• Published 17th Nov 2013
  • 14,007 Views, 562 Comments

Welcome, My Little One - Delta 727

Twilight never knew just how beautiful being a mother could be.

  • ...

'Til Death Do Them Part

Welcome, My Little One: 'Til Death Do Them Part

It was the happiest day of Northern Lights' life.

He was dressed in a perfectly tailored black tux suit, a black bowtie tied at his collar, and a white corsage pinned to the vest. But most noticeable of all, he was holding hooves with the most beautiful mare he had ever met.

The mare was dressed in a light brown silk dress with her trademark light blue hankerchief tied around her neck. She had a cream-white colored coat with a light blue-white mane and eyes. Her cheeks were spotted with freckles, and a light smile was plastered on her face. Her name was what Northern Lights described as simple, but beautiful. Poppy.

Northern Lights and Poppy met a few months after Northern Lights graduation, in an alley of all places. Was gonna ask what she was doing alone in an alley, but was cut off when she started squealing, running from the alley at unbelievable speed. When he finally calmed her down, she said she was just surprised, and didn't wanna be seen resting in a back alley. Then, they began to start a conversation.

Not only did her cute country attitude stick out to Northern Lights, but the way she approached her stuck out even more. When Poppy met Northern Lights, he found out something that he didn't hear often: She didn't open with the fact he was the son of royalty. Most of the time, when Northern Lights met new ponies, they would mention the fact he was royalty and be immediately interested in that alone. Northern Lights once said, "She was the first mare I actually had to work to get. It's nice for once." Northern Lights always wanted to find a mare that could see him as just another simple pony out on the town. While Poppy seemed perfectly comfortable talking to the son of a Princess, which in itself was almost unheard of, but she seemed to almost be testing Northern Lights. Northern Lights was shifting uncomfortably halfway through the conversation. He just wasn't used to being spoken to like he was a normal pony, not to mention by another pony that wasn't in his family.

Long story short, they hit it off immediately.

Northern Lights asked for her address, only to find out that she didn't have a home. She was a wanderer. taking time to rest wherever and whenever she could. Northern Lights was surprised to find out a homeless pony didn't even say a word about money or help from a royal figure. So, since she didn't ask, Northern Lights offered. He offered to give her shelter at the library with Twilight, Spike, Flash, and him. Graciously, she accepted. They got her cleaned up and comfy, and made sure they had everything they need. Usually, it was the job of the Royal Court to help ponies who were struggling, but Northern Lights insisted that "this one was special". And here they were, still together, trading vows in front of many adoring ponies, including the proud ponies that Poppy now called her family.

The two of then stood under a gilded crystal arbor that outlined the doors to the royal chambers.

Twilight was watching the whole scene from a pew set up in the foyer of the royal palace. Flash was sitting next to her, the two of them in spots reserved from a room crowded with ponies. They were both dressed just as formal as Northern Lights. Twilight wore a lavender dress and a necklace with a small amethyst jewel, and her hair was tied up into a bun. Flash wore a suit similar to Northern Lights, but it lacked a corsage, and his mane remained the same.

"He looks so handsome, doesn't he?" Twilight quietly asked her husband.

"Sure does," Flash replied. "They look like us, don't they? When we had our vows?"

Twilight giggled quietly. "Don't take this the wrong way, but I think today's a little better than that."

Flash chuckled. "I see how it is."

Twilight gave him a nudge with her leg. "I said just a little!"

Flash smiled again. "Yeah, I'm just pullin' your leg. Now pipe down, they're starting."

This time, Twilight just smiled.

The chamber doors began to open, and Princess Celestia stepped out. The crowd began to applaud and cheer. The doors swung shut, and Princess Celestia silenced the crowd with a flare of her wings.

"My dear little ponies," she said. "We are gathered here today to lawfully wed two ponies in holy matrimony. In accordance with tradition, they will now be asked to exchange vows." She turned to the mare. "Poppy, do you take Northern lights to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

"Ah do," Poppy said. Her voice had a thick southern accent, and her voice had a hint of humor in it when she was happy.

