• Published 17th Nov 2013
  • 3,596 Views, 78 Comments

What Came Before - Lynwood

Memories of the apocalypse. Power unfathomable. Unseen controllers. History hidden. Fallen tyrants. Vengeful gods. War. Everything is at stake.

  • ...


Author's Note:


It's finally done!

sorry for making whoever still cares about this story wait so long.

As always, constroctive criticism, and not too harsh.


The secret door, built into the underground walls of the Orb room slid open at the command of a purple hoof. Twilight Sparkle paused, and then trotted straight over to where Cee's Orbs were. There they sat, waiting, having been forgotten for an unthinkable amount of time. These had been here since before Celestia was born.

Twilight had marked her place in the row of cold felling Orbs, and now she studied the next one. The label was so heavily covered with dust, when she wiped it off, Twilight felt a disturbing wetness. She looked at the label.

"The Eldest: Beginnings, -Unknown- BCB. Donated by ////////"

The last part of the label had been scratched out, which sent Twilight's curiosity through the roof. The Orb looked so tempting, with its white and grey colors, and a small amount of black. She licked her lips, and cast the spell.


The recorder of the memory walked down the halls of what Twilight now knew was the Rainbow Corporation. They stopped at a smooth white door, with the letters C: 13 stamped on a metal plate attached to the door. Twilight’s "host" reached out with a brown hoof to open the door, which was unnaturally tall. It wasn't as tall as when Cee was a filly, though.

Wait, a brown hoof?

The brown pony nudged the door open, to reveal a familiar room, only now it had drawings plastered all over its walls. They were actually quite detailed. The host pony was just tall enough to see over the edge of the bed occupying the room.

"Hey, Cee."

The pony spoke in a voice she recognized as Beta's, but now it was noticeably deeper. Beta looked at the pony lying in bed, a soft grey filly with a ruffled white and grey mane. Her eyes were startlingly green. She must have been nearly an adult, for she was showing signs Twilight recognized as equestrian puberty.

"Hey." The one word answer spoke volumes. Cee was depressed, from the tone of her voice. It sounded like she had just... given up on life.

"Cee you have got to get out more! It’s been, like, six mon-"

"Don't. Remind me."

"Okay, I won't, but can I at least talk to you? I haven't seen you in a week. You're my sister, for god's sake!" Hmm. "god"? Twilight wondered which one. Tirek? Sachiron? Forerunner?


"C'mon, sis."

"Ffffine." Bay trotted over to the bed and climbed up.

"I like what you've done with the place. The drawings are really good, considering you don't have hands."


"That was a compliment, y'know."

"I'm aware."

"Well, someone's chipper today." Cee grinned a little, and quickly hid it.

"Shut up."

'Whatever. Anyway, did you hear?"

"About what?"

"Dad and the others are going to make a "new" type of equine. They're gonna grow and mature about twice as fast as we do."

"Wow, really? What for?"

"I wasn't paying attention when dad told me. Somethin' about assimilation into society? I dunno."

"Talk about weird."

"Yeah." They sat in silence.

"I'm training to become a doctor."

"Really?" Cee looked astonished.

"Yeah. Training starts tomorrow. I have to go to another facility." He paused. "I came to say goodbye."

"What? How long are you gonna be there? You can't leave!"

"Four months. I'm sorry, Cee." He jumped down from the bed. "I gotta go. Please tell me you'll draw more, and leave this room. I'm gonna send in Eiy to keep you company." He paused again. "G-goodbye, Cee."

"No! Beta!" He was already out the door. Outside, a rust-red earth pony stood.

"Go on in, Eiy."

"Okay, Beta. Goodbye."

"Goodbye." Twilight felt a tugging. It started to get harder and harder, until a sensory swirl was forced into the vision. First she was seeing the grey and white hallways of the Rainbow Corp. and then...


She was staring straight into the eyes of Princess Luna.

"Good, you're conscious. Listen, Twilight I-"

"Princess Luna!" Twilight hurried to bow, her blush at being discovered raging. "How did you know I was in here?"

"I figured you found this room."

"Oh! So you and Celestia know!"

"No, Twilight, just me." You and I are the only ponies who know of this room."

"Wait, Celestia doesn't know? Why don't you tell her?"

"Celestia is, well, not exactly the same pony she is for the public."

"What? What do you mean?"

"Something is wrong with her, Twilight. She's different than she was one thousand years ago. I fear the worst. If she found out the technology in these Orbs existed, she would deplete every Equestrian resource trying to find or recreate them. I believe the legends got to her. She believes herself to be a true goddess."


"Twilight, I woke you up for a reason." She levitated out a smooth blue bag with her cutie mark on it. She quickly walked down the remaining Orbs, choosing a few. When Luna finished, she handed the bag to Twilight.

"Listen to me, Twilight. This is an emergency. The most important Orbs are in this bag. Do not let my sister know."

