• Published 17th Nov 2013
  • 3,596 Views, 78 Comments

What Came Before - Lynwood

Memories of the apocalypse. Power unfathomable. Unseen controllers. History hidden. Fallen tyrants. Vengeful gods. War. Everything is at stake.

  • ...


The first thing Twilight noticed about this memory was that it seemed different. To her, the other memories felt natural, and relaxing, even if the memory itself was very exciting. This memory felt cold, and synthetic, and unfamiliar. Even if it was pitch black.

That was the second thing twilight noticed. Everything was black. There was no stimulation whatsoever. Twilight thought the memory was broken, or had leaked out. But then, a strange sound started. It was fuzzy, but it sounded like a beeping noise. It was slow, and steady.

Beep. Beep. Beep.

It was slightly unnerving when the beeping started to pick up pace.

Beep, Beep, Beep.

Suddenly, an extremely blurred voice was heard. It sounded like it was far away, and fuzzy. It also sounded surprised. Then it stopped. This disappointed twilight. Maybe the dream was broken after all. But then, the voice returned, a,little cleared. It was talking to another voice. Twilight caught bits and pieces of the conversation.


Okay, that word at the end really sounded like subject. The pony was quiet for a little. Then another voice spoke. As the two ponies conversed, the talk became clearer and clearer.

"It...she...an it"

Beep, Beep, Beep.

"Ap...logies, do..tor."

Beep, Beep, Beep.

"Give me........ Readings"

"Readings are looking nor.......ir"

"Good. Shott, pass me the ......eader"

"Yes, sir"

This was getting odder by the minute. What kind of ponies would talk like this? especially millennium ago! Twilight suddenly felt something very cold, like metal, across her chest. The body of Ceethirteen twitched.

"Dr Hammond, readings suggest some level consciousness will be achieved any second"

Now Twilight could hear clearly, but the world was still black. Ceethirteen's eyes must be closed.

"Good. Send a report to the others, and leave the premises, please. I would like to deal with this personally."

"Right away Dr. Hammond"

"Thank you, Miss Schott"

Twilight could feel Ceethirteen's eyelids struggling to open. Then, they jumped up, and Twilight could see. All that had changed, however, was that the black had changed to a blinding white, and there was a searing pain in her eyes. Ceethirteen slammed their eyes shut. Then, very slowly, opened them again. Now Twilight could see properly. She was in a white room, with odd dangling bright objects hanging down from the ceiling. The room was filled with great big, shiny, flashy machines. There was a tingling sensation in Ceethirteen's arms, and she looked down. She was lying down in a hospital bed. An unknown time in the past, presumably thousands of years before Celestia's birth had hospital beds. Only these were different. They had arms, like a chair, that had buttons on them. Twilight noticed that Ceethirteen's arms were covered in bandages, and the lover part of her body was covered by a sheet. She wondered why that was. Then Twilight heard one of the voices from earlier.

"So, you're finally awake." Ceethirteen jumped, and turned around to face a large fur deprived creature that was definitely not a pony. It wasn't any other type of creature she had seen in Equestria! The creature was sitting down in a black, poofy chair, and had its forehooves spit into many, smaller arms, almost like Spike's claws! It was wearing brown things coveing its hind legs, and a white lab coat. Ceethirteen couldn't see their hind hooves, as they were below the bed. Its muzzle was practically nonexistent, and it only had nostrils on it. The thing's mouth was below the tiny muzzle, and its eyes were far too small. It had a tuft of fur on its head, but it wasn't a mane, it grew in all the wrong places. It had more fur above its mouth and eyes. But when it spoke, it sounded so similar to a pony, it scared Twilight.

"Good afternoon. Your name is Subject C-13:Gamma 4, but I don't like that. I am going to call you Cee." That was odd. What kind of a name was C-13:A-4? Twilight "settled in" she wanted to watch the entire memory. Cee said nothing in return to the creature. Twilight realized it spoke Equestrian, albeit with a heavy accent. She couldn't quite tell what kind of accent it was. It spoke again.

"I'm Dr. Isaac Hammond. I was assigned to supervise your growth and eventually, consciousness."

Cee muttered "ness", eyes still locked on the creature's. Twilight noticed the deep, stallion-like voice, and stocky build, and concluded that it must be a male. Then Cee's stomach growled. When she looked down at the new noise, Twilight recognized that the limb ratio suggested that Cee was about five or six years old. The strange creature in the white coat laughed.

"I guess you're pretty hungry! How bout you get something else to eat than that mush you've been fed all your life" He reached over, and pressed a small, blue button next to a little panel with tiny holes in it. Then he put his mouth next to the panel and said "Nurse Shott, please bring come food in here. Protocol 12, please." a voice came from the panel, surprising Twilight.

"Yes, Dr. Hammond. Right away." the voice was clear, but tinny and distant. Twilight recognized it from earlier in the memory. The doctor turned back around to face Cee.

"You okay there? I've ordered some nice, soft eggs for you." Cee just echoed "Eggs". Dr. Hammond laughed.

"You're a quick learner, aren't you?" Just then, the door looking thing at the end of the bed opened, and another creature came in. its feet clopped when it walked, so Twilight figured that it must have hooves on its hind legs. The legs were built strangely, though. Cee opted to stare at the newcomer, instead of Dr. Hammond. It had a white tray in its many small arms, and she could see a yellow substance on it. it also had a cup of water on the tray. It set down the tray before speaking.

"Hello, there! I'm your nurse, Raven Schott. My, your eyes are big!" Twilight decided that this one was female, because of its body build and higher voice. again, it spoke like a pony, but with that strange accent again. The nurse spoke again.

"I bet you're pretty hungry, huh. Want some eggs?" She spoke in a soft, welcoming tone, similar to Dr. Hammond's. Cee craned her neck forward and sniffed. They smelled good! Cee leaned forward and took a bite. they tasted even better! Cee smiled. She liked these two creatures, and immediately latched on to Hammond, as a parent. She didn't know any better!

Cee dug into the eggs, while the nurse and doctor spoke. Twilight listened to every word. First was the nurse.

"All readings normal?"

"So far, yes."

"Okay, good. All the other Uni sub type specimens had died before this point." This was strange. Could Uni stand for unicorn?

"So we made it past that point? Excellent!"

"Yes, your other subjects A-13, B-13, and D-13 are well."

"Thank you. C-13 won't be able to stay awake for long, she's been in a coma for about six years."

"Noted. Would you like me to keep a tab on her?" The nurse pause to help Cee with the glass of water.

"Yes, that would help."

Cee had finished eating the eggs, and was quite full. Twilight curiosity had peaked. A-13, B-13, and D-13? Uni sub type?" The mystery continued to unfold. Cee was also getting sleepy. Twilight could feel it. The nurse spoke again.

"Looks like she's drifting off now. You should check on the other specimens. My guess is that this one won't come around until morning."

"Alright, Raven. Tell me if anything comes up." Cee's eyes had closed, but Twilight heard him leave the room, his hooves striking against the hard-sounding floor. The hooves sounded odd, though, like they were soft. The nurse said no more, letting Cee fall asleep. Then, everything was black, and the sounds eventually died, too.

Twilight was pulled into the familiar swirl of senses.

Author's Note:

Thanks to those who read, liked, commented on, and favorited this! I'm hoping to make another chapter soon. Again, constructive criticism is welcome. Onward!
