• Published 17th Nov 2013
  • 14,007 Views, 562 Comments

Welcome, My Little One - Delta 727

Twilight never knew just how beautiful being a mother could be.

  • ...

Mother's Day

Welcome, My Little One: Mother's Day

"I love you... I love you so much..."

Twilight Sparkle held the small pegasus foal in her hooves, cradling it like a small gem, smiling with tears gently streaming from her eyes.

"I never thought you'd be so beautiful when you were born... Oh, you have your father's mane... And his coat, too... But you still have your mother's eyes..."

Twilight was exhausted from the procedure that brought her foal into the world. Her voice was small and timid, but full of love. She was a mother. A happy mother with a healthy foal.

"I'm gonna let us rest for a little bit, but when we're all rested up, then I hope you'll like to meet my friends. Would you like that?"

The foal yawned, snuggling up in its blanket, closer to its mother. Twilight giggled.

"Oh, they're just gonna love you." Twilight paused for a moment. "But I want you to know that no other pony could ever love you as much as I do. And I'll always love you the same, from your birth, to your first steps, to your first day of school, all the way until you're as big as me, and then some. And you're so big already..."

There was a knock on the hospital door.

Twilight immediately perked up, careful not to wake her foal, she gently called, "Come in!"

The door cracked open, and a white-coated mare peeked in.

"Greetings, my faithful student."

"Princess Celestia!" Twilight squeed in delight, still careful to keep her voice low. "Please, come in! Just be quiet, though." Twilight looked down at her foal and smiled. "He's sleeping..."

The door slowly shifted open, and Princess Celestia trotted in, carefully closing it behind her. She trotted up to Twilight's bed, seating herself on the floor next to it. She smiled in wonder at the foal and her mother.

"He's wonderful, Twilight." Princess Celestia gently nuzzled Twilight's forehead. "He looks just like his father. Where is he, by chance?"

"He's out getting some things for home to make sure we're comfortable." Twilight smiled at the foal. "He said he wanted to make sure that we were as snug as he could make us."

"He's going to be a great father," Princess Celestia said.

"He already is," Twilight replied. "I couldn't ask for better for me, or for our foal."

"What is his name?" Princess Celestia asked.

"We don't know yet." Twilight's expression turned thoughtful, but the smile and the tears never left her face. "We didn't wanna try to name him until we really put good thought into it. And Flash has just been so busy lately that we haven't gotten to talk about it..."

"Well, I can arrange something." Princess Celestia smiled. "I will relieve him of his duties for a while. He deserves to be at home with you, and this little one."

Twilight smiled at Princess Celestia. "Thank you, Princess Celestia... I wish I could be more excited about that, but I'm just so tired... And I'm too happy to sleep."

"Well, trust me when I say this," Princess Celestia continued, "I've heard several stories from your parents about how much they didn't sleep when they had you. You gave them so much joy that they didn't sleep for days. I hope that doesn't worry you."

Twilight held her foal closer to her chest. "If making sure my foal was happy and healthy meant I never could sleep again, I wouldn't regret a single moment of it."

Princess Celestia nodded. "Good. That's a sign of a truly good mother. I'll leave you to rest. If you need me, I'll be nearby."

"Thank you..." Twilight said as Princess Celestia began to leave. "Princess Celestia?"

"Hm?" Princess Celestia turned back around.

"I just wanted to ask you..." Twilight's face blushed red, and another tear fell from her eye. "Would it be okay if he calls you 'Aunt Celestia'?"

Princess Celestia smiled. "I would be honored for him to call me that."

Twilight smiled again, a deep light of love in her eyes, love for her foal and her mentor. "It's just... I think you deserve to have a part in our family. If it wasn't for you, I might still be locked up in my library with all of my books for friends."

"I wasn't the one who gave you your friends," Princess Celestia said. "I only gave you the opportunity to make them. It was you who found your friends. And after all you've been through, I'm glad to know that they're still with you."

"I couldn't ask for anypony better," Twilight agreed.

"Now you get some rest," Princess Celestia said. "I'll tell your friends to come see you when you're ready."

Twilight smiled again, resting her head on her pillow. "Thank you, Princess Celestia..."

"My pleasure," Princess Celestia replied. And with that, she trotted out of the room, careful to close the door gently.

"That was your aunt," Twilight said to her foal. "She's one of the ponies that loves you, too. If it weren't for her teaching me when I was just as small as you, I'd never be good enough to raise you like I can now. I just know you two will have so much fun together."

There was another knock on her door.

"Come in!" Twilight called quietly.

