• Published 16th Nov 2013
  • 601 Views, 107 Comments

Mr. and Ms. Apple - Whiskey Drops

Well, its good to be back in his own time and now he has fillies to care for but something is a bit different in his life this time.

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I Gotta Ask

~~~~~I Gotta Ask~~~~

Half a month later Lowell was finally approved to take missions if Applejack was on a mission, stuck in an apartment some where in Manehatten doing some sort of stake out not exciting but a pony has to start somewhere. The mission was to observe or in Lowell's case simple to say, just watch and see what they do any bad guy like activities. I'm going to ask her! I have too..Lowell thought as he was watching out the window some.

“Not a darn thing......wonder if this .well isn't ones we are after, maybe I'll get to meet this Iron Hoof feller?”Lowell said to himself as he looked out with the binoculars.

“Anything sugercube?” Applejack asked as she cantered up to him and smiled at him softly as he shook is head.

“Not a thing Jackie....hey...I gotta ask...something really important..”Lowell said as he blushed a bit looking at Applejack.

“Can't it wait? Things like this tend to be interrupted sugercube.” Applejack said as she kissed him on the cheek.

“Y-yea.....it can wait...”Lowell said as he sighed lost his nerve to ask.

“Ah'll take yer shift sugercube...get some rest.” Applejack said softly as Lowell slowly cantered out.

Nice.....just nice Lowell....way to freeze up...she does have a point...something could have came up...if I asked.. Lowell thought as he laid on the couch and sighed again.

“I'll get to ask...just gotta wait...I'll ask.....biggest kind of question I'll ever ask. Jackie is right though I need some sleep” Lowell whispered to himself as he closed his eyes.

A couple of hours went by as Applejack came from the room and looked at Lowell who was asleep, she just chuckled and sat down in front of the couch smiling at the pegasus. Ah wonder what it was he wanted to ask.. Applejack thought as she lightly brushed his mane with her hoof.

“Better get goin....done our job here, they weren't the ones we were after anyway.”Applejack said to herself as she got Lowell onto her back.

Applejack managed to get Lowell and their things to the train as she left him in their cart while she went to go do something. Lowell slowly woke up in the train that was heading back to Ponyville, he sat there and watched the train move along the land. He did really need to ask Applejack something quite important though he could wait, he could ask her next time he saw Applejack. Speaking of the mare she cantered in and looked at Lowell with a smile as he smiled back at her, Now is my chance to ask. Lowell thought as he perked up.

“Jackie....I wanted to ask--” Lowell was stopped by a knock on the train window, they both look to find Rainbow Dash waving at them as she was flying by the train.

“N-never mind..”Lowell said with a sigh again losing his nerve.

“Hey AJ wanna hang out today?” Rainbow Dash asked though the window as Applejack nodded.

“Sure ya can get back and file the report fer me sugercube?” Applejack asked with a smile that made Lowell relax.

“N-no probs!..I'll get it done Jackie..”Lowell asked with a soft smile.

Flailing butt monkeys! This is a hard thing to just say the four words. Lowell thought as the two got off the train, AJ and RD went their own way as Lowell slowly and secretly made it back into the ESPS headquarters. Lowell tried asking as she came back from hanging out, but he was stopped by Pinkie pie needing him as a sparring buddy, or in his case he felt like a boxing bag. Then there was all the files he had to hike all around the ESPS base, along with giving Daring Do a detailed report on the stake out. Never did his chance come to ask the one thing he wanted to ask Applejack. Most of the day was hectic for Lowell was plenty patient, but this was sort of pressing it.

“I.....gotta ask her... its almost night....time...”Lowell said deadpanned to him self.

“I need to talk over every pony....else.....ah ha!”Lowell said as he had an idea.

Lowell cantered up to a console and looked around on it, Uh lets see..files...no...alarms...nope.....system rebooting trails...nah...a muffin button?.....interesting but no ah ha! he perked up as he found the button he was looking for which was the intercom one, there was a bit of feed back which got every ponies attention.

“Right..... Applejack....Jackie..... I've been trying to say four words to you all day....and here they are. Would you make me the--.” Lowell said into the microphone.

