• Published 18th Nov 2013
  • 5,602 Views, 7 Comments

The Edward Lawton Chronicles: Book One: The Deluge - Herr Director

Edward Lawton, a scientist and inventor, lives on a future Earth, where it perpetually rains. How will he adapt to bright sunny Equestria, where he discovers that one of our favorite ponies is hiding a terrible ordeal?

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Field Reconnaissance

Six Months Later
Castle Canterlot Front Gardens
Canterlot, Equestria

Edward walked down the steps of the grand palace towards the carriage that would take him to another portion of the Equestrian world. It had taken nine months of hard work, but Edward had finally completed the first phase of his education on magic. The second phase was field reconnaissance. Edward would be traveling to an Equestrian village, known as Ponyville. There, he would get more hooves-on, or in his case, hands-on education from Princess Celestia’s own Faithful Student, who, from what he had heard, was very skilled in the magical arts. Edward calmly walked with Luna and Celestia past the rows of Lunar and Solar Guards that guided the way to the carriage. He fit right in with his midnight blue suit. The carriage was made of gold and ivory, and was pulled by six able-bodied Pegasi. The trio stopped at the carriage.

“Now Edward,” Luna said. “Remember to send me a report on your findings on magic every week or two. If you miss too many, I’ll have to call you back here to do more desk work.”

“All right,” Edward said. “I won’t forget to write. Thank you for doing all you have done.” He embraced Luna “And at first I worried we wouldn’t get along.” Luna giggled innocently, her first innocent giggle in a long time.

“Better watch that mouth of yours, Edward” Luna managed to say through fits of giggles. Now it was Celestia’s turn to say her goodbye.

“Thank you Edward,” she said. “You really have done so much for Luna.” Edward smiled

“It’s my pleasure. She is certainly a wonderful character” He looked down at his watch. “Whoops! Time flies doesn’t it,” he said. “I better go. Your students name was Twilight Sparkle right? Right.” He hopped in the carriage and waved as the Pegasi team took off, taking the carriage with them. “Bye Luna, bye Celestia!” he shouted as the two princesses became little dots as the carriage rose into the air, headed towards Ponyville, where the next part of Edward’s story begins.

4:23 PM
Sparkle Residence
Ponyville, Equestria


“Geez Twilight, I’m right next to you, no need to shout.” Twilight was running around her abode preparing things for the arrival of Luna’s student.

“Sorry Spike,” Twilight apologized. “I am just really stressed out. Luna has never chosen a student before and I just want everything to be perfect for him.” She took out the letter that Princess Celestia had sent to her that morning. She read it for the umpteenth time.

Dear Twilight,

I am pleased to inform you that my sister Princess Luna has chosen her own Faithful Student. He will be staying at your home for a few days until we can find a way he can settle here. I must warn you he is a bit… different, but I assure you he is a quick and eager learner. He will arrive at about 4:30PM. Be sure to make him feel welcome

Your Ruler and Mentor,

Princess Celestia

“I still don’t get it Spike,” Twilight pondered. “What could be so different about him?”

“Maybe he’s a dragon like me.” Spike suggested as he put the finishing touches on dinner.

“No offense, Spike,” Twilight countered. “But I don’t think Princess Luna would have a dragon as a student. Plus, a mature dragon probably wouldn’t fit in my home.

“Well, whatever he is,” Spike stated. “He must be pretty important. Rarity was up all night making a custom made order from Princess Luna. It was this really nice suit. I bet it was for her student.” Twilight was jealous. Why didn’t Princess Celestia make her a suit, or dress, or something? Given that she probably wouldn’t need it, but still! “But get this,” Spike continued. “Princess Luna ordered pants with the suit.”

“She ordered pants?” Twilight responded in disbelief “The only pony I know who wears pants is Lyra Heartstrings. And that’s only because she’s obsessed with… with… I can’t remember. What are those things she keeps talking about?” Spike looked out the window.

“Well,” he stated. “We don’t have time to think about that. Look who’s here.” A white carriage pulled by six black iron plated Lunar Guards pulled up in front of Twilight’s door. The door opened. A crowd of at least ten other Night Guards piled out of the carriage. They were obscuring a figure at the center of the group.

“Oh no, here he comes!” Twilight exclaimed. “Hurry up Spike, get into position!” They stood by the front door. When the Lunar Guards knocked on the door, Spike opened it, then the two of them stooped into a deep bow. The door closed. For a moment, there was no sound. Then, gentle laughter cut through the thick fog of silence.

“Now, now, there’s no need for all of this formality.” Twilight looked up. There was a strange creature standing before them. He was rather tall, almost twice as tall as Twilight, and had hands instead of hooves. He was wearing a midnight blue suit with a crescent moon stitched on his breast pocket in silvery thread. His skin had no fur of any kind. In one hand, he held a leathery cloth-like box. In the other, he held a very shiny titanium case. He looked very much like that one creature that had documented her friends' and her's lives. Lauren Faust. “I am Edward Lawton.” He spoke once more with a warm smile on his face. “I am Princess Luna’s student and I will be staying here for a few days. I am sure we will become great friends.” He stuck out his hand. “You must be Twilight Sparkle. Princess Celestia spoke very highly of you.” Twilight stood up from her bow and shook Edward’s hand.

