• Published 17th Nov 2013
  • 3,596 Views, 78 Comments

What Came Before - Lynwood

Memories of the apocalypse. Power unfathomable. Unseen controllers. History hidden. Fallen tyrants. Vengeful gods. War. Everything is at stake.

  • ...


Twilight was floating through an endless void. The void streamed a streaked with colors, ranging from grays to whites, to black. Soon, the colors began to take form, twisting and fitting into the walls of the void. A room began to take shape, with colors streaming into place. The area grew more and more defined, until a clearly recognizable hospital room formed. The walls were plastered with drawings, ranging from childish scribbles to detailed landscapes. However, the whole room was sort of blurry and hard to make out. Twilight wondered why this memory felt different.

"It's because you're not in my body." Twilight whirled around, then realized that she could move around. She couldn't when she was watching the other Orbs. Why could she now?

"Before you were doing it wrong." Twilight jumped again, then turned to face where the voice was coming from. A little ways away, near a small plain chair, stood Cee. She spoke, but without her lips moving. Twilight's ears heard nothing, the sound bounced around in her head. "I assume that before you were looking through my eyes?" Cee cocked an eyebrow. Twilight nodded yes.

"Well this is how they were supposed to be watched. Now then. You are a ghost, sort of. This is also my memory. Everything is blurry because I knew it was here, but I wasn't actively observing it. It should come into focus soon." Twilight tried to respond, but she found she couldn't speak. She began to panic, then remembered how she had communicated before. She focused on a thought.

"Why would it come into focus?"

"Because I am about to enter the room." Twilight's face lit up when Cee replied to her question. She had done it right!

Right on cue, the door to the room swung open and a much younger, teenage Cee entered. A brown stallion who looked disturbingly like Bay followed behind her.

"Oh come on! You never do anything fun! Just ask him!" He whined.

"I've got work, Beta! Now scram! This paper's due to Wednesday." She stated, scrunching her muzzle. Bay frowned.

"C'mon! Cee, It's Sunday! We've got plenty of time! You can work on that later." She replied with a haughty "No" He stuck out his upper lip and opened his eyes wide, somehow making them water.

"Aww! Come on! Starcatcher just came out and it looks amazing! Just ask dad for money! I'm sure he'll give it to you!" Beta smiled. "You always were the favorite!" Cee laughed at this, breaking her serious façade.

"Was not!" The two shared a laugh, but Twilight didn't find it all that funny. Maybe it was an inside joke? She turned to the older Cee to begin to ask for an explanation, but when she did she found Cee was crying. Twilight looked back at the duo hastily. She would blush in embarrassment if she could.

"Oh, alright. Let's go." The pair walked out of what was assumedly Cee's room. Twilight followed them. They walked down the hall, engaging in small talk. They spoke of their weekend, what they had eaten, and other trivial things. The hallway was empty, and their voices echoed around the place. After about fifteen minutes of trotting, the pair turned into a room. Twilight noticed that neither of the teenagers had cutie marks.

The room they had entered was dark, except for a glow around a corner. Echoes of voices wafted in from where the bluish light was coming from. Cee and Beta strolled right in, they seemed comfortable here.

Twilight followed them around the corner, which let into a bigger room, which contained a couch and strange panel on the wall that glowed with pictures. Twilight thought that it must've been a magical color wavelength projection spell, but it didn't seem like one at all. The foals walked behind the couch and rising up on their rear legs to rest their forelegs on it. Twilight noticed there was a figure on the piece of furniture, and she traveled closer to the couch. She would've walked, but her strange avatar in the memory sort of... glided to it. She saw a walker but didn't recognize him. Cee spoke up.

"Daddy can we have-" but she was quickly and rudely shushed by the walker. When he spoke, Twilight recognized his voice from the first two memory orbs.

"Not now sweetie." Was all he said. His attention seemed focused on the picture panel. Twilight looked at it. Currently, it had an image of a walker in a fancy suit who was talking about some sort of... situation.

"-getting reports of rioting in most southern cities, New Orleans, and Jacksonville are reporting over 60,000 dead each, almost two million people have lost their lives in the last two weeks. The riots are quickly spreading east, the government is advising people to prepare for the worst." Twilight was horrified. Two million people in two weeks? That was three-fourths of the casualties in the biggest war Equestria had ever been in! What were these walkers fighting?

"The United States has not been the only country getting these riots. The ERE had been organizing revolts all around the world, mostly in Europe and Canada. The U.S. has by far seen the worst of it, with 20% more deaths on both sides. There's also murmurs of Griffon revolts in Russia, but that's still unclear."

The National Guard is being swamped with duties and services, so President Egan is considering using Army forces to make an offensive against the ponies, and to begin evacuating Cities. More on this later."

Tonight at ten: Are we at civil war? Senator Wilk-" The panel shut off abruptly, and the room filled with light. Cee's father stood and turned towards the two ponies. His hair was a mess, and he was unshaven. His shirt reeked of grime and sweat, and his eyes were stained red. There were tears on his face.

"S-sorry, you two. I really am." He gave a weak smile. "Now, what can I help you with?"

"D-daddy?" Cee replied. "What were you watching?" Her father bent down and looked her in the eye.

"I'm sorry, but it doesn't concern you. Don't worry. It'll all turn out all right."

Author's Note:

Hooo-Boy! More of the past revealed!
A hint of the general idea of what happened to the humans, but it was obvious anyway.
Anyway, constructive criticism and comments are welcome. If you don't like this story, tell my why! just not too harshly, please.
Leave a like and stick it on a bookshelf, if you're feelin' it! This story almost has 100 likes! that's a lot for me!
Enjoy and have a good one, folks!
