• Published 16th Nov 2013
  • 600 Views, 107 Comments

Mr. and Ms. Apple - Whiskey Drops

Well, its good to be back in his own time and now he has fillies to care for but something is a bit different in his life this time.

  • ...

The Romance And Ninjas, Wait What

~~~~~The Romance And Ninjas Wait What~~~~~

A couple of days later Lowell planned a bit of a surprise for Applejack since it was going to be just the two of them while Golden Rays, Paint Drops, and Applebloom were spending a couple of weeks over at Granny Smith's new place. Lowell had set up a bit of a romantic setting with some roses in the middle of the table, along side with some apple pie and a barrel of cider.

“She may be a spy....but she has no idea this is coming up!”Lowell said as he then turned out the lights and hid around the corner.

Applejack slowly opened the door before saying seeming a bit worn out.

“Sugercube ah'm home!”Applejack said she looked around before turning on the lights.

Lowell jumped out and was about to yell surprise before but Applejack reacted on instincts and quickly bucked him, Lowell flew back some and landed onto his back as his eyes were spinning around.

“Lowell! Ah'm so sorry!” Applejack said as she rushed to his side.

“....Now there's...three....no five pretty Applejack's!” Lowell said as he was slowly recovering Applejack just sighed and helped him up.

“At least yer not hurt sugercube.”Apple jack said relieved

Lowell shook his head some as Applejack looked around just now noticing the romantic like set up she then looked to Lowell.

“Whats all this fer sugercube?” Applejack asked as she started to blush a bit.

“Well, just....you.....me....a nice night with my marefriend..”Lowell said as he just smiled to Applejack who was blushing a bit deeper.

“I do see a blush upon the fair country mare's cheeks do I not?” Lowell said as he grinned.

“Oh hush!” Applejack said as she leaned in and kissed him on the lips as he in turn returned the kiss.

Applejack pulled away some as she looked into his eyes as he just smiled at her, they both gently rubbed noses as Lowell closed his eyes with a smile.

“I'm a lucky fella.” Lowell said with a blush as she chuckled.

“So ya planned out a whole night fer us?” Applejack said as she grinned.

“Nope, just some of it.” Lowell said as he puffed his chest as Applejack just rolled her eyes.

“Ah swear what am ah goin do with ya sugercube.” applejack chuckled.

“Love me, hug me, oh and say I'm pretty!”Lowell said jokingly as she sat there chuckling at his random antic.

A knock at the door as Lowell went to answer it, Who in the hay is here around night, how its one of her friends and not something random. Lowell thought as he opened the door to find a pony standing there dressed like a ninja standing there. Curse you randomness I ask for something and you give me a ninja. Lowell thought before he said.

“.......Dude....I faced alien spiders, a dragon...and my marefriend is a spy...soooo.....yea...later dude.”Lowell said deadpanned as he closed the door but was stopped by the ninja.

“I'm looking for Applejack, is she home?” The pony asked.

“Uh, nope sorry she is gone for the moment please leave a message at the sound of a door closing!.....”Lowell said with a smile as the ninja seemed to glare at him.

“Give her up fool!” The pony demanded as Lowell tilted his head.

“Boy, ah wouldn't give her up nor any friend of mine so take yer ninja wearing flank off this farm!” Lowell said in a country like accent.

The ninja pulled out a nightstick of some kind and started twirling you know all that cool ninja move stuff, Lowell backed away some as the ninja took a step forward this gave Lowell an idea.

“Whats that mister door? Close you..but what about the ninja? Oh, he will move okay!” Lowell said as he then slammed the door into the ninja's face.

“Aww, you lied mister door!” Lowell said as he chuckled Applejack trotted over to check out what was going on.

“What in the hay are ya doing over here?” Applejack said as she looked at Lowell then the crack on the door.

“I...defeated a ninja Jackie!” Lowell said as he puffed his chest.

“Was the ninja wearing black outfit with a golden band?” Applejack asked as he nodded.

“Bad guy?”Lowell asked as Applejack nodded.

Aw yea! Kickin flank and taking apples...and I'm all out of apples....wait...that don't work.. I'm on an apple farm......I need a catch phrase. Lowell thought to himself as he watched Applejack drag the ninja in, tying him up in a chair. As they both sat at the table with the ninja tied up.

“Want a slice of apple pie sugercube?” Applejack said as she offered a plate as Lowell took it.

“Arigato Applejack!” Lowell said with a smile as Applejack tilted her head.

“Uh...i-it means thank you....heh” Lowell said as he blushed a bit.

“The world ya must be from sugercube must be strange.”Applejack said with a smile.

“Normal too me....but...I prefer it here...for a couple of reasons.” Lowell said as he just smiled.

“One...well you....and the fillies...”Lowell chuckled a bit as Applejack just leaned over and nuzzled his cheek.