“Well,” Twilight said, boasting a little. “I am her star student, and only one for that matter.” She paused to think. “Hey! Weren’t you the one who dropped a chandelier on my brother?” Edward’s cheeks flushed red.

“That was your brother? Well my deepest apologies!”

“Don’t worry. I’ll let him know that you’re sorry. He is really nice once you get to know him better”

“Well, I am famished,” Edward changed the subject. “I had to skip lunch so I could pack.”

“That reminds me.” Twilight said. She looked over to Spike who was still bowing. ”Spike,” she said. “You can stop bowing.” Spike stood up and grinned sheepishly.

“Wow,” Spike said, stumbling over his words a bit. “So you’re Luna’s student. Pretty tall guy aren’t you?”

“Spike!” Twilight said with a slightly embarrassed tone in her voice. “Be polite”

“Now, now,” Edward said, chuckling as he raised his hand. “Don’t worry. It’s pretty difficult to offend me with trivial stuff like that. And anyways, I take it you haven't seen anything like me for a long while”

“Well, anyway,” Spike recovered “I’m Spike, Twilight’s assistant and uh… copyist. Is that the right word Twilight?” Twilight nodded. “Yeah, copyist, that’s right. It’s hard to get a handle on this brainy smart pony speak.” He finished, receiving a discouraging look from Twilight. Edward, on the other hand, simply laughed

“Twilight,” he said. “Your assistant is hilarious. I have a feeling I’m going to like it here.”

“Well,” she said in a slightly relieved, “Dinner’s ready. Follow me.” The three walked towards the table at the other end of the room.

Dinner was seasoned potatoes with a day lily stew (and gems for Spike). Edward thoroughly enjoyed the potatoes, though he didn’t touch the stew. These planty foods did not sit with him that well and his only source of meat was when Princess Luna had it ordered and prepared for him. It would probably be a long time before Edward had another good steak..

“Twilight,” Edward spoke. “These potatoes are amazing! You are a wonderful cook.”

“Oh, I didn’t make them,” Twilight said. “Spike did. If he was a pony his Cutie Mark would be for cooking!”

“I see,” Edward said. “Sorry Spike, I should have known. There is a certain taste that food made by hand does that food made by magic does not. I suppose I didn’t notice it” He looked around at the book lined walls. They reminded him of his own room on earth that he had left six months ago. “I see Princess Celestia wasn’t kidding when she said you devoted your life to studying.”

“Oh,” Twilight blushed. “Thanks. This is only half of my private collection.” Edward smiled in amazement. He really liked the lavender unicorn’s dedication to learning. It was an academic feat even he found astonishing. There was a knock at the door.

“I’ll get it.” Spike volunteered as he stood up from his seat.

“Spike, wait!” Twilight called. “What about Edward? We don't want him seen yet!” But her warning came too late. Spike was at the door and had already opened it. A pink pony stood at the door. Actually, stood was an incorrect description. She bounced at the door. Edward noted the clear signs of hyper-activity. Her mane was very frizzy and curly, and her cutie mark, as Edward learned to call them, consisted of three blue and yellow balloons. She looked as if she was on a constant never-ending sugar rush.

“So Twilight,” The pony began. She spoke very fast. “Did you hear about what happened at Sweet Apple Acres? Did ya? DID YA???” She then caught sight of Edward, who was not particularly eager to talk with this strange individual. “OMIGOSH! TWILIGHT! WHAT IS THAT THING IN YOUR HOUSE?!? The pink pony zipped over to Edward faster than his eyes could recognize. She got right up in his face and let out a stream of questions at extremely ludicrous speeds. “Whatareyou?Whereareyourhooves?DidyouescapefromFluttershy’shouse?Whatsoundsbetterchimicherryorcherrychanga?INEEDTOTHROWYOUAWELCOMEPARTY!!! She took in a very deep breath. Edward took a moment to process all the information flung at him and responded calmly.

“A Human (or Homo Sapiens if you prefer), I don't have hooves, I have hands instead, I don’t know who that is and why I would want to escape from there, cherry-changa, and please don't take the trouble for that, I hate parties.”
The pony’s curly puffy mane deflated and became very straight.

“You don’t like parties?” She whimpered. Twilight moved her hoof across her neck in a slicing motion to warn Edward, but he didn’t notice and proceed to shake his head. The pony let out a loud wail and darted away, slamming the door in poor Spike’s face.

“Was it something I said?” Edward said halfheartedly. His face, after a few moments, deadpanned as he realized why Twilight was so worried. “Oh no, is she going to rile up the entire town about me?”

