• Published 24th Oct 2013
  • 1,981 Views, 22 Comments

The Return of Disharmony - RachWrites

Twilight and her friends have all been corrpted by Discord, Ponyville is lost. The Elements of Harmony are now called the Elements of Disharmony. Celestia is trying to make things right, but can she succeed over these powerful new forces?

  • ...

There is No Hope

Discord laughed heartily in his throne. Chaos was everywhere, and it was brilliant. He was content with this, sitting in his throne watching all the fun antics around him.

But something was missing, he wasn't sure what but there was something he seemed to have forgotten about. Something important.

He shrugged and he watched the dancing buffalo in pink tutus as they trotted by, in a pirouette. He laughed and wiped his eyes afterwards, his stomach hurt from all this laughing.

"Oh, chaos is so sweet!" He exclaimed.

He snapped his fingers and a glass appeared, he smiled as he grabbed a pink cotton candy cloud. He squeezed the cloud and chocolate milk came rushing out of it, filling the glass and getting his fur wet in the process.

"Well, now what do I do?" Discord asked himself.

He was alone Ponyville's center, and having nopony around to torment wasn't very fun. So he got up and stretched, looking around him at all his chaos. Ponies were nowhere to be found, it was getting annoying.

He sighed as he walked towards Twilight Sparkle's library, perhaps she would be a good source of fun. For now. He smiled to himself as he walked along. He had never seen so much chaos in his entire life, and his life had been long.

As he reached Twilight's library, he noticed something odd. All the lights were turned off, and there was an 'out of business' sign on the door, the sign was crooked like it had been hung up hastily.

"Well... That's odd." Discord muttered.

He smiled lazily as he entered the library, it hadn't been locked. He walked into the library and looked around, the place was deserted. He grinned as he walked over towards a glass case. It held the Elements of Harmony.

His smile grew ten-fold as he opened up the case. They all were in here, excluding the Element of Magic. This made his smile fall, he needed that one for his plan.

He chuckled to himself as he walked up the stairs. The Element must be in here somewhere, Twilight wouldn't take it with her if it didn't work anymore. He knew that the Element of Magic needed the others to work, but now the other's were under his control. So it wouldn't work, for her.

For him though, it would. It would turn into The element of Chaos. His element. He smiled as he reached Twilight's room, which was open.

He quickly slid through the door and looked around for the crown. He stopped when he looked at the garbage pail, there were letters from Princess Celestia thrown haphazardly inside of it.

He grinned as he picked up the letter, this one must have been the last one Celestia had sent Twilight. Because it seemed desperate.

Dear Twilight,

Please for the love of Equestria, do not give up!! I'm still here for you. I have been sending letters about all you're accomplishments, and you're friends too. They have done so much for you, and you would be foolish not to see that.

Discord is still out there, and he's probably growing stronger now that you have abandoned me. You and you're friends were our only hope for survival, now that you're gone... I'm not sure what I'll do.

Luna has decided to go with 'plan b'. I have to warn you though, I'm not sure what it will do to Ponyville, or you're friends. But since you're not around... Since you have abandoned me, abandoned us... I have no choice.

I'm sorry, Twilight.

~Princess Celestia

"YES!!! I'VE WON!!" Discord shouted, the crown was temporarily forgotten.

Twilight cried the whole way out of Ponyville. Spike was getting annoyed with this, but he did his best to try and cheer her up. But she wasn't making it easy.

"I just d-don't understand, Spike." She sniffled as she cried.

Her body was an even darker gray then it had been in the library, Spike noticed. He was really worried now, Twilight shouldn't be like this, she should be trying to stop Discord. But he knew she couldn't do that in this condition.

"I thought friendship was supposed to be magic. I guess I was wrong." Twilight whispered.

She sounded more depressed than she'd had in the library, this made Spike worry even more. He smiled meekly at her.

