• Published 18th Nov 2013
  • 5,603 Views, 7 Comments

The Edward Lawton Chronicles: Book One: The Deluge - Herr Director

Edward Lawton, a scientist and inventor, lives on a future Earth, where it perpetually rains. How will he adapt to bright sunny Equestria, where he discovers that one of our favorite ponies is hiding a terrible ordeal?

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The Obligatory Meet-and-Greet Chapter

Two Days Later
Golden Oaks Library
Ponyville Equestria

Edward sat in the cool of Twilight’s basement. He was finally alone, for the first time in two days. Somehow, word got out about Pinkie’s tragic discovery of a non-partier. Edward was constantly being reprimanded by total strangers, which made working very difficult. He spent last night, and most of the day trying to ward off the offended locals, and had barely succeeded only fifteen minutes ago. So far, his field reconnaissance was off to a very rocky start, and to top it all off, he had learned nothing about magic so far. That meant nothing to write to Princess Luna about, and that meant he would be called back to Canterlot if he didn’t find something. Though Canterlot wasn’t all that bad, it’s just that Edward never had the chance to see more of the beautiful country that was seemingly now his permanent home.

As Edward sat and thought quietly to himself, he was interrupted by the creak of the secret door upstairs opening. He looked up with a start, fearing that Pinkie Pie had come to take her annoying revenge, but was relieved to find that it was only Twilight.

“Is everything all right?” she asked as she sat down next to him. “You’ve been down here for a long time.” Edward was glad that Twilight asked, he needed someone to talk to without being persecuted over a simple fact.

“Yeah,” he said. “It’s just all those ponies treating me with so much hostility. I need someone to talk to.” Twilight had gotten accustomed to Edward’s strange way of saying certain words, so she wasn’t fazed by Edward’s way of saying words like “someone” as much as she had been.

“I see Edward,” Twilight assured him. “It’s just that nopony around here has ever seen something like you, and seeing how you upset Pinkie, they probably are even afraid of you.” Edward said nothing. Twilight was about to leave, when she came up with an idea to help Edward break out of his shell.

“Do you want to meet the rest of my friends?”

“Will we have to visit the pink one?”

“It’s Pinkie Pie. And I really think you should talk to her. She may be really crazy sometimes, but she isn’t entirely closed off to reason.” Sigh. Well the sooner I make up with her, the better. But, what about Twilight's other friends?

“Will your friends be mad at me?”

“I’ll make sure they won’t judge you because of that silly little fact.”
“Then let’s go!” Edward stood up. “It’s time for us to get out of this dusty basement, no offense.” He bounded up the stairs inexplicably more energetic than he was half an hour ago. His new-found energy astounded even Twilight.

“What’s gotten into you?” Twilight called as Edward reached the top of the stairs.

“I’ve been cooped up in here all the time,” he replied. “To be able to go outside without being weighed down by having to listen to all these complaints and accusations, It makes me ecstatic! Now let’s go!” Twilight hurried up the stairs in an attempt to catch up with Edward.

A few minutes later, the pair emerged from Twilight’s home. The sun was shining and the verdant hills around the town made the settlement look even more picturesque. Edward had changed into his midnight blue suit that Luna had had made for him. The dark suit sharply contrasted with the bright landscape around him. A few ponies who were milling about in front the library gave him dirty looks, but a smile and a wave on Edward’s part dismissed these. “So,” Edward said, turning to his equine companion. “Where to first?”

Twilight pondered this for a moment. She looked at Edward’s suit. “Well, I personally know the mare that made that suit; in fact she’s one of my closest friends. She doesn’t work far from here; it’s actually right down the street. It is called the Carousel Boutique. Ring a bell?”

“No I’m afraid it doesn’t” Edward said. “But I suppose we might as well make our first stop close.”
The duo set off down the street. Many of the ponies here had not met him, and stared at him oddly. He waved cheerfully, and they went back about their business.

“Here is the place.” Twilight said as they stopped in front of a large shop. No wonder it was called the Carousel Boutique. The entire exterior seemed to emulate a giant carnival carousel. The two went inside to find a large display of multi-colored dresses. There was a cashier counter behind which stood a small white filly.

“We reopen at 5:30, go away, we’re closed- oh, it’s you Twilight.” the filly spoke.

“Hi Sweetie Belle,” Twilight said. ‘Is Rarity available?”

