• Published 31st Oct 2013
  • 2,597 Views, 78 Comments

RariTwi Group Collab - Anonymule

!!!!!This collection is now dead, please see the Finer Things: The Rarilight Collab by Donraj for more RariTwi.!!! Prompt based short stories from the authors of the RariTwi group.

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It Was Fun, Until... by Sam Cole

It Was Fun, Until...

By: Sam Cole


Now, let me see, how did we get here today?

Well, it had all started out so nice. The girls, Spike and myself decided to take a little trip this winter to the Rocky mountains for a little snowy fun. I had bought a cute new down jacket, and was ready to have the time of my life. Fluttershy and Pinkie had a bit of an issue adjusting to the new higher elevations, so they stayed back at the suite and were going to work on some pastries for us to enjoy when we all got back.

Rainbow Dash and Applejack hit the slope early, determined to find out who among them was the better winter sports athlete. Spike tried to go skiing with Twilight and I, but he was soon found to be far outside his comfort level. He was good, granted, but Twilight had years more experience, as did I. I went skiing every year with my father actually, ever since I was a little girl of about five. I used to-

"Rarity! Come on girl, stay with me!" Twilight urged, rubbing my shoulders vigorously to warm me back up. Her nose was running, and her eyes blood shot.

"Twi-light? Why am I so cold?" I stuttered. Well, surely that couldn't be right...

"Rarity, save your strength, help is on the way. You'll be fine, I swear!" Twilight pleaded, continuing to rub me. Everything was all fuzzy now though... I looked down to the pool of red below me and the hasty bandage.

"Oh, that's right. I broke my leg..."


"Rarity, this way!" Twilight urged as she darted down the path. The sign was a double black. my favorite.
"Where did you learn to ski like this?"

"I've been skiing since I was seven." Twilight laughed as she slalomed down the hill, just barely close enough to hear me or be heard for that matter. "It's the only sport I'm really good at!"

"I had no idea!" I laughed, taking the chance to pass her up. It w as a fun game of cat and mouse, all at 30 miles an hour on a mountain top surrounded by snow and ice. I darted forward, laughing as I looked back over my shoulder. Twilight was having so much fun. I couldn't remember seeing her this happy ever before. Of course the look lasted for a second before I saw her panic.

I turned back around, but just in time to catch that damned branch to my stomach. I was knocked head over heels, flipping through the trees and sliding off the trail and into the forest, albeit painfully. I lay on the cold earth now racked with pain as I heard Twilight scream for me. I was just able to make out her form coming down the hill after me, her skis tucked under arm. Wait, no those where mine.

"Rarity!" Twilight nearly shrieked, sliding in next to me and dropping to her knees. I tried to sit up, but she stopped me. "No! Don't move. Just lay still. This is going to hurt a lot, Rarity."

"What are you-" I managed as I looked down. There before me sat my leg, now with a quite a nasty looking bone jutting out of it. I admit I screamed. Twilight forced me back down, taking her scarf off and propping my leg between my two skis.

"I'm sorry, but this is going to hurt..." Twilight managed. She grunted a she synced down the scarf, holding her splint well in tack. I screamed again. After that, I was a little bit fuzzy, till I felt my scarf come off.

"How many scarfs do you need for a splint?"

"This one's for the tourniquet." Twilight frowned. "You'll die if I don't control the bleeding."

I blacked out when she began tightening the damned thing.


I first awoke to see Twilight yelling back up the hill. I couldn't turn enough to see them, but I knew it too be Rainbow dash and Applejack. Thankfully they hadn't been far away, and heard Twilight screaming. I felt light headed, but warm for some reason. Unseasonably warm. Like I really needed to get my coat off.

"Rarity, stop!" Twilight screamed.

"I'm fine darling. Just a tad warm." I managed.

"No, you're not. You're going into hypothermia!" Twilight commanded, taking up a seat next to me. She grabbed me by the shoulders and began rubbing me for all she was worth.

"Just hold still." Twilight ordered when I tried to stir. "We'll be out of here soon."

"Why can't you just teleport us?" I managed, my voice breaking against my will.

"I don't want to risk hurting you more." Twilight assured me.

"Can you at least start a fire then? If I'm going into- into-"


"Yes, that. I need heat, right?"

"I would if I could, but all the wood up here is wet. You need to raise your core temperature. I can't do that here with out exposing you to frost bite." Twilight said as her rubbing slowed down. She was getting tired. And so was I...


Well, that sums up why I'm lying on my side as Twilight continued to try and warm me up, rubbing my back vigorously.


"Hang in there, Rares." I heard her grunt as she continued to rub me.

"Listen, it's getting dark. I don't want you to put yourself in danger just for me."

"Stop talking crazy." Twilight snorted in my ear. "You're going to be fine."

"Thank you, Twilight." I muttered shortly before passing back out.


I awoke to quite an odd sensation this time. I may just have been crazy, but it felt like Twilight was hugging me now...

"Hey! Stay with me! Keep talking!" Twilight ordered. She was hugging me... No, wait, her coat was open and mine was fitting differently around me? Were we in a jacket burrito?

"What did you do to my jacket?"

"You need body heat. Just stay with me Rarity. I can hear the ski patrol now."

"Your hands are in my armpits..." I muttered as I took stock of where she had me grabbed.

"My hands are freezing, alright?" Twilight snorted. "I don't want frostbite anymore than you."

"No, I mean whenever you flex your fingers your grabbing my-"

"Hello!?" The ski patrol called out as I heard the two rangers hit the snow. Salvation was at hand...

"Down here! Please, she needs medical attention!" Twilight screamed. Everything was so blurry...


I awoke a couple of times coming down the mountain, and once in the ambulance. Twilight was right there, every step of the way. Bless her, and bless the morphine drip they had on me now. I later learned Twilight had been reading up on first aide, just by happenstance. I had never been so happy for her random reading exercises as I was that day.

"Thank you, Twilight." I managed in the hospital that night as our friends all gathered around. "I don't think I would have made it with out you."

"Sorry about your scarf." Twilight smiled. "And snow pants. And jacket. And for... well you know."

"Darling, I'm alive, and that's all that- Wait, what happened to my jacket?" She never did answer. She just hugged me close. I laughed, hugging her back as best as I could. "I hope you enjoyed the free grabs Twilight, because now my girls are off limits." I whispered.

"That's not what you said in the ambulance." Twilight teased. I don't know if it was true, but it did raise my heartbeat a little, according to the monitor anyways.


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