• Published 27th Oct 2013
  • 8,935 Views, 201 Comments

Silly Little Filly - EnderBlaze

Celestia finds Twilight as a foal! The Princess is oblivious to her past, and the truth may have scarred Twilight for life... Does Twilight find the true love of a family? If not, danger awaits. Princesses can't look after fillies forever, after

  • ...

Chapter 3

"Of course I want a foal darling, its just, why adoption?"

Twilight Velvet smiled at her husband, Night Light, and began to launch her final attempt at convincing the stallion.

"I want to give a family to a foal in need. Just think of how hard their life just have been to be out up for adoption. It would be a wonderful opportunity for them to experience things beyond what their original parents would have to offer. Plus, there is only a small chance that our own baby would be a unicorn, with both of our fathers being pegasi, and you only getting your unicorn genetics from your grandfather, and even then it skips a generation. You yourself have told me about how much you would love teaching a young unicorn magic, and I wholeheartedly agree.

Its more probable that we would get a pegasus than an earth pony or a unicorn. Flying lessons are so expensive these days, and it would be unfair to neglect a foal's need to fly, and we just aren't cut for such a thing! I think we should adopt so that we don't have to possibly raise a foal in a less than satisfactory environment. And if you think we should..."

That last part stung Night Light. He was already convinced, she didn't have to say that.

"No honey, I think its a great idea. Honestly, I only needed a tiny bit more convincing. So is it settled?"

“Yes, we will bring a little filly in need into a new home. We will adopt!”

Twilight Velvet and Night Light arrived at the adoption center, both hesitant to enter.

“Dear… I’m nervous.” Night Light said, staring uneasily at the door that would lead to their new life with a little foal to take care of.

“Don’t be, everything will be fine.”

The couple had filed for adoption about a month ago, and the agency was being very complicated in the issue, but yesterday they had contacted the two and, In short, said that they had a match. (They informed them of that in much more detailed and formal words.)

Velvet rolled her eyes at her husband’s nervousness and opened the door. In they strode, to start a new life with their new foal. Instead, they were greeted by a very stressed looking pegasus. She had a greenish coat, and a beautiful cyan mane, which was disheveled. That was probably due to whatever caused her so much worry. She was breathing heavily as she hurriedly gathered her scattered papers. She seemed like she hadn’t had sleep in a long time. She was also grumbling something under her breath, but it was too faint to hear.

“Um.. Hello?”

She immediately looked up at them, seeming both relieved and five times more nervous.

“Oh you’re here!”

She looked around quickly and set the papers she had on a bench close to the door.

"Come here."

She galloped through a door next to the front desk, down a hall, and into an office. Velvet and Night hurried after, careful not to lose her as she didn't check to see if they were coming. When they entered the door, the stressed pegasus was shuffling through papers, looking for something.

"Its, not in here!" She shouted, more so talking to herself than the couple.

She ran down the same hallway and entered another room. The two followed her and could hear her swear through the door. Finally, she excited and held up a few papers for the couple to see.

"Ummmm..." Night Light shifted uncomfortably, unsure what to do. He gave a nervous smile as the mare scanned over the page. Night looked over at Velvet, who only returned a shrug.


They were taken aback by her sudden volume, and didn't understand what was going on.

"Here sign these here and here and here and... Everywhere it asks."

Light groaned but Velvet took the papers and looked them over. The mare gave her a pen, and she began to sign her name in a few places.

Meanwhile, the mare, seeing that they were busy now, took off down the hall and began frantically searching in another room. Where were those bucking papers?! Oh Celestia would kill her if she found out! The filly she gave them had quickly been found a suitable, no, exceptional family. Here they were signing papers, and they would be done any moment! She couldn't find the rest of what she needed to give them! This is bad, this is very very bad.

"Where the buck are they?"

She cringed. She probably shouldn't have said that so loud. But it seemed to scare the papers out of their hiding place, and she finally found them. She triumphantly yelled "AHA!" and snatched up the papers from the elusive folder.

Night Light sighed and rubbed his head. "That was sooo much paperwork!"

Twilight Velvet chuckled, seemingly unphased after the pile of paper had been taken care of.