“Yeah,” The filly replied. “She’s in back. So, what’s that?” she asked, turning to Edward. Edward inwardly frowned. He was not a what! The filly, Sweetie Belle seemed quite intimidated by Edward’s size and frame.

“Oh don’t worry,” Twilight assured her. “That’s just Edward. He’s here to meet Rarity. He doesn’t bite.”

“I only bite on Thursdays.” Edward added with a devilish smile.

“Thursday?” Sweetie Belle pondered. “Bu-But that’s today!” Edward grinned. Such naiveté…

“I’m joking. Have a wonderful day.” The two walked past the filly and entered the back room

The room was full of more extravagant dresses. Fabric and ribbons were scattered everywhere. In the midst of it all, an ivory unicorn was busy about the room. She muttered incomprehensible things, most likely about fashion, under her breath.

“Um, Rarity?” Twilight asked. “Do you have a moment?” Rarity looked up from her work.

“Twilight!” she exclaimed, clearly startled. “What a surprise! Who’s your…” Rarity’s voice trailed off as she saw Edward’s suit. “So that’s why the measurements were so strange.” Rarity shook Edward’s hand, though he had to stoop slightly to give a proper handshake. “You must be Princess Luna’s student. My name is Rarity. I was the tailor for that suit. You look rather charming in it, I must say!”

“Well, you did a darn good job on it.” Edward complimented. "How could I not look good in it?" He introduced himself. “My name is Edward Lawton, faithful Student of Princess Luna. I will be staying in Ponyville for a while.”

“Well met Mr. Lawton. You were the one who gave Pinkie a run for her money? Don’t worry, she can sometimes get like that.” Edward breathed a sigh of relief. “Generally I would take a break and chat, but I have a big order coming up, so I can’t afford to spend any more time not working. It was good to meet you Mr. Lawton.” As the pair turned to leave, Rarity called out to them. “Wait,” They turned around as Rarity came up to them with a picture of a pony and a couple of dresses. “Which dress do you think looks better for this mare?”

“They both look fine to me.” Twilight said after a cursory glance. Edward studied the picture for a moment, and then pointed to the second dress.

“Personally,” he began. “I think this would look better on her.” Rarity looked at the picture and then back at Edward.

“Why, Mr. Lawton you may be right. What an eye for fashion you have!”

“Well… thanks I guess,” Edward said with a small smile. “I was never really a fashion person, but I am happy I was able to help.” Goodbyes were said, and the two were left on their own once more. Edward looked down at his purple companion. “Where do you think we should go next?”

“Umm… let’s see…” Twilight looked up in thought. “…Let’s go to Fluttershy’s next. She’s closest to here.” The pair set out further down the cobbled street to meet Twilight’s next friend.

It took about five minutes for Edward and Twilight to reach their next destination. Fluttershy’s cottage was smaller than some of the other dwellings Edward had seen and looked very cozy. The house made up for its small size with its enormous yard. Countless animals frolicked around. Twilight cantered up to a small, white, bored-looking rabbit that was leaning against one of the fence posts. “Hi Angel,” Twilight said to the rabbit. “Is Fluttershy home?” The rabbit gawked at Edward briefly, who smiled, and then, regaining his sullen look, nodded and pointed towards the house. Twilight led Edward up to the door and knocked. “Fluttershy, are you home?” Twilight called “It’s Twilight. I’m here with Edward. He wants to meet you.” The voice that responded was so quiet, it was a miracle Edward could hear it through the thick wooden door.

“Come in.” The voice spoke gently. Edward reached forward and opened the door. The inside of the house had just as many animals as the outside. There were even a few birdhouses hanging from the rafters. In the corner sat a butter-yellow Pegasus with a long pink mane, who Edward assumed was the resident of the cottage.

“Hello. My name is Edward-” Edward started, but before he could finish, the Pegasus let out a squeak and dove under the kitchen table. “Lawton?” he finished, confused, and truth be told, he was a bit hurt.

“Come on Fluttershy, he won’t bite.” Twilight said. She turned quickly to Edward “Don’t worry, she does this to every now pony she meets.” Edward nodded and turned back to the terrified Pegasus.

“What a lovely collection of fauna you have here.” Edward complimented. Perhaps I can get her to speak to me if I make some small talk to get her warmed up. The Pegasus crawled out from under the table slowly.