The door opened, and Applejack was standing there in the doorway, a look of friendly compassion on her face.

"Hey, there, sugar cube," Applejack said. "Mind if ah c'mon in?"

Twilight smiled. "Of course not, Applejack. Just please be quiet, though. I don't wanna wake him."

Applejack trotted into the room, and gently closed the door behind her. She trotted over to Twilight's bed and stood where Princess Celestia had been just moments before. Applejack took off her hat, holding it to her chest.

"He's one fine lookin' fella, ain't he?" Applejack said.

"Yeah," Twilight said, her eyes focused on her foal. "He looks just like Flash. You can't see it, but he has my eyes."

"Well, ah'm sure he has yer brain, too." Applejack smiled. "He'll grow up to be one smart lil' colt."

Twilight giggled. "Thanks, A.J., but I think he'll be even smarter."

"Aw, shucks, that ain't even possible." Applejack and Twilight both giggled, and the foal stirred in his blanket, yawning again before curling up deeper into the blanket.

"He's jus' like when Apple Bloom was no bigger than an apple herself," Applejack said. "Lil' rascal always loved th' lil' apple scraps Pinkie'd make. Never ate much 'fore she tried one o' those."

Twilight giggled. "Flash thinks he'll start liking daisy petals. He said that's what he liked when he was a foal. His mother would pull them off for him, and slip them onto his tongue. And he'd laugh, saying he thought it was just the funniest thing for no reason."

"Well, he might jus' take after his dear ol' mother, and eat nothin' but books." Applejack smiled, and Twilight just giggled.

"Well, ah'll leave ya be," Applejack said. "Y'all make sure he stays nice an' cozy, alright?"

"I will, Applejack," Twilight said. "Thanks."

Applejack placed her hat back on her head, and trotted back for the door. She gently opened it, and turned around back to Twilight one more time before she left.

"Ah'll have Pinkie wait outside. She'll be bouncin' of th' walls if ah let 'er in here. You okay with that, sugar cube?"

"That'd be nice, Applejack," Twilight said. "Just tell her I'm resting, and can't talk much."

"Ah'll do that. Take it easy, Twilight." Applejack trotted out of the room and closed the door.

"That was Applejack," Twilight said to her foal. "She's one of my best friends, and she's probably gonna be the one making sure you're well fed. She makes really great food with apples. And when you can start eating solid food when your little teeth grow in, I'll ask her to make you one of her special apple turnovers. Would you like that?"

The foal shifted in it's sleep, letting out a small murmur of comfort. Twilight smiled again.

There was another knock on her door, a much gentler one than before. Twilight called them in.

Rarity trotted into the room, closing the door behind her, and trotted over to where Applejack had just been. Rarity looked over come with tears, but there was a gentle smile on her face.

"Hey, Rarity..." Twilight said, with tears forming at the corners of her eyes at the sight of her friend. "I'm glad you came to see me."

Rarity rubbed a tear from her eye with her leg, sniffling. When she spoke, her voice was thick with tearful joy. "Well, it wouldn't be very ladylike of me if I didn't come to see this little bundle." Rarity gently nudged the blanket to better cover the foal's head, and the foal shifted it's head to do the same. Rarity pulled her head back, and her smile never wavered an inch. "He's absolutely beautiful..."

"He is..." Twilight agreed. "He loves the blanket you made him. He hasn't opened his eyes once since he was wrapped in it."

"Anything to make sure he's resting," Rarity said. "Sweetie Belle wanted me to tell you that a sleepy foal is a happy foal."

Twilight giggled. "Tell Sweetie Belle I said thank you." Twilight paused for a moment. "Is this what it was like when Sweetie Belle was born?"

"Oh, heavens, no," Rarity replied, a sense of humor in her voice. "Sweetie Belle was wide awake when she was born. I wish she was as sleepy as this little one."

Twilight smiled. "Yeah, he's just so peaceful... I can't wait to hear his first words."

"Sweetie Belle's first word was 'sis'," Rarity said. "I hope this one's first word is, 'mama'."

"Flash says it'll be, 'daddy'." Twilight smiled. "He calls him his pride, and I call him my joy."

Rarity brushed away another tear. "Do you know what I feel? I feel pride for you, and joy for your foal." Rarity sniffed again, and her voice became thick with tears. "I'm so proud of you, Twilight..."

"Thank you so much, Rarity..." Tears ran down Twilight's cheeks again. She wished she could hug her friend and never let go.

Rarity blinked tears from her eyes, and smiled. "I'd best be going. I don't want to start bawling in front of you and your foal. But promise you'll let me visit you often?"

