• Published 18th Nov 2013
  • 5,602 Views, 7 Comments

The Edward Lawton Chronicles: Book One: The Deluge - Herr Director

Edward Lawton, a scientist and inventor, lives on a future Earth, where it perpetually rains. How will he adapt to bright sunny Equestria, where he discovers that one of our favorite ponies is hiding a terrible ordeal?

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Terror at 10,000 Feet

On the planet Earth, the conditions for life were perfect. Well, at least up until late 2015 when an imbalance in the atmosphere caused by greenhouse gasses forced water to evaporate faster than the clouds could condense it. This resulted in a constant, never ending rain. Fortunately for us, humanity was able to adapt, but life was not what it used to be. It was dismal, not a life much worth living. However, one man was able to escape the sad monotony of that life. This is the story of that man, the friends he made, the happiness he found, and the challenges he faced.

This is the story of Edward Lawton.


6:30 AM

11882 Franklin Ave.

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

On June 25, 2047, 33 years since the start of the Great Deluge, Edward Lawton woke once more to the sound of raindrops thundering on his Philadelphia rooftop.

Just like every other day in my life Edward thought as he brushed a hand through his light-brown hair. Edward was a fairly young man, at 28, and was average for his age at 5'10". He was born after the Great Deluge had started. Though he had heard about sunshine, he had few memories of experiencing it. Now all he could remember was cold hard rain every day and every night. He got out of bed and looked through his suitcase. Everything, books, clothes, laptop, was packed and ready. He stood up and walked to the other corner of his room. There sat a gleaming titanium case. An orange sticker was on the side with a bio hazard warning label. He opened the case. All fine. Edward stood up and took one last look around his room. All the awards he had earned form science expositions, trophies from scientific debates, lined the walls. Whatever wasn’t covered up by awards was covered in large, thick books. The room smelled of paper One could say that Edward had devoted his room to science. He checked his watch. Better go down and eat he thought. I have a schedule to keep and I cannot afford to miss this flight.

Edward grabbed his suitcase and the metal case that contained his experiment. He walked downstairs where he was greeted by his housemate Rob. Rob was, as usual, looking at his computer. “Well Rob, what are you doing on there?” Edward asked only out of habit, because he knew what the answer would be.

“I’m looking up My Little Pony stuff.” Rob replied.

“For God’s sake Rob, that show was taken off the air six years ago!” Edward exclaimed as he poured himself a bowl of Corn Flakes. ”I have to respect that it went on for a long time, but seriously, why are you still looking it up on the Internet?”

Of course, Rob replied the same way every time. “As Rainbow Dash would say, ‘An egghead like you wouldn’t understand’.”

Edward sighed. “I have no idea who that is, or what that means. Look, I need to eat now, got to catch my plane.”
“Where is this next expo anyway Ed?” Rob asked, looking up from his computer for the first time. “You never told me anything about it.”

“It’s the International Exposition in California,” Edward replied between bites of Corn Flakes “It’s got a $10,000,000 grand prize to the first place winner. And stop calling me Ed.” he added.

“Man, we could move out of this place with that kind of money!” Rob said

“Ha, we’ll see after you blow it off on more pony memorabilia. I bet you'd love to fill up an entire room with that stuff!

"Hey!" Rob cut off Edward's jibe. "Don't be a jerk!"

"Fine." Edward resigned, seeing as the conversation had soured. He picked up a black umbrella from a stand by the door.

“Is that the Electromagnetic Self-Powered Rain Repellant Umbrella that powers itself by catching rain?” Rob asked.

“No,” Edward replied. It’s my government issue. The ESPRRU is broken, remember?” He sighed. “It’s a shame the patent office is closed down. I could really help people.” Rob stood up from his computer and walked over to Edward.

“Hey,” Rob consoled. ”Don’t talk like that. You are a good man. You do good things. That should be plenty for you-,” Edward raised his hand to cut him off. His face contorted into a frown

“Rob, you don’t get it,” Edward looked more ticked off. “I don’t want to be a good man. I want to be a great man. I want people to talk about me for years. I want them to say ‘Hey, that’s Edward Lawton. He made our lives so much better!’” He turned to the door and put on his coat and grabbed his things. “I really should get going.” He finally said, and not another word was spoken between the two as he hurried out the door.