“Do you really think so?” She mumbled in that cute quiet voice of hers.

“Oh yes,” Edward capitalized on this, knowing he had hit the jackpot. “Truth be told, I don’t think I’ve seen so many animals in one place!” Not even the crazy cat lady that lived next door to Rob’s house could compare to this. Wonder where the droppings go? “Now, let me properly introduce myself. I am Edward Lawton.” He extended his hand.

“Fluttershy,” The Pegasus responded faintly as she shook his hand, the ‘shy’ in her name barely a whisper. “My name is Fluttershy.”
“Fluttershy, eh? What a lovely name.” It was a cute name, to fit the already cute mare. Edward had never seen another pony who was quite as cute. Maybe except for Luna... NO! You do not see her as anything more than a teacher. "So," Edward said, looking around at the fauna-filled room. “What exactly do you do here, run an animal shelter?

“Actually,” Fluttershy responded, “that is exactly what I do here. I love animals. They are all so cute don’t you think.
“Indeed.” Edward said. Most of them were very cute, though some of the animals looked very unusual and alien to him. Especially that chicken-like thing that it hurts my eyes to look at.

“So Edward, are there ponies where you come from?”

Edward snapped out of his thoughts and shifted uneasily. He didn’t prepare on how to answer this question. He decided to give the mare the facts. “Yeah, but they aren’t anything like the ones you know. All they do is eat, drink, run, sleep, poop. They don’t talk or anything of that sort.”

“Oh,” Fluttershy responded, a little surprised. “It must have been a huge shock coming here and seeing talking ponies.”

“I got over it surprisingly quickly.” Edward said. He gazed around the menagerie. “Mind if I have a look?”

“Sure thing.” Fluttershy said. “Just don’t make the animals mad.” As Edward looked around the room, Edward couldn’t help overhearing a conversation between his Equine companions.

“So how is she?” Fluttershy asked. Edward could hear a distinct tone of worry in her voice.

“I haven’t been able to make much progress.” Twilight said. “She still is suffering pretty badly.” There was a pause, then Twilight spoke again. “Do you think I should tell Edward about her?”

“Twilight, you know I can read ponies really well.” Fluttershy said. Edward had great difficulty in listening to her speak without it being obvious that he was eavesdropping “I think he should know about it. He seems smart and he seems like he would care about her. Maybe he could even help.

“Maybe you’re right Fluttershy.” Twilight said. Edward could envision her nodding in agreement. “I’ll have to think about it though.” Edward turned around

“Quite an impressive menagerie you have here,” He commented. “It was a pleasure meeting you Fluttershy.”
“Going so soon?” Fluttershy asked. “I thought you would stay a bit longer.”

“Sorry Fluttershy,” Twilight apologized. “We’re going to A.J.’s next, and you know how long of a walk it is from here. Come on Edward!”

“Oh, right,” Fluttershy said, a bit sad. “Be sure to visit soon.” The duo left the small cottage and walked down the street

“Twilight,” Edward said. “I do feel it was a bit rude to leave so soon and abruptly
“Don’t worry Edward,” Twilight assured him. “Fluttershy understands. Applejack lives on the entire other side of town.”

“That’s another one of your friends I assume.” Edward said as they walked down the lane. “What does she do for a living?”

“A.J.’s an apple farmer,” Twilight said. “Her family has been farming the apple tree orchards longer than anypony around here can remember. They make the best of anything that’s apple-based, like pies, fritters, hard cider, applesauce, you name it.”

“Well,” Edward said, chuckling slightly. “I do love a good apple fritter every now and again.”

Sweet Apple Acres
Ponyville Outskirts

“I suppose I understand now why we left from Fluttershy’s so early,” Edward and Twilight had just arrived at the front gate of Sweet Apple Acres. “It took us half an hour just to get here.”

“I’m sorry I couldn’t just teleport us here,” Twilight said, blushing in embarrassment. “I wasn’t sure how your molecular structure would react with this type of teleportation spell.

“I suppose a bit of walking is better than the possibility of having your sub-atomic particles scattered across the planet. Am I right or am I right?”

