• Published 24th Oct 2013
  • 1,982 Views, 22 Comments

The Return of Disharmony - RachWrites

Twilight and her friends have all been corrpted by Discord, Ponyville is lost. The Elements of Harmony are now called the Elements of Disharmony. Celestia is trying to make things right, but can she succeed over these powerful new forces?

  • ...

Plan B

Twilight gave Luna a curious look, she had no idea what plan B could be.

Luna sighed and shook her head. She took a step closer to Twilight who blinked in surprise and backed away.

Luna's horn began to glow a bright blue color and Twilight gasped as she shot her with her magic. She tried to get out of the way in time, but she didn't.

A spell hit her with all its force. It wasn't a painful spell, which was what she was expecting. It was a spell that made her feel different somehow, she couldn't put her hoof on it, but she felt happier somehow.

Twilight's eyes sparked as the spell reached her mind. It showed her all of the lessons she had made with her friends. She smiled and the light continued to glow.

Discord frowned as he silently slithered his way through the shadows of the Canterlot Castle's garden. He had followed Twilight's balloon here and he was not happy about it.

He grumbled to himself as he passed by another pair of guards. The castle's security had increased since he had began his new rule, and this was the third group he had to sneak by.

It was getting tiresome.

He sighed with relief as he finally got past them. The castle was looming over him now and he smiled as he got closer to the door.

The castle was somehow unaffected by Discord's magic, but he figured it was because of Celestia and Luna's combined powers. It would make sense to have a very strong protection spell on the castle.

"But I can still get in, really Celestia, you could have tried a bit harder." He murmured to himself as he sneaked further into the castle.

He hadn't been here in quite sometime, and the layout was a little confusing. He sighed as he tried to remember where the throne room was.

He grinned as he found it. The room wasn't even empty. It held Princess Luna and Twilight Sparkle, with her little dragon friend too.

Oh this is just perfect! Discord thought to himself as he concealed himself once more.

He smiled evilly as he neared Twilight. She looked diffrent, she looked grayer somehow. He didn't know why, but he figured it must be because she was depressed or something.

The idea made him happy. Very happy.

His smile grew as he neared Twilight. She was still surrounded by the spell and Discord took great care not to touch any of the sparking blue light, it could be painful.

He carefully grabbed the floating Twilight by her shoulders and picked her up higher off the ground. Luna looked at this in confusion, she had no idea Discord was the one behind it all.

"What is going on here?" Luna asked herself quietly.

She didn't know her spell could lift Twilight up that high, and Twilight was still being lifted. She looked on in horror as one of Twilight's legs moved by itself and she began to dance.

Discord snickered as he made Twilight do the 'can-can'. He was getting carried away, but this was actually very fun. He smiled to himself as he watched Luna's horrified look, and he laughed even harder when he saw Spike's look of confusion.

He had forgotten to be quiet while he was doing this. He shut up as Luna raised an brow and looked at the space curiously.

"Who's there!? Show yourself you coward!" Luna threatened.

Discord gulped silently. He had to act fast, he was losing time.

He smiled as he picked Twilight up even higher than she already was and threw her. He threw her all the way towards the comer of the room and she landed with a hard thump.

"Twilight!!" Luna screamed.

Discord smiled evilly as she checked Twilight's pulse, she looked rather panicked.

"Well well, Luna a bit in over our head are we?" Discord asked showing himself finally.

Luna gasped and Twilight's eyes slowly opened. Discord was standing over Luna, he towered over the Princess and she stepped backwards.

Luna was actually scared, it had been a long time since she had seen Discord this powerful and he was huge. It was only an illusion though and he quickly changed back to normal. But he still glowered at her.

"Discord! I should have known it was you!" She exclaimed furious with herself for thinking otherwise.

Discord laughed heartily and smiled at Luna. His smile was not a genuine one, it was one full of sarcasm and Luna frowned deeper.

"Well, hello Luna dear. Long time no see... You're looking rather, gray." Discord replied causally.

Luna huffed and deepened her glare, if that was possible, at him. "You of all creatures should know why I am like I am now, Discord. Your magic has done this!" Luna replied hotly.

Discord chortled and frowned slightly.

"Well, that's a shame. I've always loved you're beautiful mane, Princess." He replied.
He actually meant this complement, Luna's mane now was gray and splotchy. It was ugly and awful to look at.