Even though it only took a few seconds to get to his car, Edward was freezing by the time he got in. On any part of his body that would not have been covered by his coat or protected by his umbrella, the raindrops would have felt like frozen needles pricking at his skin. Edward switched on the car waited for the engine to heat up, and then drove to the airport.

30 Minutes later

Level B1 PHL Parking Garage

Philadelphia International Airport

Edward pulled into Level B1 of the airport parking garage. He grabbed his suitcase and metal box, and walked to the elevators. He pressed the button marked A4. In a matter of seconds, the elevator arrived at Edward’s stop.

Level A4. Sky-bridge. A female voice announced. Edward stepped out and crossed the sky-bridge over the busy and rainy road underneath him.

Please do not leave baggage unattended. As some baggage may look alike, please claim a Baggage Identification Tag for any baggage you have with you. The intercom blared safety and convenience announcements as Edward walked through the noisy, expansive Main Terminal of the airport. He procured his International Exposition Invitation from his coat pocket and examined it.


Congratulations! You have been chosen, due to your advanced knowledge of scientific and mechanical properties, to present at the International Exposition. You have been sponsored by BENEFACTOR ANONYMOUS. If you are traveling by plane, please depart from PHILADELPHIA INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT, and check your bags at SECURITY STATION 9N. While there, present this invitation. You will then receive further instructions.

Thank you for participating,

The International Exposition Team

Edward looked at the baggage checking stations. There at the end, the characters “9N” in bold, black letters stood clearly above a station. There was a solitary Checking Attendant at the check in desk. He walked up to her.

“Are you here for the International Exposition?” The attendant inquired. Edward showed her his invitation. She handed him a badge with the National Exposition logo on the front. “Your plane leaves in one hour, take a priority tram to the High Security Concourse. The plane leaves form Gate S8 at 8:50. Be sure to present your invitation to the Identification Officer at the gate.” The attendant instructed. Edward thanked the attendant and walked to the set of escalators in a corner of the terminal that would take him to the Priority Tram Station

7:47 AM

Priority Tram 081

Philadelphia International Airport

Good morning, and welcome to the Philadelphia International Airport Priority Tram. The current time is 7:47AM. This tram is: IMBOUND from: MAIN TERMINAL to the destination of: HIGH SECURITY CONCOURSE. Please keep your limbs inside the tram at all times. For your safety, and the safety of others, no smoking, eating or drinking is allowed on the Priority Tram. Edward sat and listened to the announcements as he watched the gloomy rainy landscape move outside the windows. The tram went into a tunnel before coming out into the well-lit interior of the High Security Concourse tram platform.

The tram is now arriving at: HIGH SECURITY CONCOURSE. The current time is 7:52AM. Please check the space around you for personal items before exiting the tram. The PA system said a final announcement as Edward stood up and joined the crowd of bustling commuters exiting the train. A set of escalators led up to the security checkpoint before giving way to the main part of the concourse. Smoothly making his way through the maze-like security procedures, Edward entered the main part of the concourse and, after a minutes search, found Gate S8. He walked up to the Security Identification Desk and presented his ID, as well as his invitation, to the Identification Officer.

“Thank you Mr. Lawton,” the officer said. “Flight 5188 boards in about thirty-five minutes.”
After a few minutes, Edward’s stomach began to growl

I’m kinda hungry, he thought. I better eat something before the plane boards. Seeing as he still had some time, Edward decided to duck into a near Starbucks and get some tea and a cinnamon roll. He went up to the counter and ordered, got his food and tea, and sat down. As he ate his cinnamon roll and drank his tea, a young man sat down next to him. He was wearing a faded pink T-Shirt with light blue and yellow balloons on it. The shirt looked like it had been worn many times, like the man had few other shirts.

“Hey Jay,” the man said. Before Edward could tell the man he was not Jay, the man carried on. “They say that My Little Pony might get back on the air! Isn’t that great?”

Edward glared at the man. My God, how many guys are still into this crap? People are so persistent these days, he thought.“Excuse me,” Edward said to the man. “Do I know you?” The man’s smile vanished. He blushed and apologized, finally realizing he was not talking to “Jay” (whoever that was), and left in a hurry.

