• Published 5th Mar 2012
  • 3,902 Views, 49 Comments

An Unexpected Arrival - Prince Luna

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The Digimon Village! Derpy and Doctor Whooves - Learn the Secrets of the Digital World! Rainbow Dash's Chikara!

"Now," Doctor Whooves said, walking along with his Hagurumon and companion Derpy, "If my theory is correct, I have been to this universe before. It is all so very familiar, yet at the same time I don't recognise it. Hagurumon, is there more than one Digital World?"

"Well, Wisemon says there is. He's the town elder. He knows just about everything about the multiverse!" The little gear Digimon said.

"Why don't we go and see this 'Wisemon'?" Derpy suggested, looking to the pink bird next to her that was almost as tall as she was.

"That sounds like a fantastic idea, assistant!" Doctor Whooves clapped his hooves.

"Oh hey, Doctor, look," Derpy pointed towards the gate of the village, "it's Wainbow Daff and her fwends!"

"So it is, Derpy. Would you like to say hello?" Doctor half sniggered at Derpy's speech impediment.

She ran fast up to her group of friends to greet them and introduce her Digimon. When Rainbow Dash saw her, she sighed.

She mumbled to herself, "She's HERE too?"

"Hi Wainbow Daff! Hi Twilight Spartle! Hi Warity! Hi Appajack! Hi Pink Pie! Hi Fwuttershy! Hi...um...err..Sp...Spi...Spike! Yeah, hey Spike!" She said all in one breath.

"Hello Derpy. You wound up here too?" Twilight asked.

"Yeah! Everypony on the twain is here!" She laughed.

The ponies and Spike introduced their Digimon to each other again.

"This is Briomon!" Derpy said.

"It's BIYOmon, Derpy." Biyomon said, half laughing.

"Oops. Sowwy!" Derpy blushed.

"Ah, the Elements of Harmony assembled as always I see." Doctor said, trotting up the the group.

"Doctor Whooves! Just the pony I wanted to see! You of everypony would know what this is all about, would you not?" Twilight asked.

"Well, yes, I have my thoughts on this place. But the one we want to see right now is a Digimon called Wisemon." He explained.

"Oh! He's my teacher!" Lopmon boasted.

"Excellent, then maybe you can lead us to him." Said Doctor.

Lopmon lead the ponies in to a large building, somewhat like an inn, eventually they reached a room covered in darkness.

"Anyone got a light?" Gabumon asked.

"Here." Twilight said, using magic to create a light with her horn.

"Wow! That's amazing, Twilight!" Labramon commented.

"Oh c'mon! That's the bottom of basic for what Twilight can do!" Pinkie said.

"No time for boasting now, we want information." Rarity reminded everypony.

"Teacher Wisemon! Teacher Wisemon!" Lopmon called.

Nobody reacted, but then from a patch of darkness, a ball of light appeared and transformed into a hoooded man. He wore a red robe and two orbs floated by his shoulders. This was Wisemon.

"Ah, Lopmon! And your friends and...who are they?" Wisemon asked suspiciously.

"These are our destined partners! They're ponies!" Patamon smiled.

"P-ponies? What ever happened to the humans?" Wisemon mumbled to himself.

"Humans? What's a human?" Rainbow asked.

"Oh, it does not matter," Wisemon sighed, "So, the Digidestined have arrived. Welcome to our world. The Digital World."

He looked around at the crowd before him, sensing their energies at the same time.

"Doctor?" Wisemon shouted in shock.

"Hello, Wisemon." Doctor Whooves greeted.

"What are you doing here? And as a pony no less." Wisemon asked.

"It seems I was destined to return to a Digital World!" Doctor laughed.

"Doctor? What's going on?" Derpy asked.

"Hm. I guess I better speak up," Doctor began, "I know more about this place than you think. You see, back before I became a pony..."

"When you were one of those thingies, wight?" Derpy asked.

"A human, yes," He continued, "I came to a different Digital World before I came to Equestria. I met this same Wisemon there and I ended up saving that Digital World and, well I don't like to toot my own horn but, every other universe as well."

The ponies and Digimon looked astonished. The ponies especially knew what the Doctor was capable of and had done before.

"You, purple pony," Wisemon pointed at Twilight, "What is that around your neck?"

"This...it appeared earlier when Lopmon changed form. Pinkie Pie and Labramon here were in trouble you see and I managed to help Lopmon turn into Wizardmon." Twilight explained.

"Lopmon, you Digivolved?!" Wisemon exclaimed.

"Yeah! I finally did it, teacher!" Lopmon bragged.

"Extraordinary. So you are the chosen ones," Wisemon began, "You see, Twilight was it? That around your neck is very precious. It is a DigiElement. Yours symbolises magic, it would seem."

"You mean my Element of Harmony?" Twilight whispered in slight shock.

"If that is what you call it in your world, yes. It enabled you to help your partner Lopmon grow stronger." Wisemon explained.

"No way! I want one too! Loyalty it is," Rainbow Dash begged, "I want Falcomon to be the strongest Digimon there ever was!"

"I am afraid that I cannot simply hand them out. You must perform a great feat of friendship to make one appear. Nobody knows what that could be, but it is as legends say." Wisemon explained again.

"So, Wisemon, must we save this Digital World?" Doctor asked.

"Yes and you came at a very convinient time. We were not expecting ponies. Only humans. I am amazed that the pony world has any form of digital appliance." Wisemon pondered.

"The electric clock." Doctor Whooves explained.

