• Published 27th Oct 2013
  • 8,960 Views, 201 Comments

Silly Little Filly - EnderBlaze

Celestia finds Twilight as a foal! The Princess is oblivious to her past, and the truth may have scarred Twilight for life... Does Twilight find the true love of a family? If not, danger awaits. Princesses can't look after fillies forever, after

  • ...

Chapter 1

Princess Celestia lay down on her giant bed, stretching out and resting after the day's activities. She usually wasn't this worn out, although she usually didn't have as much stuff to do. Celestia had gotten tired of the same daily routine, so she planned on taking a break from her duties. The sun and moon would still be raised of course, but everything else would be put on hold unless there was an emergency.

A whole week without duties, Celestia thought, cherishing the idea. It was going to be a well needed break. Today, many ponies tried to cram visits and affairs that needed to be taken care of into a few hours, leaving the princess exhausted.

Celesta stretched out, yawning. After she raised the morning sun and set the moon, she got back into her bed. She quickly fell sleep again, but was suddenly awoken by a sharp knocking at her door.

Celestia groaned. If she didn't answer, surely they would go away? No, she respected her subjects enough to get up. Celestia hesitantly left her warm bed, and walked over to the door. Opening it, she started speaking.

"What is so urgent that you should..."

Nopony was there. Celestia took a deep breath, calming herself. Being a peaceful city, pranksters would occasionally sneak past the royal guards and, well, prank. She usually took it in stride, but this one got her out of bed during her first day of rest, which irritated her a little bit.

Shaking her head, the princess closed the door and headed towards her bed again. She lay down, and put her head on the pillow. Everything was silent. When rooms become silent, even quiet noises become much easier heard. This was no exception. A faint breathing noise came from behind the door. Celestia opened her eyes, and glanced at her door. This trickster was really persistent.

Celestia silently surrounded herself in a sound-proof sphere of magic, in case she accidentally made any noise. She got out of bed once again, and even though it was not necessary, tiptoed over to the door. She held still, and undid her sound spell.

Celestia's face was mere inches from the door, but not in the path of it's opening. She put on her best 'I am not impressed' face, and at the count of three, would make the door vanish, surprising anypony on the other side. The princess held back a giggle.

1... 2... 3!

POOF! The door dissipated, and Celestia gave the empty hallway a disapproving glare. "Huh?" Celestia muttered. She stuck her head out the doorway and looked down the hall, barren of any little foals. She still heard breathing however... Following the sound, Celestia looked to her other side against the hallway, and in the corner she spotted a small, tattered cardboard box.

Celestia walked over to the box, and peered down into it. She gasped. Inside, was a very small, sleeping filly. Why had somepony put this filly here? What monsters would abandon their very own child!

Celestia felt very sorry for this little filly, having lost her family. She lifted her out of the box, and examined her. The small foal's magenta coat was littered with dirt. Little leaves were entangled in her, well, tangled mane. She was very pretty, with a purple and pink striped mane and tail.

In the bottom of a box, Celestia noticed a wrinkled paper. She carried the sleeping foal to her bed, carefully setting her down and putting a blanket over her.

Going back for the note, Celestia prepared for the worst. What had her parents to say for abandoning their child!? She picked it up, and looked it over. On the front, was small letters. Celestia squinted. This pony had horrible hoofwriting, as if they weren't used to the concept. She looked closer. The note read, "Twilight"

Celestia looked back at the filly resting on her bed, now cuddled into the sheets for a little bit more warmth. How could a mother give up such a cute kid?

She turned the paper over, and on the back was a well draw out, colored... Heart. It looked as if the pony drawing it took a significant amount of time focusing on each line and stroke, carefully coloring small swirls around the edges. Celestia became worried. Had this pony any choice?

Celestia brushed her hoof on something she hadn't noticed before. Part of the paper was... Wrinkled, as if it was dampened by... Tears. The realization struck her. After a moment, she closed her eyes in silence, and added her own tears to the paper.

Celestia regained her composure and walked back into her room, closing the door silently. The little fil... Twilight, was probably having a dream right now. She was making funny faces, then smiling in her sleep.

Celestia thought for a moment. She would probably have to find Twilight a home soon... But where? Adoption was very rare. The ponies that were poor were usually helped out by others, who helped them get back on their feet. In the rare case that somepony was homeless, stayed homeless, and had a foal, other families were usually hesitant to adopt.

Distracted, Celestia sat on her bed... A little too quickly. It groaned under the sudden weight, causing Twilight to stir. Celestia held still, trying not to make any more noise, but it was too late. Twilight reached a hoof up to her face, and lightly rubbed her eyes. She then opened them, dazzling purple eyes greeting Celestia.

Twilight was surprised, and took cover under the blanket. Celestia sympathized. It was probably very scary to wake up somewhere you hadn't gone to sleep.
"It's okay Twilight." Celestia said, with a warm and almost loving tone.