"Y-yes, princess. W-whats the emergency?" With a flash, Twilight found herself at the edge of the balcony, looking out into the evening sky.

Ponyville was burning.

"Twilight. An extremely powerful being has emerged from the dark shadows of the past. She is a legend, Twilight. Have you ever heard of De'elt'a?" Twilight gasped.

"You can't possibly mean-"

"I can. Twilight, you must discover why she is here, and use the elements to stop her. And we have to be careful, Twilight. De'elt'a is more powerful than either my sister or I have ever seen."


"She has the power of the Ancients. She knows of the Codex."

"She knows the magic of the Ancients? That must mean... She's an Immortal, isn't she?"

"Not just an immortal. De'elt'a is the first Alicorn."


"Rainbow Dash!" Applejack was standing above where they thought Bay's Machine-creature was. Sweat poured down her brow, from sprinting here and worrying for Rainbow and Scootaloo, who had both been taken from them by the evil and twisted Bay.

"Rainbow Dash! Can yah hear me?"

She pounded the ground with her strong hooves.

"Scootaloo?" She yelled. A light voice came from behind her.

"Um, hello? Can you tell me what's going on?" Applejack turned around to face the voice and its owner, an aquamarine pegasus mare with a green mane and deep brown eyes. The eyes. The eyes scared the farm pony, in a way she never had been.

"We're, uh, lookin' fer that no-good son of a seagull Bay. He stole Scootaloo, an' Rainbow Dash." The mare suddenly gained a stone cold look, a disturbing contrast to the soft smile she had had.

"Can you say that name again?"

"Uh, Rainbow Dash?" Applejack nervously replied.

"The first name." When she spoke the word 'first', it sounded like her voice almost... separated.

"B-bay?" Stuttered Applejack meekly.

"YOU'RE TRYING TO HURT HIM? The mare spoke with an impossibly loud voice. It sounded like many voices, all filled with anger.

"HOW DARE YOU!" She reared up, and when she did, her body tripled in size. She grew a large horn, and her eyes turned to a glowing white. She stomped on the ground, sending shock waves through Ponyville. Applejack gave a wordless yell and ran.

What to do, what do? She thought as she ran, behind her, the alicorn raged, sending tremors through the ground, Applejack saw a house collapse, and another catch fire.

"COME OUT, ORANGE ONE! TELL ME WHERE HE IS!" The yell echoed through the night sky, so loud Canterlot could probably hear it. Applejack ran behind a house to catch her breath.

COME OUT! Applejack clapped her hooves over her ears, but the voice was in her head. It started searching through her mind; causing Applejack to shut her eyes, roll around on the ground, and scream.

Fine then, don't. The voice said, in a much calmer, menacing tone. I'll just destroy this pathetic excuse of a tow-

Suddenly, the voice was pushed from her mind, and Applejack was given a calm quiet. She slowly cracked open her eyes to face the pure white pony looking back at her.

"Rise, Applejack." She quickly obliged, stuttering as she did so.

"P-princess Celestia! Thank Celestia yer here!" She than blushed, realizing what she said.

"It is alright, my little pony. But we must make haste, and find the elements. Twilight and Luna will be here shortly. All of us must be present to even hope to defeat her."

"Who is that, Princess?"

"Her name is De'elt'a. She is from a time long passed, since before the ancients." Applejack's gained a look of horror.

"But, ah..." She trailed off. "Wah is she here?"

"I am not sure, Applejack. We must find the other elements."

"That's the thing, princess. Rainbow was taken bah a stallion named Bay. We can't get tuh her, yer highness. She got trapped in an underground thingamajigger." She blushed again. "Sorry."

"Well, then, Applejack, we must find the others."

"Ah think Rarity went to the Boutique to watch Sweetie, Fluttershah went home, and Pinkie Pie... went off somewhere."

"I'm right here, silly!" Pinkie popped up from behind Celestia, startling her and Applejack.

"Well then, it looks like we only have to find Rarity and Fluttershy."

"Let’s go to the Boutique, princess. It's closer!" Pinkie Pie bubbled. A large flash of light shone, and Twilight and Luna stood in a bare patch of ground.

"Princess! I'm so glad you're alright! Luna told me what happened!" Twilight ran to Celestia and nuzzled her.

"And AJ! Pinkie! I'm glad you're okay!" She trotted over and hugged them. "Where are the others?"

"Rarity's at the Boutique, Fluttershy is with all ah her animals and Rainbow..." Applejack trailed off. "We aren't sure where she is."

"Oh no! That's horrible! What happened?"

"She got taken along with Scootaloo by a stallion named Bay!" Pinkie exclaimed. "He was a real meanie pants." She frowned. Her hair started to deflate. "And if he touches a hair on her head..."

"Its fine, Pinkie. I'm sure she's okay."

