• Published 17th Nov 2013
  • 14,007 Views, 562 Comments

Welcome, My Little One - Delta 727

Twilight never knew just how beautiful being a mother could be.

  • ...

Big Heart, Little Body

Welcome, My Little One: Big Heart, Little Body

Poppy was heartbroken for days. She spent hour after hour crying, or simply sitting in painful silence, staring out the window and wondering what she had done to deserve such a punishment. What she had done wrong. Northern Lights spent most of his time with her, telling her constantly that everything would be okay. That they would figure something out. While with each other they tried to find a way out of their troubles, to everypony else both were seemingly oblivious to everything but Poppy's grief. Flash had volunteered for a job for the Royal Guard outside of Ponyville to take his mind off of what had happened, since he couldn't bear the idea that there was nothing he could do to help his devastated family. But perhaps the pony who was hurting the most was Twilight.

Twilight had never lost a foal. She had never experienced a miscarriage, or known anypony who did. The mere thought that her son had lost his first foal had ripped out a part of her being that could never be replaced. Northern Light's wife was declared infertile, unable to birth a foal ever again.

This hurt Twilight the most because she felt like it was a personal attack on her as a mother. She knew the joy of having her own foal, and she hated knowing that her own son would never know what that was like.

Northern Lights would never have his own little one.

At least, not one of his own bearing.

One night, about a month after the miscarriage, Poppy said she was going out for a while. Northern Lights, thinking she was still going through grief, didn't question it. He asked Poppy if she wanted him to come along, since it was a little concerning that she was going out alone at night, but she said she was going on her own to take care of some important business. Northern Lights thought this was strange, since she left with a small picnic basket over her shoulder. But still, he didn't stop her as she left. Troubled, Northern Lights went to the only pony he knew he could ask anything when it came to mares.

Northern Lights asked Twilight to stop by his home, a small cottage about two miles from Twilight's library, so they could talk. Willingly, Twilight came along. They barely said a word on their way back, but as soon as they arrived at the cottage and sat down at the dining table, Northern Lights opened with a very surprising question.

"Do you think Poppy still loves me?"

Twilight was taken completely by surprise, and, not much to the help of Northern Lights' concern, she was speechless for a moment. Finally, when she gathered her thoughts, she said what no mother would ever say.

"I don't know, Northy."

Northern Lights paused, then sighed as he deflated. "At least you were honest with me."

"What I mean, Northy," Twilight went on, "Is that being your mother might give me the ability to know what you're feeling from time to time, but I can't read the minds of other mares. They're complicated as it is when it comes to relationships, but everypony reacts to pain differently, and I don't know how Poppy's reacting."

"She's been spending most of her time "all by her lonesome", as she calls it," Northern Lights replied. "I think this is the first time she's left the house in weeks. I'm getting really worried about her."

"She might just need some time to collect herself." Before Northern Lights spoke up, Twilight went on. "Before you ask, which I know you're going to, I don't know. This is really hard for her, and I don't know how long it's going to take her to recover from the grief and shock. But what makes you think she doesn't love you anymore?"

Northern Lights shrugged. "She barely talks to me, she turns me away whenever I try to bring her food or something, and I can't even remember the last time she said she loved me." Northern Lights looked up at his mother. "What if she's afraid to love anypony? What if she's so afraid of going through that again, she's turned off something in her mind that stops her from loving another pony?"

Twilight immediately responded. "Poppy would never do something like that."

"How do you know?"

"She just wouldn't."

"But what if she did?"

"You're overreacting, Northy."

"I'm just saying I think she lost more than one part of her that day-"

Twilight slammed her hoof on the table.

The room fell silent.

Twilight's head was bowed, her eyes hidden beneath her mane. "Northern Lights." She gritted her teeth. "Don't you ever think that Poppy would give up on you. You will always be a part of her, and she will always be a part of you. If you start thinking like you've lost her, then you already have." Twilight looked up, tears in her eyes. "I won't let you lose somepony like that. When you two were married, she promised that she's love you no matter what. You need to trust in her, and trust that she still loves you, and no matter if she does or not, you love her unconditionally. Understand?"

