• Published 24th Oct 2013
  • 1,982 Views, 22 Comments

The Return of Disharmony - RachWrites

Twilight and her friends have all been corrpted by Discord, Ponyville is lost. The Elements of Harmony are now called the Elements of Disharmony. Celestia is trying to make things right, but can she succeed over these powerful new forces?

  • ...

The Elements of Disharmony

The guards guided Twilight and Spike over towards the palace. Twilight was still depressed and gray looking, Spike wondered if anypony even noticed. It didn't seemed like they did. He sighed as he picked up the pace as a guard poked him in the side.

"Ouch..." Spike complained, the guard just grunted and continued poking him. He seemed unconcerned.

"Why are we going to see the Princess anyway?" Twilight asked. She was still sounding depressed.

Spike smiled at her sadly, he was worried about her, but he didn't know how to help. He frowned as the guards just glared at Twilight.

"You have been summoned by Princess Luna. There will be no more questions." The guard replied.

Spike sighed, this was going nowhere. He wondered how much trouble they were going to be in. Probably a lot, he figured.

Twilight was still feeling depressed so she just continued walking and crying softly.

Luna sighed as she paced back and forth in the throne room. Celestia wasn't getting any better, and her powers were now becoming drained as well. She had tried to convince Cadence to come and help her sister, but no luck. Apparently, Discord's influence had reached the Crystal Empire.

"Any sign of her yet?" She asked one of her maids.

The maid shook her head and sighed.

"I cannot see them, my lady." The maid reminded her.

This was the second time Luna had asked her this, and it was getting annoying. Luna just sighed in annoyance and tapped her foot impatiently.

"I cannot wait to lay into Twilight Sparkle for what she did to 'Tia." Luna muttered to herself as she continued to pace.

Discord's laughter died out and he gasped for air. He'd been laughing for about an hour, and his sides were aching. But he didn't care, he'd won!!

"Now, where did you put that crown Twilight Sparkle?" Discord asked himself.

The room was in shambles. Discord noticed, everything was out of place, which was making it harder for him to find the crown.

Twilight's room was filled with scrolls and letters, Discord had read each one of them and he'd found them hilarious. As if Twilight would care about these lessons in 'friendship', now that she had no friends.

Discord enjoyed the one that AppleJack had sent the most;

Dear Princess Celestia.
I didn't learn anything! I was right all along!!

Discord had ripped off the rest of the letter. He found the beginning so hilarious he decided to frame it, he'd probably hang it up somewhere in his castle-once he got one that is.

Oh, AppleJack; You're too much. Discord thought and smiled as he looked through the drawers.

Twilight hadn't put the crown in them. No, that would've been too easy. Discord realized.

He frowned and sighed, this could be much more difficult than he thought. He flopped on Twilight's bed and began to think. He knew Twilight had a dragon, he suddenly remembered. He also knew that dragons loved shiny things, and tended to horde and steal them.

So why not give the crown to her little dragon? It was perfect!

"That's how Ah defeated Discord!!" AppleJack lied as she smiled towards AppleBloom.

Her sister was looking almost as gray has her. Her cute little yellow coat was now an uglier shade of dark yellow. Her hair was a grayer shade of red too.

AppleJack thought it looked swell.

"Really!? You defeated 'im? All by yerself?" AppleBloom asked.

AppleJack smiled and nodded, her sister believed anything she told her now. Just this morning she had told her that the best way to get a cutie mark was to try and wrangle some cows, which were now huge and had razor sharp teeth.

"Eeyup, all by myself. Ah just gave 'im a whoppin'!" AppleJack replied with a punch to the air.

AppleBloom beamed at her big sister. AppleJack didn't lie, so it must be true. Everything AppleJack said was true, right? AppleJack smiled back and laughed with her as she saw Big Macintosh dig himself through a hole.

Rarity smiled as she hugged her diamond necklace close. She giggled to herself and threw her element necklace into her jewel box. She laughed as she looked at all her gemstones and jewelry.

She had gone into a gem-finding spree after Twilight and her friends had gone their separate ways. It was a little difficult without Spike, but she found them anyways, it just took longer.

She didn't even have to worry about any Diamond Dogs either, Discord's magic had made them so tiny, they hardly seemed worth caring about.

"It looks like I need some more emeralds. I love emeralds. They're so sparkly and shiny..." Rarity noticed, picking up one of the bigger gems.

The gems light was a bright green and it shone in her eyes. She smiled.

"Ooh, perhaps I can get some pearls and diamonds too! Can't have too many of those!!" Rarity continued, still talking to herself.

She grinned as she walked off over towards Tom, her huge shiny diamond, which was actually a boulder.

She rubbed it and smiled, she felt like this diamond was the best gem she ever found.

She laughed and trotted towards her little cart she used to collect gems. She used her magic to pull the cart with her out the door and into the night, which was probably only going to last for a while.

The ground was weird now, but Rarity could find so many more precious stones underneath it. The ground was bright pink and it had an odd checkered pattern on it, like a chessboard.

Rarity's horn started to glow and she giggled wildly, and her coat and mane turned a darker gray while she did so. Not that she noticed.