Everypony gasped and waited for him to explain.

"Everything electrical has a connection with a Digital World. I don't know what caused a portal to open, but something happened to Data Shift's electric clock caused everypony in Equestria to eventually be transported here." Doctor explained.

"My sister!" Applejack and Rarity shrieked.

"Yes, everypony." Doctor Whooves repeated.

"So what do we do?" Pinkie asked.

"We would like you to partner with your Digimon and eliminate an evil source planning to destroy every universe, like the Doctor has done previously." Wisemon explained.

"It was VERY difficult on my own last time, but there are many ponies here. Many thousands partnered with Digimon. It'll be a cakewalk!" Doctor chuckled.

"And in exchange?" Twilight asked.

"The Doctor and I will help you return to your world." Wisemon offered.

"Ah! Slight problem there, Wisemon," Doctor began, "My sonic screwdriver. It broke upon entry again."

"That loud bang!" Fluttershy whimpered.

"Yes, the very same. Upon breaking, like every inanimate object there..." He continued.

Everypony then looked to their torsos. They saw that their saddlebags were no longer there.

"My screwdriver turned into a Digivice. The only one a pony will have it would seem. Similar to your Element, Twilight." He finished.

"I will research some way whilst you are gone," Wisemon offered, "What are your first plans?"

"Find Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle." Applejack said sternly.

"Yes, we MUST keep them safe." Rarity cried.

"Then it's set. I know how far Ponyville was from where we entered the Digital World. If you could supply a map Wisemon, and if my calculations are correct, they should be in the Digital World location equivalent of Ponyville." Doctor explained.

"Then it's settled!" Derpy cheered, "The search for the fiwwies!"

Everypony sniggered again, causing Derpy's disproportionate eyes to turn to them, they shut up quicky.

"Derpy and I will accompany you guys, we have your back," Doctor said, "may we take some supplies for our journey, Wisemon?"

"Of course, go ahead and good luck." Wisemon wished.


The eight ponies, one dragon and eight Digimon left the village with bags and saddlebags filled with essentials and set forth to search for the younger siblings of Applejack and Rarity. After walking a while, they heard a very loud buzzing.

"What is that dreadful sound?" Rarity compalined.

"It doesn't sound good." Commented Salamon.

"I think I know that sound." Added Lopmon unhappily.

"You mean, a bad Digimon?" Pinkie asked.

"Yes. Prepare yourself, Digimon!" Lopmon said.

The Digimon tensed themselves. The buzzing stopped, then started again even louder. Flymon approached.

"Flymon, another Champion level." Falcomon began to explain, but he got swooped in on and grabbed by the Flymon.

"Falcomon!" Rainbow Dash cried.

"Digimon! Attack!" Dorumon and Spike shouted at the same time.

The Digimon launched attacks, but nobody managed to hit the fast, flying bug. Biyomon came close being able to fly but Patamon and Fluttershy hid behind a tree out of sheer terror.

"Oh, no, we can't hit it!" Doctor exclaimed.

"I'm goin' for him myself! Nobody's gonna hurt my new Digibuddy Falcomon!" Rainbow Dash shouted, taking to the skies.

"Wainbow Daff! No!" Derpy shouted.

"Derpy, I got this." She said back seriously.

Derpy's head dropped, but she kept watching. Rainbow managed to get neck and neck to Flymon and bash into it a few times, but it stopped and aimed its stinger at the pegasus.

"BROWN STINGERS!" It called, launching the needle at Rainbow Dash as another grew in its place.

The needle grazed Rainbow Dash's side, leaving a cut. The shock caused her to stop flying and crash into the ground. Flymon lifted its stinger and aimed it right at Falcomon's chest.

"No! You can hurt me all you want but DO NOT hurt Falcomon!" Rainbow Dash shouted at the top of her voice.

A tear formed in her eye and hit the ground. The wet drop on the ground began to glow and as Rainbow Dash cried more, the tears shined and rose back up in sparkles. The rose to her neck and formed a shape. The shape of her cutie mark on a necklace.

(play Rainbow Dash's evolution theme from the description here)

"No way!" She whispered, "Falcomon! You ready?"

Falcomon nodded and Rainbow flew up, kicked Flymon in the head, causing him to drop Falcomon, who flapped his wings quick and hovered in the air.

"FALCOMON! SHINKA!!" Rainbow shouted.

Falcomon turned into a white figure and began to grow.


His new form was taller and still hovered in the air midflight.


"Let's do this, Peckmon!" Rainbow Dash cheered.

"You got it, Rainbow Dash!" Peckmon smiled, "SPIRAL CLAW!"

Peckmon flew over to Flymon, just recovering from the hard kick from Rainbow Dash, and started to spin. He drove right into Flymon's stomach, still spinning, his talons sharply digging into the insect Digimon's stomach. It exploded into data and Peckmon softly landed with Rainbow Dash, turned back to Falcomon and took a bow. Everyone cheered except Twilight, gazing at where the Flymon was just eliminated.

"We didn't just kill that Digimon did we?" She said sadly.

"Oh, heavens no, Twilight!" Doctor Whooves reassured her, "When a Digimon is defeated and explodes into data, it smimply reforms someplace else and turns into a baby Digimon! Flymon is fine!"

Twilight sparkled and looked towards the direction they were travelling in.

"Then let's carry on going onwards!" She called.

The ponies galloped on to search for the fillies they worried for so much.

Stop playing Rainbow Dash's theme here.