• Published 19th Nov 2013
  • 2,289 Views, 28 Comments

Adventure Anon - Bastinator

Anon's not your typical adventurer, actually, quite the opposite. He's pompous, arrogant, hateful even cruel, but he gets the job done. After taking a stop at Ponyville he begins an adventure that doesn't go as planned.

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Chapter 4: Same But Different

It still has that new tree smell. The wood is polished and stained, and there doesn’t appear to be a kitchen of any kind. “What am I supposed to eat?”

”I’ll get you something from the market. You’re not going to starve.”

”Don’t see why not.”

“Suck it.”

”Enough. Your bickering is driving me up the wall.” You shut up, not wanting to upset your host quite yet. ”Applejack, care to help me get Anon upstairs?”

”Only for you Twilight,” her eyes furrowed on you.

They push your up the stairs, finally coming to a rest at the top. ”Spike!?”


”Not now Owlowiscious.”

“Who’s Spike?”


”He’s my assistant and friend. Is he off at Rarity’s again?”

”I wouldn’t doubt it. You know how he is around her.”

”Do I.”

“Great. More stupid ponies to hang around.”

”Spike isn’t a pony. He’s a dragon.”

You almost choke on air. “And you thought it would be safe to bring me here?”

”He’s just a baby dragon. Besides, he doesn’t care for other dragons.”

“Not liking and not caring are two different things.”

”He won’t hurt you. Trust me.”

“Ever heard of The Scorpion and the Frog? It’s in his nature.”

”Knew he’d be a filly about it.” Every fucking word… You hear the downstairs door swing open.


”Here Twilight.”

”Come upstairs, there’s someone I’d like you to meet.” And here it comes… The small purple and green lizard looks at you, his slitted eyes on you. ”Spike this is Anon.”

”I know who he is.” Fucking called it. Twilight may not see it, but there’s a fire burning in his heart.

”Are you-“


“Hey.” No one says anything as you share glances. The atmosphere was thick enough to cut with a knife.

”Well shucks I really must get going. Glad to help.” She rushes out before anyone can say a word. Silence strikes once more. ”Hoo.”

“Couldn’t have said it better myself.”

Twilight finally speaks up. ”You want anything to eat? I can run and get something really quick.”

”Two rubies, I had a snack already.”

“Mashed Potatoes.” Eye’s lock once more. Twilight makes her exit, the door slamming shut behind her. “Thought she’d be here forever.”

”You have no idea.”

“Get it out now. Let’s not drag it on.”

”You… You’re not a pony.”

“Just figure that out now Sherlock?”

”I would never hurt a pony, but you…”

“I don’t think Twilight would appreciate that very much.”

”What she doesn’t know won’t kill her.”

“Might kill me.”

”That is the point after all.”


”You’re going to pay for what you’ve done to my kind.”

“They deserved it. Pillaging and all.”

”No one deserves to die, no matter their crimes.”

“Oh the irony.”

He smirks, “But you’re a special case.”

“If you’re going to do it, then finish me off already. I’m right here.”

”You think I’m stupid? She’d know it was me.”

“Make it look like an accident?”

”I plan on it.”

You sigh, tapping your fingers on the bed. “Don’t keep me waiting long, else I might die of boredom.”

”This isn’t a game. This is real.”

“I’ve been in worse situations.”

”We’ll see.” He descends the stairs as Twilight gets back. Dinner time it seems. Well today wasn’t that bad.

Spike didn’t attempt anything that day. Probably trying to concoct some plan to make it look like it was someone else. Night soon falls and with it, your mysterious guest. The window slides open, the man leaping through. ”Nice to see you again.”

“Fuck you as well.”

He strides up beside you, not worrying about Twilight or Spike. He seems to read your thoughts, “They wouldn’t wake up if an earthquake hit.”

“Nice choice of words.” He stammers over his words, apologizing again. “Just read the damn book.” You pay more attention to your companion this time. Mainly to spout out harsh criticism about the book and how fucking retarded it is. He goes on regardless. Before long he makes his leave again.

”Until next time.”

“Five months left.”

”I’ll be waiting.”

The next morning, Twilight sets you up downstairs. ”Since you’ll be staying with me for a while, I thought it’d be nice for us to learn more about each other.”

“You’re joking right? I’ve had shits more meaningful.”

”We’re not that different you know, past the flesh.”

“Whatever, it’s not like I have a choice.”

”Good, then let’s being. What’s your name?” For fucks sake. This is going to be a long session.

After a couple hours of constant questions you begin to get impatient. “Isn’t there a faster way of doing this?”