Twilight smiled again. "I'd love that, Rarity. I'd love that very much."

Rarity smiled again, tears falling like rain from her eyes. She quickly trotted out of the room, careful when closing the door, and Twilight heard Rarity's crying as she trotted away.

"That's Rarity," Twilight said. "She makes very wonderful dresses, and she made your special blanket. She'll be the one who'll help make your blankets so you can sleep nice and cozy when I take you home. And I think you'll really like her sister. You're gonna get to grow up with her and her friends. I know you'll love them. They're so nice, and playful, too."

This time, there was no knock, just a gentle turn of the knob, and a slow opening of the door as a yellow pegasus timidly peeked her head in.

"Um... Twilight? Are you in here?"

Twilight giggled lightly. "I'm in here, Fluttershy. Don't be scared, the bad stuff's already over."

Fluttershy trotted into the room, taking a little longer than the other ponies to close the door, as well as to trot over to Twilight. Twilight smiled at the timid pegasus.

Fluttershy looked like she'd been crying, but there was a very tiny smile on her face. "Um... Um..." Fluttershy didn't know what to say.

"It's okay, Fluttershy," Twilight said. "You don't have to worry about what you say, just be loud enough for me to hear you." Twilight didn't have to tell Fluttershy to be careful not to be too loud around the foal.

"Um... H-he's..." Fluttershy paused. "He's nice..."

Twilight smiled. "He really is," she said. "I was wondering, though... Would you maybe wanna watch him sometime when Flash and I are busy? I know you're great with foals."

Fluttershy looked up at Twlight, and down at the foal. "Um... O-okay..." Fluttershy murmured. "I... I would like that... Alot..."

"Yeah, I think he will too." Twilight smiled down at her foal. "He'll be in good hooves. I think he'll like to play too, so be thinking of some really fun games you can play with him okay?"

Fluttershy paused, then replied, "O-okay..." Then, her small smile faded, and she almost started to cry.

"What's wrong, Fluttershy?" Twilight asked. "Why're you crying so much?"

"I-I'm..." Fluttershy stammered. "I'm... Just... Happy for you... I don't know if I could do it... I'd be so scared..."

"Actually, I was scared, Fluttershy." Fluttershy looked up at Twilight. "I've never been so scared in my life. Having a foal is such a big thing for me. I wasn't sure what was gonna happen. But now that all the scary stuff's over, I've never been so happy. I hope one day you'll know what it feels like. There's nothing like it."

Fluttershy sniffled. "Th-thanks, Twilight... I... I hope so too..."

"You're great with foals, Fluttershy. I think you'd be better at it than any of us." Twilight smiled at Fluttershy, and she just smiled back.

"Um... Are you tired?" Fluttershy asked.

"Exhausted," Twilight said. "Having a foal really took alot out of me."

"Oh, um... I'll just let you sleep then..."

"You don't have to leave if you don't want to."

Fluttershy just turned back and smiled. "I-I know... I just... Um..." Fluttershy paused.

"You just what, Fluttershy?" Twilight asked.

Fluttershy didn't respond. She just quickly kissed Twilight on the forehead, and ran out of the room at an unbelievable speed. She stopped at the door to gently open it, and took off down the hall. Twilight just laid there, a blush and a look of surprise on her face. Then, she just smiled.

"That was Fluttershy," she told her foal. "She'll be looking out for you while your daddy and I are busy. She's a really nice pony, and she loves foals. I know she'll take good care of you. She has lots of animals, too, so you'll get to see so many cute animals while you're there. She even taught one of her birds a lullaby to help you sleep." Twilight smiled, a tear falling down her cheek again. "I'm very grateful that we have her in our lives."

Twilight didn't see the last pony in the doorway, since Fluttershy left it open, but when Twilight noticed her, there was a smile on the pony's face.

"Hey there, egghead," Ranbow Dash said.

"Hey, Rainbow," Twilight replied. "You can come in. Just close the door, and keep your voice down so you don't wake him."

Rainbow Dash gently closed the door, and trotted to the same spot that Fluttershy had just been standing in moments before. She had a look of compassion on her face, much past the brash look she always had.

"So it's a 'him', huh?" Rainbow Dash asked. Twilight nodded, and Rainbow Dash smiled. "Well, he didn't come out too bad, now did he?"

"He came out perfect," Twilight said. "He's handsome, just like his father."

"He been asleep since he came out?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"No," Twilight replied. "He was crying alot when he did. Doctor said that mean't he was healthy." Twilight blushed. "Now can we please not talk about how he 'came out' anymore?"