"Very well." Princess Celestia turned to Northern Lights, and Twilight immediately perked up. "And do you, Northern Lights, take Poppy to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

"I do," Northern Lights said.

"Very well," Princess Celestia said. "Then repeat after me." Northern Lights repeated the vow as each phrase was given to him.

"I, Northern Lights, take Poppy to be my wedded wife. To have and to hold, in sickness and in health, to protect and to love as long as I may live, so help me by my word."

Poppy repeated a similar vow. "Ah, Poppy, take Northern Lights t' be mah wedded husband. T' have and t' hold, in sickness an' in health, t' honor an' t' guide as long as ah may live, so help me by mah word."

"Excellent," Princess Celestia said. "Now, who has the ring?"

A voice rang out from the large open doors at the back of the fowyer.

"I have the ring!"

The voice was loud and deep, as if it had come from a large being. Which, in fact, it did.

In the open doors of the sanctuary stood a dragon. It was walking on all four legs, with a ring that would fit ona normal pony's hoof in one claw. Compared to the dragon, it was like a pebble.

The dragon began to enter the sanctuary, carrying the ring down the center aisle toward the Princess and the couple. He held out the ring to Northern Lights, bowing his head in honor. Northern Lights took the ring in one hoof, and the dragon pulled his claw away, taking a few steps back down the aisle. He took a moment to angle his head down to Twilight in the front row, and she rubbed the dragon's beak with one hoof.

"Hey there, Spike," Twilight whispered. "I'll meet you outside later, okay?" The dragon nodded, and backed out through the door, keeping his head just outside to watch.

"Thank you, Spike," Princess Celestia said. "Now, please present the ring." Poppy held up her hoof for Northern Lights, who took it in his own, placing the ring around her hoof. Northern Lights bowed his head, and smiled.

"For you, my liege," Northern Lights said. Everypony in the room laughed quietly, and Princess Celestia just smiled. Twilight smiled and rolled her eyes in the front row.

"Very good," Princess Celestia said with a smile. "Now, does anyone have an objection for why these two should not be wed?"

"I object!" Twilight gasped as everypony in the room turned around to see a brown pony waving his hoof around, a clever grin on his face. Princess Celestia was about to speak when Northern Lights facehoofed.

"Overruled, Rockslide. Now sit down, you idiot." The brown pony snickered and slumped back into his seat. He leaned in to whisper to Poppy and Princess Celestia. "Sorry, I'll pull his ear or something later."

Poppy giggled quietly, and Princess Celestia just nodded.

"Very well," Princess Celestia said. "Now, if there are no more interruptions, I think we're ready to seal the vows. Northern Lights, please take the hoof of your bride." Poppy held up her hoof with the ring, and Northern Lights took it in his own. "Good. With the power invested in me dearly, I now pronounce you, Poppy and Northern Lights, husband and wife. Northern Lights, you may kiss your bride!"

Princess Celestia took a step back as the married couple leaned in and sealed their vows with a kiss. Twilight was already clapping by the time the rest of the room joined in. Tears streamed down her face, but a smile as plastered on her face like it'd been there forever.

And, ever since she had Northern Lights, it had been there since.


About an hour after the wedding, the reception had begun. There had been an outdoor reception area set up for it. Awnings, tables, and chairs were set up all around. Everypony from the wedding was there, all talking and congratulating the bride and groom.

Everypony except Twilight.

She was nearby, in an open spot, laying in the grass. Next to her was her beloved assistant, Spike.

"It's been too long, Twilight," Spike said.

"It has," Twilight replied. "The family missed you." She paused. "How long did the other dragons say you could be away?"

"I've got until tomorrow night to start flying back. They said they'd give me a day to catch up."