Twilight laughed! “Ed, you’re a crackup!” Edward laughed a bit, but some part of him didn’t feel right. He was brought back to his years on Earth. Rob called him Ed all the time. It was sort of a thing. Edward couldn’t believe it, but he was actually missing that flooded rock from which he came. He didn’t let it show though, but inside he was crying. He was home sick. Equestria was great, but he belonged on Earth, as dismal as it was. “Edward, we’re here,” Twilight’s voice cut through his thoughts, snapping him back to reality. He looked up. They had arrived at the front gate of a massive apple tree orchard. There was a dirt path that led to a barn and farmhouse on a hill. The entire property was surrounded by a white fence.

The two entered the gate and walked down the path. A crimson stallion was working out in one of the fields. Twilight called out to him.

“Hey Big Macintosh!” Twilight yelled. “Is Applejack home?” The stallion looked around for the source of the bother before he noticed them.

“Eeyup.” He called back with a small nod towards the house. He then returned to his work without another word Twilight and Edward continued along the path until they reached the house and barn. Twilight knocked on the door. It was opened by a very elderly mare. The smell of baked apple goods wafted through the open doorway.

“Is that you Twilight?” the mare asked, squinting a bit. “It’s so lovely of you to stop by. Who’s that with you?”

“Hi Granny Smith,” Twilight greeted the mare, who must be Granny Smith. “This is Edward Lawton. He’ll be staying in Ponyville for a while and I wanted to introduce him to all of my friends.”

Edward knelt down and kissed Granny’s hoof gently. He could adapt his gentlemanliness to accommodate this pleasant old mare. “Charmed to meet you Mrs. Smith.” He said with a smile

“Oh, what a polite young gentlecolt,” She paused and squinted. “Oh my, a polite young gentleman I should say. Applejack’s in her room getting ready for bed, work never sleeps on the farm you know. But you can still go up and say hello.” Twilight thanked Granny Smith. They went to the back of the house

Twilight led Edward upstairs. She knocked on the door at the start of the hall. A heavily southern accented voice answered from within as the door opened.

“Applebloom, Ah told you to stay in bed, oh, it’s you Twilight.” A blond-maned orange pony stood in the doorway. A Stetson hat was on her head and her tail was tied in a ponytail, which amused Edward slightly. She turned to Edward.
“You must be Edward,” the farm pony said. “I’m Applejack, pleased to meet ‘cha.” She spat on her hoof and held it out to Edward who cringed slightly. He rolled his sleeve over his bare hand and gingerly shook Applejack’s hoof. “Don’t worry, Ah ain’t mad about Pinkie. Just promise me you’ll go and apologize to her okay?”

“No problem,” Edward said. “In fact, that was on this evening’s to do list.”

“Glad to hear it pardner!” the cowpony said with a huge grin. “That’s what I like to hear!” Twilight stayed out of the conversation, giving Edward control of the situation.

“So,” Edward began. “You’re an apple farmer aren’t you?”

“Ya hit the nail on the head there pardner!” Applejack said. “It’s just me, mah brother Big Mac, mah grandma, and mah little sister Applebloom. That and the occasional farmhands we hire if our apples are super high in demand.”

“Sounds like a good business then.”

“Yeah. Course we all do our parts ‘round here, but Big Mac works the hardest. It’s him you should compliment!”

“Given the opportunity, I certainly will do that.”

“Now tell me something Ed.”

“Please don’t call me that. Edward is fine.”

“Apologies there Edward. Where exactly are you from?”

“Oh,” Edward’s eyes flashed with sadness for a quick moment, but his complacent features repressed it. “My planet is called Earth. It’s a rather dismal place compared to Equis, and I don’t like to talk too much about it.”

“Maybe that’s for the better,” Applejack said in a matter-of-fact. “Ah like mah stories short ‘n sweet. It’s been real swell meet’n ya partner. Don’t forget about Pinkie now!” Edward and Twilight parted ways with the farmpony and left the farm.

Sugarcube Corner
Downtown Ponyville

The pair stood in front of Sugarcube Corner. Its pastry-like appearance and smells of fresh baked goods gave it an enticing and innocent feel.

“They are open, right?” Edward asked Twilight nervously.

“Come on Edward,” Twilight chastised. “Just go in, apologize, make friends and then it’s over’”

Why do I need to apologize for not liking parties? Edward thought as Twilight led him through the door. It doesn’t make sense! Edward wrote it off as Pony culture and stepped up to the counter. A lighter blue mare was working behind the counter. Her mane was very smooth and looked like frosting; it almost seemed edible. When the mare spoke, it was in a kind, grandmotherly way, although she didn’t seem that old.

