• Published 31st Oct 2013
  • 2,597 Views, 78 Comments

RariTwi Group Collab - Anonymule

!!!!!This collection is now dead, please see the Finer Things: The Rarilight Collab by Donraj for more RariTwi.!!! Prompt based short stories from the authors of the RariTwi group.

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Concert by Spartan-Guy 88

Author's Note:

This is set in my version of the Misunderstanding Prompt.

~Spartan-Guy 88


By: Spartan-Guy 88


At an outdoor amphitheater in downtown Canterlot, many ponies were hard at work preparing the main stage for an open-air concert that was to be held later that night. The headline performer was none other than one of the most popular electric musicians in Equestria, DJ Pon3; otherwise known by her real name, Vinyl Scratch.

At that moment, that very pony was backstage calibrating her disc table while chatting it up with her old friend; a cetain baby dragon whom was also the personal assistant to the recently crowned Princess of Magic.

"Spike, I can't believe you came here just to see me man!" Vinyl exclaimed.

Spike replied, "Well, we haven't seen each other in a while; and it's not an everyday thing to be able to hang with you backstage for your own concert." As he spoke he fiddled with the backstage pass he wore around his neck.

Vinyl added, " I know right? The last time we saw each other was for that...uh...interesting fashion show I played music for. Say, weren't you trying vainly to cheer Rarity on even though practically everypony that was there hated those dresses she made and that she really didn't want to be seen?"

After a couple of seconds Spike awkwardly answered, "Yeah...I wasn't exactly thinking clearly that night."

Seeing how uncomfortable her friend was, Vinyl decided to switch topics; "So, how is Rarity these days anyway?"

"She's doing great." Spike answered, "She's been getting a lot more clients in Canterlot and the Crystal Empire, she now has a marefriend, and wait until you hear how she managed to-"

"Whoa, hold on a second;" Vinyl interrupted, "What do you mean by 'marefriend'?"

Spike replied, "Yeah, she's now got a very loving marefriend. You're never going to believe who it is either. Twilight Sparkle herself."

Vinyl Scratch's eyes went wide with disbelief.

"No way. You've got to be making that up." Vinyl said.

Spike shook his head and spoke back, "No I'm not. Rarity and Twilight have been dating for the past several months. Though I do
ask that you don't go spreading that around; I don't think they'd like a lot of gossip spreading about them."

Vinyl then said, "Uh, yeah sure. Honestly, it's not those two dating each other that's surprising to me. What's really getting to me is that you seem to be pretty okay with the fact that the mare you seemed to have had one massive crush on is now dating one of your other closest friends."

Several moments of silence hung in the air with no word being spoken between the mare or the baby dragon. Finally, Spike sighed, took a seat on a nearby box, and told his long time friend;

"I'll admit, for the first couple of weeks after they announced that they were together, I refused to speak to either one of them. It wasn't the fact that they were dating each other that got on my nerves; it was the fact that they tried to hide it from me. I guess I can understand that they didn't want to hurt my feelings, considering my crush on Rarity and all; but I would have liked for them to be honest with me still."

Vinyl trotted over to Spike and sat next to him; "I guess it goes without asking, but did you eventually talk to them about it?"

"Yes I did." Spike said, "I told them that after giving it some thought, that I knew that those two were destined to be a very happy couple and I wished them the best; and I apologized for not speaking to them for two weeks. They apologized to me for not being honest with with me about their relationship."

Spike took a pause in his story to take a long look at the sky before continuing.

"As for how I'm cool with Rarity dating somepony else...don't get me wrong, I'll never stop loving Rarity; but I now know that I wasn't destined to be IN love with her; but that doesn't mean we still can't be good friends."

Vinyl took a moment to ponder his words before replying, "Well, it's good to see that you've got a clear head about this. I also hope that-"

Whatever else Vinyl Scratch was about to say was cut off when everypony's attention was directed toward the sky. Looking up, both the Unicorn musician and the dragon assistant witnessed Princess Twilight Sparkle soaring across the sky towards Ponyville.

"What the heck is she doing now?!" Spike exclaimed.

Vinyl suddenly remembered what she saw in one of the newspapers from that morning and grabbed the closest one to her.

"Here;" Vinyl said as she gave Spike the newspaper, "Maybe this will help clear things up."

Looking at the cover story of the paper, Spike groaned and said, "Yeah... that will definitely do it."


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