”I normally could read your mind, but you seem to be- different.”

“Well look at that, we really are different then.”

”You’re unique,” Damn right you are. “But only physically.”

“If you’re trying to say we think the same, then you’re fucking wrong. I’m not all sunshines and lollipops in the head.”

”We’re not either. We’re only pony.”

“That sounds fucking retarded.”

She sighs, pushing away her chalkboard. ”Hungry?”

“Aren’t I always?”

”What do you want?”

”Bologna and beans.”

”You’re not getting meat Anon.”

“Bitch…” Out the door she goes, leaving you alone. Or so you hoped. The chandelier above you begins to shake and you soon see why. “Nice to see you too Spike.” He ignores you, clawing at the chandelier.

You go on trying to escape his little trap, rocking your chest back and forth. The bed rolls a little, but stays in the same place for the most part. Well… You’re fucked. ”Sweet dreams Anon.” The cord snaps with one last swipe. Goodbye world.

The chandelier crashes to the floor, your eyes shooting open in wonder. He missed? What a fag. “Couldn’t hit an immobile target now could you?”

He snarls, “You traitor!” He can’t handle failure at all now can he?

“What’s the matter? Little Spikey can’t get the job done?”

”Hoo.” You see the owl resting just above your head. It hits you suddenly. Did he just-

”Why? Why did you help him?”


”Stop mocking me!”

You laugh out loud, your chest hurting so good. “Outdone by an owl. Damn that’s just pathetic.”

He yells in his mouth, the door opening once more. ”I got you some be- What in the hay happened?”

Spike seems to have made a quick escape. “The cord just snapped suddenly. Your pet owl saved me.”


”Thank goodness for that. Who knows what could’ve happened?” You do.

This goes on for about two weeks. It always goes the same way though. Spike tries to kill you. Owlowiscious saves you. Twilight cleans up the mess. She continued her little sessions as well. Her attempts are in vain though. You’re two different species from two different worlds. You have nothing in common.

“So the elements of harmony were used to seal Discord? The god of chaos? That’s retarded.”

”The elements are very powerful. Even apart, they can change lives.”

“I’ve heard better stories from my sister....” It’s been so long since you’ve thought about her.

”Who was your sister?”

“Is this part of the session?


“Dammit. Where to start with that bitch…” Oh there are so many places. “She was always the favorite, always one step above me. No matter how hard I pushed she would always be better.”

”She was older than you?”

“Yeah. She pissed me off so much. It doesn’t matter now though. It’s in the past.”

”I think you want to talk more about her.”

“No I don’t. That life is behind me, and I’m glad to be rid of it.”

”If that’s what you want.”

“It is.”

That familiar silence washes over the room. ”Hungry?”

“Yep.” She takes her leave. “What is it this time Spike?” He leaps on your chest, knocking the wind out of you.

”I’m tired of these games. I just want you gone.” You rest your head.

“Well here we are again. It’s always such a pleasure.” Remember when you tried to kill me twice. God you love that song. “Oh how we laughed and laughed.”

”Shut up!”

“Except I wasn’t laughing. Under the circumstances I’ve been shockingly nice.”

”I said quiet!” He punches you in your bruised ribs.

“Shutting up now.”

”Nobody is going to interrupt me this time.” You look towards the stairs, Owlowiscious caged up. ”That’s right.” He inhales deeply, charging his signature attack. He doesn’t care if she knows anymore, fuck! Have to move, have to…

You throw your arm at him, knocking him off the bed. “FUUUCK!” Jesus Mary and Joseph! DAMNIT! You rest your arm, Spike flailing about on the ground. He releases a thunderous belch igniting several books lying around.

”No no no!” Realizing that his plan failed he desperately tries to clean up the mess. Your bed feels abnormally hot.

“Is something cooking?” Twilight walks in, the flames still burning.

”ANON! SPIKE!” She quenches the flames in seconds, “Are you alright Anon?”

“I should b-” you realize that your bedside was also on fire, “That motherfucker!”

She glares at Spike. ”I thought you were better than this. I stood up for you Spike!” He fumbles over his words, keeping his head down. ”I- I can’t even look at you right now. I think it would be best if you stayed at Rarity’s for a while.”

”But Twilight-“

”No buts. I’ll help you pack.”

He’s out by day’s end. “Now I only want you gone.” He gives you one last glare before he’s gone, hopefully for good.

”How long has this been going on?”

“Since I got here. He didn’t waste any time.”

”So all of those messes…” You nod. It’s surprising that it took her this long to figure out. ”Why didn’t you tell me?”