“That’s Pinkie Pie,” Twilight said with a tone of mixed defeat and displeasure. “And she won’t rile up the town. She loves parties, and she has never met anypony who doesn’t like them. She probably doesn’t know how to deal with somepony… sorry, someone like that.”

"Well, sorry for not living up to your expectations,” Edward snapped, annoyed. "I guess you really can't please everyone!"

“Is anypony going to do anything about my face?” Spike complained, his bruised face twitching in pain. Edward would have laughed on impulse, but he remained grim. The reason that Edward hated parties was that he hated socializing with large groups of people. Whenever there was a party that Edward was invited to, you could always find him sitting in a corner reading or working on his laptop. One of the things that made his lessons with Luna so enjoyable was that they mainly consisted of just the two of them, with the exception of a servant or two. Plus there was the fact that she was pretty hot.

Edward you scumbag. Don’t think about her like that, his sensible side said. Not only is she your mentor and friend, but also your political superior. Plus, she’s not even human. That's just sick, seeing a pony as hot!

Well, his scientific side countered. The combination of my raging hormones and the fact that 85% of the female population here doesn’t wear clothes really isn’t helping my mental assessment of females.

Edward shook his head vigorously, bringing his wandering mind back to the task at hand.

“I just hope she won’t tell the whole town that I’m a big jerk.” Edward mumbled guiltily. “Honestly, I can’t be the only one in this town who doesn’t like parties! It’s statistically impossible!” Twilight just gave him that look he dreaded, the one that says “Dude, you’re out of luck”. “Oh, please. Well,” he said, changing the subject with a sigh, “It’s getting late and I want to do some research on magic before I go to sleep. Furthermore, where am I going to sleep?”

“Umm, let me think” Twilight tuned away and thought as she started to fix Spike’s face with her magic, eliciting a small whine from the dragon. “I really don’t have any other beds besides mine and Spike’s. You could spend the night on the couch, sorry I couldn’t be more accommodating.” She gestured toward a burgundy, slightly worn couch. None the less, it looked fairly comfortable. Edward put down his suitcase and experiment case by the couch.

“So…” Edward said. “Can I have the grand tour of the place? It’s probably a good idea to familiarize myself with your cozy little home.”

“Well… it’s actually the town library, but I live here as well, so… sure thing,” Twilight said. “Just follow me.”
There was the main room, then a small annex off the side of the main room that had more books, and then there was the kitchen in the back. Upstairs, Twilight showed Edward her room and Spike’s room, both of whose walls were crammed with books.

“There’s one more room I want you to see.” Twilight said as they walked down the stairs. Her eyes narrowed. “You are going to love this. This room contains one of the most advanced pieces technology in Equestria!” She seemed to get excited just talking about it. Edward shared her excitement as well. He was anxious to see how far these ponies, or Equestrians, had come along. Twilight opened a hidden door in the wall and led Edward down into the basement.
The basement was very dim, and Edward had a hard time making out what machine lay before him. Twilight, probably sharing his problem, picked up a candle and lit it with magic. Edward found the reveal to be severely lacking a surprise factor. A massive machine spanned most of the basement floor. A console was sitting in the corner of the room. A skullcap with lots of (probably useless) lights stuck on it was placed on a holder with wires connected to the console. There was a slot in the side of the console and a waste bin below it.
“Well… what is it?” Edward said as he gazed at the device, or as people on Earth would call it, the clunker.
It’s an analysis machine” Twilight said, her voice rising into a squeak from excitement. “It can measure the levels of magic in any being or object and is accurate to the ten-thousandth decimal place. Isn’t it cool?” Edward was not impressed in the slightest, but he didn’t let it show.

Oh don't get me started, Ms. Sparkle, he thought. Give me enough time and I could build a machine serving a similar function, but more streamlined, more accurate, and able to fit in the palm of your hand! And for half the cost at that. Despite his disappointment, he smiled to be polite.

“How… ah… intriguing.” Edward said. He looked at his watch. It had gotten very late. “Looks like I won’t have time to do that work.”

“Sorry,” Twilight apologized as they walked upstairs. “I can’t believe I let the time get away so quickly.” Edward shook his head.

“Don’t worry about it,” he assured Twilight. “It’s not a problem. "Rome wasn’t built in a day.” He said, but after seeing the confused look on Twilight’s face, elaborated. "It's a human saying. The closest thing you might have to Rome is Canterlot I suppose." The two said good night as Twilight headed upstairs and Edward returned to the couch. There were some blankets and a pillow there, probably left for him by Spike. Edward got under the warm blankets and fell asleep. He was unaware that his true calling was soon about to surface.

Author's Note:

Just a quick little chapter. The next chapter might take slightly longer to come out with, but I will do what I can and bring it to you guys and girls in a timely manner. Stay tuned!

Oh, and my other stories might take a little longer to get updated as I work more on this one. Hope you had a fabulous Thanksgiving!

Herr Director signing off!