“Yer mighty sweet sugercube”Applejack chuckled as she started to get the mugs for the cider.

“At least the fillies were gone before this ninja came “ Lowell said with a smile as Applejack nodded.

“Ya been learning Lowell, the apple pie is very good.” Applejack said with a smile as Lowell blushed a bit.

“I...did learn from the best...heh”Lowell said with a grin.

“So what's with the ninjas?.....got like an arch nemesis ?” Lowell asked as he finished off his slice.

“The ESPS has made quite a few enemies, this one worked fer The Iron Hoof” Applejack said as she looked at Lowell who tilted his head.

“Sort of a.....well......a name..” Lowell said with a chuckle.

“None of this is scaring ya off sugercube?” Applejack asked as Lowell shook his head.

“I'm full of surprises! Even too myself!”Lowell said as Applejack just chuckled.

The two ponies ate and sipped on their cider till Lowell started to blush. Not drinking super often tends to make one not so tolerant to certain drinks.

“I'm lucky fella.... I'm in a super cool world.....with....my favorite marefriend!...”Lowell said as he leaned left and right with a silly smile on his face.

Applejack just smiled at the already drunk pegasus, I'm already drunk??......huh pegasi really are....uh....Applejack looks pretty! Lowell thought as he chuckled to himself.

Lowell went to take a drink of his cider but found it empty as he held the mug up side down.

“Aww,,,,,mister mug ran out of cider!” Lowell whined a bit.

“Yer about as bad as Rainbow Dash when it comes to cider sugercube.” Applejack said as she refilled his mug and dropped something into his mug while he wasn't looking, Lowell quickly drank the second mug..

“I..likes cider so much!.. Wait.....are we keeping the ninja as a pet!....I wanna name him though!....Frankie!” Lowell soon passed out face first down onto the table.

Applejack rolled her eyes as she got him onto her back and carried him up to their bedroom.

“Good night Lowell ah love ya, ya strange pegasus.” Applejack said as she kissed the side of his head.

The morning slowly came as Lowell climbed out of bed rubbing the side of his head, he slowly climbed out of bed as he slowly cantered down stairs and stopped. The first floor was filled with knocked out ninjas and some destroyed furniture.

“Something....is different...” Lowell said as he picked up Applejack's stetson and placed it on.

“Where...oh no!” Lowell said as he galloped to the front door only to run into Applejack along the way as they both fell over with Lowell on top.

“O-oh.”Lowell said as he blushed being face to face with the mare.

“About time ya got up sugercube!” Applejack said she then spotted her hat on top of his head.

“I would asked what happened but I'm assuming I can think on what happened”Lowell said as he got off Applejack and helped her up.

“I can't believe I slept though all this!”Lowell said as he looked around

“oh, about that sugercube....ah drugged ya...mighty sorry... ah knew they were coming so ah had you away from harm.” Applejack said as she looked down some.

“Its okay Jackie... I appreciate you looking out for me but I can help you know.” Lowell said as he looked at her.

Lowell smiled as he placed the hat back onto Applejack's head.

“Perfect...the only mare to don the stetson!” Lowell said with a grin as Applejack gave him a playful punch on the foreleg..

“Is this kind of normal?” Lowell asked he poked a ninja.

“... Not really....we must have done something last mission to grab the fella's attention.”Applejack said as she looked around.

“....Do I get any cool spy gadgets?” Lowell asked with a smile.

“ I would prefer keepin ya and the foals outta this...” Applejack said as she shook her head.

“That is just it Applejack...what if your not here....and some pony else comes? I can fight but not like you can, I know your worried for us Applejack..but I worry about you and the foals..” Lowell said as he sighed a bit as Applejack looked away some before looking back with a smile.

“Maybe... ah can...get ya some training?” Applejack said as Lowell looked at her.

They went to work on slowly cleaning the place as some ESPS agents came by to be rid of the ninjas, its safe to say life ain't the same anymore. Later that day Lowell and Applejack went towards a tree in the orchard.

“Whats with this tree...”Lowell asked as he tilted his head looking at the tree.

“Ya'll see sugercube” Applejack said as she grinned before putting her hoof on the tree.

The tree seemed to be on a platform as it rose from the ground showing a elevator , Lowell only tilted his head.

“Huh...should have seen that coming..”Lowell said as they enter the elevator.

Lowell looked over at Applejack and smiled as she smiled in return. What should I expect? I mean sure its a secret pony spy base thing! So cool! Lowell thought as the doors slowly started to open.

Author's Note:

Fu Fu Fu bit of a cliff hanger

I'm going to be a spy
...maybe....gonna need a montage!

but nah I'll work on the next bit!