• Published 16th Nov 2013
  • 600 Views, 107 Comments

Mr. and Ms. Apple - Whiskey Drops

Well, its good to be back in his own time and now he has fillies to care for but something is a bit different in his life this time.

  • ...

Secret Agents And Their Blow Guns

~~~~~~Secret Agents And Their Blow Guns~~~~

“Hey Jackie.....if your a spy...how much do you know about me?” Lowell asked as he tilted his head.

“Pretty much everything..why?” Applejack said as she just smiled at him.

“ Fine, list off the three things...What is my favorite color......my favorite number and what am I thinking about at this exact moment!” Lowell said as he glared at Applejack with a grin.

“Green, six, and yer thinking about the questions ya just asked.”Applejack said as she smiled at Lowell's face.

“ Your gooooood....”Lowell said as he looked side to side.

Applejack took her black Stetson back from on top of Lowell's head, and placed it back in its place in the wall as it closed. Should I..tell her..that I'm...not her Lowell.. if she gets ticked... I hope its quick... Lowell thought as he closed his eyes.

“Jackie.....I need to tall you something too.”Lowell said as he looked around some.

“I'm....not the...Lowell you knew..” He said as he rubbed his foreleg some.

“Ah know that but that don't change ya one bit sugercube...still just as strange and silly as the stallion ah fell fer.” Applejack said .

“Your not mad?” Lowell said as he tilted his head.

“Nope!” Applejack said as Lowell smiled.

“Do you get code names?” Lowell asked as he smiled.

“We sure a suger do, mine is Honesty.” Applejack said as Lowell threw his hooves up.

“It was sooooo obvious I didn't think about it!” Lowell said as Apple jack placed her hoof on his lips.

“Just where did ya come from though?” Applejack asked as she moved her hoof away.

“ Well, in a simple term I'm from the past.....back from when I just arrived here!......I was -” Lowell told his tale to Applejack of the adventures he went on with the gang in the TARDIS.

“Yer mah stallion alright....ya don't make a lick of sense sugercube!” Applejack said as she chuckled as Lowell hung his head in defeat.

Lowell looked at the tall mirror against the wall.

“Hey Jackie look at this!” Lowell said as he faced to the mirror

Calling H.Q I repeat calling H.Q!” Lowell then chuckled to himself.

The mirror flickered as the image of Celestia came up on the Mirror as a T.V screen, Lowell only stood there and stared. Celestia only tilted her head some as Lowell's eye twitched.

“A-awkward.” Lowell said as Celestia replied.

Why is she wearing an eye patch...only Twilight Sparkle or Nick Fury can pull the look off.. Lowell thought as he just blinked.

“Indeed.....” Celestia said before the mirror went back to normal.

Applejack just stood there with her hoof on her face, as Lowell was sticking his tongue out at the mirror.

“Ah'm really wondering how ah fell fer ya sugercube yer about as random as Pinkie Pie some times.”Applejack as she rolled her eyes.

“ Maybe you should add that I'm a lovable and funny pegasus to the files eh?”Lowell said with a grin.

“Before or after ah'm finished hogtying ya?” Applejack said with a grin.

“Wait...wait wait wait.... how would I know if its..you.....like what if your just gone! You know how some spies have like a body double that takes their place while they are gone!” Lowell said as he poked Applejack.

“Or ah can just leave ya a note saying ah'm visiting somewhere.” Applejack said but there was a knock at the door.

“I'll get it Jackie!” Lowell said as he cantered passed Applejack and opened the door to find Rainbow Dash standing there.

“Hi Rainbow Dash....or Agent Loyalty.” Lowell said with a grin but soon found a dart in his neck and a blow gun in Rainbow Dash's mouth.

“Oh....l-look how many Rainbow Dash's there is Jackie!” Lowell slurred as he fell over knocked out.

“ Rainbow!.......He knows about us....please tell meh ya only knocked him out and not poisoned...” Applejack said as she face hoofed.

“Well, if some pony would updated me on this I might haven't knocked out your stallionfriend!” Rainbow Dash said as she rolled her eyes and dragged Lowell in and closed the door.