Just as Lowell was about to say it a thunder boom from the sudden and small storm outside was heard which knocked out the coms for a second plus no pony heard him. Fricking....wha....just....WHY!!! why is it soooo bucking hard! Lowell glared at the console some before he hung his head.

Daring was watching Lowell as she shook her head and cantered over to him.

“Kid....these things aren't toys....your lucky you didn't break them or get yourself hurt, now off with you kid and double check the filed reports in the tested section.”Daring Do said as Lowell did a slow salute and nod before cantering off.

An hour later Applejack and Lowell were cantering back to Sweet Apple Acres, No if, ands, or buts! I'm asking! Lowell though as he looked to Applejack

“Jackie.....what I've been trying to ask you all day is-” Before he could ask his tail was gripped by an aura of purple magic as Twilight Sparkle held him in place.

“Where are you going Lowell? You have more lessons to do with me mister!” Twilight said as she was dragging Lowell away as Applejack waved them off.

“Don't be late fer dinner! Ya hear me!?” Applejack yelled out to him as she chuckled and cantered on home.

“But but but!” Lowell protested as he was being dragged off.

Buck buck buck buck! Why why why oh Celestia why! Lowell thought as he was then lifted in the air and taken away.

Over at Twilight's place Lowell was sitting on a stool sitting straight up keeping his balance, Of all times...for this kind of training...it had to be now.....man. Lowell thought as he watched Twilight.

“Now remember Lowell, this won't only test your mental reaction skill's but as well as your balance!”Twilight said as she was reading from some of her notes.

“Ya think?? Balance is a check!”Lowell said a bit sarcastic as Lowell was bapped with a book as he wobbled a bit.

Fine, no sarcastic lines to Twilight that equals a book. Lowell thought as he closed his eyes and relaxed.

Now your learning Lowell, behave or get a book. Is what Lowell heard in his head which sounded a lot like Twilight as he looked at Twilight.

“Whoa whoa whoa....outta my head please! I may understand weird things but one thing at a time please!”Lowell said as he whimpered a bit.

Two hours gone by till Lowell was free from Twilight's mental training and challenges. I just wanna go..home and ask her....that's all I'm asking for,,,,,Lowell thought to himself as he had his head hanging low.

Lowell bumped into some pony as he looked up and spotted Applejack who was looking at him a bit worried as he took a step back with a bit of a blush.

“Ya okay sugercube? Ya seem a bit........well yer not quite yerself.” Applejack asked as she kissed him on the cheek as he looked up to her.

“A-all day...I've been trying to ask you something Jackie...but something always came up..”Lowell said a bit disheartened.

“Ah'm here right now . And is this the same question from our mission?” Applejack said as Lowell nodded.

“Jackie, would you....” Lowell stopped and looked around then back to Applejack.

Something started to beep as Lowell looked at his braclets, as he held up his hoof with a bit of a glare as a holo graphic image of Daring Do. In all the world of all the darn time..oh......I forgot....the files....maaaaaaan.. Lowell thought as he sighed before Applejack just shook her head.

“Go on sugercube...ask me what ya wanted to ask.” Applejack said as she smiled.

“Would you marry me?” Lowell said as he smiled lightly as he took a silver necklace with a golden ring on it offering it to her.

“......” Applejack stood there and stared as Lowell's ears fell back some.

Buuuuuck....all day of wanting to ask...and now...she might say no???Lowell thought as he slowly took a step back some, Applejack noticed as she snapped out of it as she quickly smiled.

“Y-yes.....ah will!” Applejack said as she wrapped her forelegs around his neck as he hugged her in return and slipped the necklace around her neck

“I'm glad! I was worried f-for a moment.”Lowell said as he smiled at the mare.

“So now..we got our selves a wedding to plan fer ourselves!” Applejack said.

Lowell's eyes just widen, If just asking was this much trouble......by the two princesses.....the planning better go smooth, but it won't I know my kind of luck.....BRING IT ON! Lowell thought as he just leaned in and kissed the mare on the lips.

“Heh....if it took this much just to ask you....your worth it Jackie that much I know for darn sure!” Lowell said as he smiled at her as she returned the smile.

Author's Note:

Eh......I asked......took all day! I'm working on the second chapter for Silent Quill taking my time with it cause planning and jazz.....and as well as the next chapter with Click....BOOM!.....and I'm working on the next chapter after this one... rawr