• Published 31st Oct 2013
  • 2,597 Views, 78 Comments

RariTwi Group Collab - Anonymule

!!!!!This collection is now dead, please see the Finer Things: The Rarilight Collab by Donraj for more RariTwi.!!! Prompt based short stories from the authors of the RariTwi group.

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Maid Cafe by Pink Rocket

With the sun set at midday, Twilight and Rarity enjoyed the silence in the café as sipped on their tea.

Twilight sighed happily in content, "You know, ever since I stole Celestia and Luna's magic and made us the new queens of Equestria I feel like our life is finally in it's rightful place."

"I know exactly what you mean," Rarity giggled, brushing her crown with a hoof, "Speaking of Celestia and Luna, where are those two? It's been almost half a minute." Rarity complained and picked up the table bell, shaking it hard.

Soon enough two alicorns dressed in maid outfits appeared, making their way to the table. Having no magic the former princesses walked slowly to keep the platters on their back from tipping over.

"Honestly, were you two planning on making us wait all day?"

"Sorry, your grace," Celestia spoke submissively and continued handing out the ordered pastries.

Twilight giggled as the the two alicorn sisters struggled place the platters on their table, "You know, for someone who's been raising the sun and the moon for millennial, it's funny how neither can even do a simple task such as serving."

"Apologize, your grace," Celestia apologized, lowering her head.

"Oh, don't look so gloom," Twilight insisted, "Come on, smile!"

The two sisters shared a look of bewilderment before finally forcing a smile on their faces.

"That's better," Twilight smirked, " And I'm sorry. I know it can't be easy to smile considering the amounts of public executions we've been having these past weeks, but it's important you show some sort of gratitude for being kept alive."

"Not to mention manners," Rarity intervened, "Do you think this café wants to see sad frowns serving their food and meals?"

"No, your grac—"

"Speaking of serving, where is my deluxe strawberry cake that I ordered?"

Before the former princesses got a chance to answer, a stallion appeared carrying the order appeared.

"Ah! Blueblood!" Rarity exclaimed, "What a pleasure to have you serve me. You look very well dressed," Rarity smirked at the former prince who shifted uncomfortably in his maid outfit.

"Your cake, your grace..." Blueblood presented, moving the enormous cake over to the two queens table.

"Thank you, darling," Rarity nodded as she reached for a fork and took a piece of the strawberry cake. Rarity chewed on it twice before spitting it out, "Too sweet," she remarked, pushing the cake of the table and onto the floor with a splatter.

Twilight giggled at the display and watched her wife in action.

"Oops. How clumsy of me," Rarity smiled innocently, "Would you be a dear and clean that up for me?"

Blueblood cringe at the messy sight, but swallowed and recomposed, "O-of course, your majesty."

"Where are you going?" Rarity asked, as Blueblood turned and began walk away.

"U-uh..." Blueblood stuttered, "To get the broom, your g—"

"Oh you don't need a broom to clean this up. Your tongue will do just fine," Rarity happily explained, earning a laughter from across the table.

"M-my tongue?" Blueblood swallowed.

"Go on then," Rarity encourage, pointing her hoof at the floor.

Blueblood lowered his head towards the cake mess on the floor, but froze as he came within close vicinity of it. Rarity watched as the stallion stared horrified at the mess completely petrified.

"Blueblood? Is there a problem?" Rarity asked, but got no response from the stallion. Rarity looked at the Twilight who's amusement had drawn into a yawn. Twilight gave Rarity the nod and Rarity sighed and turned towards a guard closest to her, "Kill him."

At the words, Blueblood snapped out of his frozen state and change his attitude and quickly began shuffling floor cake as a guard drew close with weaponed drawn, "No wait! Please!" Blueblood pleaded with a mumble of cake in his mouth.

Alas, no mercy was shown.

The queens laughed like mad mares as Blueblood head did a dancing number on the floor.

Rarity giggled, "I can't believe I was worried today would not be fun for us. Oh how I wish I could rewitness that display..."

Twilight laughed heartily, before coming to a sudden stop, "Rewitnessing..."


"You know," Twilight smirked, "That might actually be possible. There are some time scrolls in Canterlot's royal library, though useless for changing the past, they're not useless for rewitnessing it."

"Ooh ♥" Rarity exclaimed, clapping her hooves together, "Please, tell me you're not joking because that would be wonderful! Oh, how I would love to rewitness Applejack beheading!" Rarity squeed.

"Or Rainbow Dash," Twilight remarked, "She was a real screamer."

The mares laughed together at good memories they've both had under the recent weeks.

"You're absolutely sinister, you know that?" Rarity spoke as her laughter died down.

"I know," Twilight smiled, as she stared happily at her beautiful wife.

Glowing her horn, Twilight made the sun set casting it's orange hue at them through the Maid Café window. She observed Rarity in the brilliant light and leaned forward to lock muzzles with her queen. Even though thousand of ponies had died at her hoof that week, Twilight had felt nothing. No sorrow nor sympathy. Yet Rarity, despite the situation, would always make her cold heart beat loudly along with the butterflies that swirled wildly in her stomach.

As the kiss ended Twilight observed the beauty before her in silence as she let that warm feeling of love and happiness buzz through her body.

Life was wonderful.

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