“You wouldn’t have believed me. You love Spike too much to take my word over his. Maybe YOU are the one who needs to learn something.” She takes this in, giving you your sack of food. “Thank you kindly.”

You scarf it down, not bothering to take any precautions. ”How’s the arm?” You look down at it, still resting on your waist.

“It’s been better, but it seems I can move it now.”


“You have no idea.”


“Not your fault.”

”I should always be with you. If I had been here-“

“He would have done something while you were sleeping. It’s unavoidable.”

”Thanks Anon.” Wait. Stop being nice. Stop it.

“Whatever, don’t get all sappy on me.”

She lets out Owlowiscious, “I’m guessing he was a big help.”

“Without a doubt. That guy has some perks to be sure.”

”I sure am glad you helped Anon.”

”Hoo.” You can’t help but laugh a little, painfully you might add.

Twilight starts bringing you along when she goes to the market. After she found out Spike had it out for you she’s been extra careful about leaving you alone. Everypony steers clear of you, making your trip far more difficult. Most of the shops would ‘conviently’ run out of stock while others would flat out refuse to serve you. You can see that it pains Twilight for her fellows to treat you this way. It’s not her fault, they’re just a bunch of oversensitive cunts. “Let’s just go home.”

”But what about your food?”

“Fuck it and fuck them. I won’t let them get us down.”

“Even if it means you’ll starve?”

“Damn straight, these guys are unbearable. I can’t believe they’d act this way.”

She smiles, “Then I guess we aren’t so different after all.”

“Well if you put it that way…” She’s right after all. Another peg off your pole.

”Let’s get back to the house. I still have some leftovers we can eat.”

“Sounds good to me.” She always had a way of keeping it so fresh. Magic, don’t gotta explain shit.

Twilight looks around at the gawking ponies as she pushes you along. ”This no way to behave. They should be ashamed of themselves.”

You tilt your head up at her. “The mind always believes itself correct until contradicted by another.”

”Who said that?”

“Me. Just now.”

You both share a laugh. ”You know Anon I- Whoa!”

Your bed screeches to a halt as someone blocks the way. “What’s the big idea! You better- Oh hi Fluttershy.”

”I’m sorry, I didn’t see you. Are you going home?”

”Yeah, a little empty-handed as you can see.”

“Bitches ain’t shit but hoes and tricks.”

”That’s just awful. I wish there was something I could do.” Oh, but there is. She gets the same idea you had, reaching into her bag. ”I was going to sell these, but I think you guys could use them more.” She hands Twilight a bushel of assorted veggies. ”And I have something special for you as well.” Eggs. Glorious Eggs!

“Hells yeah! If I could I’d hug you I would.” Wait, you can move your arms kinda, hug that bitch. Mustering your strength you stretch out your arms. “Come here.”

”Anon I’m not sure that’s the best idea.”

”Worth it.” You hug that Pegasus for the first time. The first warm body you’ve had against you for close to two months. Stay down boy, that’s for later. Okay your limbs are starting to hurt time to end it.

She pulls away, your arms falling to your sides. That tired you out more than you thought it would, you’re even breathing heavy. “Still worth it.”

”Don’t hurt yourself Anon.”

“I won’t, but thanks for the thought.”

”We’d best be going now. It was nice to see you Fluttershy.”

”Oh okay… See you around.” You’d slap Twilight right now if you had the strength.

“She was kind enough to give us free food. You damn well better invite her over.”

”I don’t think she’d-“

”I’d love to, if that’s alright with you.”

“It is. Riiiight?”

”Well, I mean, of course. It’ll be nice having you over.” It’ll be good to have her as company. Too much Twilight rubs you the wrong way. Throw in some Fluttershy and you have a nice little brew going. The three of you leave the market’s faggoty ponies and get back to the house. Fluttershy and Twilight whip up some dinner for you. Delicious food. It was nice having her over that night. Nice…

You stretch out your arms, the bones still trembling. “I was hoping they hadn’t degraded as much.”

”Months of inactivity will do that to you.”

“Starting back from square one. How fucking dandy.”

”It’s not as bad as you think.”

“Not as bad? You get crushed underneath two tons of rock and beaten to near death and then tell me that.”

”I didn’t mean it like that.”

“I know,” you sigh. Fuck! You can’t blame her for what happened to you.

”I went back to the hospital today like you requested.”

”And? What did the doctor have to say?”

”First, that your rate of recovery is simply astonishing. He was thrilled.”

“Did he expect me to rot away? Humans are extremely resilient, and I’m no ordinary human.”

