see if there are any ponies they recognise there too!" Gabumon commented.

"And we can see which Digimon ended up with them!" Patamon added.

"So everypony does have a partner." Rarity commented.

"It's settled then!" Spike said, sitting on Dorumon again, "To the Digimon village!"

Everypony and Digimon cheered and began to walk to the Digimon's home town.