"Do not give me your pity, Discord! I want you to stop all of this nonsense right now!" Luna said, still angry with him.

He didn't blame her for being angry, he had changed everything about her and her sister's beloved Equestria, but he had no reason to change any of it. He liked things much better this way.

He laughed and smiled again. "Oh, I'm afraid I can't do that, your highness." He replied.

Luna's eyes widened and she snorted. "Why not?" She asked.

What, she really has no idea? Discord thought surprised with Luna's absentmindedness.

"Luna dear, I control chaos!! I cannot take it back, even if I tried." He lied.

Luna bought it though, her eyes widened and they became bleary with tears. She cried out in anguish at him.

"B-But if you do not, dear sister will...She will..." Luna couldn't finish her sentence because she had begun to cry.

Discord clucked his tongue on top of his mouth and sighed sadly, he knew what she meant.

Luna looked at him with surprise. "You mean you don't care!?" She said sadly.

Discord smiled an evil grin and he shrugged. "Why would I?" He asked and Luna starred still in shock.

"Celestia and I have been enemies for centuries. It would not be a shame for me to see her go. In fact, I'm surprised you're not already clamoring for the crown yourself Luna." He replied making his voice hypnotic and soothing.

Luna gasped at this, he didn't even care in the least bit if Celestia died? What a horrible creature!! But what he was saying to her now struck a cord, why should she care so much about her sister.

They had both lived for a very long time and Luna knew Celestia would like to see her sister on the throne if she did indeed die, but she felt a little bad for admitting it to herself.

"N-no! Discord, your magic will not work on me!! I am the Princess of the Night! I am supposed to be second in command next to my sister, who shall live because you will not!" Luna cried.

Discord tried to continue his hypnotic spell, but it didn't work. Luna was overcoming his power and he grunted in surprise as the furious alicorn was now standing over him, glaring.

"H-how!? How could you of all ponies have possibly defeated my spell of chaos!?" He cried out, still trying.

His concentration was shattered as Luna stomped on his tail. He yelped out and he whipped it back behind him. Luna snickered and continued to harm him, he cried out in pain as she had stepped on his paw, it was more sensitive than his claw she had realized.

"Do you really want to know the reason why I can withstand you!?" Luna demanded.

Discord nodded meekly and starred at her imposing form with big eyes.

"I have spent a thousand years on the moon. A thousand years, Discord!! It is a long time to be without ones self, without your usual self. I wasn't myself back then, I was like you... Evil and corrupt. I believed myself to be more powerful than my sister, but I was wrong and she banished me..."

Discord whimpered out something Luna didn't hear and she continued on.

"So, I was banished.. But through that time I was still a little corrupted. I hated my sister for what she did to me, I thought she had stopped loving me. I was wrong, I was proven wrong when Twilight and her friends reformed me. I thought Celestia would have punished me further so I was hesitant to show my true self at first, but she didn't.

She told me later on that my banishment was punishment enough and that she still loved me. That love in my heart for my sister is why I can resist you!" She was crying as she said this.

Her memories had come back to her in a flood and she was becoming overwhelmed with guilt and love all at the same time, it was rather confusing.

Luna's glare was leaving her now and Discord was white in the face with shock. He had no idea this was how she really felt and it certainly did surprise him, but what surprised him even more was Twilight Sparkle.

She was back and she had heard every single word that Luna had said.

"Oh, Princess!! It's alright now you don't have to cry!" Twilight exclaimed as she rushed over to Luna.

Luna was on the marble ground sobbing and she looked up in surprise and saw Twilight standing beside her, looking brighter than she had before.

"Twilight!! You're alright!!" Luna exclaimed, shocked and a little confused.

Twilight grinned at her and nuzzled her close, she had felt so lost before but Luna's words had awoken the power of love and friendship that was still inside her heart.

Luna gasped with joy and hugged Twilight close.

Twilight giggled and looked at Luna. "Those words... They were so moving, Princess!" She said, complementing the sad Princess.

Luna sighed and shook her head. "It does not matter now, Twilight Sparkle." She replied.

Twilight looked at her she was very confused. "Why not?" She asked.

Luna showed Twilight the place where Discord was before. "Because, Discord has vanished."

Twilight gasped and Luna frowned sadly.