Just then, now looking much more tranquil, the mare started talking with a hint of regret in her tone. "I apologize for my behavior earlier. Its just..."

Wait, should she tell them? If they knew their daughter had been taken care of by Celestia herself, would they become arrogant? Would they try to impose their own social standing among those of high class? Would they be scared of the theoretical consequences of making a mistake with Celestia’s very own foal? She knew they probably wouldn't, they were nice and logical ponies anyway, but better not take chances. Its only a minor detail anyway, right?

"...nevermind. I am Cinder Smile."

True to her name, she gave the couple a big smile, despite the stress and hardship she had been - and currently was - going through.

"I'm glad you have chosen adoption. A dear friend of mine was adopted, and she is just as happy as everypony else. Adoption is a very misunderstood process. I am so happy you two haven't fallen for the "You're adopted" stereotype. It really gives the foal a new chance in life. With your decision, you two do much more than just adopt, you create a new world for a foal to live in. What you are doing now is something great, something wonderful… something to look up to.”

Cinder Smile looked down a little, remembering what it was like to defend her friend who had no family against all the hatred. Why did ponies have to hate what is different? How can they be so blind to the fact that everypony is different, without exception? Is it only those who have much more visible differences? How many ponies hide who they are, strolling through life with a mask, covering up their true self?

How can they have the audacity to tell her that she shouldn't cry when she sees that there is no one to come and pick her up, no one to hold her in her hardships, no one to comfort her. They don’t know! They couldn't know what it's like, wondering who your family is, and having others torture you to no end about what you can’t even control! A tear started its way down her cheeks as she remembered the pain. She shook herself out of her thoughts. "Thank you for adopting."

Velvet winked at her husband, who seemed to have mixed emotions.

"Would you like to see Twilight now?"

So that’s her name! What are the chances that her and Twilight Velvet would have the same name? It must be fate. They both nodded giddily, and followed Cinder into another room. They heard a small gasp, and when they entered, nopony was there. The couple was surprised, but Cinder had to put a hoof to her mouth to hold in her snickering. Twilight Velvet looked around the room, searching for (little) Twilight. Velvet inspected the bed, which was extremely crumpled, but one of the bumps was… breathing? She smiled.

“I wonder where Twilight is.” Velvet stated, watching as the covers giggled. She winked at Night Light, who smiled and strode towards the bed. He lifted up a small portion of the blanket, careful not to reveal where Twilight was hiding, but still making it look like he would at any moment. The filly under the covers was laughing gleefully as she backed away from the spot Night Light was searching at the moment. He turned away from the bed and winked at Velvet, who sighed. “I wonder if she is in another room.” Meanwhile, Cinder was doing all she could to keep from bursting out in laughter.

Once the couple wasn't facing the bed, they began to walk in place, keeping their eye on the window on the door, in which they could see a faint reflection of the bed. Twilight heard them walking, saw this as a chance to see who they were, and crawled through the covers to peek her head out. Once she could see them, she noticed Cinder, her friend, was with two different ponies. There seemed to be something wrong with Cinder. Did she have a frog in her throat? Twilight had heard some ponies say that, and assumed that Cinder just didn't want to get rid of this one. She was holding her hoof to her mouth, keeping it from hopping out! Do… Do frogs taste good?

Just then, the two ponies with her suddenly turned around and went ”Aha!”

Twilight shrieked in delight and dove back to the comfort of her fluffy hiding spot. That was all Cinder could take. She let loose, filling the room with copious amounts of laughter. She was literally rolling on the floor laughing.

Twilight was suspicious. Where was the frog? Was it tickling her, not wanting to hop out now? Or was this it’s escape plan? Twilight jumped out from the bed and onto the floor, stumbling and landing on her nose. That wouldn't stop her! She would save that frog! Twilight roared out her battle cry, charging across the land. The small trip was only a minor setback, she had a mission to complete. Cinder shouldn't swallow innocent little frogs!

Cinder lay on her side, gasping for breath. However, whenever she managed to breath in, she just laughed it back out.

Oh no… This was much more than an escape attempt…

Twilight would avenge the poor frog!

Author's Note:

Whoa, another chapter?! NO WAY! That took him forever!