"He punched her in the gut with a hoof going fast enough to create a sonic rainboom. Twilight's ears dropped to her head.

"Well, let’s get Fluttershy and Rarity, first. It will be easier to find her with everyone here."

'We should split up." Said Pinkie, “Then we can meet back here!"

"Good idea, Pinkie.” replied Twilight. "I'll go get Fluttershy. Who wants to come with me?"

"Ah'll go." Applejack raised her hoof.

"As will I." Luna stepped forward.

"Pinkie Pie and I shall retrieve Rarity." Commented Celestia.

"Ooo! Ooo! I get to travel with the princess!" Said Pinkie, lightening the mood a little.

"Alright, everypony. Let’s go!" Exclaimed the violet unicorn.


Ten minutes later, everyone stood around the spot Dash and Scootaloo had last been seen. The hole in the ground was prominent.

"And when it moves, it shifts the dirt around it so it doesn't leave tunnels!" Applejack said. Twilight rubbed her chin.

"Hmm, a machine that travels underground quickly and leaves no magical resonance... By all means this should be impossible!

There’s nothing that could power something like that that didn't use magic!" Luna and Celestia looked at each other nervously


"Twilight, we can't find Rainbow. Maybe..." Applejack trailed off. "Maybe you should face the Alicorn with Celestia and Luna."

"It looks like that's how it'll have to be. Where is De'elt'a?"

"She was near the edge of town, by the orchard..." Applejack's eyes grew wide as she dawned on a realization. "Oh, no! Mah apples!" She yelled, and dashed off in the direction of Sweet Apple Acres.

"Wait! Applejack!" Twilight called, galloping after her. The rest of the group followed. Everyone noticed that there was a large pillar of smoke rising from the direction of the farm. They sped down the road, and came to terrified Applejack.

Half of the apple trees in Sweet Apple Acres were on fire.

"No..." Applejack's jaw hung at the sight. Standing on the roof of the barn was a smoky figure, an Alicorn.


"Do not destroy what my little ponies have worked for!" Celestia shouted, her voice amplified by magic.

"TRY AND STOP ME!" The laugh that followed was maniacal. Celestia's face gained a look no pony had ever seen her with before.

"Luna?" she said, calmly. "Aid me." and with that, she spread her wings and took off, flying through the air. Luna followed her. The five remaining ponies dashed towards the barn. Twilight cast a shield over herself and her friends, as protection from the poison gasses in the air. Everywhere they looked they saw the apple family's crop burning. Nobody in the group had a dry eye, and Applejack's tears rushed down her face as she galloped towards the barn. They looked up, and saw brilliant clashed of magic and force as the two most powerful rulers on the planet met their match. For every attack or defense, De'elt'a had a way to defend or circumvent it. It was like watching a nightmare.

"Whoa!" Twilight yelled as part of the ground opened up right in front of her, and she skid to a halt. The rest of the group did the same. A brown earth pony climbed out of the hole, and shut it with a hoof and a clang. He turned around just in time to see a blur of orange rushing at him. Applejack bucked him with all her might, which was enough to splinter an old apple tree. Bay flew backwards, sliding across the dusty ground. He lay there, motionless, as the group stared.

"Would you please not do that? I have much more important things to attend to than an angry country pony." he stood up, shakily, as applejack stared at him with an open mouth. That buck should have killed him. The orange pony shook off her surprise.

"No. You've ruined mah life and destroyed mah family's farm. We're ruined. you can deal with this right now." She anger in her voice made the other ponies cringe and step back. Bay looked at her calmly.

"No, I can't. Now leave me alone." He turned and ran towards the barn. Twilight noticed he had nothing protecting him from the smoke and ash.


Luna was worried. She felt actual, real fear, because not even the combined might of her and her sister's power could not even scratch their opponent, while she was covered in bruises and cuts. Celestia fared no better. The battle raged on. Nobody noticed the shadow slowly creeping over them, as it was hard to distinguish from the smoke that choked the sky.

"Wait! Stop!" a voice rang out and all three beings looked down at the small, brown earth pony looking up at them. De'elt'a's eyes slowly lost their white glow, and she maneuvered down to the strange person. Luna wasn't sure if it was a pony.

"B-bay?" The ancient Alicorn uttered. Bay smiled up at her.

"Yes, Delta, It's me." De'elt'a's eyes grew damp, and the two embraced.

"It's so good to see you! I thought they were hurting you!"

"They can’t hurt me. I'm not really here. This is a drone I's controlling from the Spirit of Hope! It’s great to see you too." the duo separated. And gained worried looks. Together, they looked up at the sky, prompting the rest of the ponies to follow their lead. The sky was blotted out, but not by smoke.

"Oh, shit, I totally forgot." Said Bay. He looked at Celestia, whose mouth hung open.

"Celestia?" he called and she looked over at him. "There are some very important people who want to meet you."