• Published 5th Mar 2012
  • 3,902 Views, 49 Comments

An Unexpected Arrival - Prince Luna

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An Evil Spirit Lurks! Pinkie Pie Slash! GIiggle at the Ghostie!

It was night and the Digidestined were setting down to rest. The air was chilly, yet fresh. Derpy was trying to make conversation with Rainbow Dash, much to her disliking and the others were looking for something to eat.

"Now, what do you Digimon eat? I remember last time I was in a Digital World we just rushed and there was no time for eating." Doctor Whooves reminisced.

"We'll eat just about anything!" Biyomon laughed.

"Hey, you got anything sweet in that bag?" Labramon asked.

"Oh yes! I love sweets too Labramon!" Pinkie Pie shouted, stroking her companion on the head.

"Well ponies live on a strictly vegetarian diet so we only really eat vegetables or produce," Doctor explained, shuffling through his bag, "No sweets in here I'm afraid."

Pinkie and Labramon frowned a little, but then smiled and went off to play. Rarity was sat with Salamon in one of the many tents that had been set up. She was brushing the Digimon's coat gently.

"Darling, your short hair is absolutely gorgeous!" Rarity said with joy.

"Thank you, Rarity! I keep it as best I can!" Salamon smiled.

"You do a very good job of it, dear! Oh I picked up a little something just for you," Rarity fumbled through a bag and brought out a small pink ribbon, "Here!"

She affixed it to Salamon's right ear.

"You look adorable, Salamon!" Rarity said, applauding herself.

"GUYS! GUYS! OH MY GOSH, GUYS!" A worried voice eminated from further out.

"Pinkie?" Twilight shouted, "What is it?"

Pinkie emerged from the shadows dragging a pony with her hoofs, Labramon also dragged a Digimon. The pony was a green unicorn, but her coat was tinted blue and she looked very ill. The Digimon was a small angel and also had the blue tint to its colour.

"Lyra!" Derpy exclaimed, running to the pony, "Lyra what happened?"

Lyra groaned and coughed a little.

"Ghost...took Bon Bon...and her Digimon," She spluttered a little more, "Cursed me...cursed Cupimon..."

Lyra did not look good at all. She closed her eyes and fell unconcious.

"Did she say a g-g-ghost?" Fluttershy stuttered.

"I don't like ghosts...they scare me." Patamon whispered, cuddling up to Fluttershy.

"A ghost? You don't think she means Bakemon of the Forest...do you?" Dorumon whimpered.

"What's that?" Spike said, trying to act cool and collected over his sudden fear.

"Legend tells of a ghost Digimon named Bakemon who takes the souls of anyone who enters the forest and puts a curse on them. By the time the sun rises their soul belongs to Bakemon and he eats it. The person who's soul it was will never be happy again." Lopmon told.

"Poor Lyra." Rarity gasped.

"We have until sunrise to save her." The previously quiet Hagurumon said.

"Right. Shall we go searching for the Bakemon and Bon Bon?" Doctor asked.

"Of course," Twilight nodded, "for the sake of Lyra, Bon Bon, their Digimon and anypony else who ventures out here."

"Then it's decided." Rainbow Dash said, nodding at Falcomon.

The ponies and Digimon ran off, except for Fluttershy, Spike and their Digimon who fell back a bit.

"So...what was the plan?" Fluttershy whispered.

"I think they're gonna go and beat that ghost Digimon." Spike gulped.

"I don't wanna go." Patamon whispered.

"I gotta say I'm scared, but I'm up for the challenge, let's go Spike!" Dorumon said, offering for the dragon to sit upon his back.

"Uh...right...see you there, Fluttershy?" Spike asked cautiously.

"Oh...um...no. No, somepony needs to look after Lyra. Patamon and I will stay here." She replied.

Spike nodded and Dorumon rode off to catch up with the other ponies.


The ponies and Digimon galloped on further into the forest. They had located where Bakemon could possibly be already, a large stone spire with flashing lights gave it away. Eventually, they arrived and stopped to catch their breath.

"Everyone ready?" Doctor Whooves asked.

The ponies and Digimon nodded and Doctor proceeded to walk into the spire, but he couldn't. It was as if there was a wall in the entrance. In fact, there was a wall; an invisible barrier.

"Oh, great. An invisible wall." Rarity complained.

"Not to worry! I have my sonic scr-," Doctor looked for his screwdriver but then remembered it was replaced with a Digivice, "Oh."

"So we cain't get in?" Applejack asked.

"Doesn't seem like it." Gabumon replied, looking at his pony partner.

"What if we went over?" Rainbow Dash suggested.

"Not all of us can fly." Twilight reminded her.

"I have a better idea!" Spike announced.