"Why can't you just find new friends?" Spike asked softly. Twilight looked at him curiously, then sighed.

"No, Spike... Those ponies were my only friends. They were the only ones who truly understood me, my feelings and my desires, who else could I want? Only them." She replied, her head hanging so low it almost hit the basket's floor.

Spike looked at Twilight's sad form and he slumped down on the balloon's floor. He felt deflated, like Twilight's depression was somehow rubbing off on him.

He sighed as Twilight cried, the balloon floating towards Canterlot.

Princess Luna watched as the stars twinkled in Canterlot's sky. In a few minutes though, they would be gone. She had no control over them, she had tried and nothing happened. It was driving her crazy.

"Princess!!" A guard shouted, running towards her.

She looked at the guard who was rushing towards her, he looked rather concerned.

"What is it? Is my sister alright?" Luna asked.

Celestia had been so tired ever since Discord's return. Her powers were slowly draining, she had gone into a deep slumber and she had not woken up. She had been asleep for three whole days and nights. She was still sleeping, well she had been when Luna had visited her.

"I, I'm not sure you're highness. It's just... Well, one of the guards had seen a balloon in the sky. He said it looked like a Ponyville balloon, Princess." The nameless guard explained as he started shaking.

He was afraid of Luna, but he hoped she couldn't see it.

"A Ponyville balloon!? Is he quite certain? We cannot have any more follies around here." Luna replied stormily as she looked the pony in the eye.

Why was he shaking, was he afraid of her? Luna sighed as the guard smiled meekly at her and nodded and began to speak.

"Y-yes, Princess. I'm quite certain he said it reminded him of a Ponyville balloon. He w-was from there so of course he would know." The guard replied, stumbling over his words.

"Where has it landed?" She asked.

The guard smiled meekly.

"I-I don't know, you're majesty." He replied, not looking at her.

Luna was outraged, she frowned as she looked at him in the eye. He shuddered under her glare.

"HOW DARE YOU COME UP HERE JUST TO TELL ME A FALSEHOOD!?" Luna shouted, using her Equestrian voice.

The guard stumbled backwards and fell on his haunches. He looked up at Luna with large, fearful eyes. This was why he was so afraid of Princess Luna.

"N-No, you're highness!! It's not a lie! I just don't think it's landed yet!!" The guard replied, cowering as she reared up in front of him.

Luna calmed herself as she looked at his widened eyes. They looked very frightened and she felt bad, she really didn't like it when she scared other ponies like this. Why couldn't she just be like he sister? Be loved instead of feared?

"Oh, well.. Very good then. I shall see it gets intercepted and that it lands at Canterlot's landing zone, thank you good sir." Luna replied and she smiled.

She was hoping for a smile back, but the guard just nodded curtly, got up off his backside and walked off. He looked like he was still shaking.

"Well then. I guess this will have to wait." Luna told herself as she smiled.
The task was a lost cause anyhow, and it was becoming draining. She walked off muttering complaints to herself.

Twilight and Spike's balloon was magically intercepted around Canterlot's center landing zone. The balloon was suddenly trapped in a magical purple aura and Spike's hopes of the magic being controlled by Rarity were crashed when he and Twilight saw that their were multiple ponies controlling the balloon.

They were the guard ponies of Canterlot.

Twilight gasped and staggered back into the balloon, her heart was racing. All these ponies were glaring at her and she had a pretty good reason why. She was sunk.

She groaned as the balloon hit the ground. The guards all came around the balloon and some were coming up into it, it looked like they were coming towards her.

"Twilight Sparkle?" A guard asked, he had a deep voice and she winced.

"Y-yes?" She asked, putting her head up a little.

The guard frowned at her and she gulped, she did not like the look in his eyes. It was so, disappointed. But how could Twilight have disappointed him? She didn't even know this guy!

"Princess Luna would like to see you. Now." He replied curtly and he nodded towards Spike who was cowering in the corner.

"He has to come too."