Attention. The loudspeaker blared. Flight 5188 is now boarding. Flight 5188 is now boarding. Edward quickly threw his trash away and rushed to the gate. There was no line. Edward showed the Attendant his invitation once more.
“Well, well, well,” the Attendant commented as Edward boarded the plane. “Looks like you’re the first one on.”

The plane was a private jet and was rather roomy. The seats were facing in alternate directions. In the center of every two seats were tables. Edward later found out that the tables had television screens that popped out in case the occupants wanted to watch a movie or connect it to their laptops. Edward sat down at one of the tables. A waitress brought him a glass of water which he drank quickly as the slightly bitter tea had still left him rather thirsty. About three more people boarded the plane.

“Attention Passengers, this is your captain speaking. Please sit down and buckle your seat belts. We will take off in about two minutes.” The plane took off smoothly and rose into the expansive clouds.

9:04 AM

Transcontinental Flight 5188

U.C.N.A Airspace

“Attention Passengers. We have reached a cruising altitude of 10,000 feet. You are now free to move about the cabin.” Edward ordered a glass of cranberry juice and brought up his television screen. He connected it to his laptop and began working on his itinerary for the National Exposition. One of the few other scientists stood up from his seat, and casually walked over to him.

“Edward?” The man said. “Is that you?” Edward looked up from his computer. He recognized the man.

“Perry!” Edward exclaimed “I haven’t seen you in forever!” Perry was Edward’s partner in the Philadelphia Science Convention. They had completely stolen the competition with the Electromagnetic Self-Powered Rain Repellant Umbrella that Edward had developed.

“Man Edward, I had no idea I would find you here. I wish we could work together this time-“
The plane shook violently, interrupting Perry.

"Attention Passengers. We are experiencing severe turbulence. Please remain calm and return to your seats."
Perry rushed back to his seat as the plane shook. Luggage fell out of the racks. Lightning flashed out of Edward’s window. He gripped his umbrella uneasily as he called to Perry across the aisle

“Dammit Perry,” he said. “This storm looks pretty serious. I’m not sure we’ll make it to California with this mess going on”

“No, no, no.” Perry responded. “Don’t think like that Edward. I am positive we will make it out of this.” But, as smart as he was, Perry couldn’t have been more wrong. Because at that moment, all hell broke loose. Lightning struck the fuselage of the plane, blowing a giant hole in the cabin. Orange-yellow oxygen masks dropped out of the ceiling. Edward put his on as soon as it appeared in front of him, sucking down the oxygenated air. Perry was not so lucky, and was pulled out of his seat by the decrease in pressure. Edward grabbed Perry’s hand as he flied past. “EDWARD!” he shouted. “I’M SLIPPING!” With a final bloodcurdling scream, Perry slipped from Edwards grasp. He flew out of the hole and was cut in half by the wing of the plane.
“PERRY, NOOOO” Edward shouted, but his cry fell on deaf ears. His own seat suddenly began to creak loudly with a horrible earsplitting groan. The seat detached from the floor and Edward was sucked out the hole as well.

Fortunately for Edward, the extra weight of the seat saved him from sharing Perry’s fate. As he fell, he felt the cold and rain stabbing at his bare skin. He would freeze shortly. He unbuckled his seat belt, falling independently now as another lightning bolt struck the plane above him, causing the cargo bay to burst open. Luggage and other cargo flew out of the ruptured belly of the plane. As Edward fell through the freezing rain and clouds, he thought about his life. He thought about Rob, and what he said to him about his show. Would he die with his best friend hating him? Out of the corner of his eye, Edward saw his luggage. He flew over to his suitcase and his metal case. Opening the titanium box to see if his experiment had survived, he was pleased that it had. He would die knowing his contribution to science was safe. He was partly right. His contribution would be quite safe, but fate had other plans for our friend Edward.

As he was about to close his case, one of the reserve power cells floated out of its holder. Edward grabbed at it, but it was just out of his reach. Static electricity built up around it, and was ignited, causing the power cell to explode in a flash of blinding white light. The flash enveloped Edward, his luggage, and many boxes around him. When the flash subsided, there was no Edward, and no luggage falling through the air anymore. They had seemingly vanished.

Author's Note:

Decided to change a few things in this chapter to make more sense and to portray the characters better. None the less, keep reading!