Rainbow Dash blushed too, and let out a nervous giggle. "Yeah. Sorry." She paused. "He looks alot like Flash."

"He does," Twilight said. "He has his wings and everything. He has my eyes, though."

"Cool," Rainbow Dash said. "Too bad we can't see 'em."

"Not yet," Twilight said. "He's been asleep for hours. I dunno when he'll wake up. The doctors gave him some medicine to help him sleep. I don't know how long he'll be sleeping for."

The foal yawned again, and Rainbow Dash couldn't help but tear up as she smiled.

"He's so awesome..." Rainbow Dash squeaked out.

Twilight smiled again. "Thanks, Rainbow... You think you'll wanna teach him how to fly when he's big enough?"

Twilight expected Rainbow Dash to say something like, "If he can keep up, sure.", but she didn't. Instead, she said. "I'd love to, Twilight. I'll make sure he's safe and sound when he's with me. Won't be a scratch on him."

"I trust you, Rainbow," Twilight said. "I know he'll have a wonderful time when he's with you. He might even start calling you Dashie."

Rainbow Dash smiled, tears coming to her eyes. "I have no problem with that at all. He'll just make the name twenty percent cooler!" Twilight and Rainbow Dash both giggled.

"Thanks, Rainbow... I know he'll have a good teacher. After all, you did teach me."

"Wasn't easy," Rainbow Dash said. "He'll probably learn faster, since he was born with Pegasus in his blood!"

"Yeah, that's true... Maybe you can get him into the Junior Flyer's Academy?"

"I'll have to pull some strings, but I think I can do it," Rainbow Dash replied. "In fact, I should do that right now! You don't mind me leaving you so quickly, do ya?"

Twilight smiled. "If it's for my foal, not at all."

"I'll be there before you can even spell your name," Rainbow Dash said. "Real happy for ya, Twilight. You're gonna be an awesome mom, I just know it." Rainbow Dash flapped her wings, lifting her off the ground. "See ya later, egghead!" Rainbow Dash flew out of the room, closing the door behind her.

Twilight smiled after the blue pegasus. "That's Rainbow Dash," Twilight told her foal. "She'll be teaching you how to fly, and one day you'll be racing with her for trophies and medals. I know you've got some competitive spirit in you. Your father loves competition. Maybe you can race with him, too. I'm sure he'd love that very much."

Twilight curled her foal gently into her chest, holding him like if she even let go for a moment, he would be gone. And to her, it felt like he would be. "I love you so much..." She said. "I can't wait to see you grow up, but I wish you'd be like this forever. Time stops for nopony, but I'm gonna cherish every moment we have together. It's gonna be hard. I'm a busy pony, and so is your father, but you've got plenty of good ponies to look after you. And no matter what, I'm still your mother, and I'll make sure that you are my number one priority in everything I do." Twilight closed her eyes, and kissed the foal on his forehead. And when she opened her eyes again, she noticed something on the bedside table.

It was an envelope, still sparkling with magic.

Twilight picked up the envelope, and noticed a few written words on the front.

To our dear and beloved Princess

We hope to see you home soon

It was from her family. From her mother and father, her brother, Shining Armor, and her sister-in-law, Cadence. Twilight smiled at the envelope. Although it was sad that her family was unable to visit her in Canterlot while she was in recovery, as was procedure for the protection of the Princess, they had still found a way to tell her that they were thinking about her. She opened the envelope, and read what was inside.

Dear Twilight,

We thought you'd like what we've written in this letter. It's an old lullaby you used to love when you were a foal. We thought yours would love it as much as you did. There's an old tale that if you sing it to your foal every night, it'lll grow up to shine as brightly as the stars, and live as long as the sun and moon themselves. We hope they enjoy it.

With eternal love,

Mom, Dad, Shining Armor, and Cadence

With you my child,

My life is made whole.

With you my child,

My love warms you in the cold.

With you my child,

No matter how far,

With you my child,

You'll see me in the stars.

With you my child,

What greatness you have in store!

With you, my child,

I will love you like

I've never loved before.

Twilight had tears running down her cheeks by the time she finished the letter. When she finally set it down on her bedside table, she curled up with her foal, and held him tight. Her smile never wavered, as never did the love in her heart.

Twilight Sparkle knew her love for her foal was as eternal as her life.

Before she drifted off into sleep, she whispered, "Welcome, my little one..." Her eyes began to close. "Welcome home..."

Then, finally, snuggled up with her foal, Princes Twilight Sparkle drifted into sleep, her mind filled with thoughts of what the future of motherhood had in store for her and her foal.