"Honestly, Spike. I would've thought you'd be smarter than this. Everypony else, WHY did you listen to him?" Twilight screamed.

Spike had suggested that the Digimon smash through the brick wall. The Digimon eagerly did so, but it attracted very bad attention. The gang found themselves surrounded by ghost Digimon wearing witch caps.

"I thought there was only one Bakemon?" Derpy cried.

"These aren't Bakemon," Biyomon explained, "these are its minions Soulmon!"

The Digimon were ominously circling the group and chanting in a strange language. They began to counjure up purple fire.

"Everyone remember! Giggle at the ghosties!" Pinkie Pie laughed.

The ponies tried to laugh and the Digimon, in a state of confusion, joined in but nothing happened.

"It didn't work?" Pinkie frowned.

One of the Soulmon threw it's fire at Rarity, it just singed her hair. She screamed loudly, looking upwards, but as she looked upwards she saw Bakemon and an unconcious Bon Bon.

"Everyone! Up there! It's Bon Bon! Somepony shou-" She was interrupted.

"ENERGY DRAIN!" The Soulmon suddenly shouted.

There were twelve Soulmon and everypony, dragon and Digimon but Pinkie and Labramon were trapped in the grasp of each. Quickly, they ran up the stairs to get Bakemon, looking in horror at their friend's energy being sucked out. They looked in immense pain, but then it stopped. They were lowered to the ground and their pupils had dissapeared.They looked as bleak as the sky at dusk and slowly crept towards the stairs towards Pinkie and her Digimon. Pinkie reached the top and stared Bakemon in the eyes.

"YOU!" She shouted.

Bakemon turned around.

"What makes you think you have the right to do this to my friends? Or to anyone for that matter?" She shouted again.

Bakemon's vacant stare turned into a sinister smirk.

"It's fun." He laughed.

Start playing Pinkie Pie's theme from the description.

"Fun?!" Pinkie exclaimed, "this is NOT fun! Fun is laughing with your friends! Fun is sliding down a hill on a hot summer day! Fun is...fun is saving your friends!"

Her DigiElement formed around her neck, in the shape of her cutie mark. She stood on her hind legs.

"Labramon, ready for some fun?" She smiled.

"I'm ready to giggle at that ghostie!" Labramon smirked.

"LABRAMON! SHINKA!!" Pinkie shouted.


Labramon pounced towards Bakemon and began to glow white, she quickly changed shape.

"SEASARMON!" She shouted in a menacing new form.

"TEE DIA!" She called.

A circle of light formed in the sky. Arrows of holy energy struck Bakemon in the head. More followed and impaled the Soulmon. Bakemon quickly moved, still in immense pain, and Seasarmon's circle of light brightened and as the flash dissapeared, so did the ghost Digimon in bursts of data, which rose to the sky. Seasarmon returned to her Rookie form and hoofbumped Pinkie.

Stop playing theme here.

They looked behind them to see their friends, who had recovered from the Soulmon's curses. Then, Bon Bon stood up and rubbed her head, she was okay too.

"What's going on?" She mumbled, "Where's Lyra? And Betamon?"

She looked beside her. Her Digimon, Betamon, was fast asleep. She chuckled and put him on her back.

"Lyra's at the campsite where we were staying. Fluttershy's looking after her." Pinkie smiled.

"Thanks guys. That Digimon was just...bad." Bon Bon said, her voice croaking slightly.

"Thanks Pinkie," Twilight smiled, "We're lucky we outnumbered those Soulmon."

"Who knows what would've happened?" Lopmon commented.

"Hey, Pinkie, a DigiElement! Did Labramon evolve?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Yeah! It was so fun!" Pinkie and Labramon laughed.

"Man. I wanted to see that!" Spike whined.

Everypony seemed happy but Derpy, who hadn't said a word since being saved. She looked sullenly at the ground as they returned to the campsite and didn't speak for the rest of that night.


"Thanks again, guys!" Lyra said.

"We gotta be more careful when adventuring." Bon Bon commented.

"If there's anything we can do for you, just ask." Lyra offered.

"Actually," Doctor Whooves began, "there may be something."

"What would that be?" Cupimon asked.

"We need to form some sort of resistance against a dark force that's apparently growing. We're a little sidetracked right now trying to find Applejack and Rarity's sisters. Could you return to the Digimon Village in the morning and gather up ponies partnered with Digimon to make an army?" He asked excitedly.

"Um...sure?" Lyra forced a smile.

"Fantastic! Thank you very much!" Doctor said, raipdly shaking Bon Bon and Lyra's hooves.

The ponies said their goodbyes to Lyra, Bon Bon and their Digimon and returned to their tents. Completely tired, everypony fell asleep almost as soon as they were lying down, except Derpy. Derpy stayed awake staring at nothing all night.