"Ooh, this looks like an excellent spot!" Rarity said as she began to dig.

The ground came away easily and she laughed maniacally as she looked upon her find. There were so many shimmering gems, she could hardly believe it.

She grinned as she put all of the gems into her cart and smiled as she continued dowsing. The only problem going at this speed was that at this rate, her house would probably be full of gems and pearls. Not that she minded.

Fluttershy snickered as she watched the beavers chop down a tree. The beavers were working much faster than before. Which was good.

"Good job, now how about some of those pesky dams over there? I think Sweet-Apple Acres looks much better flooded."

Fluttershy giggled as the beavers slapped their tails in agreement.

"Alright then... It's over there." Fluttershy instructed. Pointing at said dam.

The beavers eyes glowed a bright red and she laughed as she watched them chew up the last dam that held the reservoir's water storage. She giggled as the last of the wood broke up and the water gushed over the dam.

"Good little beavers!!" Fluttershy exclaimed and the beavers began to chatter wildly as the water streamed into the orchard.

"Who's up for a swim?" She asked jokingly.

Pinkie sighed as she pulled a strand of her mane. She was so bored, she had no idea what to do. All of her 'friends' were gone so she didn't have to worry about them.

Still, it was boring with nothing to do. She thought as she flipped the strand back into place. Her mane and tail was as straight as it ever had been in her whole life, and she wondered why. Why is this time different? She sighed as she tried, and failed, to figure it out.

"Well, sitting around doing nothing won't do me any good." Pinkie said as she climbed off her bed.

She smiled to herself as she looked into her mirror, her normally bright pink color was now an ugly grayer pink and her mane and tail were darker pink too.

"I kind of like this new me." Pinkie said to herself as she smiled a little into the mirror.

Her smile dimmed as she thought about all the times that her friends had laughed at her, she frowned deeply and turned away from the mirror.

Her mind was wandering again, this always happened when she was depressed. The room seemed darker somehow and Pinkie sighed sadly.

Did her friends hate her now? Did they always? She wasn't sure. The pain of those thoughts made her start to cry and she put her head into her forearms on the floor and began to sob.

Twilight, Spike and the guards entered the castle. A forlorn feeling was sweeping over them both as they entered the dimly lit foyer.

Princess Luna greeted them in the middle of the room with a stormy glare and Twilight gulped. She felt really scared, she had never seen Luna this angry before.

"Greetings, Twilight. I assume you know why you're here?" Luna said, still frowning at her.

Twilight looked up at the Princess. She looked different somehow, her once beautiful dark-blue mane was now dull and gray. The stars in her mane had vanished and ugly black spots had appeared in their place.

Twilight looked down hastily, she didn't want to offend Luna by starring.

"Y-yes, you're highness. I think I know why I'm here." Twilight answered glumly.

Twilight knew she was probably going to get into trouble, major trouble. But she didn't care about that too much, she was to sad right now.

"Do you have any idea what you've done!?" Luna shouted at Twilight, who flinched in surprise.

Luna didn't speak to Twilight all that much, let alone yell at her like this. But then again, Twilight knew she probably deserved it.

"Yes, Princess... I know what I did." Twilight replied slowly.

Luna gave Twilight a surprised and angry look, "Oh, you do?" She replied.

Twilight nodded sadly and looked up at Luna. Luna gasped, her eyes that were usually so full of life and laughter, were almost completely blank. Luna starred back at Twilight, waiting for her answer.

"I'm here because I'm in trouble, right?" Twilight asked sadly hanging her head down.

Luna glared at Twilight, it was like she didn't even care anymore.

"Well, you don't seem to care that my sister is probably dying as we speak!" Luna replied sadly.

Spike gave Luna a curious look. "Can alicorns even die?" He asked.

Luna sighed. "I'm not sure, but she's very weak..." She replied.

Spike looked at Luna's worried expression and then to Twilight's depressed, hopeless one. He sighed and shifted his feet, he had no idea what to do. It was annoying.

"So, what are we supposed to do?" Spike asked, clearing the awkward silence.

Luna's ears perked up and she smiled a tiny smile. It seemed somepony still cared. Even if that pony was a dragon.

"Well... Maybe if Twilight doesn't give up on her friends?-" Luna began, but she was cut of by Twilight stomping her hoof.

"No! I won't do it!!" Twilight cried, she glared at Luna, who looked back at her with a surprised expression.

"My friends all abandoned me! Why would I ask them for help? I don't need them anymore!!" Twilight continued.

She kept glaring at Luna and she shook her head.

"Why, Twilight?! I'm surprised at you! You're acting foalish." Luna replied.

She used the nagging tone her sister used when she was in trouble as a little filly. It didn't seem to work.

"Oh, come on!! Discord's won, why can't you see that!?" Twilight replied furiously.

She glared at Luna with so much anger in her eyes that the Princess flinched backwards in fear.

"Well... I'm sorry to have to say this, but I suppose I have to start up plan B." Luna replied, looking down sadly.

Twilight was confused, what in Equestria was plan B?