“Hello Twilight. Who’s your friend.” With a quick nudge from Twilight, Edward stuttered with a start.

“Ah! Excuse me. I am Edward Lawton, Faithful Student of Princess Luna.”

“Well met dearie,” the mare smiled kindly. “My name is Mrs. Cup Cake, and my husband and I own this here shop.”

“Is… er… Pinkie here?” Edward asked, faltering slightly.

“Oh yes!” Mrs. Cake exclaimed. “She’s upstairs. She’s a little upset over something that happened a couple days ago.”

“About that…” Edward muttered solemnly. “I kind of told her that I didn’t like parties, and… she… didn’t take it so well.”

“So that’s what this is about,” Mrs. Cake realized. “Oh, that’s just the thing that would do it. She’s a bit eccentric, so I don’t blame you in the least dearie. I’m sure if you go up and talk to her, all will be forgiven.” Edward was very thankful for Mrs. Cake’s understanding

“In fact,” Twilight interjected, snapping Edward out of his thoughts. “That’s just what we are here to do.”

“Oh, right,” Edward half exclaimed, half mumbled. He then cursed the author on giving him such confusing adjectives. Oh, so you thought Pinkie Pie was the only one who could break the fourth wall, did you?

Anyways, Twilight whisked Edward upstairs as he silently prepared for a very awkward conversation with the party pony. Around a corner was the door to said pony’s room. Muffled conversation could be heard inside. Twilight took point and opened the door. Out of all the silent pep talks he had given himself from the moment he turned onto the street leading to the bakery, none could have prepared Edward for what he saw.

Pinkie was there all right, straight mane and all. She was sitting at the head of a large table with numerous inanimate objects (which all wore party hats for some reason) plopped down on stools positioned around the table. She zipped around the table, manipulating the objects, and giving them different voices that she recanted herself.

"Pinkie, you need to move on now. I'm sure there are just some ponies out there that don't like parties." Pinkie spoke in a quiet voice (not too different form Fluttershy's, as she manipulated and moved about a sack of flour.

"You're right, Madame LeFlour," Pinkie spoke in her normal voice. Edward looked at Twilight for some answers, but Twilight shrugged.

The schizophrenia is overwhelming! Edward mumbled. He spoke up "Uhh... hi? Is this a bad time?" Please be a bad time, please be a bad time, PLEASE be a bad time.

Pinkie looked up and smiled. "Oh, hi Twilight! What are you doing here." She looked at Edward. "Oh, Eddy's here! Hello Eddy!" Eddy? Really? You're gonna call me Eddy... wait, HOW DOES SHE KNOW MY NAME! She left before I could tell her... HOW?!? Before Edward could react, Pinkie darted over to a pile of rocks.

"That fella doesn't like parties, and he's a big jerk about it." Pinkie moved around the rocks and spoke in a deep Brooklyn accent. "Kick that meanie outta here, Pinkie."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!" Edward put his hands up. "Let's not get violent here. I just want to talk."

"Yeah Rocky, be nice, maybe he changed his mind." Pinkie said, as herself this time.

Edward stepped back in the spotlight. "That is the main reason why I have come. I wanted to apologize for being so insensitive." I guess. I still don't think I did anything wrong. "The point being, I still hope that there is a chance that you and I can still become friends, or at least acquaintances."

Pinkie looked up from "Rocky". "You really mean that?"

Edward looked at Twilight. She was smiling. She acknowledged gaze and nodded. He turned back. "Course I do. Truer than the fact that glucose and fructose make sucrose which is sugar." Ha. Perfect timing on the science joke.

Pinkie's mane inflated dramatically back to it's original puffy disorganized look. "WHOOPEE!!" Pinkie jumped up on Edward and embraced him in a big hug. Edward cried out and fell on his backside due to the pink pony's surprising and sudden increase in velocity. "I'm sooooooo happy!" Her vice-like hug was squeezing the air out of poor Edward.

"Ah... Pinkie... you're hurting me."

"Oh, sorry!" Pinkie got up off of Edward. He stood up, straightening his suit. Pinkie grabbed his tie and pulled him down next to her face. "You know what this calls for?"

"Uh... no, what?" Edward was a bit frightened now. "It doesn't involve me being in pain, does it?"