Northern Lights was shocked at his mother's actions, but not at her words. All he could do was nod.

"I can't hear you," Twilight said.

"I understand."

"Thank you." Twilight sighed, and took her hoof off the table. Then, she slumped over. "I'm sorry you had to see me like that. I just get like that sometimes when things really get to me. There were too many times in my life where I almost gave up, but one of those times won't be on you. This is a very sore topic for me, but do you remember all of my friends from the Elements of Harmony?" Northern Lights nodded. "They were like sisters to me, and I had to watch every single one of them slowly pass away. But they all told me similarly the same thing: Don't give up. Just because they're gone doesn't mean that I'm alone. The other elements were put under my responsibility, but none of them would matter if I felt like our relationships were over just because they were gone. No matter what, you will always have that bond with Poppy. No matter where she is, she'll always be with you." Twilight pointed a hoof straight at Northern Lights' chest. "In here." Twilight took her hoof away, and Northern Lights wiped a tear from his eye.

"Wow, Mom. That was..." Northern Lights chuckled. "Really cheesy."

Twilight smiled too. "Did I get my point across?" Northern Lights nodded again. "Then I'll be as cheesy as I wanna be." Twilight was about to go on, when something unexpected happened.

The front door opened.

Poppy came in, the picnic basket still in hoof. But most unexpected of all, there was something on her face.

A smile.

"What're you so happy about?" Northern Lights couldn't help but tease his wife. She didn't respond. She simply closed the door, trotted to the table, set down the basket, and looked right at Twilight.

"Twahlight," Poppy said with an evenly flat, yet slightly upbeat, tone. "Ah didn't know you were droppin' by fer a visit."

"Actually, I'm not visiting," Twilight replied. "Northern Lights asked me to come."

"Well ah'm glad. Ah had a surprise fer him, but ah'd be happy fer you t' see it too."

Northern Lights' cheeks turned bright. "Poppy, I thought you said you didn't want to-"

"Ah don't mean that, Northy!" Poppy cut him off. "Ah mean somethin' ah've had planned fer a little while, but ah jus' didn't have th' courage t' do it. Ah really hope ya don't mind. Ah've been savin' up some money, and..." Poppy paused.

"And?" Northern Lights urged her on.

"Well, ah sneaked it out in this here basket, an' brought somethin' a lil' more special home." Poppy picked up the picnic basket, set it on the table, and turned it towards Northern Lights. And when she opened the flap, Northern Lights' whole world changed in an instant.

So much, that he couldn't even shed a single tear. All he could do was stare in awe as his jaw practically hit the floor.

"What is it?" Twilight asked, a little loudly.

"Shhh," Northern Lights said, a smile plastered on his face. "She's still asleep."

At that moment, Twilight nearly jumped out of her chair.

As calmly as she could, she stepped down onto the floor, trotted around to the other side of the table, and lifted herself up on the back of Northern Lights' chair.


Over his shoulder...

She could see into the picnic basket.

Only, it wasn't a picnic basket anymore.

It was a cradle.

Nestled in the picnic basket in the same blanket she had given Northern Lights so long ago was...

A small.



"Her name's Evergreen," Poppy whispered. And that's all she could say before Twilight had to leave, so that her crying wouldn't wake Northern Lights' own little one.

And as she ran outside to cry, she didn't notice something far above her head.

That night, it seemed like the stars shined just a little bit brighter than they ever had before.

Author's Note:

I'm back, everyone!

And yeah, I know last chapter was really depressing, but I decided that there was still a chance to save this wonderful family. Yeah, it's depressing that Northern Lights didn't get to have one of his own like his mother did, but you know what?

This is still just as picture perfect.

- Delta 727