"It'll be great. Norther Lights missed you." Twilight shuffled her legs to readjust herself closer to Spike. "I hope you don't mind, but I asked Northy if he could met us up here so we could have a little time to ourselves. Do you think that's too much?"

Spike smiled. "Not at all."

Twilight returned the smile just as Northern Lights was coming up the hill. Twilight stood up, but Spike didn't. Northern Lights approached Spike first, and Spike reared up to hug him with one large arm.

"I missed you, Uncle Spike," Northern Lights said.

"Missed you more, buddy," Spike replied. Northern Lights smiled, let go of the hug, and turned to Twilight.

"It's good to have the family back together, eh?" he asked his mother.

"It certainly is," Twilight answered. "I know you wouldn't want to see me do this in front of your friends, so I decided to do this here." She suddenly hugged her son, and started to tear up. "I'm just so proud of you, Northy."

Northern Lights smiled, returning the embrace. "Wouldn't have made it this far without you two. And don't worry about my friends. I'll get a leash on 'em or something. Oh, speaking of other ponies, I was thinking." He paused, smiling. "What if I told you that in about a year, you're gonna meet a new pony or two, and they're gonna call you 'grandma'?"

Twilight gasped, and her smile brightened. "Northy, you're gonna-"

"We are," Northern Lights said. "I'll have a couple little ones of my own. Can't be that hard, right? I mean, you did raise me."

Spike chuckled, and Twilight gave his shoulder a gentle nudge with her hoof. "Stop it, Northy. You're just still mad I never let you get a puppy."

"I'm not mad," Northern Lights said, then smiled. "I had Spike, didn't I?"

"Watch it, buddy," Spike said with a smile. "Just because I was fetching for Twilight all my life doesn't make me a puppy."

"How about the time you went through that mirror to get back Twilight's crown and-"

"That was different!" All three of them shared a laugh. As it died down, they spotted Flash and Poppy coming up the hill.

"You ain't ditchin' me yet, are ya?" Poppy asked with a smile.

"Not just yet," Northern Lights said. "You're not getting away from the ol' ball and chain."

"That's my boy!" Flash said, and Twilight shot him an amused warning glance. "What? If you love 'em, you gotta keep a leash on 'em!"

Twilight and Poppy both rolled their eyes. "At least Northy knew when somepony had their eye on them. Took you a whole year for you to figure it out!"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah," Flash said, waving off the comment with one hoof. "I just wanted to see how long I could dangle my looks in front of you."

"Break it up, you two," Spike said with a hint of humor in his voice. "I don't wanna have to break it up again."

"Don't you have some books to pick up, Spike?" Twilight asked.

"You know, this is the first time I wouldn't mind doing that," Spike said. Twilight and Spike both shared one more smile.

"Well, ain't this heartwarmin'?" Poppy said. "Ah hope ah'll be seein' a good deal of y'all."

"Spike's leaving tomorrow," Northern Lights motioned one hoof at at the dragon. "He might stop in for holidays or something."

"So that's 'is name, huh?" Poppy asked. "Spike. Pleasure ta meet ya."

"The pleasure is mine, Poppy," Spike replied. "Northern Lights needs a good pony to keep him in line." Poppy giggled.

"Don' worry. Ah'll keep a tight leash on 'im." The family shared another laugh with their newest member.

"Alright," Flash said. "What's say we get back down there and stop hanging out up here like a bunch of hermits?"

"Hey!" Twilight said. "Just because I spent all my time in the library-"

"Calm down, calm down." Flash put a leg over her shoulders. "If I were Spike, I would've loved to spend the rest of my life in that library. And honestly, I hope I do."

Twilight giggled, giving him a gentle nuzzle. "Good. That library isn't going anywhere."

"And, thank Celestia," Spike started, "Neither are we."

And with that, the family made their way back toward the party to cherich another memory that would last for years to come.

Author's Note:

I know, I know. It's been a while, but I'm finally back! Hope you guys enjoyed this next heartwarming chapter, and I'll be doing my best to get more out soon! Comment appreciated!