"No silly filly, A PARTY!" Pinkie shouted as she pulled a small cannon out of nowhere and fired a bunch of streamers and confetti out of it. Edward brushed the streamers off his suit and spat out the confetti that had gotten in his mouth.

Great, another party, he thought. Looks like I got no choice on this one. It would save a lot of trouble if I just went along with it.

"Wow." Edward said. "how about... Friday?" It will help recovery from schizophrenic trauma if positive stimuli is induced.

"I better get planning right away. I gotta get the streamers and the cupcakes and..." Pinkie bustled around the room.

Edward and Twilight took this as the time to leave. "Well... see you around, Pinkie." Twilight said as she and Edward backed out of the room. A quick goodbye to Mrs. Cake, and the two left the bakery heading home

After a bit of quiet, Twilight spoke up. "Edward," she began. "I really appreciate how you stepped up like that. I'm sure it meant the world to Pinkie to throw you a party."

"It probably would have happened sooner or later." Edward stated. "As a wise man from Earth once said, 'Why put off for tomorrow what you can do today?'"

The two continued walking as another long silence set in. About five minutes from home, Edward stopped. “What is it Edward?” Twilight said, as she backed up to meet him. Edward pointed to the sky.

“Who lives there?” He asked. He was pointing to a house made of clouds floating in the sky. Multicolored waterfalls fell off of the clouds in several places. The architecture of the house looked very ornate, yet slightly whimsical at the same time.

“Uhh, that's the local weather pony.” Twilight said. "She's... out... out of town." Judging by her body language, Edward could tell that Twilight was not telling the whole story. She was also about to spill the beans on something important. He pressed her a little further.

“I heard you and Fluttershy talking about someone. Someone I could possibly help.” He pressed on, emphasizing his sincerity. “Does this pony need assistance? I would be happy to help if I was given the chance.”

“Okay, okay, I’ll tell you.” Twilight said. She put a hoof to her head as if she had a headache. They sat down on a nearby bench. “The pony who lives in that house is named Rainbow Dash.” Twilight explained. Edward recognized that name. He had heard it from someone, but he couldn’t remember who. Did Luna or Celestia say something about her? Was it Pinkie Pie? “She’s one of my friends.” Twilight continued. “The thing is, she is going insane.” Edward was surprised. He certainly wasn’t expecting this. Dealing with insane people was not on his resume. Then again, he did just deal with Pinkie Pie. Did that count? Twilight continued. “About a month ago, she began having these… bad dreams. They must be really horrible because she is afraid of going to sleep.” Edward thought about this for a moment. The answer came to him.

It was Rob, Edward recalled. When I asked him about why he still was into those redundant ponies of his, he mentioned her, and saying I wouldn’t understand. What wouldn’t I have understood? Another thought crossed his mind, Wait, if he mentioned Rainbow on Earth, and she exists here, then… does that mean that that show wasn’t all mindless fiction? Is this world like that show? Or is the show like this world. Slow down Edward, listen to TwilightTwilight spoke one more time, snapping Edward out of his thoughts. “I wasn’t sure I could trust you with something like this at first. But I think you can help. Please say you can find time.” Edward was deep in thought. He sat and said nothing for a very long time. Princess Luna did say I need to learn about magic. That should be my first priority. But I can't just sit around while someone needs my help. Then again... why can't I do both at the same time? At last he stood up.

“I have made up my mind,” he said with determination. “I will not stand by when someone else suffers, especially when I could possibly do something about it.” He looked at Twilight with a look of the same determination that was heard in soft undertones in his voice. “Let me assist her in any way I can.”

“Gee Edward,” Twilight said. “You seem like you really want to help. Fluttershy was right about you.”

“It just seems like the right thing to do.” Edward said, shrugging a bit as he spoke.

“Rainbow visits me once a week,” Twilight explained. “so you can see her tomorrow night.”

“Tomorrow?” Edward repeated. “Oh dear. That doesn’t give me much time to prepare.” He began to walk further down the street. “Let’s hurry back. I need as much time as I can get.” They arrived at Twilight’s tree where Twilight went straight to bed. Edward, on the other hand stayed up long into the night researching. He had a big job to do.

Author's Note:

Yeah I know I'm late. Let's just write it off as Valve Time. Enjoy this chapter in the meantime while I work on the next one. Hope you all had a Merry Christmas.

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