”You’re called a human? Interesting…”

“HEY! Focus. What else?”

”Sorry, got distracted there for a second.”

“No problem, just keep this brief will ya.”

”Second, he said that if you stay on course you’ll be fully healed in about four months.”

“Damn, I was hoping to be out sooner.”

”You can’t rush yourself. You may hurt yourself worse.”

“Don’t worry about me, I’ll be fine. Nothing’s going to take me down again.”

”If you say so…”

“Do I need to tell you how I slew that Manticore herd again?”

”No, not that one again.”

“Good, I’m tired of saying it.”

”Thank Celestia for that,” she mutters under her breath.

“What was that?”

”Nothing, shall I move on?”

“Why yes. Yes you can.”

”The last thing he told me is a bit more exciting.” She trots towards the closet, rolling out some masked object.

“It’s a TARP!”

”Guess what’s underneath it.”

God fucking dammit. “I know what this is, it’s an espresso machine.”

She shakes her head, “Guess again.”

”A snow cone maker?”


You’re not playing this game with her. “I can make things really sloppy in the bathroom. Really sloppy. Fluttershy knows all about that.” There’s that fear you longed to see.

”Fine, you win.”

“Don’t I always?”

She pulls back the tarp, you reveling in its simplicity. ”Want to try it out?”

“This isn’t a joke? I can- you know.”

”Let me help you.” She holds underneath your legs, traversing the distance between you and your gift. You ease into your new home, your legs dangling off the front. You place your hands on the wheels, struggling to move them along. With enough force you move a little, the child inside you perking up. You look back to Twilight. She doesn’t look happy for you, shuffling from one hoof to the next. You can tell she’s hiding something. “Twilight, what’s the bad news?”

”There’s not any bad news,” she’s clearly trying to stall, “Don’t you like it?”


”I didn’t want to be the one to tell you.”

“No one does. Just hit me with it.”

”The doctor- had more time to observe your x-rays. There was a complication.” You don’t like the sound of that.

”A piece of metal is lodged just underneath your Patella, it’s- not something he can remove.”

“Why not?! Get that shit out!”

”You could lose all range of motion below your knee. It’ll essentially be dead weight.”

“And if I keep it in?”

”You won’t be able to walk without assistance, and you’ll need to take medication for the pain.”

“So I can either live free of pain without a leg, or drugged up with a limp. Fucking astounding.” You can see why she didn’t want to tell you. This sours the mood a great deal. You swivel in your chair, the soft rhythms doing little to calm you.


“It’s ok. It’s going to be ok.” You grip the wheels with your hand, tightening painfully. She rests her hoof on your shoulder. It’s going to be ok.

Before you know it the end of the month is up. With that means you’ll be moving once more. Spike can go back to living with Twilight, though their relationship will dampened. “Exactly who will I be staying with now anyways?”

”Another friend of mine. You haven’t met her yet.”

“And what if I have?”

She places your things on your lap. ”You’d remember if you had met her.” So she’s one of those kind of ponies. You can’t wait…

Twilight and you share one last breakfast together. You couldn’t wait to leave, but now that you are… She’s like the sister you always wanted, and you have to leave her. Fuck man, there’s a reason you suppressed this shit. All it does is drag you down. You might as well enjoy this while you can. ”It’s tough to see you go.”

“Well yeah, losing a charming fellow like me.”

”Not that charming.” Oh Twilight…

A knock at the door brings you both to attention. ”That must be Pinkie now.”

“Pinkie? What a stupid name.”

”Are you ready? She can be a bit… energetic.”

“I’m always ready.”

”Just giving you fair warning.”

The door begins to slide open. ”WHEREISHEWHEREISHEWHEREISHE!?” Sensory Overload imminent. Initiate Backups.

All the god damn pink. She appears in front of you before you can bat an eye. ”Hi I’m Pinkie Pie! What’s your name? My name’s- Oop I already told you mine.”

You look over to Twilight, pleading her with your eyes. ”Hold up now Pinkie.”

”Hold? Can I hold him?! That would be super neat if I could, can I?” You can barely handle a minute of her. You’ll be dead by the end of the first week.

“I’d rather not?”

”Okie dokie. You ready to go then?” She gasps, eyes going wide. ”I can have you meet all my friends! We can even-“ Oh shit she’s going to explode! ”THROW YOU A PARTY!” Why didn’t that boulder just kill you.

”I don’t want to take up anymore of your time…”

”Oh yeah! Thanks Twilight. We have a lot of things to do, Anon right?!” You stare back at Twilight hoping she would save you. She simply waves, closing the door behind you.