The two mares were talking down stairs as Lowell woke up in their bed, That...sucked... ninja' darted by Rainbow Dash....harsh.. Lowell thought as he slowly started to cantered down stairs half way down he stopped and looked at the mares both with blow guns pointed at him. Buck me... Lowell thought before he was darted twice.

“R-revenge....u.h...w-w-w..will be mine!” Lowell said as he then yawned and just fell over knocked out again.

“Ah hate doin that to him but he can't hear any of this...ah don't want him or the foals at risk..” Applejack said as the mares cantered to Lowell and carried him to the couch.

“Then why did you fall in love with him?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“Honestly.....he makes meh laugh...and he may be a strange stallion but he is really sweet.” Applejack said as she smiled softly at the sleeping stallion.

“ Sappy stuff...” Rainbow Dash said with a grin.

“What of yer novels? Oh Daring Do...yer the only pegasus that could ruffle mah feathers anytime!” Applejack chuckled as Rainbow blushed and turned away.

“Why is..... the mayo moving?” Lowell muttered as he slept.

“....That's......mah stallion...right there..” Applejack said as she rolled her eyes.

“ Well, the others should be here pretty soon.” Rainbow Dash said.

As if on cue the rest of their friends all came in and took a place in the living room as Twilight looked at Lowell.

“Knock out darts...don't ask.” Rainbow said.

After about an hour Lowell was slowly starting to wake up, he groggily rubbed his eyes as he just saw six blow darts pointed at him.

“Nu...n.no more!...I...I'll..go upstairs....nu..”Lowell said as he slowly got up and cantered off up stairs he safely made it to their bedroom before flopping on the floor.

Lowell crawled onto the bed and constructed himself a pillow fort, I know they are plotting! Just waiting to come in that door with their fricking blow guns! Lowell thought as he yawned again and blinked a few times. The door slowly started to open as Lowell then pounced at the mare cantering in,

“Sneak attack!!” Lowell yelled but his front hooves were grabbed as he was flipped onto his back and the mare then stood ontop of him leaning down face to face with him.

“Yer a little sleepy to do any wrasslin sugercube.” Applejack said with a grin as Lowell blushed.

Applejack leaned down and kissed him on the lips as he closed his eyes. I...life isn't all that bad....take a TARDIS....fight alien spiders. A few Diamond Dogs and a dragon to get the mare. Lowell thought as he blushed as they kissed.

“That.....was awesome...” Lowell said quietly as he nuzzled her nose as she just chuckled.

“Love you Jackie” Lowell said as he smiled at her.

“Ah love ya too sugercube.” Applejack said as they both got up.

“Daddy we are home!”Golden Rays called out as Lowell looked at Applejack and smiled.

“How about we make our little fillies something, though mind teaching a stallion a few things?”Lowell said as the both cantered down stairs to meet the fillies.

Paint Drops was sitting at the table with a paper she done with some paint while Golden Rays was smiling at her younger sister.

“How was your day at school you two?” Lowell asked as he and Applejack cantered down stairs.

“It was fun!” Golden Rays said with a smile.

“Now where in the hay is Applebloom this time?” Applejack said as she then peeked outside.

“She is probably with her friends...you know how those three are.” Lowell said with a smile as Applejack just smiled and rolled her eyes.

“Ah sure do know how they are..” Applejack chuckled.

Applejack started on making some apple fritters as Lowell watched, the fillies smiled at them then giggled to each other. Great... now I'm sort of acting Click did when he is with Ditzy...heh. Lowell thought to himself with a blush.

The four ponies all sat down and started to eat the fritters, Applejack smiled at the fillies as they giggled as Lowell who was trying to lick a bit of it off of his nose.

“Ah... I got it! Yea! Knew I could. “ Lowell said as he grinned.

Life is strange for me...but awesome.....got Golden Rays and Paint Drops.. and now...I'm dating a secret spy pony.........theres bound to be trouble inbound......come what may....I feel sorry for those who face Applejack. Lowell thought as he smiled at the other three.

Author's Note:

Second in I'm keeping most in the dark >w>
even myself!....

darn me....
the mane six Agents......been thinking about adding Agent Muffin in :3