Twi slowly peeked her head out from under the blanket, looking up in awe at Celestia's shimmering mane. She took a brave step forward, to get a better view of it.

Celestia smiled at the little filly poking her head from the covers. She giggled, and Twilight retreated under the sheets again. Celestia slowly lay down, a little bit away from the scared lump under the covers.

After a moment, Twilight trudged through the blankets, and stuck her head out another time. The two just looked at each other for a moment... Then, Twilight smiled. She seemed to calm down, and walked across the bed over to Celestia. Curious, the filly gently placed her hoof on the princess. Twi looked up, and smiled at Celestia, who had her own wide grin. Twilight lay down next to the princess, cuddling against her. Celestia could feel the warm little body next to her. Twi was probably still tired.

Yep, she just yawned.

Twilight woke up around 15 minutes later. She rubbed her eyes, then looked up. The sleeping sun goddess greeted her. She wiggled against Celestia's side, attempting to get up. One she was upright, Twilight began a journey over to Celestia's head, which proved much harder than she though. She wasn't used to walking on this fluffy blanket yet.

Twilight took a few small steps, then teetered to the side... She fell. The next attempt granted her 4 steps before she collapsed into the sheets again. Well, the third times the charm! Twilight got up again, and was determined to make this journey. She took on a serious expression, which was way cuter than she intended, but nopony was watching. She was determined to make this journey! Twilight marched past the mountains and Valleys of the blanket's folds, eventually coming face to face with the princess herself!

Twilight had done it! She proudly looked back to the spot she started, and smiled. Yep, two whole feet. However, now it was time to wake the princess. Twilight lightly poked Celestia, who offered no response. She then placed both her hooves on Celestia's cheek, and stretched it into a silly face. Still no response however... Hm... Twi sat back, thinking.

Don't worry, we all know that even at this age, Twilight, was still Twilight.

The filly turned around, and started swaying back and forth, her trail brushing against Celestia's noise. She then scrambled for cover behind one of the blanket's folds. She giggled to herself, and waited... Nothing happened. Maybe she didn't do it right? Twilight hesitantly peeked up and over her shield, and saw the sleeping Celestia, unfazed.

Twi left the safety of the blanket, and cautiously snuck back towards Celestia. This time worked like a charm! Twilight dove under the covers as soon as she heard the sharp intake of breath right before a sneeze come from Celestia. Then like a bomb going off, it happened.
Celestia sneezed!

Twilight tried to hide, but her giggling betrayed her. Celestia snatched up the covers, surprising the filly.

"Twilight! You silly filly. Well I'm up now. Want a bath? Your dirty."

Twilight only babbled out nonsense in response, not a care in the world. Celestia smiled, and got out of her bed, heading towards the bathroom.

"Come on Twi!"

Twilight struggled to walk across the blankets, and Celestia just chuckled and helped her across the bed, setting her down on the floor.

Aaah, Twilight was much better at walking on this kind of ground. She trotted with ease after Celestia towards the bathroom. When in there, Celestia started the bath tub and made sure it was the right temperate. Meanwhile, Twilight was investigating the air vent, occasionally blowing air back at it. She rubbed up against it, feeling the warm air against her coat.

Celestia lightly blew on Twilight, who got confused and glared at the air vent, thinking it had gotten her from a different direction. She then noticed Celestia, and understood. Twilight came to the edge of the tub, and Celestia lifted her in, gently placing the filly into the shallow water. Twilight looked puzzled for a moment. She dragged her hoof though the water, watching as it ripped. Celestia placed her own hoof in the water also, pushing some of the water around. Tiny waves struck against the curios filly.

The serenity didn't last long however. Twilight momentarily stood on her hind legs, then with a squeal of delight, brought her hooves back down into the water. Before she could react, Celestia was drenched.

Twilight braced herself against the grain of the wood floor, staring down her rival. She growled, then began to focus harder than she ever had before. This was the time. She strained extremely hard, and in result, got a, slight headache. That wouldn't stop her. She could do this! Twilight focused even harder, until a few sizzling traces of magic left her horn, and... The paper moved!!!

Celestia smiled down at the filly that was attempting to turn the pages of a book. She couldn't read of course, but she seemed to have fun flipping through it. Actually, it was quite impressive that she could turn a page with her magic at that age. The magic is strong with this one.

Twilight jumped up and galloped around Celestia's room, doing a victory dance. Celestia giggled and levitated Twilight off the floor. At first she was shocked, but then she laughed in delight as she slowly spun mid-air. Celestia winked at the filly, and set her down next to her on the bed. Twilight looked up at Celestia with admiring eyes.

It was just too cute. Right then and there, Celestia made a decision. Celestia nuzzled the little foal lightly. "Twilight, I'll find a home for you after my week's break, but until then, you can be my little pony."

Author's Note:

Isn't Twilight just cute?